The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1038: Look for

Shi Yiyi nodded: "We were a bit busy during this time, and we didn't have time to take care of her. The last time you talked seemed a bit unpleasant. This time, talk to Xiaozhu ... Although the children have rebellious periods, Xiaozhu is so smart. I believe we can talk to her and correct her outlook on life. "

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He took a few steps and quickly came to the cultivation cave.

"Little bamboo?"

Baili Qingfeng shouted.

No movement.

"I'm here?"

Baili Qingfeng said, first carefully inducted into the cave.

Until he found that there was indeed no sense of life, he entered the cultivation cave with a solemn face.

Inside the cave ...

Has some daily necessities added by Baili Qingfeng during his cultivation, but it is empty.

"Little bamboo?"

Baili Qingfeng glanced in the cultivation cave and quickly saw the letter left on the stone table ...

"I'm leaving?"

Baili Qingfeng picked up the letter and had some headaches. The child in the rebellious period was so uneasy.

"This little girl ..."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the ink on the letters and calculated that it should have been written when he held the wedding yesterday.

Now he took out his mobile phone for the first time and called the deputy head of the Void Knights Luo Sha: "Let me pay attention to all the doors of space to see if Bai Lizhu has left the world of heaven.

After making this call, he also called the Prime Minister Yasuo again.

"Your Majesty Qing Feng? Why do you have time to call?"

"I need you to mobilize the power of the Union of Heaven and Earth, and help me find my disciple Bailizhu. This girl should have run away from home."

"Bai Li Bamboo? I know, I will arrange it immediately."

Yasuo said quickly.

Told Baili Qingfeng that he would not dare to be a little slack.

Baili Qingfeng took the letter and returned to the courtyard.

The teacher in the courtyard, Yiyi, immediately noticed the emotional discomfort of Baili Qingfeng and asked, "Qingfeng, what's wrong?"

Then she seemed to think of something: "Did Xiaozhu have an accident?"

Baili Qingfeng nodded and gave the letter to Shi Yiyi.

Teacher Yi Yi was immediately worried: "Xiaozhu ... where did she go?"

Finished, she had a trace of guilt on her face: "Is it because of the thing half a month ago? It's all me bad, if we can persuade Xiaozhu well at the time, she won't ..."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, it's just that the child's rebellious period has come ..."

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his eyebrows.

Soon, his cell phone rang, and when he was connected, there was a voice from Luo Sha: "Your Majesty, we just got a response from the members of the Knights sitting in the Principality of Blood Orchid. Miss Lizhu went through the door of space and went to the Double Moon Realm. "

"Going to Shuangyuejie?"

Baili Qingfeng's heart sank.

If Baili Bamboo is only in the skyland, he is not too worried.

With her current semi-god-level cultivation practice, no one in Tianhuang Realm threatened her safety, but Biyue Realm ...

Xeon is not as good as dogs and legends walking around the ground, only half **** can shake ...

In such a world as strong, Bailizhu may not be able to ensure his own safety.


Fear God seems to be staring at her?

For a time, Baili Qingfeng even had to chase directly to Xuelan Town.

Is just ...

The return ceremony of the day after tomorrow has not been done ...

Shi Yiyi seemed to see Baili Qingfeng's concerns and quickly said: "Qingfeng, go, Xiaozhu is still small after all. You should be more tolerant of her. Even if something really happened, we should be patient she was……"

"That line, I will keep up."

Baili Qingfeng added: "Mainly because she took the essence of the evil **** and was stared at by the **** of fear, she may be in danger at any time."

"Well, go."

Master Yiyi nodded as he understood.

Now Baili Qingfeng didn't waste time, he quickly went upstairs, put the Frost God Armor on his body, and his figure instantly rose into the air.

After flying into the void, he suddenly accelerated, and the sound barrier in the void instantly broke.

Not only that, as he was spiritually inspired, the star realm appeared, and the star force field belonging to the heaven and earth realm instantly diffused down, accompanied by the thunder of real thunder, the electromagnetic swordsmanship came out ...


In a deafening roar, his speed soared to six times the speed of sound in an instant, like a streamer tearing the atmosphere, flying straight to the direction of Tianque Mountain more than a thousand kilometers away.

Ten minutes later, thunder roared over Xuelan Town.

Baili Qingfeng's figure seemed to be a meteorite falling down from above nine days, and suddenly landed on a wasteland outside the door of the space of Xuelan Town.

Although he slowed down a little while landing, the force that he could unload when he fell to the ground still cracked the ground a few tens of meters away, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept the dust and scattered the four sides.

The advent of Baili Qingfeng quickly alarmed many high-level warriors and Xeons who guarded Xuelan Town.

But when they saw Baili Qingfeng, they quickly saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty."

Baili Qingfeng nodded his head and looked at a member of the Void Knight: "Which direction did Bailizhu go after entering the Double Moon Realm?"

"It is His Majesty the East."


The map of the Northland in the mind of Baili Qingfeng flashed by.

Oriental ...


"This girl ... wouldn't you like to cross the reckless mountains alone and go to Middle-earth?"

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

He is not wasting time now, stepping into the door of the space of Xuelan Town for the first time.

The special environment of the two-moon world made the power flowing in Baili Qingfeng slightly stagnate.

But he did n’t come to the bimonthly world once or twice. In this world, although there is no way to fly at six times the speed of sound, it is still a breeze to maintain the efficiency of one time.

Moreover, during the period of marrying Shi Yiyi, he did not completely put down his cultivation. The divine spirits reserved from the Star Empire and the divine spirits traded by the Frost Kingdom were refined by him one after another, making him newly divided One hundred and twenty-eight spirits have been tempered to the tenth peak of refining God.

The spirit is strong enough to support the starry realm for a long time.

With the strength of 256 spirits, his starry realm does not need to be maintained for three or five hours, and it is still a matter of tens of minutes.

If you are willing to reduce efficiency, you can last longer.

"At four o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, it is now ten o'clock in the morning ... sixteen hours ... This girl brought the fierce beast with the blood of the Divine Beast to the Double Moon Realm. The legendary life of speed, speed ... and 800 kilometers per hour ... 16 hours is 12800 kilometers ... the real number will only be smaller than this number ... "

Baili Qingfeng estimated it a little, and quickly leaped into the sky, maintaining a speed of 1,400 kilometers per hour across the void.

After adjusting the direction a little, he quickly domesticated a legendary beast, Arrow Eagle, in a forbidden place where the beasts were all over.

This is a legendary bird with extremely fast eruption but mediocre endurance.

The fastest speed can reach 1,800 kilometers per hour.

Baili Qingfeng allowed the legendary beast to maintain a speed of 1,400 kilometers per hour and continued to fly for two hours. When the legendary bird continued to be powerless, it ignored it and changed its direction a little, then rushed to another one. A legendary fierce beast entrenches a forbidden land, and it takes a few minutes to domesticate another legendary bird of speed.

under these circumstances……

Sixteen hours, Baili Qingfeng has chased out 20,000 kilometers, almost spanning half of the northern territory.

After arriving at this area, Baili Qingfeng slowed down a little bit, and began to deliberately use the telescope technique to search for the location of Bailizhu.

This feeling……

Makes Baili Qingfeng a little strange.

Always feels a bit like the old father was looking for his daughter who ran away from home.


Could not be found.

Baili Qingfeng searched for a whole day step by step according to his estimation, but did not notice the location of Baili Bamboo.

Northland ...

too big.

The border between Northland and Middle-earth stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers. Bailizhu wants to go to Middle-earth World. With only one direction, God knows where she will enter Middle-earth.

The key is……

After searching all day without any results, Baili Qingfeng faintly realized a problem.

"Xiaozhu ... She was hiding from me. She didn't follow the regular route and crossed the North to the Middle Earth in a straight line."

Otherwise, he could not find the trace of Bailizhu.

As his spirit continues to grow stronger, the range that Wang Yuanshu can see is also rising. Today, as long as his position is high enough, his Wang Yuanshu can already "see" movements thousands of kilometers away.

If Bai Lizhu walks the shortest distance in a straight line, he who chases here cannot possibly search for a whole day and get nothing.

The legendary flying bird with mythical beast is not a kind of Chinese cabbage. Under the exploration of telescope, it is not a haystack-like target.

"This is troublesome."

Bai Li Qing Feng sitting on a bird named Jiu Xiao Fei frowned slightly.

Has been running for two days in a row, making him look like a servant.

But this is not the point. The point is that he has faintly realized that ~ ~ Bailizhu this time is not like a child's rebellious period, when the temperament comes up with a little temper ...

She has a rigorous and calm mind.

She clearly knew what she was doing.

In this case she deliberately avoided herself, he wanted to find her trace ...


Very difficult!

Baili Qingfeng was silent and searched again.

This time, he had reached the end of the north.

Under the birds he was riding on, there were few traces of smoke, but in the distance, the reckless ancient forest was full of vision, and it was not known how many powerful beasts, legendary creatures, even **** beasts survived.

He spent three days in this reckless ancient forest from the north to Middle-earth, and kept looking at Wang Yuanshu all around.

But three days ...

There is still no clue about Baili Bamboo.

"With Xiaozhu deliberately hiding from me, I am afraid that she will not be found in this way ... after all, she also masters the telescope technique."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the reckless ancient forest in front of him ...

It seems that there is only one way left to find the location of Baili bamboo accurately.

"Fear God!"

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