The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1062: Frank

"Now that he knows that he is indeed an infiltrator from the Double Moon Realm, what should I do next?"

Director Qiu asked.

"He has been hypnotized now, first ask him all the materials he can use, and then see if he can be controlled and rebelled by the spirit seed, but the possibility is very small. The invaders of the bimonthly world often believe in the true god. The spiritual world planted hints that it was okay here, once he returned to the two-moon realm, the true divine power appeared, and eventually he would only return the tiger to the mountain. "

Faithful way.

Director Qiu nodded deeply.

The true gods show various wonders in the two-moon world, even if they have been helpless until now.


"Probing family? Does your family live at 129 Baihua Street, Tianhua City? Father Li Xian and mother Zhang Zixin, according to the information provided by them, they have a son named Li Youzhi."

"Yes, yes, I called Li Buzhi earlier."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Had to say that their work efficiency was good, and even their original addresses and information were found out so quickly.

"So, Mr. Li Zhizhi, can you tell me about your message in that world? For example, where you live, political structure, system, strength of the martial arts, etc. Well, as you want to say, detailed a little."

"I live in the city of Xia ... Oh, maybe you do n’t know the city of Xia, it is a city in Xiahaizhou, the kingdom of Shia in the heaven and the wild ... It ’s not right, the kingdom of Xia is gone now, With the efforts of many people, Tianhuang Realm is finally free of war, peace has come to a deserted world, and now the world's political body should be called Tianhuang Federation ... "

Baili Qingfeng Road.

"Heavenly Federation?"

"Yes, the Union of Heaven and Earth, that ’s where I live, um, but it ’s very inconvenient to travel between the two places, otherwise I can really let everyone prove that I have lived in the city of Xia, and have never done anything. Things that endanger our earth federation. "

Baili Qingfeng said honestly.

"Wait a minute!"

Wang Su couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you from the double moon realm?"

"Shuangyue Realm is Shuangyue Realm, Tianhuang Realm is Tianhuang Realm, the two worlds are different, but I did first run from Tianhuang Realm to Bi Moon Realm, and then from Bi Moon Realm to our Earth Realm, Maybe ... the two worlds are not connected. "

Speaking of which, Baili Qingfeng said in a tone, and quickly thought of the wreckage of the warship that fell on Lone Star Island: "It may be connected, but the opening conditions of the space channel are estimated to be very harsh."

"The Heaven and Waste Realm ran to the Double Moon Realm, and then ran from the Double Moon Realm to our world ..."

Wang Su faintly felt that if Baili Qingfeng said it true ...

I am afraid that something terrible will happen.

"Yes, there is only one way that I know from the skyland to the earth, that is, the space door of the blood blue town first ... Well, the space door of the Star City is under construction, and then it can be accessed from the space of the Star City The gate departs directly to the Middle-earth world, saving tens of thousands of kilometers in one breath ... When we arrive at the Middle-earth world, we go directly ... Where is the door of space to the earth world, I think about it ... "

Baili Qingfeng recalled the position where he found the thousands of knights and half-step legends who formed an army.

Seems to be a place called the Black Blood Plain?

Behind the one-way transparent glass, Director Qiu, Bai Daoming and others glanced at each other, and they all saw the horror in the other party's eyes.

"Aboriginal world !? In addition to the bimonthly world, there is a third world !?"

"real or fake!?"

"Of course it is true."

Baili Qingfeng's voice didn't know what method came out, and echoed in the ears of the two.

This sudden change made the two's faces change greatly.

This interrogation room is made of special alloy, not only possesses extremely strong defense, but also has a good interference effect on the spiritual perception of the top strong, but now ...

The man in the interrogation room actually passed his voice to their ears! ?

In addition ...

Isn't he hypnotized? ?

"Although I know that the registration information needs to be understood in detail from all aspects, these are all normal processes, but so many of you are standing outside, I always feel weird, just like I am a bad person, what do you want to ask Yes, it ’s okay to come in and ask? My person is acting bright and upright, and there is nothing shameful about him. "

Baili Qingfeng said, glancing at a few people with some depression.


Wang Su also changed his complexion.

Looking at Baili Qingfeng, she could not judge whether Baili Qingfeng was hypnotized by herself.

"team leader……"

Director Qiu looked at Bai Daoming.

While Bai Dao thought for a moment, his expression resolutely said: "I go in alone!"

"But he ... physical strength is tenth level ... in case he will hold you ..."

"Tenth grade only, Wang Su and you are here, we are a few to stay for a while, and this is the Tianmen special team, there are more than three mecha soldiers, as long as he can not win us in a short time, what are we afraid Of it. "

Said Bai Daoming, walked around and stepped into the interrogation room.

Director Qiu met, the first time he followed, but secretly gestured.

Shortly afterwards, two mecha fighters came to the interrogation room in full armor.

"I want to know, by what means did you avoid our defense and come to our world, and what purpose do you come to our world?"

Bai Daoming stared at Baili Qingfeng's eyes and asked with a solemn expression.

"I just came through the door of space. Besides, isn't my purpose clear? Detective! I haven't been back for a long time. Now I know that Middle-earth can actually come back, so I can't wait to get to the earth. , Want to see my parents and relatives. "

Baili Qingfeng said with some emotion: "Although I haven't seen my parents in only six years in my memory, they haven't seen me in 26 years ..."

After he finished, he seemed to think of something: "Did the older brother say that my old father has arrived? Where is he?"

"Okay, we have seen your identity, you do n’t have to pretend anymore. As for your purpose, I can guess more or less. It ’s nothing more than stealing the secrets related to the top weapons. The key now is that you are How to avoid the heavy blockade of the space door and sneak into our world silently? "

Asked Bai Daoming's expression severely.

This problem is extremely serious, and a bad one is a global crisis.

The emergence of Baili Qingfeng proves that the blockade and inspection they have painstakingly built up is almost a joke. God knows how many people have sneaked into their world through similar methods. If they ca n’t make up for this loophole, it wo n’t take long. There will be no more secrets from the earth world to the bimonthly world.

"You have to figure out, I am not a prisoner!"

Baili Qingfeng was somewhat dissatisfied with Bai Daoming's tone: "It was because the older brother said that I could see my father and I couldn't wait to follow him. As a result, people haven't seen it yet, but you are sure to try as a prisoner ... This approach does not comply with the law. "

"Not in line with the law? You are a stranger, and you still tell me the law?"

"I said, I just went to Heaven and Earth for a while. Although the time is a bit long, I still belong to this earth. You are so aggressive and illegal. Therefore, unless I see my father, otherwise I refused to provide any more information, and in addition, I will ask a lawyer. "

Baili Qingfeng put his hands on his chest, a gesture of silence.

"Young people, you better understand your current situation ..."

Behind Bai Daoming, a man said with a bad look, but he waved his hand: "You tell me how you sneaked into our world, I let you see your father Mr. Li Xian."

"You call first."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

"it is good."

Bai Daoming happily clicked on the electronic bracelet: "Call me Mr. Li Xian, chairman of Pioneer Group."

"Pioneer Group?"

Baili Qingfeng was startled.

Not many times, a ghost image was projected on the electronic bracelet.

An old man who seems to be old but still energetic appears on the screen: "Hello Chairman Li, I am the seventh-level executive of the FBI Shenzhou Branch Bai Daoming Station, I will send someone to pick you up. "

"The FBI ..."

The old man in the projection seemed to wonder why this institution came to him.

"Our aircraft will reach the 52nd floor of the Pioneer Building in five minutes, please go and wait."

Said Bai Daoming and hung up the communication.

And when he uses electronic communication, Baili Qingfeng's eyes have been staring at the projection, looking ...

Some melancholy.

"Old man ... so old ..."

He said to himself.

At the same time, suddenly afraid after a while.

If he comes ten years later, maybe he will not see him ...

"Okay, Li Xian will be here soon. Can you tell you the way to dive into our world, is there any secret technique mastered by the true God behind you, or is someone on our side controlled or bought by you?"

Baili Qingfeng took a while to take his gaze away from the electronic bracelet. He looked at himself and dressed ...

The clothes are a bit small ~ ~ It's actually strange to wear on him.

"Can you help me prepare a formal, decent dress? Over the years, I have been thinking, I want to be a person who makes him proud ..."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

"Yes, but please answer my question first."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Bai Daoming and eased his bitterness, melancholy, expectation, worry, and anxiety for a full ten or more seconds before he said: "No one has sent me any secret technique. It ’s not that the soldiers on our side were controlled or bought, I just broke out of the door of space. "


Director Qiu was dissatisfied and said: "Without the true gods performing mysteries, no warriors are bought through, with the inspection mechanism of each space gate, how can you possibly ...

"Wait a minute!"

Chief Qiu didn't finish the speech, and was suddenly interrupted by Bai Daoming: "What did you just say, did you say ... that you broke out?"


"The defensive force carrying the door of space ... forcibly!"


Baili Qingfeng nodded: "The gate of space is in the Emperor Shi District, called the Gate of Ashura."

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