The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1001: The stars

"It's ugly."

Baili Bamboo lowered his head and whispered.

"Xiaozhu ... what's going on?"

Baili Qingfeng felt his hand trembling slightly.

"It's nothing."

Baili Bamboo Road: "Although the resilience of the legend is not as good as the demigod, this scar should disappear completely in a short time."

Baili Qingfeng looked at this scar carefully.

Can see with his eyesight that this is a sword wound.

He can even see the trajectory of the sword at that time ...

a little bit!

Almost, this sword will divide life and death ...

The legendary vitality and resilience are very strong, but if it is this kind of injury ... it is still fatal.

in other words……

Almost, he can't see Kotake?


Baili Qingfeng felt a roar of the brain, and could hardly believe what he saw and guessed.

小竹 ……

A child so small, cute, cute, smart, smart, sensible ...

Is still cute.

She is not a bear child.

What kind of person must be desperate and mad, in order to be cruel to kill a little girl like her only twelve years old! ?

What's wrong with this world, hasn't even the most basic respect for the elderly and children?

Children are the flowers of the motherland and the future of humanity. To harm children is to destroy the foundation of the human race. To destroy the foundation of the human race is to want to exterminate humanity from the roots. This behavior ...

"Sin is not to be blamed!"

Baili Qingfeng felt a cold body, he said in a deep voice: "Who is it !?"

"Brother Qingfeng ..."

Baili Bamboo smiled very happy, she could clearly feel the concern of Baili Qingfeng for her: "That bad guy ... is dead."

"who is it?"

Baili Qingfeng thought carefully, and soon understood what: "Emperor Star Empire !?"

Immediately afterwards, he added: "Since the Star Empire has waged war with our Heavenly Waste Realm, we will never give up easily. When we learn that I have to spend a lot of energy to seal the detached true god, I will definitely send many masters to spare no effort to kill. Me, to my death ... but I have been sleeping for a while ... "

Speaking of which, there was a burst of regret in his heart.

He couldn't imagine how Xiaozhu came over these two and a half months.

A twelve-year-old girl will take him to avoid the chasing of the giant beast of the empire of stars ...

Two and a half months.

Looked at the scar on her face ...

Felt her high-end legendary cultivation practice. At this moment, there was no point in his heart that was happy for her cultivation, but only a deep heartache.

"Little Bamboo ..."


Bai Lizhu felt his emotions, gently took his arm, whispered: "It's all right, Qing Feng's brother, it's past. I'm still standing here right now."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu ...

For the Star Empire, he came with the idea of ​​peace, and he wanted to establish diplomatic relations with this country to ensure the safety of the natural and wild world bordering on them.

It was just that, from the first moment when he came to the Star City, he did not go well. Later, the situation deteriorated step by step, making the two sides become enemies, and the war between the Star Empire and the Heavenly Waste Realm was even launched.

Although this war has changed a little because of the cross between the immortal Divine Emperor and the Transcendental True God, he had to fall asleep in order to seal the Transcendental True God, but ...

Hegemony and brutality of the empire of stars have seen clearly.

right now……

He woke up!

Then ...

"War, continue!"

Baili Qingfeng took Xiaozhu's hand and said in a deep voice: "Go, Xiaozhu, I'm going to vent for you."


Bailizhu nodded cleverly.

"Where is this? Let's go to find the legendary bird first."

Baili Qingfeng said to do it.

"If you travel, I have a royal beast card, shall I call that bird?"

Baili Bamboo leaned his head and said.

Although Baili Qingfeng didn't know where the so-called royal beast card from Baili Bamboo came from, he nodded: "Okay."

As Baili Bamboo inspired the Yushou brand, a strong breath quickly broke into the spiritual perception of Baili Qingfeng, and landed in this direction at an extremely fast speed.

"This bird ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt a little surprised for a moment.

In terms of qi and blood, this bird is not inferior to the king of flames.

Of course, it will be inferior to the king of flames when it is actually fighting, but at least on the side can prove the superiority of the bloodline on this bird.

Looking at the bird, Baili Qingfeng didn't ask, but held Baili Bamboo's hand slightly tighter.

The two quickly got on the bird, directly vacated, and flew towards the direction of the Star City.

"War should not be divided between right and wrong. After all, everyone has their own position, but the necessary bottom line must still exist. I have no right to blame the Star Empire, but since your Star Empire is even one after the war. Do n’t let the child let go of a child ... Then, do n’t blame me for sometimes hurting innocent people when I ca n’t hold my hands ... "

Baili Qingfeng said to himself.

He didn't ask Bai Lizhu how these two and a half months came, and he was only thankful that she was still in good condition and was sitting beside him.

Bailizhu did not speak, holding Baili Qingfeng's arm, leaning on his shoulder, facing the blowing wind, a clean white skirt accompanied by a long cut The hair is black and fluttering in the wind.

The sunlight cut through the clouds and spilled on the two people soaring in the sky, giving them a layer of light, making this scene as beautiful as a picture.


Baili Qingfeng and Bailizhu's flying birds are extremely fast, plus the place where the two are located is not far from the Star City, but within a few hours, the city wall of the Star City has been in sight.

"The only thing in the Star City that can threaten me is the demigod ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the huge city at the end of the field of vision ...

and many more!

Demi god……

Ordinary demigods have not threatened him much.

When his spirit was still only thirty-two, he could perform two or three electromagnetic swordsmanships at once with the help of the kingdom of the field. Now he is schizophrenic to one hundred and twenty-eight ...

Although sixty-four ways are still a little bit away from the tenth perfection of the refining god, at the same time, it is not a problem to perform the sixty-seventh electromagnetic swordsmanship.

Moreover, while the 128 spirits comprehensively strengthen his various means, it also means that the Star Realm can pry the stronger Star Force Field.

If the power of the star force field that can be mobilized previously is ten, then now, it is at least twenty-five, and after he has cultivated all the 128 spirits to the tenth perfection of the god, the power can be increased to at least forty. , Fifty, or even more.

"The enemy ... high-level demigod, artifact ..."

Baili Qingfeng said, glancing at the towers that seemed to have not been completely repaired so far, and added: "Wanxing Divine Array!"


Almost at the same time when he mentioned the Wanxing Divine Array, the starlight ripples that belonged to the Wanxing Divine Array have been rippling over the Star City.

Apparently, the Star City has already noticed their arrival in a special way, so that they started the Wanxing Divine Array early.

"I haven't fixed this formation so far, the efficiency is too slow."

Baili Qingfeng stood up, raised his right hand flatly, and a flying sword made of Red God Steel floated out.

He glanced at Xiaozhu and said, "After we go back, we will try to be able to distract us, if we can, then give the spirit attributes, and then you can easily display our signature move-electromagnetic imperial sword. . "


Baili Bamboo nodded.


The electric arc exploded.

The rapidly rotating Flying Sword tears the void at a terror speed nearly twice as fast as before, and instantly dies into the bright starlight. When the Wanxing Divine Array is too late to react, it has already hit the towering tower in the center of the palace. The divine power at the top is crystallized.


Void Blast!

The blessing is so fast that the power contained in this sword is far more than the legend, even the magical art of the demigods.

Even though the crystallization of the divine power is extremely strong, it is still shot by the volley under this sword and exploded into pieces. The violent shock wave disperses the atmosphere of hundreds of meters in the surrounding area.

The crystal of divine power shattered, the Wanxing Divine Array gradually spread, and the shrouded light suddenly slowed down.

Almost at the same time, the other three sword lights ignited the arc, carrying the sword marks that cut through the sky, and once again destroyed the crystallization of the divine power over the other three towers.

The rising ten thousand **** array stopped abruptly.


Without the Wanxing Divine Array, a strong breath erupted from the Star City.

Soon, one figure after another came through the air.

Half-God Burning Shadow, Half-God Qianye, Half-God Burning, High-Level Half-God Pinghuang, God Son Holy Star Song ...

Five deities!

It also includes the high-level demigods who are qualified to impact the true god, and the Divine Son Divine Star Song, which is not under the high-level demigods.

Not only that, besides Qian Ye and Burning Salary, Fen Ying, Ping Huang, and Sheng Xing Ge hold the artifacts, rivers, banned crowns, and swords of the stars in their hands!

The strength of this lineup, even if it is used to deal with any of the six kingdoms, I am afraid that there may be a possibility of directly leveling it.

But at this time, none of the five people were half proud, and their expressions were dignified to the limit.

"Bai Li Qing Feng !? He actually woke up ..."

"He's okay, it's impossible ... The will of the God beyond the true God was defeated by him !?"

"It's just a hundred li bamboo, now Baili Qingfeng is awake !? This is troublesome ..."

Looking at the mentor and apprentice on the giant bird a few dozen kilometers away, the five demi-gods seemed to be looking at the incarnation of two gods that could not be measured by common sense.

Compared with the first time that the two Li Baifeng and Baili Zhu came to meet with them, the difference was more than a fraction?

"There are five demigods coming out ~ ~ Are there any other people's conspiracy?"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes swept across everyone.

"Bai Li Qing Feng ......"

The holy star song came forward and was about to say something, but the Pope Pinghuang secretly conveyed to him: "Everything is waiting for the great God Lord to wake up and make a decision."

He said that he had stepped forward: "Your Majesty Baifeng Qingfeng, this matter is strictly due to misunderstanding. Right now our side of the empire has paid the price for its recklessness, and even the demigods have fallen. Three people, do you think it is possible to turn the godliness into jade silk?

"Repay good luck, peaceful coexistence ..."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Bailizhu beside him, and sighed for a moment: "Late ... Since the war has begun, one party must fall down completely to be over."

His figure gradually rose from this bird, floating in the void.

He knew that the power of the Star Empire is not limited to this, there must be dozens and a half gods hiding in the dark with the secret method. Just waiting for a command, many gods will flood out, but ...

Baili Qingfeng is fearless.

Too many people have been injured in this war, and no one can stop his determination to end the war!

"Today, the stars will die!"

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