The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1044: Fearless

Fear **** son Yu Hitomi's sentence "Kill and talk first" has not been finished yet, and the body is directly penetrated by Jianguang.

The speed of terror carries amazing kinetic energy, which makes this sword burst through its body with unparalleled strength. Even if his body is extremely strong, it is still smashed by the power contained in it.

This abrupt change has made this **** of fear, who has condensed the will of fear, ignorant.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

"Your Highness !?"

"Your Highness is gone !?"

At this time, the three legendary strongmen beside Youtong reacted and screamed one after another.

"Divine art !? This is divine art!"

You Tong's face changed greatly, and shouted at the first time: "Quick, stop him, I'll ask my father and God to do it himself!"

When the will sweeps between the speeches, he will run away.

But before he could run away, Baili Qingfeng in the void suddenly accelerated.

Under the human sword sword-level electromagnetic sabre technique, his body looks like a teleportation. In less than one breathing time, he suddenly broke through a distance of several kilometers between the two, appeared in front of the fear **** son Youtong, and ... …

Starry sky appeared.

The shining galaxy transformed by the spiritual world is like a scroll sweeping through the sky, and in a moment it will contain only the pupil of God's will.

"His Royal Highness ..."

"His Royal Highness, let's go to His Majesty the Lord for help!"

The remaining three legends saw that even His Royal Highness, the equivalent of the demigod, was killed by the human demigod in a single face. How dare you continue to stay here, one by one, rushing towards the distance as quickly as possible Avoid.

But Baili Qingfeng didn't let them go.

Fear God is Evil God.

His fear church is also a cult.

These cultists do everything they can to spread fear, and some actions can even be directly punished as crimes against humanity.

Do not……

Those who have committed such guilt are actually no longer human.

Since it is non-human ...

Then he naturally doesn't need any mercy.

Followed him to take a virtual step, the electric light burst.

Under the electromagnetic swordsmanship of the combination of human swords, he instantly killed a legend.

"This lord, I was forced ..."

The legend screamed for arrogance, but it did n’t make any sense.

The sword light flickered, and he instantly struck him with a sword.

Then his figure turned, the strength of his feet exploded, and the electromagnetic swordsmanship was reappeared. His figure was like an excalibur that chopped the sky, killing another legendary body at the speed of breaking through the speed of sound ...


Because the acceleration provided by the electromagnetic swordsmanship was too fast, he was too late to swing his sword. This legend was directly smashed by his bones with the force of the impact, and he died on the spot.

Even Baili Qingfeng himself did not respond to this impact.

Shook his head, he quickly stopped the electromagnetic swordsmanship.

"The sword technique of this man's sword unity is only suitable for going straight. If you want to turn and move, the speed and angle are a bit difficult to control ..."

Baili Qingfeng recovered, and the third legend had already fled thousands of kilometers.

He was too lazy to pursue, his left hand stretched out, and a flying sword immediately spun in front of his palm.


Accompanied by a circle of electric light.

This flying sword instantly caught up with the fleeing legend, shot him volley, and then shot tens of thousands of meters, flew a "C" shape, reversed back, and shot towards Baili Qingfeng.


Was held firmly by him and held in his hand.

"Who are you !? I am the most trusted and feared Son of God, His Majesty the Lord of Fear. You are a demigod of human beings. No matter what kind of divinity you have, dare to capture me, your Father God will never let you go ..."

At this moment, in the galaxy transformed by the spiritual world of Baili Qingfeng, the horror **** son Youtong is shouting in the inside.

"Are you the most trusted and favored Son of God?"

Baili Qingfeng heard his words light up.

I didn't think my luck was so good, I caught a **** son who had the best relationship with the **** of fear.

"Yes, His Father His Majesty has been trusting me all the time, and he has given me the difficult task to perform. Once I have something unexpected, His Father His Majesty can feel it immediately and come in person, therefore, I urge you to let me go immediately, I can still think that nothing has happened, if I wait for my father to come ... Thunder is furious, waiting for you, only the soul flying away! "

You Tong heard the change of Baili Qingfeng's tone, thinking that his threat had some effect, and quickly shouted.

"Captured you, fear that the Lord of God will feel the heart, so he will come in person ..."

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

This is troublesome.

He promised that Zhuxie would not shoot at the **** of fear, so as not to hit the grass and startle the snake.

But now ...

He looked at the dread **** son in front of him and felt things a little tricky for a while.

Fear God Son Youtong seemed to be hesitant to sense Baili Qingfeng's emotions, and said quickly: "You are just a demigod. It is not worth mentioning before my great Father God, the demigod that His Father cut off. Hundreds, his powerful even those true gods, even the gods who opened up the kingdom of God did not dare to provoke easily, let alone you? Do n’t let me go, wait for my father and God to come, you will be finished, not only you will Death, your family, your friends, all the people who are related to you, will fall into endless pain and fear, panic will not end all day, then ... "

He has a stern look, a fierce tone, and full of fierceness.

Is just ...

Talking, he faintly felt something was wrong.

Why ...

The mood in front of this person is no longer shaking?

Has even become very firm, it seems ...

Want to burn all jade! ?

"I forgot!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the horrifying **** son Youtong in front of him: "You can never reason with the evil god, the horror of the evil **** is far beyond our imagination, let alone provoke him, even if he is nagging his name, he feels, Next, ordinary people like us will always be tormented by pain and fear. I have offended the Lord God of Fear, and, in the end, will fight the Lord God of Fear, in other words ... I have no retreat ... even I do n’t do it, but I fear that the Lord of God has discovered my existence, and I have to fight. "

"Hmm !? What are you doing?"

Fear of the **** son Yu Hitomi's spiritual will with a trace of panic: "I tell you, don't mess up ..."

"Putting hope on others is in itself a denial of yourself! It is a fear of the fear of God! I always remember that the only way to deal with fear is to face the fear! With a fearless, fearless belief and fear Separate life and death! As long as I can guarantee that my faith is not shaken, my determination is not disturbed, and my courage is burnt to the fullest, even if I fear the Lord, I can't help but divide me! "

Baili Qingfeng said that his eyes were firm, and he was full of a fiery faith.

Faith is like a sword, spirit is like fire, and it is burning.

Two hundred and fifty-six stars shine madly, and the fearlessness contained in it seems to rise to the sky, tearing the sky, even if it is only the afterglow that shines, letting the pupil of the fearful **** have a kind of burn. illusion.

"This belief ..."

Fear God Son Youtong opened his eyes, feeling the fierce and invincible determination of Baili Qingfeng, this moment ...

He has three words in his heart, and he really wants to talk about it.

"Peace can never be achieved without countless bloodsheds and sacrifices. Peace can only be developed by relying on countless martyrs with fearless courage and fearless courage. The path of peace is destined to leave numerous bones ... but On this road, I fell down, and thousands more came out, waved the flag of peace in my hand, and said no to all creatures that wanted to destroy this beautiful creature! "

Baili Qingfeng screamed loudly.

Fiery faith is strong and extreme.

"Fear God Lord, you come, I am not afraid of you!"

In the long roar, Baili Qingfeng's heart was full of bright faith, overflowing with the determination of peace.

The combination of various forces has evolved into countless lights!

Shines like a blazing sun, breaking through the barrier of the spiritual world, breaking through the blockade of the material world, as if turned into substance, forming a big day, hanging the sky dome, spreading tens of kilometers around.

And under this ray of light, the first thing to bear is the fear **** son Yu Hitomi ...

The radiant light burst around the spiritual world, shining, for a time, his figure seemed to be exposed to the ice and snow in the blazing sun ...

"Lying *!"

Youtong shouted sternly.

Although Baili Qingfeng's spiritual will was not specifically aimed at him, he couldn't stand him because of fear.

Facing Baili Qingfeng's will full of light, full of fearlessness, full of bloodshed, full of sacrifice, full of fearless will, it feels almost as good as Lingchi ...

"Forgiveness ... No, brother, forgiveness ..."

Youtong's will continues to reverberate in the spirit world of Baili Qingfeng.

It is a pity that all the spirit of Baili Qingfeng is concentrated on the forthcoming **** of fear ~ ~ under the support of two hundred and fifty-six spirits, the scope of his telescope is reached to the extreme, monitoring Thousands of kilometers away, how can there be so much time to deal with such a semi-god-like fear son of Youtong?

"Fear God!"

Time lapses while waiting.

Three minutes, ten minutes, half an hour ...

Baili Qingfeng this is half an hour.

For half an hour, it seems reasonable to say that the Lord of Fear, who should be coming soon, did not move at all.

Not to mention his true God, even if his incarnation is not meant to be lowered.

At least, within a thousand kilometers radius, he did not see any existence of a suspected **** of fear.

"Say it coming soon?"

For a time, Baili Qingfeng was a little unknown.

"Continue to press the fear **** son!"

After a while, Baili Qingfeng did not see the Lord of Fear, and he had to refocus his energy on You Tong, the God of Fear.

From this point of view, there are only some traces left in the spiritual world indicating that there has been some will of fear ...

As for the horrifying **** child ...

Has nothing left and is wiped out by all.

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