The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 112: Razed to the ground


Xuan Jianguang shot.

Bai Qingqing hands Chen Jinjian straight cut!

Beacon flickered, and the motorcycle that was thrown was cut off with his sword.

And when the motorcycle was cut in two, two cavemen warriors had slain before him, the two were fast and slow, less than three meters apart, regardless of Baili Qingfeng and any One person's fight will be countered by the thunder of the other!

Meet the brave and win on the narrow road!

Retreat is irreversible. At the moment when the two bodies are about to collide, Baili Qingfeng Lian Shenxian Sheng suddenly offered.


Among the pupils of the first cave people, there seemed to be a **** and demon filled with endless thunder and lightning suddenly rising to the sky, carrying a roar that shocked the mind, and violently impacted their minds. It seemed that his spirit, The will, crushed into powder, made this man who was still a mighty burrow, was extremely terrified in his place, and his ugly and embarrassed face was full of panic, and the panic gradually turned into dullness, and finally ...

枭 Beheaded by Baili Qingfeng without any difficulty!

After the sword-sweeping Jian Guang slayed that caveman warrior, his strength was smashed into another caveman's sword!


Fire flames shot.

At the intersection of the swords, there seemed to be a circle of air pressure being blown out, collapsing and rolling around, forming a ripple visible to the naked eye.

Xi Baili Qingfeng's right hand holding the sword broke his tiger's mouth, and the blood escaped. He was almost chopped by the opponent and could not hold Chen Jin's sword.

"The power of this caveman warrior ... is greater than that one ..."

Amazing power!

But sensitive ...

Bali Qingfeng's thoughts flashed through his mind, and his body violently retreated by the force of this shock.

And at the moment of his retreat, the caveman warrior was following the culling, with a roar in his mouth, like a violent beast, with the brutal and fierce momentum carried on his body, enough to horrify those who have not yet been killed. The extraordinary martial arts soul flutters.

The dangerous moment, Baili Qingfeng took a breath.

With the breath and blood on his body was stimulated to the extreme, the energy that originally seemed to remain in the acupuncture point was all activated at this moment, progressively layered, and finally formed a surge of force, stabbed out.


地 This caveman has amazing power, but his sensitivity is obviously inferior to him!

This is where he wins!


The stabbed blade edge penetrated the air, as if a small-range sound explosion was formed at the blade edge.

简单 This simple and impossible simple bayonet has been trained by Baili Qingfeng for a long time. I do n’t know how many times.


In the face of this inevitable assassination, the cavemen warriors had fierce hair, arm muscles seemed to swell, and the knife in his hand carried a violent amount of violence to the head of Baili Qingfeng.

刀锋 逼 面!

若 If this knife is cut, the armored vehicle will be cut in half!

换 For life!

This caveman warrior has chosen fiercely for life!

At the time of life and death, Baili Qingfeng fiercely and then tilted, Chen Jinjian in his hand threw away and released his hand, and shot out along the trajectory of the sword. The caveman's knife was about to cut the moment of Baili Qingfeng. Hit the body of this caveman warrior!


There seems to be something blocking!

内 甲!

This caveman warrior has an Inner Armor!

This is where he dared to exchange lives with Baili Qingfeng for injury!

I just didn't expect that the sword in the hands of Baili Qingfeng was also made by Chen Jin.


The blood shines!

Yunchen Jinjian pierced the inner armour of the Grotto Warrior on the spot, carrying violent energy throughout his body, Jian Feng carrying blood to penetrate from his back.

And as he leaned back to avoid the slash of the Grotto Warrior, his right foot suddenly burst out, slamming **** the stalk of the Chen Jin sword that struck the Grotto Warrior, The energy flowed in, Chen Jinjian completely penetrated through the body of this caveman warrior, shot into a wall six meters behind him, leaving a **** hole in him.


This caveman warrior shouted, 狰狞 Terror face was full of anger and unwillingness.

作为 As human races, they are not too different from humans. They are penetrated by the heart of Baili Qingfeng's sword and smashed into the internal organs. Even if their vitality is tenacious, they will still die.

The short but extremely strong body supported for a moment, and in the end ...

I fell down.


Bali Qingfeng exhaled a long breath.

"I did n’t know how many shots were in the caveman warrior I killed last time. It is already the end of the crossbow, so I can easily deal with him, but these two cavemen ..."

Is more terrible than the ordinary war-level strong.

A moment later, he retracted the sword, and his eyes fell on the first caveman warrior who was toppled with his own sword.

"Refining God Xiansheng against the cave people ... The effect seems to be very good? Don't the cave people raise gods?"

Qi Baili Qingfeng knew too little about the people in the cave, and did not know whether this guess was true or false.

It is a pity that when the refining **** manifests the impact on others, his own mind will also be shocked, and it often takes time to slow down.

It is as if ordinary people smashed bricks with one punch and their hands were injured.

Otherwise, he would be able to rush into the pits and try again.

平 The civilians rescued by Baili Qingfeng quickly stepped forward: "Thank you, please help, protect us from leaving here, we can give you money, give you a lot of money."

"Go to the garrison or go to the shelter."

Baili Qingfeng said with a loud voice and was about to leave.

But the man stopped in front of Baili Qingfeng: "No, no, no, you can't do this, you have the ability, you can't see the dead, you can take us away ..."

"Yes, you protect us, take us away."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, you cannot be so cold-blooded!"

More than a dozen other survivors on the street also gathered together, and surrounded the Baili Qingfeng.

"I'm just a student less than 20 years old, and you are all adults, so as an adult, you are so embarrassed to call me a student to protect you? Do you know what shame is?"

Baili Qingfeng reprimanded.

If you say something to him, the dozens of people around him will be a little stunned, and for a while, they don't know how to answer.

And Baili Qingfeng took the opportunity to pull out directly from these people, striding meteor, quickly separated from the scene.

At this time in the university town area, no one knows exactly how many burrow people have poured in, shouts and mourns can be heard everywhere, as well as the sound of gunfire, explosions, and dazzling fires rising from time to time in urban areas As a result, the dark night sky was illuminated, and many places were flaming with fire. The fire and smoke were intertwined and penetrated into the night, making the entire city into a deep water.


Baili Qingfeng has limited ability.

He was not afraid of one or two cavemen, but if three or four ... or even ten eight cavemen were besieged at the same time, even if he fought hard and tried his best ...

怕 I am afraid that the probability of death in the final battle is more than 90%.

Absolutely nine dead!

In the face of this disaster, all he can do is to run back to Wuhe City as fast as possible, to bring the loved ones of Bailihong and Bailichangkong together to protect their safety.

other people……

He can do nothing.

"This is a war ... the war between the Kingdom of Shia and the cavemen. I am only a student. Reading and going to school is my main job. Other facts I can do are limited ..."

Bali Qingfeng was heavy in his heart.

Relying on the vague induction, he avoided those extremely dangerous places in his induction, but even so, less than a kilometer forward, a caveman still fiercely killed the street in front of him.

Suddenly, Baili Qingfeng lost one of his refining gods, and stunned the caveman on the spot. Then he struck the meteor and struck his head!

In just one second, the corpse of the lone caveman was separated.

"At most, you can only rely on the sneak attack of the refining gods to smash the single cave man ..."

after all……

When refining Shenxian Sheng to deter others, his own soul will also have anti-phasic shocks, even if his recovery is amazing, it must be slowed down.

Bai Qingfeng ran all the way ~ ~ saw a lot of corpses.

There are sergeants with guns and ordinary civilians.

Each one was killed by people with absolute strength and speed, and the corpses looked terrible.

"Why well, this kind of thing happened suddenly? This world, an ordinary person, wants a peaceful life, wants to study in peace, and so on ..."

Bali Qingfeng was heavy in his heart.

But at this moment, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the direction of Shire University, as if dozens of tons of explosives were detonated at the same time!

One, two, three ...

The horrible flames blasted into the sky with the explosions, and the huge mushroom clouds rose up, piercing the dark fire, mixed with violent shock waves, sweeping around, destroying everything within a range of hundreds of meters.

Under the light of fire, Baili Qingfeng clearly saw that a large number of teaching buildings and green belts were under the fiery explosion and the violent shock wave ...

Crack and collapse!

With this scene, the words in Baili Qingfeng's mouth came to an abrupt end.

"is it hard……"

His dashing figure stopped gradually.

Just like that, under the flames and shock waves, buildings like sand sculptures in front of the tsunami were impacted, tilted, fallen, destroyed ...

I was razed to the ground again!

Hit him, Baili Qingfeng, an ordinary person who loves learning, and a Miyoshi student who is committed to the development of moral, intellectual, and physical beauty. The goal cannot be too small, and the wish cannot be simpler ...

But now ...

Charles University ...



(Coming soon, the first chapter of the VIP chapter will be uploaded at 12 pm, please ask for the first reservation in advance.)

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