The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 108: future plan

On a steamer crossing the river.

Qian Baili Qingfeng carefully considered his practice the night before.

According to the second grandfather, war-level cultivation first quenches the bones and skins, and the completion of the quenching is equivalent to the fourth level of consummation, and then the tempering of the five internal organs and the six concubines. The second, third, fourth to tenth passes of tempering all belong to the level 6 God of War.

How did he train last night?

Sanyuan went violently, and all the forces quickly penetrated into every corner of the body, spreading all over the bones, skin, and internal organs. This ...

Do you think that it is uniformly tempered?

Cultivate two realms together?

The only problem is ...

The quenching effect is not very good.

Temper all parts of the body up and down. Such an operation may take 30 to 40 times.

With such a calculation, Baili Qingfeng was terribly afraid.

"Thirty or forty times !? It can be tempered once in six days, plus two days of rest. Forty times, it doesn't take 320 days, which is close to one year. Moreover, each piece of tempered material is worth eleven. Twenty thousand, forty times, and I need to invest nearly five million dollars. I have exhausted all my energy to accumulate all the assets that have been accumulated, and that's it! "

How much does it take to train a martial art?

怎么 How did the rising heroes among ordinary people like in the movie climb to the top?

Baili Qingfeng's face was a bit lonely: "Sure enough, ordinary people like me who are ordinary and talented, want to catch up with those real geniuses and protagonists in cultivation. Can they only rely on recharging? More importantly, I eat thunder fruit every day, Yangyuan soup every day, three hundred days in a row ... Will I eat vomit !? "

Moreover, the God of War practice requires tempering the bones, skin, and internal organs ten times!

Ten times, converted to his tempering method is four hundred times!

Only in 1989 will the God of War level be fulfilled!

多 How long did it take him to practice until the war level?

More than half a year!

The practice span from war level to town level has expanded from more than half a year to 1989!

Is he going to list an upgrade form in the future, marking the upgrade experience from the war level to the township level, and after each round of quenching is completed, the upgrade experience will be indicated plus one?

The road ahead seemed bleak.

"It's been a long time in 1989 ... my children will be playing soy sauce. This world is so dangerous that the cavemen will have to break through the defense line of Shia. If it is only then that the God of War is completed, the world will almost be destroyed. Right. "

Poorly want to change.

The biggest feature of Qian Baili Qingfeng is that he does not stick to rules and dares to innovate and practice.

"To solve this problem, we can only work on the practice methods and medicinal materials. The demon town prison body itself has a good refining effect. If the demon town prison body can be cultivated, shortening the time to two or three years is not a problem. Get some more times the effect of Yangyuan Tang, Lei Mingguo's heaven and earth spirits to halve time ... "

减 Halved in 1989 ...

Forty-five or five years.

神魔 镇 prison body training to Xiaocheng can shorten two or three years ...

If you are lucky, you can train the demon town prison body to the stage ...

路 The road ahead suddenly became clear.

This speed is acceptable.

Sure enough, in case of difficulties, I can't drill the horns of the horns, we must be good at using our brains.

Uh ...

Xi Baili Qingfeng returned home, but found that there was no one at home.

接着 Then he saw the note on the table, his father Bai Lihong ...

I went to Charya.

大舅 Ge Ge from Hill's Light to Xia Ya more than ten days ago, now he will return to the capital and leave to gather his loved ones to gather together.

"Go to 'Jiang Xinyue' for dinner, you have to rush back ..."

Baili Qingfeng helpless.

The development of the times still needs to be accelerated. If things like this can be called in advance, he won't have to run in vain.

Although Xia Ya is very close to the Wuhe River, a dozen kilometers away, it is really a waste of time to go back and forth in this way.

It's time to buy a big brother.

Bali Qingfeng immediately turned around and continued to return to Xia Ya non-stop.

Fortunately, Jiang Xinyue was not far from the ferry, took a few steps, and soon came to Jiang Xinyue.

At noon this meal was invited by Si Wen Ge Wen. Baili Qingfeng reported his name and was led by a waiter to a box.

A box with sixty square meters and two large tables.

When Qian Baili Feng came here, there were already a lot of people in the box, Da Ge Ge Ge, Si Ge Ge Wen's family of three, and ... Er Ge Ge Bai's family of ten.

Yes, Erbai Gebai's family of ten.

Ge Bai is only a little younger than Ge Ge. In addition, he married at the age of 18 and gave birth to two sons and a daughter. His eldest son, Ge Shuren, is now thirty-seven. Born to have one son and one daughter, the younger daughter Ge Xiuyin also reached thirty and had two sons, so the family base of their family is huge.

He Gege was in a high position. He came to Xia, and everyone would come together to contact the feelings.

"Qing Feng is here."

Baili Qingfeng came to a junior, there will not be many people to greet, only Ge Feilong and his peers shouted with a smile.


Bali Qingfeng nodded.

"Looking at you like this, you've lost a lot of weight, and your dark circles have come out. Haven't you rested?"

"There have been a lot of things lately."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, and then greeted each other in the box, the couple, the couple and the couple.

As for the Misaki family, they lived in the capital Hill with the grandmother, but this time they never returned.

Because people haven't arrived and haven't served any food yet, while Baili Qingfeng listens to the elders chatting, they also chat with Bailidie and Ge Feilong from time to time.

"Little Butterfly has gone to work in Nanshan Retreat? When you go there, you will work hard and work hard. All the big people who live there will not be bumped into the noble. It is not easy to have a regular job."

When I was chatting, my second aunt Eva got together and said in a tone that the elders asked.


Butterfly just answered.

"I heard that you were a guest at Jiang Xinyue some time ago. A girl's family made a public appearance. This is not good. You must pay attention to it in the future."

Eva continued.

Butterfly is just a word-by-word response, and definitely not say a few words.

Seeing this scene, Eva had to turn her eyes to Bai Lihong: "Xiao Hong, in fact, if you listen to your brother earlier, what's the use of working outside your house? It's been a waste of years. Not now, or is it back to the original point, and finally let the older brother arrange work? "

"Yes, I have to thank Brother Brother for this matter, Brother has helped a lot."

Hundred Miles promised.

"That is, there are several retired generals in the Nanshan Gansu. It is said that if you rely on your daughter, you won't want to go in your whole life. Kocho's life is a blessing. You will know which son of the general's family, climb up high to become a phoenix ... "

Eva continued.

Balihong just kept nodding, and Bailidie said nothing.

Baili Qingfeng looked at this scene and felt that the topic was meaningless. Now he turned his attention to Eva's eldest son Ge Shuren and shifted the topic: "Big cousin has been in the Logistics Department of the District Armed Forces for four years. Minister? "

After listening to the words of Baili Qingfeng, Ji Geshuren smiled and nodded, and went to Ge Ge to chat with his wife Heidi again.

Although they are peers, the identity of the two is in heaven and one in the ground. In their opinion, how can they have a common language with Baili Qingfeng. If it is not because of this level of relatives, they will not be in this lifetime. Will produce any intersection.

Fortunately, Ge Shuren did not respond, but Eva was smoothly diverted and praised her son.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Da Ge Ge Ge, beside him, besides Ge Shuren and Heidi, Bai Lihong, Ge Bai, Ge Wen and his wife accompanied him, except for Heidi and Ge Shuren. The others are completely used as a foil.

For them, the circle level of Ge Ge, Ge Shuren and others is obviously higher.

After a short while, with the arrival of Geshuren, the eldest daughter of Geshuren who was in high school, everyone arrived. Gege stopped chatting with Geshuren and said, "All are here. Let's serve."

Uh ...

"Big brother, thousands of miles, rushed to come and see us, it's been hard, I want you a drink."

The feast started, and soon everyone began toasting around Ge Ge.

The city of Tiaxia belongs to the southern gateway. It is 680 kilometers away from the light of the capital Hill, which is called thousands of miles.

"This time I come, in addition to seeing everyone, there is one thing I want to talk to you."

Ge Ge drank a little and gradually entered the theme: "Although the city of Xia Ya is a gateway to the south and has a good development momentum, there is a tendency to become a core city in the south of the coast, but after all, it is far away from the political center of the capital, and the medical and education it can enjoy The resources cannot be compared with the capital ~ ~ but it happens that a friend of mine has a project in the capital and some houses with naturalization quotas are leaked out. If any of you want to settle down in the capital, you can find I."

"Capital registration?"

Ge Wen's eyes brightened.

The price of a house in the capital is very high, and there is a lot of room for appreciation. Even if you don't live on your own, you can buy it as an investment ...

However, Ge Wen's idea has just been derived, Ge Ge has said again: "I asked these faces from my friend, and you don't buy anything if you live there, but it won't work if you change hands."

After saying that, he also added: "These houses can be registered in Hill's Light. The unit size is mainly 140 square meters, and the average price is about 6,000. If the funds are temporarily insufficient, you can apply for a housing loan."

26 thousand square meters!

This price is a little higher than the average price of 5,000.

Ge Wen, Ge Bai and others heard this price and soon calm down.

Even in the city of Xia, some famous people like Ge Shuren, Ge Feilong and Ge Xiuyin have carefully considered them.

At 261 square meters and 140 square meters, buying a house is more than 800,000.

They all have small family assets, total assets of two or three million, or even five or six million, but it is still not easy to bring out more than 800,000 cash at once.

"I have a message, you can prepare in advance."

Ge Ge did not have any verbal coercion on the performance of the people, and still said tepidly: "If there is no accident, in a few months, a national policy of the country will be officially implemented. This national policy will be implemented in one sentence. In a nutshell: national martial arts. "

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