The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1005: Tear down

"God ... God Lord ..."

The two surviving demigods looked at the realm **** who was caught in the starry sky without movement, and they felt that their will fluctuations would be solidified.

Has high hopes for them, and only after awakening can they turn around and kill the invader's domain god, that's it ...


Even if you throw the gold coins of the gods into the lake, at least you can hear the sound, but the gods in the realm of the realm, they just did not say anything when they just appeared in the field ...

For a time, the two had a feeling of being dreaming.

"Do not!"

For a while, the volatility of one of the demigods surged violently, full of unwillingness.

"This is not true, this is not true. Even if the great realm **** has just awakened and his power has not returned to its peak, it is impossible for him to be sealed by a high-level legend that is not even a **** ..."

The two demigods seemed unable to accept the facts in front of them.

At this time, the domain **** seems to have heard the pious call of their two believers. The violent divine power suddenly rushed out of the galaxy transformed by the spiritual world of Baili Qingfeng, and instantly moved the situation ...

"Hundreds of Li Qingfeng, the collapse of the stars is the method I created, you think you can be trapped ..."

Domain God Lord made an angry roar.

But he didn't finish, and behind him, another star collapsed.

The power of the Star Crushing Technique completely covered him again.

But ...

The words of the **** of the field made Baili Qingfeng feel a little bit reasonable.

The star-breaking technique was created by the **** of the field. The **** of the field knows such a magical skill so that if you want to completely kill him by the star-breaking technique, it may take more energy than other real gods.

Even if this field **** is obviously some strong outsiders ...

But he did n’t want to be like a real **** who had surrendered to the town, and he had to fall into nirvana in exchange for strong recovery.

"The collapse of the stars simulates the collapse of the stars, but in fact, the collapse of the stars is not a powerful attack method. The collapsed stars form at most a black hole, which is stronger than the gravitational force of the neutron star. Everything is extinguished. If the energy is released in an instant, the efficiency of 'annihilation' is more than the collapse of the stars. "

Baili Qingfeng thought flashed in his mind.

Annihilation refers to the process of energy conversion that occurs when a substance and its antimatter collide. The collision of two substances disappears and produces energy forms such as photons.

Spirit is not material.

Spiritual stars are also not matter.

Normal matter does not mean that there is no way to produce an annihilation reaction.

Oblivion energy is actually very easy to use.

Primitive people know that if the river is poured back into the volcano, it will produce a violent explosion energy. As a graduate of Shire University, he cannot solve the problem of "spiritual annihilation."

Since the will of God belongs to idealism, it is natural to start with idealism.

"I can use my spirit to simulate both positive and negative forces ... There is a saying, Dao produces one, two lives one, two lives three, three lives all things, all things bear the yin and hold the sun, which is produced by the" one " The concept of yin and yang, so to say "one" and "two", the harmony of yin and yang allows things to exist. The attribute of yin and yang is attached to the body of the thing. Harmony between yin and yang can survive. Everything is built on the basis of yin and yang, positive and negative ... the spirit can naturally. "

The spirit waves in the spirit world of Baili Qingfeng are constantly flashing, and countless sparks of inspiration are bursting out.

"'Annihilation' can be regarded as the energy release in the process of collision cancellation between positive matter and antimatter, positive matter and antimatter ... truth and illusion, existence and nothingness? There is nothing in it? This ... has exceeded the concept of the law of conservation of energy ... or rather, This has broken through the narrow sense of energy conservation and reached a generalized form of energy conservation? "

Baili Qingfeng felt like he thought of something.

Even he has a hunch that if he can successfully analyze this problem and see the truth and illusion, existence and nothingness, his ability will be promoted to an unprecedented level.

This world will also lift a real mystery in front of him.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the domain master who was still struggling violently.

Spiritual annihilation is too mysterious, but now he is not without any way to deal with the domain god.

The core of the domain god's will is domain, domination, and domination, and these cores of will correspond to beliefs such as freedom and self-improvement. It happens that the core of the will of Baili Qingfeng has the existence of these wills. Adding one's own will to Star Crash can cause an increase of nearly 20% to 30% damage.

Although the increased efficiency is not very high ...

But you can win by quantity.

Thirty percent of the 128 stars are equivalent to the addition of 38 natal stars.

In addition to these methods, in order to speed up the defeat of the God Lord in the realm, you can also start from his kingdom of God.

The true God with the constant support of the power of the Kingdom of God and the God without the support of the Kingdom of God are completely two concepts.

Baili Qingfeng came to the crack of the **** kingdom of the realm god.

Through the cracks, he can clearly see that the interior of the Kingdom of God began to collapse on a large scale.

First started with many creations that depended on the power of faith.

Is like a city attacked by an electromagnetic storm, and the electronics industry was the first to be affected.

Wait until the earthquake swept further, the whole city gradually collapsed.

The kingdom of God that has lost the power of faith is equivalent to being hit back from the information age to the human town of the industrial age. Although it hurts, it will not die out completely.

And what Baili Qingfeng is going to do now, he will tear down the Jingjing God Crystal in this kingdom of God.

Demolition of the Jingjing God Crystal is equivalent to evacuating all the foundations of a city, and the kingdom of God will naturally collapse.

"My Lord ..."

Seeing that this time, after being sealed in by Baili Qingfeng, there was no more active **** of the field. The two demigods of the state of volition contracted their necks, and they dared not let any cruel words escape quietly towards the periphery of the God Mountain. .

With fear and panic, the two quickly left the range of the Gods Mountain.

It was n’t until tens of kilometers away that the breath of Baili Qingfeng could not be sensed at all, the two demigods ’wave of will was full of bitter exchanges:" Unexpectedly, even the great Lord is not his opponent ... The Empire of Stars, it ’s over No one thought that the group of people in the Star Empire would actually provoke such a horrible existence. "

"After all, my Lord has just recovered and his strength has not yet reached its peak. This will be an opportunity for the Baili Qingfeng. If we can wake up our Lord and spend three or five years to restore the state, the end of today ’s battle will be Will be completely rewritten ... "

"Now it doesn't make much sense. Let's start searching for available bodies as soon as possible. The two of us do not have a direct blood lineage with a high degree of fit, so we can only regenerate through the placenta."

"For more than ten years, we can still wait ..."

Between the two half-gods of the will exchange, abruptly, a petite figure crossed the void and stopped in front of them.


one day later.

The **** kingdom above the gods mountain collapsed in a fierce spiritual storm.

The energy torrent formed by the collapse almost turned into a black hole and appeared above the Gods Mountain. If it was not because of the special structure of the Kingdom of God that the material world such as the Gods Mountain was less damaged, I am afraid that the manifested black hole vortex is enough to swallow the Gods Mountain for hundreds Meter.

And the spiritual storm around the escape is sweeping all directions, spreading thousands of kilometers.

The world mourns, all sentient beings mourn!


Thirty kilometers away from the collapse of the Kingdom of God, the figure of Baili Qingfeng emerged.

"There is a lot of movement, this power ... much stronger than the collapse of stars."

Looking at the terrible storm that collapsed, Baili Qingfeng was a little shocked.

It seems to be very careful when confronting the true **** who owns the kingdom of God.

This time he can easily and smoothly tear down the Divine Kingdom of the Domain Lord, and it is related to his direct integration of the Domain Lord into his own spiritual world. If it is in the Domain Kingdom that he has not been able to stay in his own Kingdom, he takes this Divine Lord There is simply no way.

"So, this battle can be summed up two points. The first point, do n’t give up your advantage because your opponent is weak, the lion fights the rabbit with all your strength, the second point ... ca n’t be too close to the **** kingdom Otherwise, once this divine master collapses and the kingdom of God chooses to burn both jade and jade ... I am afraid it will die. "

Baili Qingfeng's eyes looked at the collapsed Shenguo for a moment, and finally glanced at a total of thirty-nine yuan of Jingjing God Crystal in his hand.

Casting a **** kingdom requires at least three digits of ruling **** crystals. The more ruling **** crystals, the larger and more stable the **** kingdom, the more holy spirits and saints can be melted inside.

The domain **** may be so fragile because he slept for too long, and the kingdom of the kingdom shrank, so that he dismantled thirty-nine ruins of the pure **** crystal, and the kingdom of the kingdom became shaky.

Originally confident in the field, the **** master felt that his **** kingdom collapsed ~ ~ suddenly surprised and angry.

And this kind of anger with Baili Qingfeng continually smashed dozens of star collapses, making his divine will polymerization efficiency become slower and slower, the anger is gradually biased towards the former.

This change makes Baili Qingfeng's concept of "true god" a little vague.

"The so-called Divine Lord ... is just a cultivator who walks farther than others on the path of cultivation."

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, but the efficiency of Star Crash was not slow.

Seeing that his own will of God is collapsing soon, the **** of the field finally lost his previous arrogance, and his will was convulsive: "Stop it! Baili Qingfeng, killing me is not good for you, but if you can let me go, artifacts, There are everything you can do to become a god, and to build the goddess of cleansing gods needed to build a kingdom! "

The concussion of will makes his information transmission efficiency very fast: "You can perform the star collapse, you must have practiced the catalog of stars, you know, the catalog of stars is not my original, hidden in the catalog of stars Heaven's Secret ... "

"Astral world is an ancient god?"

The spiritual will of the domain **** is violently oscillating, almost causing a small-scale spiritual storm.

After a while, he was a little unbelievable: "How do you know?"

Baili Qingfeng calmly said: "This is common sense."

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