The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1076: 0 Li Qingfeng is about to arrive on the battlefield

What Baili Qingfeng said differently does not mean that these true gods are powerful, but that they already have a full understanding of the offensive methods of the Earth Federation.

Although they do not have targeted countermeasures like themselves, they can also take advantage of their practice system to intercept various crises before they come.

For example, by offering sacrifices to the gods and beasts, all energy in a gods and beasts is released in a very short period of time. The violent collision of this energy and the external environment causes changes in the astronomical phenomena that affect hundreds of kilometers, so as to prevent the satellites from locking and attacking.

Another example is to reduce the power of divine art, speed up the speed and distance of divine art, and intercept large-power nuclear weapons fired from a distance.

And now, they stretch out the kingdom of the earth and directly transform the kingdom of the earth into a base, where they are immortal by their gods.

Once they really let them stand firm on the ground by the Kingdom of God, and expand the Asura Gate into a large space gate, or even a giant space gate, the time possessed by earth civilization will be shortened again.

Moreover, once the door of space has transformed into a giant, the impact on the earth's world is not as simple as a dozen kilometers or tens of kilometers, but will reach hundreds of kilometers.

Once those true gods can show their magical power hundreds of kilometers away from the door of space, and humans want to recapture the door of space, it will become an extravagant hope.

The most obvious example is the Gate of Fama.

Since the gate of Fama was expanded into the gate of giant space four years ago, there was a real **** sitting there at all times, and humans have counterattacked more than ten times. Without exception, they were repelled by the supreme divine power of the true god.

Today, the gate of Fama has expanded from one kilometer to three kilometers, and the scope of the erosion caused by the escaping energy from the space gate has also expanded from more than 60 kilometers to the current 140. Many kilometers.

The reason for not continuing to expand the space door is that on the one hand, the amount of material required increases geometrically, on the other hand, the space door is too open, and the influx of heaven and earth is too much, which will cause part of the heaven and earth to escape upward and escape. The atmosphere is not worth the loss.

But even so, once the Asura Gate was really built into a giant space gate, it is only a matter of time before the complete release of the Emperor Shiqu.

Huang Jie, Wang Haiping, Qiao Xue, Li Xingyao and others tightened their faces until they completely escaped from the military zone and no longer saw the roar and explosion at the end of the sky.

After they recovered, their eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng.

"Li Shao ... you must have your own task, you don't need to ignore us, we can just go back, and the side of Ashura's Gate is where Li Shao should show his self-worth."

Wang Pinghai asked after pondering his words.

In his mind, Baili Qingfeng belongs to the third-generation mech warrior stronger than the legendary Gundam, and even the miracle of the spiritual level breaking through to eleventh level. As soon as the Asura Gate broke out, they naturally cannot worry about themselves The safety of the soldiers left this powerful warrior beside them.

"I have no task."

Baili Qingfeng shook his head.

The only task is to come back and recognize a relative and visit a family.

After waiting for a while on the Earth Federation, he planned to go back to Heaven and Wasteland and bring Shi Yiyi over to let his father see his daughter-in-law.

As for the future ...

He is estimated to run in two places, the Earth Federation and the Heaven Famine Federation.

After all, he is now a swordsman of the Heavenly Waste Federation. The working unit is in the Heavenly Waste Federation. If he really wants to live in the Earth Federation, he has to wait for the completion of the transformation of the Star City.

"Li Shao has used nuclear weapons. It can be seen that the fighting intensity of the Ashura Gate is very high. Although we firmly believe that the federal soldiers will eventually win, we can hear this news faster if Li Shao goes to help."

Huang Jie said the same.

They all understand that Baili Qingfeng can easily get the pass of the war zone. Even the legendary mech warrior Gundam calls him a sergeant. He personally welcomes his inspection, plus he can easily destroy an mech ...

You do n’t have to guess that you know, it must be the military chief.

At the moment, the gate of Ashura is in war. If it is not for the protection of them, this big guy has already entered the war.

"Brother, don't worry about us, the soldiers at the Gate of Ashura need your help."

Li Xingyao also persuaded.

"Let me see."

Baili Qingfeng looked towards Asura's gate.

The Kingdom of God on the ground has spread to a distance of about 60 kilometers. Because of the barrier of the Kingdom of God, he can't see exactly what is happening inside, but from the strength of the Kingdom of God ...

Without a serious blow, I am afraid that it will not dissipate in a while.

The ten true gods roamed within a 100-kilometer range centered on the kingdom of God. Once they were fatally hit and their will faced the danger of wear and tear, they immediately fled into the kingdom of God. Heavy guarding, coupled with a large number of legends, makes the entire guardianship of the kingdom of God impossible.

"It feels a bit like an aircraft carrier battle group. The kingdom of the earth is the aircraft carrier, the true **** is a carrier aircraft, and the demigod is a frigate ... The legend is the guard force carried by the aircraft carrier itself?"

Baili Qingfeng muttered in his heart.

Except for being unable to move, this lineup seems to be no different from an aircraft carrier formation.

"Li Shao, Shougu City is in front. The city of Shougu City as a warning area has a strong defense force. We have been called safe here, you see ..."

Wang Pinghai spoke again.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Shougu City: "That line, I happened to go to Shougu City to get my armor, and then go to the direction of Ashura's Gate."


Wang Pinghai's eyes lit up.

Is it the third-generation mech warrior's armor?

"Okay, where is Li Shao going?"


Baili Qingfeng pointed in one direction.

Suddenly Huang Jie took the aircraft and changed directions.

He noticed that Baili Qingfeng and others had turned around, and the mecha fighters who had been escorting them suddenly became tense, and said spiritually: "Mr. Li ... you are ..."

"Oh, I have something to stay in Shougu City. The last time I hurried, I will go get it now."

Baili Qingfeng echoed.

"Please wait."

The Mech Warrior did n’t dare to easily let the humanoid nuclear bomb Baili Qingfeng enter the city. He quickly asked his superiors. He seemed to have received an order for a moment: "Mr. Li, your things were handed over by Auntie Jie, we took it for you Put it in General Lu's office at the base ... if you want to get it, I will take you to the base. "

"At the base? Okay."

Baili Qingfeng was stunned. For a time, he had to say to Huang Zhe: "I'm going to General Lu's office to get something. Just go here first."

"Okay, I'll find a place to stop right away."

Huang Jie quickly said.

"No, you slow down."

Baili Qingfeng said, opened the door of the aircraft, and under the shocking eyes of Wang Pinghai, Qiao Xue and others, he emerged from the aircraft.

The Mech Warrior was no stranger to this, and took Baili Qingfeng to leave quickly.

"This ... did Li Shao wear mecha?"

"Nano Warframe?"

Wang Pinghai and Huang Jie opened their eyes wide.

"Isn't the focus on General Lu?"

Qiao Xuedao.

"General Lu ... Di Shi District ... General ... Surname Lu ..."

Wang Pinghai murmured to himself for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly took a breath.

"Oh my god, go directly to General Lu's office to get things, and look at Li Shao's tone, as if entering his home to get a teacup ... then the relationship and level of the two of them ..."

"I knew it, I knew it! Brother! Absolute brother!"

Several people shrank their necks.

Today's experience has witnessed these two rich generations of Tianhua City to a completely different world.

A world that surpassed their level and looked up to the high-level gangsters.


The diameter of the war zone is about 600 kilometers. Fortunately, the base is not far from Shougu City, only 100 kilometers.

Baili Qingfeng flew at a speed of two Mach for a few minutes and had arrived outside the base.

However, before waiting for him to enter the base, he seemed worried about the damage he caused. A mech warrior had helped him return his belongings.

"Because fighting is erupting in the direction of Asura's Gate, General Lu cannot receive Mr. Li for the first time. Please also forgive him. Your things are here, please check."


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Frost God Armor, Flying Sword, Sabre, True God Essence, Divine Spirit, Yin Chalcedony, and some daily necessities.

"It's all there."

"Well, we will **** Mr. Li back."

"No need to."

Baili Qingfeng put on the mech and glanced towards the Asura Gate: "I have to say that the education of the Federation is very good, the world is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Even ordinary people like Wang Pinghai love the Federation and maintain the stability of the world. The overall situation awareness is only limited by their strength. All they can do is to stay away from the battlefield as much as possible, without causing trouble to the soldiers of the military department, and I, more or less a bit capable, are currently invaded by the Federation, and I am considered a federal As a group, go to the Gate of Ashura and contribute your own strength. "

"Mr. Li is going to Asura's Gate?"

The faces of the two mech soldiers changed.

The most worried thing happened.

This **** ...

It is to cooperate with the invading **** king! ?

"Mr. Li ..."

"Don't thank me ~ ~ These are all things I should do. Well, saving people is like saving fire. Your mecha is too slow. I will take a step first."

As soon as Baili Qingfeng's words were finished, the spiritual power exploded and the star force field came suddenly!

At the next moment, he directly exhibited the sword unity of the electromagnetic swordsman, and his body seemed to be integrated with the whole planet. He shot towards the door of Asura in a flash!

"Mr. Li, wait a minute ..."

The mech warrior was still shouting, but he was left with a deafening sonic boom.

"This is troublesome ... Headquarters Headquarters! Emergency ..."


(The title is very long.)

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