The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1046: powerful


Baili Qingfeng's eyes stayed on the **** of fear for a moment, and keenly found that the body of the evil **** of the **** of fear was slightly different from the body of the true **** of other gods.

In addition to energy, the **** bodies of other true gods also have a material structure. Once they are exploded by electromagnetic swordsmanship, the energy is scattered and the material is destroyed. Even if each of their energy and material contains the will of God, this kind of Attacks can still cause damage to them.

If Baili Qingfeng does not give them any breathing time, they can take advantage of the opportunity to incorporate their will of God into the galaxy transformed by the spiritual world and wipe it out.

But the body of the evil **** who fears the Lord ...

This is a real energy structure, without any substance in it.

Even if their energy structure is broken up, they can still condense it by the will of God at the first time, and the loss in this process is minimal.

In other words, even if Baili Qingfeng exploded his body of evil spirits again and again, exploding into nothingness, they could still condense the body of evil spirits with the energy of will.

This process is like the incarnation of the condensed energy of the true **** whose **** body was destroyed.

"This is where the evil spirits are entangled ... Although they are not as strong as the true gods in terms of body strength, they are completely a body combined with energy and will, making them equivalent to real immortality."

Baili Qingfeng felt the pressure.

"Profan, if this is your true strength, then this seat is too disappointing."

The voice of God of Fear swayed in the void.

Each of his words seems to contain special fluctuations, which can excite the fear at the very beginning of the intelligent life to the greatest extent, if not because the spiritual belief of Baili Qingfeng has been strong enough to put all fears behind. Inevitably score the spirit to suppress the misunderstanding, Shi Chengxiu was weakened by 20%.

"I know you have a very powerful divine art. That kind of divine art is amazing for the true god, but for the gods who live by fear, it's not worth mentioning!"

Speaking of this, the will of fear in the void exploded to the extreme.

Fear God Lord's roaring roar, which is composed of countless injustices, was swallowed at Baili Qingfeng's body!

As he said, the flames may be able to evaporate the water droplets, but if the drop is not a water droplet, but a monstrous tsunami, no matter how big the flames will be wiped out in front of the power swept by the tsunami.

Under the swallowing of this dragon of unjust souls, the brilliance of Baili Qingfeng's belief was directly submerged in one fell swoop, although a large number of unjust souls melted under the light of the light and evaporated into water mist, but more unjust souls were like storms Rushing to the Baili Qingfeng, just the vanguard force among them, has brought him a sharp pain from the spiritual level, that feeling ...

It seems that the soul is being divided and torn a little bit.

"Hmm !? Wait a minute!"

Baili Qingfeng felt the change of his spiritual world, and suddenly found this feeling a bit familiar.

"Split, tear?"

Isn't this exactly the kind of pain when he split his mind.

However, the process of splitting his spirit is equivalent to directly splitting his halves in half, which is equivalent to losing one arm, thigh and other parts at a time, and the damage caused by the fearful God Dragon of the Wicked Soul is similar to using a knife to him. The body keeps cutting.

Although the severity is far from being comparable to the loss of one arm or thigh, this kind of sustained minor injury is enough to make people collapse ...

"Attacks of this magnitude are not enough to divide my spirit, unless the Lord of Fear condenses all power into one ..."

Baili Qingfeng's spirit was convulsed, and the stars realm was excited, and the star force field of the double moon realm came suddenly.

For a time, no matter whether it was God of Fear or another God of Fear, he clearly realized that a force of terror between heaven and earth was frantically brewing, and climbed to the peak in an instant.

"That magic!"

The pupil of Fear God's eyes shrank.

A powerful will erupted, and his entire person was directly transformed from a demonic humanoid into a black tornado, and he fled towards the end of the sky at the fastest speed.

Even so, the next second, the bright light and endless heat are still flooding the whole world in an instant ...


A huge fireball was born.

The sky above the dome of the Doomsday Mountains seemed to light a sun, covering all the radiance between heaven and earth.

Different spectrums and the sun's rays intersect each other, making the sky and earth tens of kilometers away become a dark red, that kind of scene ...

Is like the end of the world.

After the light of the fireball shines to the extreme, the high-frequency air pressure formed by the violent explosion of compressed air sweeps through the destructive shock wave and explodes in all directions, destroying all the trees and rocks along the way, and everything in the core area is even more Burned to ashes by tens of millions of high temperatures.

Even in the mountains and forests more than ten kilometers away, they were still ignited by the blazing fire under the terrifying heat.

Burn the sky and cook the sea!

However ...


Is like what Baili Qingfeng guessed.

The will of the true God still depends on the body, and as long as it is the body, it must contain a certain material structure. This structure faces the nihilism of divine art, and once it hits, it will disappear.

But Evil God has completely abandoned the concept of body and completely transformed itself into something like energy and matter. Their "life" is actually a conscious negative energy.

In this case, although the power of the Divine Void Explosion has turned the core circle within a few kilometers into powder, for them, it is only for them to complete an energy transformation, as long as their will will not be destroyed. This negative energy has everything.


In the endless flames and glare, the body of the horror **** swept the fiery high temperature and rolled out like a lord of the abyss coming out of purgatory.

The ten-meter-tall body is not only wrapped with a lot of wrong souls, but also contains a terrible flame.

That terrifying image is enough to make anyone who witnessed his true God fall into a nightmare.

"So strong, the magic is nothing ..."

This scene made Baili Qingfeng look awkward.

"This seat said that your nihilism has no meaning to this seat ..."

The fearful God Lord's will with infinite oppression echoed in the void.

Speaking of which, he seemed to think of something: "Oh, maybe this seat should not be called this divine art ... At that time, in that world of imperative power, this seat had witnessed a similar power ..."

"Wit witnessed a similar force !?"

"Although this power is not worth mentioning to this seat, but ... there is still a great deterrent to the **** body of the true god, especially when it comes to that incompetent level world ... Feng, presumably the ancient gods who were so powerful and powerful enough to shine in the world are happy to find you a good understanding of the source of this power and crack it ... "

Fear God finished, the huge body had already passed the void.

"But ... you have no chance to dedicate this power to those gods ..."


The devil-like figure of the **** of fear is torn off, swept through the monstrous injustice, wailing, and flames, it seems that the body of Baili Qingfeng will be turned into a powder ...

Baili Qingfeng sacrificed the golden demon disintegration technique for the first time. The golden flames interspersed with the bright arc to illuminate the sky, and the mighty air waves even went straight to the sky.

Faced with the figure that the fear **** rushed to kill, the sword in his hand was thrust stiffly.

Although it is only the most common sword, the moment the sword was assassinated, the air of hundreds of meters in the air was compressed by the power of terror, condensed into one, and turned into an indestructible sword.


Howling wind!

The space in front seems to have a fighter flying at supersonic speed, and all the trees and grass scraps are twisted into powder by the power of this sword.

The demon-like body of the fear **** burst into ripples when he collided with Jiangang ...


He clearly has the power to confront this Jiangang directly, but he let these Jiangang penetrate his body, and the body easily completed the transformation of reality and reality.

Attack ...

Is almost invalid!

Ten percent of the damage seems to be reduced by ninety-nine percent with this virtual and real transformation!

Through the swords of Baili Qingfeng, the fist of the God of Fear carried the endless wailing, screams, flames, and souls of injustice, and threw the body of Baifeng Qingfeng hard.

For a time, not only his body was shocked, as if he was penetrated by the power of a punch, even his will of God was like being run over by a giant wheel, and the bright light suddenly became dim.

Is like a blazing flame that was swept by a tsunami ...

Goes out!

A large amount of fear will blast into the spiritual world of Baili Qingfeng, and quickly absorb his spiritual power, it seems to take root and sprout at the fastest speed.

But just as these wills of fear are about to permeate the spiritual world of Baili Qingfeng, 256 spiritualized stars in the spiritual world shine at the same time.

Although the light of each of these stars is a bit worse than the will of God, when the light of 256 stars is intertwined in one, the light emitted is shining to the extreme, the layer Under the combination of layers, the center of his spiritual world is like a real star ~ ~ a star with infinite light and heat!

The tsunami that destroyed the flame transformed by the will of his god, after touching the magnificent glory of this star, evaporated on the spot, leaving nothing left.


Baili Qingfeng's figure did not suffer any harm except that he was struck backwards ten steps by the eruption of the fear god.

"Um !? That's ... Astral !? The astral will engulfed the fear of this seat?"

The huge and gigantic figure of the God of Fear has a slight meal.


Is just a pause.

"What about the will of the astral world? The power contained in this fearful will is endless. Soon, your will, faith, and spirit will be completely crushed and disintegrated, and you will be completely transformed into a slave of fear. When the time comes ... ... all the secrets in you will belong to you. "

The fear **** spreads the fear to his heart, and the powerful force is mixed with the will of fear to fight again.

This scene made Baili Qingfeng's heart sink.

"I really deserve to be a **** of fear, powerful and powerful ... Although his fear will not shake my spiritual world, but my attack can not cause any harm to him ..."

Evil God's intractability and strangeness are far beyond his imagination.

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