The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1053: Immortal name

"His Royal Highness, the key to the truly powerful and terrifying evil gods is that their power is almost endless, and their immortality is immortal. His Royal Highness sealed the **** of fear in the spiritual world, although it can stop the **** of fear from evil. , But it is also a very dangerous approach. If you feel any difficulties during the period, please explain to us that we will do our best to help as long as we can help. "

President Luo Ming said cautiously.

"I know, I will stick to it."

Baili Qingfeng said, considering that he had consumed some of the chalcedony during this time, he said: "I don't know if I can get a rejuvenating drug similar to the chalcedony? The more the better, huh, I can exchange the essence of the Evil God. "

"Rejuvenating drugs? No problem."

Luo Ming immediately said to a young man who looked like a disciple behind him: "Go and get the" God Refining True Water "in my luggage."

"Yes, Master."

The man retreated.

"I have two copies of chalcedony on my body, and this is given to His Highness Baili Qingfeng. He is grateful to His Highness Baili Qingfeng for his contribution to the destruction of the evil **** in the Middle-earth."

"I also have some."

"Count me in."

President Luo Ming opened his mouth, and the others echoed.

However, Baili Qingfeng is not willing to flatten the benefits of the audience, and the price of the things that several presidents have brought out has reached 70,000 or 8,000 gods of gold coins. He forcibly took out a quintessence of the evil **** who feared the **** to let the evil society. The average distribution of the crowd.

"His Highness Bai Feng Qingfeng is too kind."

Luo Ming saw that the benefits were not sent out, and I felt a little sorry in my heart.

If Baili Qingfeng can take over these things, he will then use Baili Qingfeng to conquer the fear of the Lord to promote the evil society, and he will be justified.

And now ...

"Your Highness Baili Qingfeng can open up to fight against the **** of fear with one person's strength. This kind of courage and courage is really my role model. Since the establishment of the evil society, our purpose is to defeat the evil god, and strive to protect the middle-earth world from all evil spirits For the suffering of the scourge, if His Highness Baili Qingfeng can be regarded as our evil club, we would like to invite His Royal Highness to become the honorary president of our evil club. "

"Join the Zhuxie Society ..."

Baili Qingfeng is not exclusive of joining the Zhuxiehui. He also wants to learn more about the evil spirit through the channel of the Zhuxiehui, but ...

"President Luo Ming can know the immortal Divine Emperor?"

Luo Ming stunned, and immediately said: "Of course, although I am just a junior less than 500 years old, I do n’t know much about these ancient existences, but I also know that this ancient existence is ours. One of the oldest surviving ancient gods in the earth world, any soul that yearns for eternity, immortality, and detachment ca n’t get rid of the fate that is entangled with this ancient existence, just as if people live under the general sun And the dazzling blazing sun overhanging the sky are entangled ... "

"I have some contradictions with this immortal Divine Emperor ... Of course, although I understand that He is very powerful, I do n’t regret what I did, even now, when I have the power, I still have to He spoke reasonably ... but, for this contradictory reason, he seemed to want to deal with me. If I join the evil spirit society, I am afraid that it will affect you all. "

Baili Qingfeng Road.

"There are some contradictions with Immortal Divine Emperor ..."

Baili Qingfeng's words shook Luo Ming's long pupil.

The original reason for persuasion was stuck in the throat.

"Immortal Divine Emperor ..."

"Actually the great ancient existence, I heard that the ancient existence has been awakened in these years ... It will not be long before it will return to its peak state ..."

"If His Highness Baili Qingfeng offended only the ordinary true god, the power of our evil society would help him to follow this beam, but the immortal Divine Emperor and other great existence ... even if it was subjected to the blazing sun and the purple and silver double The fear and suppression of the moon, that is by no means our mortal society will be able to intervene ... "

Several chairmen glanced at each other, and each face was afraid.

Some timid people were even restless even staying here to face Baili Qingfeng, fearing that their actions would cause dissatisfaction with the great existence of the immortal Divine Emperor. .

For a while, Luo Ming regretted: "His Royal Highness Baili Qingfeng, I'm really sorry ... Although the Immortal Divine Emperor has just awakened from the self-proclaimed town, as an ancient deity, it has too much influence in our Middle-earth world. Great ... In the face of such ancient existence as Him, it would not cost much effort to crush our evil spirits, even if He has not yet returned to the peak ... "

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Although immortal Divine Emperor soon wakes up, he can use the power of the Supreme Sword to be able to slash tens of thousands of kilometers and hundreds of thousands of kilometers of true god-level strongmen. This kind of ability and means, even now he dare not imagine.

Although the purpose of the evil spirit society has been secretly supported by many true gods, even the gods, but after all, there is not even a true **** on the bright side, and it is impossible to offend such greatness standing on the top of the middle-earth world because of him. presence.

"Your Highness Baili Qingfeng ... If your contradiction with the Immortal Divine Emperor is not deep, you may wish to find a way to resolve this grievance, even if you pay a great price, if the contradiction cannot be resolved ... you will have to find a way out early. . "

Luo Ming kindly persuaded a sentence.

"Contradictions, shouldn't it be serious ... Although the immortal Divine Emperor's approach is a bit excessive, but strictly speaking, we are just a conflict of ideas ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought a bit.

Yunqiao also made an idea for Baili Qingfeng: "Previously, if you surrendered to the Lieyang Church, Yinyue Church, Ziyue Church, or you could make the immortal Divine Emperor fear, you dare not act rashly, but now ... … It seems that it is because of the invincible world on that side, that the few great beings are for the immortal Divine Emperor, even if you take refuge in the three major churches, they may not be able to protect you ... ”

"President Luo Ming, I need to deal with something, so I will leave first."

Seeing that the two of them actually made suggestions for Baili Qingfeng, a chairman stood up immediately.

Not only him, but several people said at the same time: "I also have something to do, so I will take a step first."

Luo Ming's eyes glanced from the crowd, and he understood in his heart that the real reason for their hastily leaving, he now had to say: "Everyone should be busy first, remember the action after three months."


Several people promised to leave.

As he walked out of the meeting room, another vice president complained: "Crazy! I was living in a room with someone who provokes ancient gods! Don't pull me on my own, and offend the immortal Divine Emperor , Don't you have a point in my heart, it's a real disaster ... "

Soon, the fourteen people in the conference room had gone so far that only Luoming, Longlin, and Yunqiao were left.

And Long Lin hesitated for a moment, and also stood up: "The two presidents, the immortal Divine Emperor, but master the ancient existence of the Supreme Sword, once he really kills the Baili Qingfeng, he has nothing to do with the world. shape……"

After he finished speaking, he also glanced at Baili Qingfeng: "Although I don't know what conflict you have with that ancient existence, but begging him for mercy and praying for his forgiveness is your only way out."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the demigod.

He can feel the goodwill in the other party's heart.

But it was this kind of goodwill that gradually made him look dignified.

When he was in the north, he didn't notice much, but he was in Middle-earth ...

Immortal Divine Emperor's influence is so great?

"His Highness Baifeng Qingfeng, although President Long Lin's words are somewhat direct, but ... is a very correct suggestion, I hope you give it some thought."

Luo Mingyu's focus is long.

"But ... I did nothing wrong, even in the contradiction with the immortal Divine Emperor, I always existed as a victim. He first cut a few swords at me from the air, and I was lucky to escape, and later dispatched The **** of eternal life and the **** of detachment came to kill me. Although I was repelled by various means and died in my life, but ... I was forced to fight back in self-defense ... "

"Immortal Divine Emperor has a sword against you !? You also killed his god!"

This time, President Luo Ming couldn't sit still, and he also stood up with him: "His Royal Highness, Baili Qingfeng, I sincerely suggest you, in addition to death ... even if you pay a big price, you can ask for it Forgiveness of the immortal Divine Emperor, otherwise, if you are all, you will probably face the disaster of extinction. "


Baili Qingfeng Road.

Luo Ming looked at Baili Qingfeng: "This is a very naive question, why? Because ... He, the immortal Divine Emperor, the supreme Sword Master, the prayer of the Middle-earth nations, eternal and immortal, immortal, immortal Immortal! "

Finished, he gave him a pity, turned around, and left the meeting room.

Soon, only Yunqiao, a high-level demigod, was left in the conference room.

He looked at Baili Qingfeng, his eyes a little complicated ...

Thought that the evil spirit society would be able to use the Baili Qingfeng to suppress the fear of the God of God. ~ I did n’t expect ...

He actually offended the immortal Divine Emperor!

Even the Immortal Divine Emperor made several swords in order to kill him, and even sent the longevity True God and the Transcendental True God to take action in person.

Although Baili Qingfeng was able to repulse these two true gods, it made him feel unbelievable.

After a while, he said: "His Royal Highness, if you and the immortal Divine Emperor really can't be resolved ... Go to the world of imperial power!"


Baili Qingfeng looked at Yunqiao.

"Go to that world of supernatural powers ... Although, you, as a demigod in that world, can no longer perform any mystery, but at least, you have dozens of wars before the two worlds are fully fought, and before that world of supernatural powers is completely destroyed, Years of stability ... "

Yunqiao said, his will fluctuated, and he seemed to convey any order.

Not long before, Tianhe had already handed in a document.

Yunqiao handed this information to the hands of Baili Qingfeng: "This is a survey that we blamed on the invincible world ... Hidden in that world, through this residual life, you can avoid dying in immortality The only way for Divine Emperor to be infinite. "

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