The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 103: Lovers

"God of War? These big guys deserve me so much, how could I be a God of War."

Seeing the gossip and speculation of these veterans, Qian Baili Qingfeng was a little speechless.

补 Forcing the brain is the deadliest.

He is really a God of War-level powerhouse, so he does n’t have to walk on thin ice and tremble with war.


He is not.

I squinted for a few minutes and no one had sent a message. Baili Qingfeng immediately asked: "Is anyone still there?"

The result ...

For half a minute, no one answered.

"It looks like I didn't come at the right time."

When the Baili Qingfeng wanted to close the chat software, the gentleman sword sent a moving picture.

Probably means "new cute shivering"?

Bali Qingfeng knows that several big guys like to send pictures blindly. If they don't agree, they should hug their thighs and use them as pendants. But if the meaning in these pictures is serious, you lose.

Zai Ze ...

Xin Meng's words ...

He is the real new cute, right?

He is the last person to join the group, not to mention that compared to Jianyu Jianghu's deputy moderator gentleman sword, the East wins, and the core character of the nine of them proud of the sword god, even if it is with the misty fairy, black hole The King, the Ten Steps One Kill, the Quantum God of War, and the Shadow Master cannot be compared.

"This picture works best for me."

Xi Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, saved this emoticon, and then sent it out.

Almost at the same time as he sent out, the Eastern Triumph, the King of the Black Hole, and the Ethereal Fairy, who had previously chatted in the field, almost re-sent this picture at the same time.

"New cute shivering!"

+1 ...

+2 ...

"This is called keeping the lineup, I know, the big guys are peeling again."

Bai Qingqing said, and asked: "Boss, I heard that the cave people seem to be out of the ground. Does anyone have any specific information?"


At this time, Aotian Sword God suddenly appeared: "Are you fighting the picture? Hey hey, I am now connected to the outside network to save traffic and don't mess with the picture!"

"The moderator is here, sprinkle flowers."

Xin Baili Qing Feng extremely consciously sent a greeting.

"Keep in line with the big brothers! Moderators come, sprinkle flowers!"

+1, +2, +3 ...

"Hahaha, be humble and keep a low profile."

Said the proud sword god, and immediately said: "I risked to consume a large amount of traffic and came up to inquire about it. Does anyone know the specific situation of martial arts education in Heaia?"

"Budo Education?"

"Hia? What do they want to do, broken jars?"

"The Thunder dominates the big man is a Shia, and he must understand it very well."

Hearing the words of the misty fairy, Aotian Sword God also quickly said to the Baili Qingfeng: "Thunder Lord, do you have any internal news about Xia's comprehensive promotion of martial arts and martial arts education?"

"Budo Education?"

Xi Baili Qingfeng wondered: "No, I am a student at school, and there is no martial arts course at school."

"Is it true? But the credibility of this news is very high. In several decades, several countries have tried to promote martial arts education, and they want to train more martial arts. "

Aotian Sword Shinto: "If the Kingdom of Shia does not provide enough courage, it will not only have no effect, but will completely offend those martial arts masters. If those gates are slightly hindered, Hea cannot suppress the burrowers After being threatened by beasts and tartars, other countries will inevitably intervene in accordance with international conventions. At that time, Shia is afraid that he will end up in a country that has been destroyed by the surrounding countries. "

"Crypts, zombies, tartars ... are they terrible?"

"It's fair to say that the Tatars are better, they are the masters of the oceans, and it is difficult to survive on land, but the cavemen and beastly people are very cruel. Those cavemen and beastly people faced us humans decades ago. The army will only be foolishly charged, let our machine guns fire, but they have civilization and will learn. So far, they have learned to avoid bullets, dig trenches to defend artillery, etc. Among them, beastly humans will disguise themselves as humans, secretly Lurking the assassination of high-level humans is why many countries have war-level revisions to this hard standard. "

"Human beings also have many top powerhouses."

"It ’s true that human beings have top-notch powerhouses, but Shia does not. The royal family of Shia is not in line with the three martial arts holy places. The cavemen almost broke through the defense of Shia's defenders, which is related to the recall of all martial arts in the martial holy place."

Aotian Sword Shinto: "There is often a tacit understanding between the country and the warrior. A warrior cannot kill ordinary people without a reason. Otherwise, he must be punished by law like ordinary people. However, the grudges and hatred of warriors and warriors are not in this category. In this case, the strongest martial arts force in the country is almost equivalent to the leader of the martial arts. They can completely control the life and death of the local martial arts force. Under their orders, those martial arts forces will serve the kingdom even if they have the heart to assist the defenders against the cavemen. , But you can only stand by and stand by the command of the martial arts shrine. "

"Does the Kingdom of Hea ignore this kind of thing?"

Baili Qingfeng said strangely.

"National strength. As the threat of humanoids to the human world continues to grow, the country must rely on military forces to stifle humanoid threats in the cradle. In this situation, the military personnel are naturally qualified to negotiate with the country, especially It is ... As the martial arts inheritance of humanoid society enters human society, the refining and extortion of warriors rises, the tactics of the kingdom ’s power consumption are ineffective for the warriors, and the warriors themselves are constantly strengthened, and the relationship between the two sides naturally becomes delicate.

After completing the words, Aotian Sword God added: "The relationship between warriors and the country is one of the most serious problems in the entire human society."

"Can't everyone come together to kill people and restore peace, and then sit down and talk about these issues together?"

Qi Baili Qingfeng was a little speechless.

"Who knows."

The proud sword **** of Aotian issued a "shrug" expression: "Say, these are basic knowledge, don't you know?"

"I'm just a martial arts enthusiast, not a real professional martial artist, I really don't know."

Baili Qingfeng truthfully said.

"Martial arts enthusiast? Oh, the big guy really likes to joke."

Gentleman sword is out loud ~ ~ big guys really like to joke +1, +2, +3 ... "

The trio of misty fairy princes, the East wins, and the king of black holes copied the words of the gentleman sword as before, repeating the waves, maintaining the formation.

"Hey, hey, it's too much, pay attention to my flow."

Proud Sky Sword God reminded.

"Several big guys in the group seem to be in a good mood today, and they all like to joke."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

"Which of them is not the case?"

The proud sword **** replied.

Baili Qingfeng felt that he was still a serious person, so he had to ask what he wanted to ask while the big brothers were all asking: "Can the moderator tell me in detail about the war situation of these human kingdoms and humanoids How many humanoids are there? How powerful are they? "

"This ... I don't know, this is already the top information material of human society."

"That's it."

Xi Baili Qingfeng heard a little disappointment.

But he also expressed understanding.

The top powerhouses are often a deterrent, just like in his world, the people never know how many nuclear bombs the country has.

Talking blindly is the most time consuming thing.

Baili Qingfeng has come back at half past ten, and it is now half past eleven after taking a bath or the like. Then he went to the meeting network and chatted for days. The time had passed twelve.

Bai Qingqing wanted to continue to watch the big guys gossiping, but didn't want to stay up late to get out of the dark circles, and said at the moment: "The big guys talk slowly, I'll sleep first."

Then closed the software and lay down.

Stay up late and hurt yourself.

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