The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 121: Worship

"More than 30,000 people in Xia Ya died in vain, more than 30,000 people were injured in Sumen City, and more than 80,000 people were in Cannon City. The most important thing was Misso City ... the number of deaths and injuries exceeded 200,000. Specifically, half of the city of Misso has been razed! "

Sanshun Town yard main hall.

Hundreds of miles clenched his fists tightly in the sky, his blood rose, his face flushed, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

"Dad, get rid of anger, get rid of anger."

Baili Tianxing advised quickly.

"Degas? How do I degas? Did they forget how General Melbourne died? They were forced to die by the three holy places! Shi Tianya and Zhong Wufeng defaulted on this matter. I can still accept it. Irby, he is the biological son of General Melbourne, how can he !? How can he choose to cooperate with the Qilin Sword School !? "

Hundreds of miles furiously rushed to the crown.

When Baili Qingfeng arrived, he had learned the cause and effect of the matter from the mouth of Baili Tianxing.

The people of Tuxiaya, Khanom, Sumen, and Misuo were slaughtered by burrows. If the third group of soldiers were counted, the total casualties were more than 400,000.

This is definitely a tragedy that shocked the whole country, even if you look at East Shenzhou in the past ten years, it is extremely rare.

In particular, the people in the caves invaded Xia, so that everyone in the Xia ’s consulate, such as Aurora, Chiyan, and Glorious, would be at risk. Under the slogan of humanitarian assistance and the flag of defending the security of the consulate, in just three days, Xia sent troops.

For the first time, the Kingdom of Shia rejected the sending of troops from these countries, and even joined several other countries in the Knights League to protest, and even the Chen Bing border displayed a stance of breaking the net. The second wave of surges in those countries was dead.

These countries, whose troops have been reinforced, are unwilling to return, staying in Chia for various reasons.

The Aurora Empire army like the one seen by Baili Qingfeng today is only part of it.

The international situation is in crisis. It seems that the war has reached the critical moment when the guns and fires are burned out. The three princes suddenly stood up and invited an elder from Qilin Sword to convey his sincere apologies for the disaster in Misso and represent the three holy places. The exposed culprit of "Qiu Yi" was listed as a criminal, and stated that any warrior was entitled to be obliged to kill him. Among them, Penglai Xianzong also gave a decent place for a holy place as a reward.

The surface work is impeccable.

Then, the three princes had another national justice. The overall situation was the most important. They persuaded the cabinet and let the cabinet, which had lost a large group of military forces, realize the serious consequences of the intensification of contradictions, so ...

The two actually shake hands and make peace?

The Qilin Sword School even sent an elder to the city of Xia with fifteen true disciples, a team of four, divided into four roads, and stationed in the four cities of Xia, Khanom, Sumen, and Mizo. Combine the native military forces in these cities to carry out a long-term raid on those cavemen warriors who may remain, and swear to kill all the cavemen warriors who have been hiding.

"Oh, I'm old now, and it's useless. No one listens to what I say. The people above give me a little bit of benefit. They just exposed this matter and blew up the third group of arms. Treasury, which made the Third Army almost wiped out. This kind of thing, they dare to do it for the first time, they will definitely do it for the second time. The ten group army of Shia, and a few are in the hands of the cabinet and the royal family. Withstand how many times these beasts can be framed like this? Have they all forgotten the terrible consequences of military autonomy brought up by the three holy sites !? "

Qi Baili Sky is still furious in the room.

"Dad, drool, don't ruin your body for these unworthy popularity."

Baili Tianxing said quickly, and at the end, he kept winking at Baili Qingfeng, trying to comfort his grandson, who was most loved by Baili Sky.

Qi Baili Qingfeng didn't really comfort people. After thinking about it, he had to go forward: "Second Grandpa, I have reached the third level of the military."


The angry Baili Sky suddenly reacted, and his eyes fell on him for the first time: "Has it reached the third level?"

Bali Qingfeng nodded cautiously.

"Third level repose, okay ... okay ..."

百里 长 Sky rejoices to say two good words, but ...

However, he did not have the kind of surprise that he expected, but he seemed a bit lonely: "Three levels, my grandson is rehabilitated. My old man is really useless. Without strength, no one listens to me. Others respect I said, it was watching me old, but if I really thought that I was something, that would be too ridiculous. Now, forbidding those old guys to secretly joke behind me, I fled back dimly. . "

Baili Tianxing calmed down to see Baili Sky's emotions, and immediately winked at Baili Qingfeng.

That meaning is clearly, go, what is good, quickly pick it up and say.

"The second grandpa is not old, you are old and strong, and don't you still have me? Who dares not listen to you, I persuade them and let them listen to you patiently!"


Chang Baili shook his head with a smile in vain, and his anger was relieved a lot. He looked at him: "Are you a master of trinity?


Bali Qingfeng honestly admitted: "No."

"Murby and Shalok are both three-in-one grandfather figures, how can you let them listen to me when you are not there?"

Baili Changkong said, with a long sigh: "You have this heart, I am very pleased, I am also waiting to see the day when you achieve the war class to convince them both, that is, I am seventy-four I don't know if I can wait until that day ... "

"I will do my best to break through to the war level!"

Baili Qingfeng said carefully.

I seem to be saying a promise.

I can't make a shot like this anymore, Xi Huang shot it down.

The devil ’s disintegration technique, the refining **** ’s manifestation, and the fine mystery technique that is planned to be developed based on the big sun burning heaven technique are all set aside. In the next period of time, he will make every effort to unite the three elements and practice Take a break and achieve the Grand Master Realm, and then bring a war-level warrior certificate in front of Grandpa Er to fulfill his wish.

好 "Okay, I'll do my best until I see this day."

Chang Baili smiled comfortably: "If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

At this moment, Bailihuang came in from outside, with a hint of doubt on his face: "Qing Feng, do you ... have any friends in the military?"

"Friends in the military?"

Bali Qingfeng thought for a moment, and quickly said, "It should be a relative from my mother's side."

"A soldier asked me about you, just ..."

"Just what?"

"I should have heard it wrong, the telephone signal in the village has been bad."

Balihuang said, without explanation.

After all, the soldiers on the phone said that they would worship Baili Qingfeng ...

My relatives don't say such things.

Huh, should I see you?

Alas, the word is used, cultural people, really polite.

Uh ...

When Baili Qingfeng was chatting with Baili Chang, a convoy of six military vehicles set off from the division and drove across the bridge connecting the two cities of Xiaya and Wuhe, heading straight for Wuhe.

There were more than four people on each of the six military vehicles, and ...

Apart from the driver, almost no one ranks below the rank of captain.

I was sitting in the middle of the car, headed by a resolute middle-aged man, with a star shining on his shoulder.

的 Major General of the Ninth Division, Switch.

On his side is Ye Pingsheng, the head of the two regiments.

Originally just a colonel rank, he was promoted quickly because of his outstanding performance in the offensive and defensive battle of Shire University. In just a few days, the rank on the shoulders has been upgraded from the colonel to the brigadier, and his position has been promoted from the commander of the second regiment to the station Xia Ya's mechanized infantry division deputy division's position.

"Have you heard about Qingfeng's heroes?"

Ye Ye Fusheng asked a correspondent beside him.

"I heard about it, but it seems that their house has not opened a spiritual hall."

"While the white hair is given to the black person, so let's get it simple ..."

Ye Yesheng said with emotion: "Did you contact his family?"

"Contacted, Qing Feng hero's family is in Sanshun Town, Wuhe City. We just called by phone and he has a grandfather who lives there."

The correspondent said immediately.


Ye Fusheng said, thinking of the material he collected, his face was full of sighs: "That night when we saw the hero of Qing Feng, he felt very young, young ... as if he were a student at school. Unexpectedly ... he was really a student, no wonder he would scream like that on that day. "

"A young man of less than twenty."

Teacher Switch also had a look of emotion: "We are sorry for him, it is the responsibility of our soldiers to protect our country, but because of our incompetence, he has forced him as a student to fight on the battlefield. Eventually, he died in a bloodbath with the Grotto soldiers ... we are sorry for him, and we are sorry for his parents, family ... "

"The Qingfeng hero matriarch is a family of soldiers. He has been patriotic since childhood. Although his father is simple, his second grandfather is also a hero. He was a close disciple of General Melbourne."

"General Melbourne ..."

Switch is instantly moving ~ ~ As a Charlie, it is impossible not to know the name of General Melbourne, even if it is not Charlie, as long as you come to Charlie, it is impossible not to hear the great achievements of General Melbourne That was a hero who could be compared to General Wellington, the commander of the Third Army.

"It's such a birth, it's no wonder that Qing Feng's hero can refining the gods at a young age, and there is such a consciousness of dedication to the country."

Tsevich said.

A captain next to Ye Yefusheng glanced at his teacher. He had followed Baili Qingfeng's charge at the time. Although he had the same admiration and enthusiasm for Baili Qingfeng, he always felt that ...

Bali Qingfeng charged with anger and sacrifice heroically, not for his country ...


For Shire University?

However, Shire University is also part of the country, and its own teacher also makes sense.

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