The Universe is Innately Just
Chapter 295 - Reversal. Life or Death Part One
A prodigious tremor arose from the north of New Casablanca. It spread through the earth in a violent manner, and it was only due to the fact that the main district was constructed with top edge technology that the earthquakes produced by the army of beasts hadn't taken down a few buildings.
Even down the Factory District and also far away down in the slums, the deafening tremor was felt through the ground under their legs. They could only look back at a distance, their eyes worried, hoping that whatever was happening wouldn't come here for them.
The armed force that had stayed in the central district was the one that felt the tremor the most, and the fierce beasts that had slipped through when the energy shield had been formed had even come to a stop.
The ground under their legs steadily moved, as though the thick layer of visibly moving earth had became imbued with life force. It could be seen shaking with the n.a.k.e.d eyes, as the solid steel that made up the floor of the solid moved in small waves.
The armed force soon came under the decision of leaving the main district. The situation didn't look good outside of their city, and none of them had been capable of taking down the fierce beast that was running around in their streets. Thankfully, they had held here long enough for everyone to depart from these cursed lands.
They used the opportunity that the beasts came to a stop to disengage the creatures. A route was quickly prepared on the spot, and the numerous team formed by the armed force began regrouping while avoiding the streets where they had diverted the godly creatures. The face of the soldiers that had been in the MechSuits was complex, a stiff mixture of resentment and relief.
Resentment from the loss they had to accept that day, and relief that everything had come to a stop from them.
A few soldiers even slept the moment they left the range of the main district and entered deeply in the jaw of the lengthy highway that led to the slums. While others couldn't take an eye out of the tall shining building the distance, bitterness, and rage mixed together in their sight as they gazed at their city.
The soldiers that were enrolled from the slums couldn't help but look at their hometown with worry. Aware that whatever they had fought in the main district would come to their families.
As for a few, they couldn't help but look at the distance, secretly aware that someone wouldn't abandon that city. Those persons were the few higher-ups, and the pugilist of Gladiator's Heaven that managed to survive the horrors of the morning. Their thoughts filled with the two individuals that were still fighting outside of their cities.
"Will we survive through this night?", doubted someone in his mind. His thought were only the echoes of the feelings of most soldiers that feared for their urging future.
"Please… Someone…", prayed a few.
The soldiers thought in the armed forces were diverse and varied, yet most of them were firmly related to the pressing insecurities related to their defense. Defenses that had been taken down one after another, with the last layer of defensebeing the energy shields that wouldn't hold long under repetitive attacks. And the lengthy highways filled with hundreds of factories that separated the two parts of the city.
They gazed around them with bitter thought, their mind couldn't help but become warped by the near limitless road that taunted their mind. The factories around them were too similar- a clear conform copy- and gave the impression that the highway leading to the Core didn't have an end.
The lack of life around them worsened their mood, as even the automatons had been sent in the bloodied maws of the beasts.
A morose atmosphere invaded the cortege of refugees, with only the healing troupes were doing their utmost in saving the life in the half-dead bodies they had unearthed.
Their expressions, fierce to the point where one doubted if they weren't the one that should fight the beasts. Only what they fought, was death itself, and the complete shutdown of the last working organs in the bodies of the saved figure.
A doctor, in particular, took grand attention to the most damaged bodies, and challenged himself with the roughest cases. That man was Revello, a genius doctor that had been working under the four fallen families, his fame and talent was such that the four families had to regroup to secure him in their city.
His fabled talent was only rivaled by his mystic methods, that mixed science and ancient technique, and the new fact that the Earthing had made contact with the vast universe made his skill sore even higher.
His hands were currently deep in the inner organ of a stiff man. The victim of his revival was a broad and tall man that didn't seem to have entered his thirties yet, but was nonetheless nearing them. The pale color of his skin, and the coldness in his shredded inner organs would have customarily been signs that the man was dead.
Revello wouldn't have become a genius doctor if he wasn't somewhat curiously mad. As added to his in-depth knowledge and practical skills, came the rare resources taken from the numerous families gave him enough confidence in reviving even someone dead for a few weeks.
"He can't do without that part of his digestive system."
"Now, I just need to check if the brain isn't too damage and I can replace or regrow the damaged part…", he mumbled under his brain as took out a strange metallic object. The object was smooth, and was shaped similar in a way to a tablet, one that soon lighted up with a screen.
"Hmm… Good, the brain wasn't touched.", he mumbled as he took out a case from the back of the bus like vehicle he was on. His hand skillfully moved, lifting the mallet on a table next to the body, and opening it, all of that in one fluid motion.
A set of silvery colored surgical equipment laid bare in front of his eyes, glinting in the dark lighted insides of the vehicle.
His eyes rose upward, noticed a small dial on the roof of the vehicle. His eyes moved as a low light flashed softly in the back of the car.
Even with that soft light, the luminosity shouldn't have been enough for deep surgical treatment. But that man wasn't any kind of surgeon, he didn't only rely on his eyes, but his full senses came to work together in a mystical way akin to a martial artist.
Only his movement weren't lightning fast, they didn't made the air around his fist clap, and the space to nearly shatter. But, he had a type of agility, and preciseness, that made his movement flow in silky water like manner.
What followed was Revello's macabre spectacle that some would though off as practicing on a corpse, but only he knew the strength of the resource they had given them. His hand moved the small boxes that laid inside of the mallet, next to the silver surgical equipment.
"This is the first time I held this type of material…", he proclaimed, excited about the premise of using them. His memory thought about the numerous interstellar method he had read, a strange technique that made use of energy and surgery to heal near-dead individuals.
Sadly, he was already aged thirty when he came to find a cultivation technique, and he didn't know if it was due to him being too old, or merely untalented in that domain because the results he had obtained were nowhere anything concrete.
Spatial Energy, or Heaven and Earth energy, stayed a mystery for him through those years. But with the resources he had received from the families, he could replicate the same principle that a cultivator would use his energy for.
His eyes fell on the corpse in front of him, as his hand began moving in a fluid automated manner. Cutting through the elastic skin, and opening parts that weren't injured, his work only stopped at the brain that he had verified before.
"Using those resource together, I'm sure I can replicate the same effect as the Flesh Revival Technique, adding with that a few Earthling scientific method, I can regrow his body by the time I arrive to the Core.", his mind already began thinking about every process one by one before finally making his mind to start.
"The preparation for the Flesh Revival Technique had been made. I'm ninety-nine percent sure I can regrow his internal organs, I will only need to stitches everything back and kick some life in that heart. And everything will work, very mechanical!", he added in a satisfactory manner before starting his work.
"Indeed very mechanical...", mumbled a man in the front part of the bus-like vehicle.
Revello turned around, annoyed- at himself due to his intense focusing on the corpse- that the man had stayed there, and had heard him speak his heart out loud.
Even down the Factory District and also far away down in the slums, the deafening tremor was felt through the ground under their legs. They could only look back at a distance, their eyes worried, hoping that whatever was happening wouldn't come here for them.
The armed force that had stayed in the central district was the one that felt the tremor the most, and the fierce beasts that had slipped through when the energy shield had been formed had even come to a stop.
The ground under their legs steadily moved, as though the thick layer of visibly moving earth had became imbued with life force. It could be seen shaking with the n.a.k.e.d eyes, as the solid steel that made up the floor of the solid moved in small waves.
The armed force soon came under the decision of leaving the main district. The situation didn't look good outside of their city, and none of them had been capable of taking down the fierce beast that was running around in their streets. Thankfully, they had held here long enough for everyone to depart from these cursed lands.
They used the opportunity that the beasts came to a stop to disengage the creatures. A route was quickly prepared on the spot, and the numerous team formed by the armed force began regrouping while avoiding the streets where they had diverted the godly creatures. The face of the soldiers that had been in the MechSuits was complex, a stiff mixture of resentment and relief.
Resentment from the loss they had to accept that day, and relief that everything had come to a stop from them.
A few soldiers even slept the moment they left the range of the main district and entered deeply in the jaw of the lengthy highway that led to the slums. While others couldn't take an eye out of the tall shining building the distance, bitterness, and rage mixed together in their sight as they gazed at their city.
The soldiers that were enrolled from the slums couldn't help but look at their hometown with worry. Aware that whatever they had fought in the main district would come to their families.
As for a few, they couldn't help but look at the distance, secretly aware that someone wouldn't abandon that city. Those persons were the few higher-ups, and the pugilist of Gladiator's Heaven that managed to survive the horrors of the morning. Their thoughts filled with the two individuals that were still fighting outside of their cities.
"Will we survive through this night?", doubted someone in his mind. His thought were only the echoes of the feelings of most soldiers that feared for their urging future.
"Please… Someone…", prayed a few.
The soldiers thought in the armed forces were diverse and varied, yet most of them were firmly related to the pressing insecurities related to their defense. Defenses that had been taken down one after another, with the last layer of defensebeing the energy shields that wouldn't hold long under repetitive attacks. And the lengthy highways filled with hundreds of factories that separated the two parts of the city.
They gazed around them with bitter thought, their mind couldn't help but become warped by the near limitless road that taunted their mind. The factories around them were too similar- a clear conform copy- and gave the impression that the highway leading to the Core didn't have an end.
The lack of life around them worsened their mood, as even the automatons had been sent in the bloodied maws of the beasts.
A morose atmosphere invaded the cortege of refugees, with only the healing troupes were doing their utmost in saving the life in the half-dead bodies they had unearthed.
Their expressions, fierce to the point where one doubted if they weren't the one that should fight the beasts. Only what they fought, was death itself, and the complete shutdown of the last working organs in the bodies of the saved figure.
A doctor, in particular, took grand attention to the most damaged bodies, and challenged himself with the roughest cases. That man was Revello, a genius doctor that had been working under the four fallen families, his fame and talent was such that the four families had to regroup to secure him in their city.
His fabled talent was only rivaled by his mystic methods, that mixed science and ancient technique, and the new fact that the Earthing had made contact with the vast universe made his skill sore even higher.
His hands were currently deep in the inner organ of a stiff man. The victim of his revival was a broad and tall man that didn't seem to have entered his thirties yet, but was nonetheless nearing them. The pale color of his skin, and the coldness in his shredded inner organs would have customarily been signs that the man was dead.
Revello wouldn't have become a genius doctor if he wasn't somewhat curiously mad. As added to his in-depth knowledge and practical skills, came the rare resources taken from the numerous families gave him enough confidence in reviving even someone dead for a few weeks.
"He can't do without that part of his digestive system."
"Now, I just need to check if the brain isn't too damage and I can replace or regrow the damaged part…", he mumbled under his brain as took out a strange metallic object. The object was smooth, and was shaped similar in a way to a tablet, one that soon lighted up with a screen.
"Hmm… Good, the brain wasn't touched.", he mumbled as he took out a case from the back of the bus like vehicle he was on. His hand skillfully moved, lifting the mallet on a table next to the body, and opening it, all of that in one fluid motion.
A set of silvery colored surgical equipment laid bare in front of his eyes, glinting in the dark lighted insides of the vehicle.
His eyes rose upward, noticed a small dial on the roof of the vehicle. His eyes moved as a low light flashed softly in the back of the car.
Even with that soft light, the luminosity shouldn't have been enough for deep surgical treatment. But that man wasn't any kind of surgeon, he didn't only rely on his eyes, but his full senses came to work together in a mystical way akin to a martial artist.
Only his movement weren't lightning fast, they didn't made the air around his fist clap, and the space to nearly shatter. But, he had a type of agility, and preciseness, that made his movement flow in silky water like manner.
What followed was Revello's macabre spectacle that some would though off as practicing on a corpse, but only he knew the strength of the resource they had given them. His hand moved the small boxes that laid inside of the mallet, next to the silver surgical equipment.
"This is the first time I held this type of material…", he proclaimed, excited about the premise of using them. His memory thought about the numerous interstellar method he had read, a strange technique that made use of energy and surgery to heal near-dead individuals.
Sadly, he was already aged thirty when he came to find a cultivation technique, and he didn't know if it was due to him being too old, or merely untalented in that domain because the results he had obtained were nowhere anything concrete.
Spatial Energy, or Heaven and Earth energy, stayed a mystery for him through those years. But with the resources he had received from the families, he could replicate the same principle that a cultivator would use his energy for.
His eyes fell on the corpse in front of him, as his hand began moving in a fluid automated manner. Cutting through the elastic skin, and opening parts that weren't injured, his work only stopped at the brain that he had verified before.
"Using those resource together, I'm sure I can replicate the same effect as the Flesh Revival Technique, adding with that a few Earthling scientific method, I can regrow his body by the time I arrive to the Core.", his mind already began thinking about every process one by one before finally making his mind to start.
"The preparation for the Flesh Revival Technique had been made. I'm ninety-nine percent sure I can regrow his internal organs, I will only need to stitches everything back and kick some life in that heart. And everything will work, very mechanical!", he added in a satisfactory manner before starting his work.
"Indeed very mechanical...", mumbled a man in the front part of the bus-like vehicle.
Revello turned around, annoyed- at himself due to his intense focusing on the corpse- that the man had stayed there, and had heard him speak his heart out loud.
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