The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1041: bona fide

"There are many evil gods in the Middle-earth, but some evil gods are often unable to resurrect each time they are broken up because of their unsustainable power and lack of timely supply of faith. Then there will be those kings of the gods above, and even the ancient gods who personally took action, lowered their punishment, and killed them, and even suppressed it, but ... fear, killing, destruction, greed, brutality and other evil gods are different ... "

Ringer took Baili Qingfeng to a palace near Xiangyang City near the suburbs: "These evil gods ca n’t be killed, even if they are broken up, it will take three to five years to slow, and one to two years for their **** son to stand out. , Become the new Lord of Fear, and be resurrected again. "

"So, those powerful real gods who are afraid of the undead power of these evil gods simply ignore it?"

"It's not a disregard, it's just ... It's too long to whip."

"How could it be? How vast is the power of the ancient deities? If an ancient **** is always staring at that evil god, and as long as he is resurrected, he will kill him, and he will certainly not be given the chance of the evil **** in the world."

Baili Qingfeng is a little puzzled.

Linge glanced at Baifeng Qingfeng and sighed: "And those evil gods generally dare not provoke particularly powerful deities, let alone those ancient congenital gods that are almost equivalent to part of our double moon realm, evil gods do not provoke Top gods and ancient gods, ancient gods also need to devote a lot of energy to deal with an evil god. In this case ... there are not so many great existences who are willing to spend time on those evil gods, so that the evil **** has always existed to this day. "

Baili Qingfeng can understand the deities ’practices, but ...

Does not agree.

"Here is the evil spirit meeting."

Ringer said that he had entered the palace first.

A girl with ninth-level cultivation at the gate of the palace was responsible for welcoming him. When he saw Green, he greeted him immediately: "Master Green."

"Your Excellency Sky Crane is available."

"Master is inside, please come with me."

Said the girl, with an empty hand, brought Ringer and Baili Qingfeng to the inner hall.

Ringer also introduced Baili Qingfeng: "Lord Sky Crane is a title legend with mastery of magic and semi-artifacts. He is a senior deacon of the Zhuxiehui Xiangyangcheng branch, and his master is Zhu. One of the six presidents of the evil society, Master Yunqiao. "

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Ringer couldn't help but see the calm appearance of Baili Qingfeng, and then added a sentence: "Master Yunqiao is one of the most famous high-order demigods in China, and is called the most away from God. Close man! There was once the glorious record of killing the mythical beast by one person, supplemented by some traps! "

"The man closest to God?"

That is not the true God.

Baili Qingfeng nodded, indicating that he knew.

It's not good to see Ringer on the side, and I can't reiterate the strength of this Master Yunqiao.

It seemed that Baili Qingfeng was aware of Lin Luo's intention at this time, and he tentatively asked: "How much is this Master Yunqiao ranked?"


Ringer didn't turn around for a while.

"Yes, it is the demigod leaderboard."

Baili Qingfeng said: "It is a list made by those authoritative organizations based on the record of all demigods in the whole Middle-earth. According to my understanding, this list is an indispensable thing."

It took a while for Linger to keep up with the rhythm of Baili Qingfeng: "Mr. Baili said that it is similar to the rankings on trails such as the" Hundred Battle List "Longhua List" Going to the God List "? These lists Although it exists, it is only for everyone to communicate privately, and there is no authoritative organization to release it. Moreover, these private exchange lists may not necessarily represent all the demigods in our entire Middle-earth world. "

Speaking of which, he said with emotion: "Middle-earth is vast, millions of kilometers long, and 800,000 kilometers long. Such a vast land, even if a true **** wants to go back and forth, it will take half a year, let alone Outside of Middle-earth, there may be a country developed in a reckless ancient forest, and the powerful ones are like clouds, so which list of forces can cover the entire Middle-earth? "

Baili Qingfeng heard something unexpected.

Middle-earth, there is not even a decent list.

Not to mention those Qianlong list, Fengyun list, beauty list, true **** list, demigod list should have it.

The results are some small lists that cannot be communicated on a small scale on the countertop?

At this time, Ringer and Baili Qingfeng had come to the room of Tianhe, a senior deacon of the Zhuxie Society.

Seeing Ringer, Tianhe greeted him, and then his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng. When he felt the volatility of his half-god's unique will, he looked slightly correct and quickly said: "This is ... "

"This is His Excellency Baili Qingfeng."

Ringer made an introduction, followed by adding: "It is the" Peace "will condensed by His Excellency Baili Qingfeng. None of us in the Middle-earth world has come to the throne with this will."


Tianhe felt a little bit, but the will of the demigod in front of him was full of faith in peace, stability, freedom, harmony and so on.

Is ...

Seems to have something strange inside.

What is the specific, he can not feel it.


Tianhe sighed with emotion.

He knew the reason why Ringer deliberately introduced Baili Qingfeng's will belief.

In the Sino-Turkish war, a true **** stands above him, overlooking all living beings, and a true **** with "peace" as the core of his will wants to survive, which is almost equivalent to insisting on not killing lives and saving people in war.

They do not recognize this practice, but they are also willing to respect this noble will.

"Mr. Baili."

Tianhe greeted carefully.

"Mr. Baili wants to deal with Lord Fear, but he does not know where the Lord Fear is. I think you and he should have a common goal, so I brought him over."

"To deal with the **** of fear?"

The sky crane lit up.

"Yes, if Lord Tianhe fears the whereabouts of the Divine Lord, please let me know."

"We have the whereabouts of Fear God Lord, but at present, our evil society will mainly focus on greedy God Lord, and there is no plan to attack God Fear."

"If you don't have time, I will go alone."

"A person?"

Tianhe took a closer look at Baifeng Qingfeng, and when he sensed that he was but the volatility of the first Jinshen's will, some regrets: "Mr. Baili, IMHO, although the evil **** is not good at killing, but it is not a The demi-gods can fight ... Even if your cultivation strength is three times stronger, the **** of fear will still die nine lives, so ... "

"I know that Evil God is powerful, but ... one of my disciples has been stared at by him, and if I am indifferent, she may not be able to escape the poison ... Therefore, I have to try it anyway."

Baili Qingfeng looked determined.

Tianhe glanced at Baili Qingfeng and estimated that even if he didn't tell him the fear of God's Lord, he would eventually be able to inquire with his demigod's ability. Then he said: "Mr. Baili is a little restless, so, I First report to my esteemed master, let my esteemed convene the chairman and honorary chairman to hold a meeting to see if we can formulate a plan for the **** of fear, if we have, we will act together, together with the power of more than a half , Supplemented by half-artifacts, and even the power of artifacts, we have the possibility of breaking up an evil god. "

"Then there will be work."

Baili Qingfeng said: "However, time is running short. I want to monitor the Lord of Fear first, so as to prevent him from attacking my disciples before the high-level extortion committee discusses the results. Let me know that you can rest assured that I will not take the initiative against the **** of fear until the results on your side are negotiated. "

If you just watch ...

Tianhe nodded.

Now he seems to have communicated with him through an unknown method.

Not long ago, a man with a half-step legendary cultivation behavior entered the parlor and handed a box to Tianhe.

After the half-step legend left, Tianhe opened the box and took out one of the jade stones: "Because there is fear in everyone's heart, the news leaks, and we are burned in this jade stone."

After finishing the talk, he will have a piece ...

Xiaolingtong-sized spar cards were handed to Baili Qingfeng: "The newly developed developer chip is said to be a creation developed from the technical inspiration of another world. Our developer chip has a good anti-peeping function. We will tell you the first time through the development of the results of the meeting. Before that, you must not act rashly. "

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng carefully nodded: "Thank you."

"It's not too late, so I will go to my Master Yunqiao and ask him to call the chairmen to hold a projection meeting."

Tianhe said with a cry.

And Baili Qingfeng also stood up and left.

After the evil meeting, Baili Qingfeng thanked Green: "Mr. Ringer, thank you for your enthusiastic help. Without you, I am still going around in the city of Yangyang. How can I get the whereabouts of the **** of fear so quickly ? "

"You're welcome, just the little things you can do."

"According to your enthusiasm, I can guess that the God of Justice must be a good God ... Unfortunately, I already have the" Peace "faith, otherwise I will definitely convert to the God of Justice."

Ringer wanted to tell Baili Qingfeng ~ ~ It's difficult to take the road of "peace" in Middle-earth, but ...

Since Baili Qingfeng has condensed into the core will with "peace", if he refutes his beliefs, I am afraid that he will fall directly from the demi-god back to the high-level legend, and even whether he can keep the core of the will is a problem, so he can only Suppressed this idea.

"Mr. Baili, I'll say goodbye first, good luck, and hope you can carry out your will and faith."

"I will."

Baili Qingfeng nodded cautiously.

Ringer turned and left.

And Baili Qingfeng ...

Picked up the piece of jade and sensed it carefully. Through the information transmission, he quickly learned the range of activities of the **** of fear.

"This **** ... seems to be investigating the Supreme Sword !?"

Baili Qingfeng digested the news, and his eyes lit up.

It seemed that Xiaozhu's parents were chased and killed by the immortal Divine Emperor just to seal the Supreme Sword.

Fear God is investigating the Supreme Sword, if you are lucky ...

He might be able to help Xiaozhu find his parents at once.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng rose into the sky and went straight to the Doomsday Mountains as the message says.

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