The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 114: Kill

"Get me back down!"


Another caveman warrior was assassinated by Baili Qingfeng with a sword penetrating his head.



No one can stop it!

Dominate the battlefield!

Close to God ...

Super God!

Twenty? Thirty? Forty! ?

Qi Baili Qingfeng himself could not remember exactly how many cave people he had killed.

只 He only knew that at this moment he was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

The people in the Pit Cave have been killed.

Retreat! ?

He thinks so.

He is not in charge of his position.

He is a student, and the student should be mainly academic, even if he has to shoulder the banner of eradicating human beings in the future, and work hard for the construction of a harmonious modern society, it will have to wait for him to have this ability!

However ...

Charles University ...


The school was blown up by these caves!

His only wish to come to this world is to be a good student who is both moral, intellectual, and physical. He will be proud of those who care about him and those who are close to him.

For nearly two years, he has been fighting for this goal.

He gave birth to the "Bai Li Qing Feng", whose original score was only equivalent to playing soy sauce, from the school, and mentioned the top ten of the school little by little!

In order to achieve this goal, who knows how much effort he has put in, who knows how many nights he lit the night to read, and who knows how much leisure time he sacrificed! ?

He is reading while others are reading, he is reading while others are watching TV, he is reading while others are playing games, he is reading while others are chasing girls, and he is still reading while others are applauding for love!

And now ...

Put all your efforts into practice!

Schools are all blown up, what books are you reading? ? What else are you going to school! ?


Baili Qingfeng shouted, Jian Feng once again pierced a cave man warrior!

However, he felt a strong dizziness when he bored this caveman warrior with a sword!

The whole world seems to be tilting for a while, and the sky turns round and round.


Tingling in the brain.

Is this kind of tingling long ago when he beheaded the fifteenth or sixteenth cavemen?

But he ignored it.

He believes that the limits of humanity are all forced.

加上 In addition to the paralysis of the nerves caused by the adrenaline effect brought by the demon dismantling II, this stinging effect was ignored by him.



Impossible! ?

Human potential is endless!

This is completely illogical.


When Baili Qingfeng was dizzy and his body was slightly unstable, a caveman warrior snarled and rushed towards him. He had not yet reached it, and the tomahawk with blood in his hand was already carrying a wave of blood. Strong wind pressure, chopping head to head, this will be chopped with an axe ...

Bai Qingfeng will be chopped in half!

"Crypt, you can't kill me!"

With a scream of violent trembling from the front, the spirit suddenly evoked the spirit, and the image of the innate demon Zuz in the spiritual world once again condensed, instantly deterring the burrowing warrior.


The blood shines!

Baili Qingfeng once again pierced the head of this caveman warrior!

Spilling blood!

But at this time, another caveman warrior rushed out, and Baili Qingfeng had no choice but to sacrifice him again to scare him ...

"Bang! Bang!"


As he deterred this caveman warrior, the sound of gunfire and sharp blades sounded at the same time.

至少 At least ten blood caves have appeared on this caveman warrior, and he was pierced by a sword that dared to kill the officer.

The Grotto Warriors are also flesh and blood!

Despite their strong physique and amazing speed, after being fed a dozen rifles, machine guns or even dozens of bullets, they still had no suspense and died on the spot.

"Sir, we will help you!"

"Let us fight alongside you!"

The officer who stabbed the caveman quickly rushed with a dozen soldiers, eyes full of frenzy.


At this time, when an armored vehicle in front of them was suddenly chopped by a large axe, and the fire was flaming, a caveman warrior wearing all armors suddenly rushed through the flames and guns, his eyes died. Dead staring at Baili Qingfeng.


Unlike those cavemen who wore only one breastplate, this caveman ...

I wore a real armor!

Although it still looks a little simple, helmets, upper body armor, and lower body armor all have everything they should!

Especially he was bathing in blood, and the fierce, tyrannical, and terrifying breath on his body seemed to come through the space.


This is a stronger caveman warrior than a caveman warrior!

"You ... **** ..."

This caveman warrior stared at Baili Qingfeng, but he spoke human language intermittently.

The next moment, his armored body suddenly charged, and the violent power poured out of him, making him look like a steel tank.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

The puppet officer shouted loudly.

"Bang Bang!"

The shotgun sounded and the fire flickered.

But no use.

This caveman warrior is obviously going through hundreds of battles, not only consciously evading bullets, but also reaching out, blocking his face with his wrists and other key points. In less than two seconds of charge, he has already crossed himself and Bailiqingfeng. With a distance of tens of meters, the big axe fell off.


Baili Qingfeng growled.

很多 Because of the high-frequency operation in many parts of the brain, blood was faintly faint, and the innate demon Zuz, who had been scattered in the spiritual world, appeared again. The thunder and lightning screamed and roared, causing a deafening roar.

But this time ...

His method of refining God's sanctification has failed!

This caveman warrior just shook a little. The next moment, he was even more angry and growled!


Sonic shock!

On the spot, the officer next to Baili Qingfeng shouted through the eardrums and blood spilled.

"Ah! Be careful!"

Seeing that the caveman warrior slammed again without hesitation, the officer shouted, blocking his flesh and blood in front of Baili Qingfeng, and the sword in his hand was pierced by lightning, trying to intercept the ground. The shape of a cave warrior ...


The blood was shining.

With a big axe in the hands of the Warrior Warrior, the officer was almost chopped into blood mist and died on the spot without bones.

The right officer cut off the officer with an axe. The caveman warrior left without any lagging punches in his left hand. The punches and the air rubbed together, forming a suffocating pressure, smashing wildly, and putting everything in front of Baili Qingfeng. All burst.


Sonic roared, shaking the eardrum.

Baili Qingfeng crossed the sword in front of him for the first time. However, the power mixed in that punch almost exploded his body with a devastating pull, making him like a cannonball, and quickly flew out. He hit a heavy armored car 14 meters away, and the armor of the ten-ton armored car was deformed and moved sideways by a foot!


Blood spit!

Bali Qingfeng did not know how many ribs he had broken.

The five internal organs and six internal organs are afraid of cracking numerous gaps.


The breath of death is coming!

The stunned and painful Baili Qingfeng opened his eyes fiercely, staring at the caveman warrior deadly!

"Blow up my school, ruin my life, now, you even want to kill me !?"


Hagi originally seemed to have been dying of the dying Baili Qingfeng suddenly stood up, turbulent boiling blood rushed to the sky, rolling hot, almost turned into substance, severely impacted this caveman soldier.

The next moment, he stepped out one step, daring forward, the ground under his feet cracked, the violent energy penetrated the whole body, merged into the sword, and stabbed out!

The assassination of the sword's edge is even more like a sound explosion!


Quantum Warfare!

Baili Qingfeng sacrificed hard work for many days to restore the peak in the desperate moment, and cut out the strongest quantum war body!


The grotto warrior roared, and his fierceness and brutality did not evade the momentum of Barry Qingfeng. The tomahawk in his hand greeted Barry Qingfeng's head and chopped away. Take people and cut in half!


Disintegrated to the appearance of the innate **** Mozuz who can no longer condense. The mighty shoreline is immensely powerful, carrying the power of substantive thunder, and severely impacting the mind of this caveman warrior, allowing him to experience spiritual cultivation , And deliberately polished the spiritual will of the cavemen warriors psychic drama, the big axe fell involuntarily slowed down.

This is Baili Qingfeng's restoration of the peak with the help of quantum warfare, which is almost equivalent to the strongest refining divine god.


At the moment of deterring the caveman warrior, the Baili Qingfeng mixed Yuanyi Qi broke out, and the sword that was almost to the extreme was faster and faster, and it was necessary to pass through the heart of this caveman warrior.

At the critical moment, it seemed that the instinct of life and death was inspiring, and he was awakened from the state of shock by life and life. At this moment when the sword hole passed, his body suddenly abruptly ...

Hagihara hit his heart with a sword and pierced the shoulder of this caveman warrior with an axe!


The burst of energy and blood shot!

Wu Mingming is just an assassination sword, but the energy that can be mixed in the sword's edge bursts, but it tears the entire caveman's shoulders into pieces.

It was as if a miniature bomb was installed on Chen Jinjian and it detonated when he hit the target.

The Axeman's axe arm and his sturdy body were blown apart and splashed away.

And at the moment, the figure of Baili Qingfeng running wildly did not pause for a moment. The blood on his body was boiling and burning like a heavy truck with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. He lifted his knees and slammed into this caveman. On the chest.


The violent impact and the crackling sound of bones burst at the same time!


The impacted Grotto Warrior roared in pain ~ ~ The shells usually flew out ten meters, and slammed into the armored car that he cut off, smashing the ten-ton armored car. Shengsheng moved horizontally, spreading out, just as he had just punched Baili Qingfeng with a punch.

"Bang Bang!"

No need to order, the soldiers seized the opportunity and did not hesitate to fire.

When the brakes were fired, the fire flew.

The caveman warrior who smashed the armored vehicle, even though wearing armor, was still sieved.


(Chengfeng is still in the code, and it should be possible to finish five chapters by 7 pm, and then change it directly, so it will not be issued chapter by chapter ...)

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