The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1011: calm

"So, are there really thirty or forty half gods hidden in the Star Empire?"

Kanglong Tower, Baili Qingfeng looked at Marcia who came to visit him with a sense of restraint, and looked a little surprised.


"Do you have more than a dozen?"


Marcia looked at Baili Qingfeng, her heart was weird, but she dared not show half a point: "Although I do n’t know why your majesty has this kind of speculation, if the star empire really has thirty or forty half gods, it has already been The rebellion in the Six Kingdoms has been leveled. "

"Isn't a quintessence of a true **** have a third of the probability to create a demigod? If a title legend is refined, the probability of achieving a demigod will reach one-half, or even exceed one-half, In the Star Empire, there were 28 true god-level gods in addition to the gods of the field. One person squeezed one essence of the true **** in ten years. In a hundred years, the essence of the true **** will be two or three hundred. That's close to a hundred demigods ... I expect thirty or forty, but I still don't count. "

"Ten years of essence of a true god?"

Marcia was stunned.

"Yes, I have read the classics. It takes only ten years to recover the essence of the true **** from the body. If you use some tonics, you can even shorten the ten years to ten years, so we take On average, ten years of true essence is normal. "

Baili Qingfeng's words were incisive.

"The truth is true, but ..."

Marcia would like to say that the true gods of other people also have to pursue. Why should the essence accumulated in them be taken out?

However, in the face of Baili Qingfeng, she naturally has to make her words as respectful and euphemistic as possible: "If the great true gods separate their essence, it is equivalent to squandering more than ten years, compared with the true god. A long life may be nothing, but the weak state of them will undoubtedly put themselves in danger ... Therefore, more than 90% of the great true gods have not separated any essence of the true gods in their lives ... "

Baili Qingfeng listened, and suddenly he felt a little bit.

He has forgotten that people are selfish, and the so-called true **** is nothing more than a stronger human being who cultivates, and it is reasonable to be reluctant to waste his essence.

"That's not so few."

"A few decades ago, there were indeed dozens of demigods in the empire, but ... they were all taken to Middle-earth, in fact, the remaining ones are the demigods responsible for staying behind."

Speaking of this, Marcia added: "This is also the reason why high-order half-gods are rare among many demigods, and ordinary demigods are the main reason."

"So, the Empire of Stars really only has fourteen demigods on the bright side and three or four demigods in the dark?"


This result really surprised Baili Qingfeng.

Something of common sense actually went wrong.

For a moment, he had convinced himself that it was not a matter of common sense, but that many demigods were taken away decades ago. If these demigods were not taken away, there must be more than thirty or forty.

Therefore, God still favors the side of justice and reduces the difficulty for him.

"So, what about the other six great kingdoms? Starry Empire, Pterosaur Kingdom, Granlin Kingdom, Suzawa Kingdom, Red Maple Kingdom, Salisbury Kingdom, Codex Kingdom ... These countries are currently the seven strongest in the Northland. Great country, how is the power in their country? "

"The Six Kingdoms are just like us. The Great Battle Empire of the Stars suffered heavy losses decades ago. The same is true of the Six Kingdoms. At present, the number of demigods in each kingdom is around four to five, and the number of legends is more, around 100. . "

Marcia added that: "After all, legends cannot be accessed in the war of the true gods, and if they are about to mobilize legends, it is better to send the Holy Spirit. Although the Holy Spirit is weaker than the real legends, the number is comparable. There are many more legends. "

A hundred legends ...

Four or five half gods ...

Baili Qingfeng calculated this number, as if ...

Is a little short of the standard for walking around the legend, but it also barely meets.

After all, the legends of the Seven Kingdoms add up to more than a thousand.

"After the king of flames returned to the demigod level, the combat power was barely comparable to that of the high-level demigods. Even if you can't beat the ordinary demigods by three hits, you can hold it, but the legend is a little less ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt that it was time for the batch of legendary blood from the royal secrets of the various stars to come in handy.

"Your Majesty, is this going to the Six Kingdoms?"

Marcia tentatively probed, and then quickly promised to promise: "If your majesty has this idea, our lord will be willing to help us a lot."

"No, no, I uphold the faith of peace. How can I arbitrarily provoke war?"

Baili Qingfeng quickly waved his hand: "Okay, it's alright, you go down first."

"I have been appointed as one of the liaisons stationed in the Star City. If there is any need for your majesty, we will do our best to meet your majesty despite the instructions."

"I know."

Marcia stood up and left.

After she left, Baili Qingfeng summoned the Knight Commander Constantine, let him take the legendary bird to the Sky Desolation Realm, select a thousand elite from the Sky Knight Realm Knight and the Void Legion.

And himself ...

Sits in the city of stars, while waiting for the arrival of the relevant person in charge of the establishment of the **** city by the Union of Heaven and Earth, while taking out the divine spirit for cultivation.

He always felt that the resources that could come in handy were good resources, so he rarely had the habit of storing them.

The time flickered, it was already a month.

In this month, the news storm that changed the stars in the capitals of the empire of the stars generally swept the entire northern world, from the six kingdoms of pterosaurs, frost, and grand forests standing on the top of the north, down to similar to blood. In the Principality of Lan, there are only one or two legendary small forces, and they are all shocked.

The empire of stars, that's the Northern Lord!

At that time, the God of the Field led the 28th True God of the Department of God from the prosperous and bright Middle-earth World, bringing countless believers to this vast deserted mountains, born with his supreme divine power and will be centered on the star city. A world of tens of thousands of kilometers has been cleared. During the period, there are countless beasts of lord beasts and legendary beasts, and even real gods and beasts, who died under the sword of the 28th great **** of the field and his men. .

The bones of dozens of gods and beasts, together with the mountain-level and legendary fierce beasts, created the name of the domain god, and forced a powerful fierce beast group to move far to the north and find another home.

And the believers led by the **** of the field continued to develop in this environment. It took thousands of years to develop the bright northern civilization.

These deeds are epic.

But now ...

An ancient kingdom with such a glorious history gradually came to an end, and the royal family of stars who were backed by the gods of the field was uprooted. These deeds came out, and the shock to the countries of the North can be imagined.

Some lords, kingdoms, and principalities that are related to the royal family of the Star Empire, or simply members of the royal family, have clamored to kill the Star City, regain the center of the Northland, and help the orthodox.

A lot of news hidden in the dark is waiting for opportunities, wanting to take advantage of this upcoming storm.

But then, when the details of Baili Qingfeng's defeat of the imperial royal family of stars spread, the clamor quickly subsided.

He and Bailizhu, with a demigod and legendary blood, paved the throne of them to the top of the North.

Especially when they learned that Baili Qingfeng had actually killed the gods of the mountains, they would be slain by the forcibly awakened lord of the realm, and defeated the kingdom of the lord of the realm with thunder, the originally bustling northern world quickly became quiet. Down.

Even the kingdoms of the True God behind the Frost Kingdom, the Pterosaur Kingdom, etc. have sent secret agents to sneak into the Star City to find out the truth and then grow up.

And this proposal ...

Is gone.

Powerful countries have sent missions to Zhongxing City in hopes of establishing diplomatic relations with Tianhuang Federation.

Everywhere the lord brought a generous gift, just to see Baili Qingfeng.

Even countries like Pterosaurs, Suzawa, and Granlin, who originally wanted to compete for the **** of the Northland, also made people come to show their favors.

The process of Baili Qingfeng entering the Northland and occupying the Star City ...

Is unbelievably smooth.

So deliberately stayed in the north for a month, waiting for the storm to hit the Baili Qingfeng almost nothing.

"The Wanxing Divine Array should be almost fixed. As long as the Divine Divine Array is present, as long as it is not the true god, the ordinary demigods come in ten or eight, which can't break the formation set up by the domain **** master. "

Baili Qingfeng thought, and gradually stopped practicing.

Actually this month he said that he was practicing, rather than taking drugs.

The effect of Chengjing Jingshi on him has been getting lower and lower. Three or five clear Jingjing stones may not be able to moisturize him to the tenth peak of refining God. In this case, he did not waste Chengjing Jing anymore. Shi ~ ~ instead set his sights on the divine spirit.

The effect of the divine spirit is much better than that of the crystal clear crystal. In a month, the sixty-four spirits of the new split of the Baili Qingfeng have been tempered to the extreme. Just wait for a little more proficiency and polish it carefully. Try one hundred twenty-eight to two hundred and fifty-six spiritual splits.

It's a question of who's power is used to oppress his own spirit for fission.

Continue to find the immortal Divine Emperor ...

Seems a bit wrong.

"Huh, anyway, I'm going to the world of cave dwellers, and I will borrow the glory ... the god's will of the war will tear my spirit, and if I'm lucky, I can experience the peace opposite to the will of war. Will, so that I can condense the will of God and step into the realm of demigods that can be reborn with blood ... "

Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but think that I was looking forward to it.

Is ...

Want to make the pressure of the spirits tensed to the extreme, it is broken, I am afraid that the will of the **** of war, the will of the gods, will be involved in the violent collision of the starry sky in the spiritual world.

However, in the presence of the body of a true god, which demigod would abandon the body of the **** and use his will to fight for life and death?

It's as if you have to use a gun but don't use it.

"When the time comes ... I'll talk to him and discuss it ..."

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