The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1020: Another world

The Kingdom of Immortal Divine Emperor.

As the immortal Divine Emperor continued to awaken, the energy fluctuations emanating from him were getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, in the Divine Kingdom of at least hundreds and even thousands of kilometers, the vast Divine Power pervades the Divine Kingdom Every corner, every holy spirit, saint living in this divine kingdom, or a great believer who can look forward to the immortal Divine Emperor through observation, can clearly feel the oppression that is everywhere in the spiritual world .

Ancient God!

This kind of existence that merges one's own spiritual will with a special existence that maintains the order of heaven and earth, and the power it possesses is incalculable.

Humans may give up glory, lose courage, and fear death, but no one does not long for immortality.

Immortal! eternal life!

This is the most primitive desire of any life!

No matter how fearless creatures stand in front of the temptation of immortality and eternal life, they cannot ensure that they are indifferent.

They may be able to reject immortality and eternal existence by virtue of their extreme self-discipline, but their inner hearts cannot reject this primitive instinct and desire of life.

Can't leave, can't refuse!

This is the most common among ancient gods and other deities.

As long as you live, you will want to live longer. If you live in the earth, you will be immersed in the sun, look up, and the vast starry sky hangs on the top of the sky dome ...

Their existence penetrates silently into every corner of the world, and even you will treat your belief in this kind of existence as an instinct and unconsciously provide him with power.

It is for this reason that the immortal Divine Emperor who has awakened is only a few years old. His divine power has already surpassed many God Lords. Before long, he will completely reach the peak and become a blazing sun on the sky.

At this time, the divine power of the Immortal Divine Emperor is continuously injected into an energy body that cannot be seen clearly. Each divine power is full of vitality, vitality, eternal, immortal will, and contains infinite possibilities.

Under the injection of this power, the body gradually became clearer and showed a human shape.

After this process continued for some time, the figure of the human figure completely appeared. It was a detached true **** who went to the Northland by the order of the immortal Divine Emperor a few months ago.


Suddenly, the transcendental real God who condensed his body opened his eyes, and a circle of God's will waved around him, and there was a faint divine power.


The detached true **** with his eyes open seemed to be confused for a while, but it took him a while to recover, and his face was a bit ugly ...

"My will is wiped out?"

This result made him a little unbelievable.

But he was the first time toward the immortal Divine Emperor who exudes mighty divinity, almost overpowering the entire Kingdom of God: "My Lord."

The immense dignity of the immortal Divine Emperor gradually dissipated, and the will of the immortal, immortal God gradually quieted down and recaptured into his body.

After the surrounding divine power dissipated, the eyes of the Immortal Divine Emperor fell to the detached true **** who would be expected to regain consciousness for at least a few decades and hundreds of years. "

"My Lord ... The means of the blasphemy is beyond our imagination. He directly relies on the profound and extreme spiritual strength to show that one side of the astral world will wipe out my will. This means ... I am afraid that we will Attention must be raised again. "

"Oh? Astral?"

The immortal Divine Emperor looked at the detached true god: "The descendant of that ancient god, or the heir?"

"Some similar, but not exactly."

When the detached True God mentioned this, he seemed to think of something, Shen said: "In addition to the blasphemer, the creature that follows the blasphemer also needs to be taken seriously. The reason why this action failed was because of that creature. Existence, she ... reversed the power of the Supreme Sword. "

"Supreme Excalibur!"

The Immortal Divine Emperor looked up and looked at the towering sword that supported the entire kingdom of God, like a pillar of heaven.

The immortal Divine Emperor, who controls the life and death of the soul, rises and falls!

Supreme Excalibur, disillusionment of the master spirit!

Combining the two ...

This broke out the power that made the whole Middle-earth world tremble, so that some ancient gods who had no conflict of interest with him at all were afraid of his existence, and thus counted him, causing him to fall asleep.

If it were n’t for the gods that fell a few decades ago that caused a large number of gods to fall, those ancient gods need to use his power to wake them up and resurrect them from their sleep. Regain consciousness.

"It seems that in this millennium, the traitor named Anata fell asleep while taking this seat and made some good achievements ... Unfortunately, it makes no sense! In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy means is futile!

"Great Lord ... The subordinates are willing to go to the north again, this time the subordinates will carry their own artifacts to treat the enemy ..."

"No! You have more important tasks to do."

The immortal Divine Emperor looked at the detached true God: "You have just awakened from a deep sleep, the strength of your body has not recovered to its heyday, and your **** body has been improved ..."

The detached True God carefully sensed himself ...

His body ...

Is really a bit different from the real **** body, and it is more inclined to the flesh and blood body.

And the power in the body is also blocked in a special way, so that people can not feel half abnormal.

"Please tell my Lord."

"That world."

Immortal Divine Emperor said: "At present, gods such as Lieyang are pushing the power of the world to transform that world, with a view to transforming that world into a transcendent world, to facilitate their advent, and to destroy that world with the power of destruction and destruction, Strangle the threat in the cradle, this seat needs you to enter that world, and lay out in that world ... "

Speaking of which, this ancient Divine Emperor looked up and his eyes seemed to penetrate the barriers of the Kingdom of God and fell to the blazing sun that hung above the sky and radiated with light: "The millennium closed the town, the millennium Deep sleep ... the price must be paid by God to make the world re-recognize what immortality is! "

"Let my Lord send him."

Detached from the true **** half-kneeled on the ground, a pair of indefatigable looks.

"That world is an ultra-low-energy world, and the energy level is even lower than that of the blasphemy. The will of the true God will be wiped out by external forces in that world, losing the immortality of characteristics ... Therefore ... In that world, no one can be immortal, and no one can live forever! "

The immortal God Emperor's words are eloquent and powerful, "Even if the blazing sun hanging above the sky is no exception!"

Detached True God This is the first time I have heard detailed information about that world.

For a time he couldn't help but secretly awe-inspiring.

A world where even the life of ancient gods can end ...

No wonder they will be regarded as a serious trouble by the gods of Middle-earth.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "The Great Lord, since the energy level of that world is low, and it is even worse than the barren realm, why did the two worlds end up in war ..."

"You can never understand the greed of mortals."

The immortal Divine Emperor said in a deep voice: "Maybe it was an accident, or some other reason. In short ... a true god, who fell in that world, the essence of that true god's body was refined, and a special kind of Medicament, a medicament that can prevent mortals from disasters and diseases, and extend the life span of hundreds of years, because the emergence of such medicaments, greed and desire swallowed their reason, opened a chapter of destruction, so the war began ... "

The transcendent true **** heard it and felt incredible: "Could it be said ... that war was provoked by that world !?"


"How is it possible ... a world with an energy level so low that it is not as good as the desolate world ..."

Transcendence really feels that his three views are going to be subverted.

"The extremely low energy level ... or rather, the inertia level has become their biggest umbrella, plus they have some special weapons ... decades ago, the proud and arrogant middle-earth gods carried infinite The anger, coming to that world, seems to destroy the whole world with absolute power and end the civilization of that world, but as a result, it has suffered unprecedented failure, ushered in the dusk of the gods, and almost all the gods that entered the world of the invincible level fell ... … But this is not the point. The point is that the history of civilization in that world is less than ten thousand years! "

"Less than ten thousand years !?"

The detached true **** opened his eyes wide.

A weak civilization with less than ten thousand years has caused a lot of gods to fall! ?

"The terrible growth potential and crazy desire to destroy let the blazing sun hanging above the sky dome attach importance to this world, so release this seat from the closed town, awaken from the sleep ... and promote the upgrade of that world, vain attempts It has risen from a dead energy level to a low energy level. "

Immortal Divine Emperor looked at the detached true god: "It takes time for the world to rise from the absolute level to the low level, and this seat is for you to dive into that world before the world has risen to the low level ~ ~ Communicating the news of the world ’s promotion, which caused the strong sun above the sky to launch another expedition to that world ... "

The detached true **** suddenly realized.

He is a detached true god!

God who believes in detachment and transcendence!

If he uses his power on the strong man of that world, and gives him the characteristics of low-level creatures, then he can create an illusion, an illusion that the world has been successfully promoted.

Of course, this method is simple to say, but how can the middle-earth gods who can withstand the ray of the strong sun be absolutely not a simple matter, I am afraid that his great God, His Majesty, will personally cooperate ...

"This seat will contact an old friend, you don't need to bother about the double moon world."

"Your Majesty, that ... that blasphemer ..."

"The blasphemer ... Not long ago, the fearful evil **** came to visit this seat, and it seems that the blasphemy is a descendant of this seat ... Right now, He, who understands the truth of the matter, has hurried over himself and claimed to be carrying The blasphemer's head congratulates the awakening of this seat ... fear that this little guy will be very troublesome even if this seat does not resort to the power of the Supreme Sword. Packing up the blasphemer ... enough. "

"My Lord is wise."

"Go, go to that world, all the creatures that are enemies of this seat will fall into the opposite of immortality and perpetuity, towards demise and nothingness!"

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