The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1050: Feedback

The evil society.

After all, Yunqiao followed Tianhe's words, summoned several other presidents of the Zhuxie Society, and convened a plan to discuss whether to deal with the fear of God.

Of course, the theme of this meeting is the next action against the greedy God Lord.

At this time, the staff had not arrived yet. The presidents, vice-presidents, honorary presidents and others of the Zhuxie Association were gathering in twos and threes to chat together.

But the difference is that among the dozen or so presidents in the audience, almost no one showed his real body, and all used a kind of existence-like communication.

After 100,000 years of development, the civilization of the Middle-earth world practitioners, in order to facilitate the rule, the lower level of civilization is relatively backward, but the technology mastered by the legendary upper level is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Is like this ability similar to the incarnation of the outside body.

Powerhouses above the semi-god level store their will into the instrument through a special instrument, and input divine power when they need to use it, so that they can condense an avatar thousands of kilometers and tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Although this avatar is a temporary existence and has little combat power, it is only used for communication and communication, which is countless times more clever than the so-called holographic projection of the earth world.

"Chairman Gong Xuan is here. What happened to the conflict between the Kingdom of Gods and the Demon Fox Tribe you opened up? It is said that the scale of the war is expanding."

"It's really troublesome, mainly because there is currently a shortage of resources, and the guardian **** array can't be arranged, so that it is very passive under the sneak attack of those demon fox people ... You also know that in recent times, many gods have been very strict with top resources. . "

"This is indeed the case, is it for the service of the upcoming war? I remember that President Long Lin has recently responded to the call of the **** of war and went to that invincible world? How is that world? If it is dangerous If it ’s not high, I also plan to make two laps in the past to see if I can complete some of the tasks promulgated by the great beings and obtain resources. "

"That world of almighty level possesses all kinds of alchemy weapons. It is amazingly powerful and can destroy the body of the gods. In addition, the energy level of the world is too low, and the magical power is not obvious. We went to that world. The body, and the living body with an excessively high energy level enters that world, the process of power venting will trigger a drastic astronomical change, thus attracting the other party's attack, and one will fall accidentally. "

"Lost an undead body, it is easy to be set on fire ..."

Several presidents talked about this, and their expressions were full of fear.

At that time, the gods at dusk was because their world had underestimated the invincible world seriously, which caused huge losses.

It is said that the true **** that war fell into that world of amazing power reached an amazing three-digit number.

Drawing on this lesson, the top ancient existences in the two-moon world promoted the change of the world of infinite power on the one hand and upgraded it to a world of low energy, on the other hand, it constantly sent soldiers to sneak into the world of infinite power to explore. Obtain information to avoid the situation of the fiasco like last time.

"Actually, I suggest you to train more subordinates of the Grand Knight level or the half-step legendary level, and the subordinates who travel to that world can cause the most damage."

Is a high-level semi-shinto known as the president of Dragon Pro.

"Big Knight? Half-step legend? I heard that people in that world made an alchemy creation called 'Mecha'. The fighting power is amazing, and the legendary strong are difficult to match. The big knight and half-step legend go to their world. Is n’t it how many die? "

"That's the case, but we are vast in the middle of the earth. How many great knights and half-step legends? And the number of their alchemy creations in the world called" Mecha "is quite limited, as long as we are willing to pay enough losses, naturally Can destroy their low-energy world. "

"That's not necessarily the case. The civilization of the low-energy world has a powerful range of attack methods. Whether it is an" anti-matter bomb "or a" hydrogen bomb ", the power is very amazing. Once it is put into use, it burns the sky and burns the sea. Ten kilometers were razed to the ground, the power of which was even greater than God ’s punishment. This weapon, combined with the alchemical “satellite” and some “space-based weapons”, formed a powerful protective net, which really made thousands of them. The big knights and half-step legends rushed into that world in one breath, and they will definitely use this weapon. "

Dozens, hundreds of big knights, half-step legends lose their attention, but the death of tens of thousands of big knights, half-step legends can be said to be crippling for any force.

There are many true gods in the two-moon world, divided into dozens of gods, big and small, on average, each of the people under the true **** has hundreds of millions of people.

Among hundreds of millions of people, the ratio of the Grand Knight and the half-step legend is often one in ten thousandths, or even one in ten thousandths.

"Okay, everyone, this topic is meaningless. At this moment, the invincible world and we are playing vividly and vividly, it is nothing more than occupying the geographical advantage. If they dare to come to our world, they must be taught to come and go."

A vice president spoke.

Others also nodded their heads. Although they were afraid of the talented world in their words, they did not feel too much pressure.

After all, they are also half-legged standing in front of the threshold of the true god. Anti-matter bombs and hydrogen bombs are not enough. Once they can achieve the true god, the physical level can no longer cause fatal damage to them.

An honorary president saw everyone slack and couldn't help but say: "The real terrible thing in that world is its potential, not its current combat power. With the investigation of the true god, the civilization of that world has been developing for less than ten thousand years. If it is not suppressed, After a thousand years ... I am afraid that the strength of the two realms will be reversed ... "

"Millennium? There is no more than a thousand years in that world. It will be a few decades fast and a few decades slow. That world will inevitably rise to a low-energy level. By that time, the immortal characteristics of those great true gods will be exerted. How long can the world last? "

Seeing the meeting, Yunqiao saw that everyone was going to argue again, coughed, and quickly stopped: "Okay, President Luo Ming has arrived, everyone, let's discuss specific matters to deal with the greedy Lord God."

Yunqiao opened, and vice presidents and honorary presidents such as Gong Xuan and Long Lin changed their topics.

Everyone discussed the details of dealing with Lord Lan Tan.

Half an hour later, all kinds of intelligence exchanges about the greedy God Lord were completed, and everyone formulated strict tactics for the upcoming war.

"That line was so decided. I got the news. Three months later, the church of the greedy **** will hold a large-scale sacrifice to sacrifice the greedy god. At that time, it is the best time for us to initiate a crusade against the greedy god. time!"

Zhuxie Association President Luo Mingdao.


"Three months later ... exactly, my magic will be completely completed ..."

"Greedy Lord God, this will be the second evil **** we have defeated since the establishment of the evil spirit club!"

Every demigod is full of confidence.

Seeing this topic come to an end, Yunqiao said: "You, since we have formulated a plan to strangle the greedy god, we can execute it next. With the sufficiency of our preparation, the feasibility of defeating the greedy **** is over 80%. While everyone is here, should we discuss and choose a new target? "

"A new goal. Does President Yunqiao have any suggestions?"

"Yes! I suggest putting the next target on the **** of fear."

Yunqiao Road.

"Fear God ..."

The name made dozens of high-level semi-god-level presidents, vice presidents, and honorary presidents whisper in the field.

"Compared to the Greed God Lord less than 100 years ago, the fear God Lord ... This is an evil **** that has survived for more than 500 years ... He is more difficult to deal with than the Greed God Lord ..."

President said hesitantly.

"It is because of fear that the Lord of God is strong, so we have to defeat it as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer it will become, the stronger He will become, until he wants to kill the Lord of God, beyond the limit of our evil society."

Yunqiao Road.

"I think I should wait for the fear of the Lord God. When we killed the first evil **** at that time, everyone expressed doubts about our ability. If we can successfully defeat the second evil god, we The power of the evil society will undoubtedly be recognized by the entire Middle-earth world. By that time, there must be countless half-gods who hate these evil gods to join our evil society, so that our evil society will surge in power and wait for us. The evil will be strong enough, and it ’s not too late to deal with the fear of God. "

Said a vice president.

"Yes, now we need to rely on battle to fight our reputation and attract more demigods to join us. Before we have enough power, it is not appropriate to eat the most difficult bites of fear, killing, destruction, darkness, etc. A few hard bones. "

Another vice president followed.

It was Luo Ming. He glanced at Yunqiao and wondered: "Why did you suddenly come up with this suggestion today?"

Yunqiao glanced at everyone, and saw that almost no one agreed with his proposal, and had to smile bitterly to tell the story of Baili Qingfeng.

Hearing his words, the vice presidents were silent for a while.

"Is the belief in the demise of" peace "... We have a heart to help him, but now, it is really not the first time to deal with the fear of God ..."

Luo Ming pity.

"After the defeat of the greedy God Lord, we will vigorously promote this record to see if we can attract more demi-gods to join us. If the power of the evil society will soar, we will help him to deal with the fear of God Lord.

Several other presidents followed.

Seeing Yunqiao, it's hard to speak again.

At this time, Tianhe suddenly rushed into the room where Yunqiao held the incarnation meeting, and quickly said: "Master, let's do it! Baili Qingfeng and Fear God took the initiative!"

"Do it now !?"

Yunqiao's face changed: "Don't you say that he will not impulsively take the initiative to fear God?"

"I don't know what happened, but this is not the point, the point is ..."

Tianhe was about to explain, and at this time, the others in the conference room seemed to hear Yunqiao and Tianhe talking. Luo Ming asked suddenly: "What happened?"

"The demigod Baili Qingfeng who believes in" peace "took the initiative to the **** of fear ~ ~ started?"

Luo Ming was stunned, and then, with a face full of booing, said: "I remember you said that he is just a new demigod? Once exposed, sheep into the tiger's mouth."

Yunqiao nodded heavily.

He should n’t have promised to let Tianhe give the information of God of Fear to Baili Qingfeng, now ...

Vainly hurt his life.

"But which president is near the Doomsday Mountains? See if you can rescue the Baili Qingfeng again?"

Yunqiao Road.

"I am less than 10,000 kilometers away from the Doomsday Mountains, but in the past it took at least half a day, when the daylily was cold ..."

President Long Lin sighed: "Forget it, I'll run for a while, to consolidate his body for him, so as not to expose him to the wilderness ..."

"Ah, that's the only thing ... This kind of demigod of belief will not grow easily ..."

Yunqiao Road.

"No, not ..."

Tianhe saw the Master with great emotion, and quickly said: "Master ... That is not the point, the point is ... Fear of the Lord, it seems that he was suppressed by the Baili Qingfeng.


(I feel that this is not round enough.)

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