The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 117: Reunion

Due to the geographical location, or the impact of the cavemen was blocked by the defense line outside Xia Ya, although the direction of Wuhe City was close to the enemy, it was not impacted by the cavemen.

Qian Baili Qingfeng just saw the fire flickering from time to time when he was faintly seeing several kilometers away from the urban area when crossing the bridge, and the sparse roar of artillery fire was estimated to be such a small number of missing fish.

Nevertheless, watching the intense explosions and flames coming in the direction of Xia Ya, the residents of Wuhe City also ran out of the house and gathered in the street, one by one uneasy, with horror in their faces.

警 Police cars kept order on the road, shouting with big horns, to keep the people calm.

Many roads are tightly sealed to prevent people from burrows from sneaking into the city and destroying them.

Qian Baili Qingfeng was sitting on a military vehicle, and he was unimpeded along the way, and soon came to his own little shabby yard.

When Xun waited to send Baili Qingfeng to his destination, Baili Qingfeng got out of the car: "There is work."

"It is my greatest honor to serve you."

士兵 The soldier said quietly, and then saluted hard: "Second Lieutenant Ji Feng, Third Battalion, Third Battalion, First Regiment of the Ninth Division, thank you for your sacrifice and hard work. You are a true hero."

"you flatter me."

Baili Qingfeng shouted a little shyly.

He is mentally prepared to become a hero, but reason tells him that he is far from strong enough to qualify as a hero.

Wu Jifeng seemed to understand that at the last moment, Baili Qingfeng just wanted to die quietly, and after saluting, he held back the tears that seemed to be out of sight again, and quickly re-launched the car and left.

"This second lieutenant Ji has a lot of sentiments."

Bali Qingfeng watched the soldier go away, turned and opened the door, but found that the door of the house was locked.

"no one?"

Baili Qingfeng froze slightly.

I couldn't lock the door, so it wasn't an accident.

忖 Slightly think ...

Bali Qingfeng quickly thought of something, and immediately turned around to go outside the city.

For a moment, considering that his body was covered with blood and dust, his family was worried ...

Clean up yourself first.

Luowu City has not been attacked by cavemen, so you don't have to worry too much about the safety of your family.

Alas, he took a bath, changed his clothes, and dried his hair before walking outside the city.

After resting in the car for half an hour, and staying at home for another hour, Baili Qingfeng has recovered some strength. The small wounds that have cracked in the body are almost healed. Running hard at the moment is not enough, but normal walking still doesn't matter. under.

After walking for nearly an hour, Baili Qingfeng appeared in the courtyard of the second grandfather's house in Sanshun Town.

Grandpa's yard was brightly lit, but the iron door was locked.

As soon as Qingli Feng arrived, a voice came out quickly: "Who?"

"Uncle Tianxing? It's me."

"Qing Feng?"

Soon, Baili Tianxing appeared at the courtyard, and it seemed very unexpected to see Baili Qingfeng: "Come, come in."

I opened the iron door while talking.

Baili Qingfeng found that Baili Tianxing was holding a sword in his hand.

This is not a sword for practice, but a sword that can really kill someone.

The chaos in Chaoxia City was chaotic, and the city of Wuhe was also not peaceful.

"Qing Feng is here!"

"It's Qingfeng."

As Baili Tianxing brought Baili Qingfeng into the courtyard, someone soon came out.

My father, Barry Hung, Uncle Barry, and a couple of people are here.

"Qing Feng, you are okay, it's great. I heard people say that there are people from the cave who have killed Xia, and there are many ..."

Xi Bailihong said with relief.

"It's just some fish that missed the net. The main force has been eliminated. The local garrison has been caught by surprise, so some losses have been caused. The army should now be in control of the situation, and the situation can be calmed down in no time."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

"Qingfeng grandson is here."

At this time, Baili Changkong came down from above.

"Second Grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng greeted him.

Baili Changkong nodded his head and didn't say much, but just said to Baili Ruoxue, Baili Ruoshui, etc .: "Others go to rest, Tianxing, Qingfeng and I will watch, I will inform you if something happens. . "

怎么 "How can you sleep in this situation ..."

Li Bailihong smiled bitterly.

I just have a long history of prestige, and everyone dare not listen to his words.

"it is good."

Bali Qingfeng nodded.

Upstairs, Baili Changkong glanced at Baili Qingfeng: "You have a wound on your body, have you seen the cave man?"

Bali Qingfeng nodded.

Because Baili Qingfeng had washed it once, even though Baili Changkong felt that he was injured, he saw that he was quite normal between words and deeds, and the injury was not serious. He didn't think much: "How do you feel?"

"It's terrible, the power is amazing."

Bali Qingfeng's mind flashed the picture of a 9.4-ton infantry fighting vehicle flying dozens of meters ...

And the power of the caveman warrior's left punch ...

恐怖 That terrifying power is unprecedented.

Ordinary people definitely die next to each other, and hurt when they meet.


Baili Changkong nodded his head, and some sighed, "Yeah, power! Far better than human power! There are only two ways for humans to fight with the cavemen. One is to move by fighting and wait for opportunity to assassinate, and the other One ... refining God! Refining God! "

Xi Baili Qingfeng deeply took this for granted. If he did not rely on refining God to show his sacredness, he would not be able to cut and kill so many cave people.

"Isn't the cave man recuperating?"

"Of course, cavemen and beastly people rely only on their physique and brute force created under special circumstances. When it comes to the use of power, cavemen and beastly people are far from being able to match our human warriors. A warrior who masters the revelation of the gods is more effective than a warlord in dealing with cavemen. "

Hundreds of miles long sky said: "This is the reason for the limited number of attacks by the refining gods. Otherwise, the land may not be too afraid."

Bali Qingfeng nodded.

Grandpa Twenty's explanations thoroughly confirmed his guess.

Maybe ...

Not a guess.

"Unfortunately, refining gods is no easier than refining the body and refining gas. In addition, the effect of refining gods is not significant, which is not conducive to fighting. Fewer people study intensively in the process of refining gods. The core is the Thunder's dominance of the idea. The first three layers are hard to practice, but the middle three layers become difficult. As for the last four layers, the more difficult one is, so that we rarely produce top masters in a hundred miles. "

I am very sorry in my long speech.

Is it difficult to practice the Thunder Dominant Idea?

Bali Qingfeng was a little stunned.

He doesn't think so.

He thinks that Thunder's idea of ​​domination is much better than other methods.

However, considering that he may have this talent because of the fusion of two souls, he did not say these words.

"Grandpa, will these burrows be rushed out of the city of Misso?"

"You know what happened in Misso?"

Baili Changkong glanced at Baili Qingfeng a little unexpectedly, but he did not expect a student to know such secret information.

At the end, he looked up and glanced in the direction of Misuo City: "No accident ... it should be, there is no such place in Xiahai Prefecture with so many cave people except Misuo City, but there are With more than a hundred thousand troops guarding, there has been no accident for more than half a year, and now the defense line suddenly collapses ... "

He said that, he frowned.

After a while, Baili Changkong re-introduced: "There are thousands of people in the caves in Misou. Although they should have been eliminated a lot in the past six months, there are still one or two thousand, one or two thousand. The people in the cave rushed and fled on the ground. Even after sniping heavily, there were hundreds of people who rushed to the direction of Xia Ya and Wu He. In a short time, we were still cautious and waited , The army will hang people in the cave. "

Baili Qingfeng and Baili Tianxing nodded.

Uh ...

The night passed quickly.

不 I don't know how many people have insomnia this night.

After dawn, the sound of gunfire and artillery fire in Xia City was obviously sparse. Although there were still gunfire sounds from time to time, it felt that the threat posed by the cavemen was constantly decreasing.

After all, compared with human warriors, the cave people have a great disadvantage, that is, they are not spiritual.

If you do n’t take care of yourself, you wo n’t have the keen sense of induction. The efficiency of avoiding bullets will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this means that the terrain is not complicated.

If it is street fighting or jungle, if you want to siege a caveman warrior, you have to invest half a battalion.

The next morning, Baili Changkong convened his family, discussed it a little, and planned to go to Moon Island to take refuge. After a few days, it was all right and then came back.

The Pudong Caves are almost 90% impermeable, and Moon Island hangs on the sea, hiding on top of it, with absolute peace of mind.

He and his team packed up and proceeded cautiously.

On the road, there are not a few families like the Baili family who want to temporarily take refuge in Wuhe City. On the roads where there are no vehicles on weekdays, they become a little congested.

Hundreds of people in the cave were hanged last night ~ ~ There are dozens left now, which is the limit. Dozens of people in the cave are located in the tens of kilometers of two cities. It's not easy.

He and his party came to the dock smoothly.

"Although there is a mechanized infantry division stationed in the city, the military strength is finally weaker, and it is not visible on weekdays. However, once the disaster is encountered, the problem of insufficient strength is apparent. It is said that Shia wants to promote martial arts comprehensively. Martial arts will rise rapidly. After this disaster, the governor of Xia and even Xiahai Prefecture will inevitably introduce good policies to attract masters to settle in Xia and ensure the safety of Xia. No need for more, similar to the grade of Sun Gate There were ten or eight of them, and the battle last night would not have been so dangerous. "

Qingli heart said.

Soon, the family boarded the ship under the arrangement of Baili Sky, and went to Moon Island to avoid the disaster.


(Continued in the afternoon, everyone's recommendation, subscription, monthly pass comes a wave.)

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