The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1003: nothingness

The blazing light that filled the world lasted for a few seconds before gradually dissipating.


At this time, the deafening roar exploded from the stars.

This is a sonic boom formed by the rapid compression and friction of air.

Even though the starlight of the Wanxing Divine Array has risen tenaciously, but under this sonic boom, almost all the glass and porcelain in the entire Star City are still shattered into shatters, and the Star City with a population of 40 million people I don't know how many of them are deaf or blind.

Even if Baili Qingfeng finally rushed into the void, the place where this force detonated was two kilometers away in the sky, but the torrent of devastating energy still turned the city thousands of kilometers below into ruins, The imperial palace, which was repaired directly above the explosion, was wiped out in front of the shock wave formed by this explosive force.

The imperial royal family of stars is almost directly erased at this moment.

The waves of air and the smoke were filled, and it could not calm down for a long time.

Such terrifying power, not to mention the survivors of Star City, even if Bai Lizhu looks a bit incredible.

"Brother Qingfeng ..."

Baili Bamboo looked at Baili Qingfeng in surprise.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the raging fire below. Almost half of the cities had flames and smoke-filled star cities, and couldn't help sighing: "I deliberately reduced some power ..."

He lowered this round of fusion reaction. On the one hand, he was worried that he would have no time to escape from the explosion center ...

On the other hand, Xiaozhu is closer to him, and he doesn't want to hurt Xiaozhu by mistake.

The third reason ...

Unwilling to cause too many deaths and injuries.

War, no kindness is allowed, but ...

While performing this trick, he still rushed to the altitude of more than two thousand meters.

Otherwise, if the force is detonated between 500 meters and 1000 meters, the destruction effect on the Star City will be at least doubled.

"Brother Qingfeng, what kind of magic is this?"

"Divine Art ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the palace that had been completely erased from the Star City, and said: "Just call it nothingness."

"Divine Art Nothing ......"

Baili Bamboo lighted up in front of his eyes: "This is great, Brother Qingfeng, I want to learn this."

Didn't wait for the Baili Qingfeng to reply again, a burst of sorrow and concussion of spiritual fluctuations had spread from the center of the white light.

"My eyes ... my body ..."

"What kind of magic is this! Why is there such a horrible magic!"

"I'm wrong! Qian Ye is right, we should not rush to provoke such terrifying existence of the immortal Divine Emperor, who can attract the great ancient god, this is the power of the true god! Even the strong **** can't fight the true **** force!"

The holy star gods, burning shadows, flat wastes, and burning gods of the four gods will escape from the horrible energy fluctuations at the same time, and they are all panicked and full of fear.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng strongly suppressed the emotions in his heart, and his eyes fell on the will of the remaining gods.

Sure enough, although the energy released by nuclear fusion can destroy everything on the material level, it is absolutely necessary for the relatively idealistic existence of spirit and will.

But anyway.

As the river system manifested by his spiritual world swept through like a scroll, Holy Star Song, Burning Shadow, Pinghuang, and Salary were suddenly undergoing dramatic changes in spirit, and each one would fly towards the end of the sky at the fastest speed.

But at this time, stars are manifesting from the will of their gods, and the stars shine.

next moment……


Stars collapsed suddenly, as if collapsed into a black hole, simulating the power of destroying the world, it seems to be buried together with their will of God!

Star Collapse!

Singing Star Song, Burning Salary, Pinghuang, Burning Shadow and others shouted at the same time, and their bodies continued to fall into the black hole that collapsed towards the stars.

"Baili Qingfeng, do you really want to kill!"

"Misunderstanding, it's misunderstanding, Your Majesty Qingfeng, I'm just blinded by the royal family of the stars, our lord is your natural ally!"

"The great Divine Lord is about to wake up, and he will not let anyone who treats his followers harsh! Baili Qingfeng, you can only save your life in the trial of His Majesty the Lord in the future!"

Bursts of mental volatility emanated from several demigods.

But Baili Qingfeng didn't pay any attention to it. Seeing that a round of star collapse could not kill these people, the second round of star collapse was directly followed.

Anyway, now he only needs a little rest for an hour or two to recover twenty or thirty natal stars, and the natal stars consumed by their four major gods in a round of star collapse is not as good as his half-hour recovery.

"Do not!"

The panic wave of fear erupted, seeming to contain infinite fear.

Soon, the will of the two who burned and burned the shadow was completely destroyed.

Two high-level demigods, Sheng Xingge and Pinghuang, are still alive, but in the face of the star collapse that can even be destroyed by the will of the true god, it will only be a matter of time before they die.

"Baili Qingfeng, you forced me! Since you won't let me live, then you should accompany me under the wrath of the great Father."

Holy star song shouted, the will of God burned frantically, and actually sacrificed himself directly.


A new round of star collapse is exploding.

This time Pinghuang, a demigod who was only one step away from the true god, could no longer maintain the stability of his will, and was completely buried with the collapse of the star in a sigh.

It ’s a holy star song. It had already burned to ashes before the power of the star collapse. The pure energy contained in it seemed to be drawn by an unknown force, thrown into a towering mountain that was thousands of kilometers away into the sky. on.

That mountain ...

Baili Qingfeng remember.

Is the peak of the gods.

"At the time when the **** of the field was still active, the peaks of the gods were the base camp of the northern gods. A temple of the gods was built on that mountain. A total of 29 northern gods including the **** of the field lived in it. With the will and faith of the twenty-nine true gods, it has been transformed into a divine realm, and any practitioners who are not their gods will enter this divine realm hundreds of kilometers, and their power will be greatly suppressed. "

Baili Qingfeng's mind flashed relevant information about the mountain peak.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on the only surviving demigod, Qianye, among the five demigods.

Because the demigod is responsible for dealing with Bailizhu, when Baili Qingfeng intends to rush into the void to perform nuclear fusion, he stops Bailizhu and fights back.

Plus Baili Qingfeng intentionally avoided the location of Baili Bamboo when performing nuclear fusion, so that he finally survived.

Is just ...

Although surviving, almost at the same time that Baili Qingfeng ’s eyes turned to him, a mirror light has been shot on the Jianshen mirror that has been in the hands of Baili Bamboo, and will be penetrated twice by Jianxianyuan Shendong, which weakens The spirit of Qian Ye is set in place ...

Immediately following the sword of the guardian sword in Bailizhu's hands, the demigod body, which had been promoted for only one year, had been shot and exploded into a blood mist!


The stars appear!

At the next moment, the star was already oscillating, and it had been transformed into a star-collapse technique to tear his will of God on the spot.

"No! Rao Fate! His Majesty Bai Feng Qingfeng is merciless!"

Qian Ye, who was forcibly torn apart by the will of God, yelled in horror: "Your Majesty Baifeng ... We are not enemies ... I have never thought of being an enemy of your Majesty, I have even dissuaded you more than once The other demigods of the Star Empire, wanting to live peacefully with your majesty ... Even when I was confronting your disciples not long ago, I was only forced to fight and was the first to withdraw from the battlefield ... The reason why I can achieve the demigods, all The copy of the true **** essence that you bought from your majesty Bai Feng Qingfeng ... You can say to me that you have the grace of reinventing, and give me ten guts. I dare not be against you ... "

The star transformed by the second natal star of Baili Qingfeng appeared again.

At this time, there were two people rushing into the void quickly.

Is Marquis Saitama and his daughter Marcia.

"Your Majesty, during this time, we, as well as Grandpa, are running to promote the misunderstanding of the Star Empire and the Celestial Realm. Grandpa even declared more than once in public that Your Majesty is coming with a peaceful attitude, and our Star Empire should To live peacefully with you, the royal family of stars is too domineering, and we and our lords have been very weak, and they can't convince the royal family of stars at all, so they have to be enemies with your majesty ... I beg your majesty to give us a way of life ... "

The Marquis of Saitama also followed closely: "Your Majesty, I know that the Imperial Family of the Stars Empire has a secret vault. This secret vault is extremely hidden, and I am also a coincidence to be discovered. I would like to dedicate this secret vault to your majesty. Please forgive Your Majesty. "

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the two of them, and did not speak, but turned his eyes to Baili Bamboo: "Xiaozhu, he once shot you against you, what do you think?"

Bai Lizhu knew that when he asked these words, he already had a decision in his mind.

Although she would kill Qian Ye, Baili Qingfeng would never hesitate, but ...

She won't let him do what she doesn't want to do.

"Brother Qing Feng, he did indeed retreat when he played against me. Now that he has been destroyed, he has received his due lessons, plus he is willing to show enough sincerity to apologize, so ... forget it."

Bai Lizhu said, glanced at the Star City below: "Many people have died today ..."

Baili Qingfeng silently nodded.

No matter how he converges the power of nuclear fusion, that blow is still a catastrophe and devastation for everyone in Star City!

Especially in the core area of ​​the Star Empire, centered on the imperial city, a few kilometers round is almost razed to the ground ~ ~ In terms of the population density of Wanxing City ...

The number of casualties is incalculable.

at least……

Also reached seven figures.

and so……

Baili Qingfeng said to Marcia: "Leave it with his will."

"Thank you His Majesty Baifeng Qingfeng."

Marcia quickly saluted.

"I will tell His Majesty Baili Qingfeng where the secret store is located."

Marquis Saitama said with awe.

Uses the technique of sound transmission to tell Baili Qingfeng a location.

"Let's go."

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

"Thank you."

Finally saved his life, Qian Ye was relieved.

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng really intended to let him go, before he left, he still heard a voice: "Dear Majesty Baili Qingfeng, I think you should go to the peaks of the gods as soon as possible ... The Empire of Stars The real master behind him, the real supreme king of the north, the domain god, is waking up ... "


(Sure enough, the state of forced codewords is bad when I don't feel it.)

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