The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 127: Medicinal herbs


Suddenly the quiet group fell into silence.

No message popped up for ten seconds.

This sudden change made Baili Qingfeng blushing a second time in a similar scene.

Atmosphere killer?

His level is too low to fit in with the big guys in the group, so every time I come to the cold field, originally diving and resting for a while, he thought that everyone should recover, did not expect ...

"Lie * ..."


At the same time, Pride Sky Sword God and Misty Fairy sent a large number of symbols at the same time.

Although the Baili Qingfeng who watched was somewhat inexplicable, it finally alleviated a little embarrassment of his killer atmosphere.

Otherwise, he will be ashamed and will only dare to play stand-alone in the group.

Immediately afterwards, the gentleman sword also spoke, and he could see through the screen that he was full of excitement at the moment: "Appeared! Appeared! Did you see it! Moderator, did you see it !? That's it! This person! That's the picture! "

"This is the armor of the cavemen!"

Quantum God of War and the picture: "Xin Meng shivering!"

"Do you still lack pendants?"

I killed ten steps.

"Pendant? What do you mean by height? A cave man's armor is not enough to create the armor we need for humans. We have to add extra materials? I know, I have several small inner armors and tomahawks If it doesn't work, wait until the burrowers refresh. I'll take the time to kill a dozen or dozens more, and I'll definitely make it up. "

After seeing Shibuyi killing this professional question, Baili Qingfeng quickly replied with joy: "Do you know where there are masters of forging armor?"


Kill in ten steps.

"Take a moment ..."

Aotian Sword God sent a sentence: "Let me take the time to smoke a cigarette."

"Let me take the time to blow my hair and calm down."

Piao Miao Xianzun followed.

"Let me take a moment ..."

The Quantum God of War also wanted to maintain the formation, but half of his words were received and returned, and the next moment, he sent a "solitary autistic anxiety" expression directly.

"I'm right !? I'm right !? Do you doubt me? Who still doubts me? Who else?"

In the melancholic atmosphere of the cricket group, it seems that there is only gentleman Jian left alone laughing loudly.

Looking at the usual modest and gentle gentleman deputy moderator and other veterans who suddenly became emotionally irritable, they suddenly twisted the floor, and Baili Qingfeng felt that his problem might be cold.

"Boss ... although I know I read it right, but I still want to ask, is this the armor of the cavemen?"

Wu Miiao Xianzun asked the words carefully.


"You say that the power is super big and super fierce, is that a cave man warrior?"


Baili Qingfeng saw that the group with a weird atmosphere had finally recovered its seriousness, and was relieved a little: "Do you know ... the cavemen's warriors are stronger, and the ten-ton infantry fighting vehicle can take off? Dozens of meters, do you say scary? "

After speaking, he seemed to realize something and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm using your meager vision to measure the big guys. This is definitely a big mistake. For big guys, this kind of data is definitely You know it. "


Piao Miao Xianzun sent an ellipsis and replied a few seconds later: "I don't know."


Baili Qingfeng felt that there was a lot of pressure to chat with the big brothers, and he was going to talk to him suddenly. Fortunately, he was quick-minded and immediately remedied: "It is my negligence that the big brothers probably don't think this is the grade. Grotto people, naturally will not remember the details of these grotto people. "

"What you said makes sense, I don't know how to refute."

Piao Miao Xianzun does not know what to do.

"This, let's return to the topic, can you please help everyone and find out where you can make armor suitable for me? You should know that I am just a martial arts enthusiast, and I am totally new to this industry. For this This kind of common sense knowledge doesn't know anything, so ... thank you very much! "

Baili Qingfeng said, sent a thank you picture.

"Fudan City."

Aotian Sword God spoke.

I am worthy of being a moderator. When I send a message, it is an extremely reliable clue.

"Chen Jinjia, cast by Master Ou Zilong, deputy chairman of Xia Fudan City Xuanhuang Society, is well-known in Shenzhou. In addition, the capital, military, and sects also have master armor, but the reputation is worse than Master Ou Zilong."

Fudan City Baili Qingfeng knew.

Geographically located next to Xiahai Prefecture, Nasang is the capital of Nasang.

The development of the cities of Xun and Xiahai prefectures is more balanced and different. Nasang prefecture can be said to gather the power of the whole state to develop a city of Fudan. This makes the city a population of more than eight million and the economy ranks among the top in the whole of Asia.

The sixth army of the Tahiyah's top ten army units is stationed outside Fudan City.

"Fudan City is not far from our Xia, less than 400 kilometers, thank you moderator."

"Yes, yes, we have to thank the masters for their contributions to Jianyu Jianghu."

Suddenly, Aotian Sword God suddenly became extremely low-key: "If there is any problem in the future, even if the boss asks, as long as I know it, I will know everything."

"Thank you so much for the moderator. I'm just a newcomer to the shameless words."

Baili Qingfeng was modest, and at the same time hurriedly asked: "I just need to use some medicinal materials when practicing the demon town. These medicinal materials need to replenish qi and blood, and it is best to add the heaven and earth spirit of the mine. Anything like a thundering fruit, does the moderator have any recommendations? "

"The devil town prison body !? The big man actually got this method !? Amazing!"

Jun gentleman sword was a little shocked.

Others were also stunned by the name of the demon town's prison body, but they thought that the real big brother who could be killed by a caveman warrior on the other side suddenly floated out.

"The Emperor's God and Demon Town!"

The proud sword **** knows this method naturally.

Just, the demon town in his impression seems to have nothing to do with the thunder attribute?

But the big guys have all been trained, and certainly not wrong.

He remembers that the demon town jail body in the Tianjilou collection is only a fragment and is not complete. It can be seen that the devil town jail body of the big brother is the real full version, but he does not know when the big man is willing to upload the demon town jail body Give them admiration ...

With this expectation, Aotian Sword God couldn't help but pay more attention to this issue, and after thinking about it, he quickly said: "The mine refining liquid should meet your standards, it is a bit overwhelming, even if you are so big. The refining of a guy often has to be separated by one or two months depending on the situation, otherwise it will easily hurt itself. "

"The hegemony of medicinal effects is not a problem. I like the hegemony, but I am afraid it will not be effective."

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.

"it is good."

Aotian Sword God immediately responded, and immediately sent the medicinal materials needed for the refining liquid to Baili Qingfeng: "This cultivation medicinal material requires the use of three heaven and earth spirits, although they are similar to the thundering fruit level, but three It ’s perfect, but it ’s perfect to show each other ’s medicinal effects, and achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. The big brothers use it first. I ’m outside now, and after a while, my dad loses his temper, I will go back and take his The key was stolen and went to the extinction room to find a prescription for the big brother with less side effects. "

"This is all right, you don't have to steal anything. It's not good. In case your father catches you and breaks your leg, I will be uneasy when I use your prescription."

Baili Qingfeng sincerely advised.


Proud sky sword god.

Would n’t I speak if it wasn't for your boss' sake, I ...

I bear it!

Uh ...

After receiving the news of the Master Armor Master and Lei Lianye from Aotian Sword God, Baili Qingfeng resigned from the internal welfare group with satisfaction.

The only thing that made him a little awkward was that when leaving, the big guys in the group looked particularly enthusiastic, enthusiastic ...

It seems that he is the big brother, and they all become Xin Meng.

This strong contrast slightly made him a little uncomfortable.

"Should it be that a big guy was stolen, so he deliberately took rhythm in the group?"

Qian Baili Qingfeng doubted for a moment.

For a moment, this skepticism had been thrown out of the clouds by him.

"Should I think more, the issues that the big guys talk about every day are so high-end, Bo Gutong today, can have such insight, so where can you get the difference?"

With this idea in mind, seeing that it was late, Baili Qingfeng shut down the computer, went out, and had dinner.

I had to finish eating dinner before he left for Wanshoutang.

He reserved some deposits there and bought thirty copies of Yangyuantang medicinal materials. Wanshoutang only paid twelve and eighteen were not collected.

"Qing Feng Xiaoyou, you are here."

Wu Chishuang saw Baili Qingfeng, with a smile on her face, and packed up a batch of medicinal materials, and handed it over: "Look, the medicinal materials, quantities and ingredients you want are right."

"No, I believe you."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

Anyway, Wanshoutang is here, just come to them if you have any questions.

"Oh, thank you for your trust."

Chi Shuang responded with a smile. At the end, he lowered his voice a little, and said, "In fact, I really support Father Barry and cooperate with those of the Qilin Sword School. I also feel that it is not reliable. , I always feel that these people are not kind. "


Bai Qingqing Feng understood the meaning, this kind of elder thing has nothing to do with him.

He took out a recipe: "I still have a prescription here. Look, can you collect these herbs?"

Wu Chishuang glanced, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com swept a few of the main herbs ...

"This ... can be gathered together, but it takes a few days, and ..."

Wu Chishuang pointed to several kinds of medicinal materials and said, "These main medicines are all heaven and earth spirits, and the price will be more expensive."

"More expensive? How expensive?"

Wu Chishuang thought for a moment, and said, "No less than 300,000."

"Three hundred thousand ..."

It's not cheap.

"Let me collect three copies for me, I will see the effect."


Wu Chishuang nodded and responded, "I will deliver it to you personally when it arrives."

"There is work."

Xi Baili Qingfeng nodded, took these herbs away, and left Wanshoutang.

After Qingfeng left, Chi Shuang came to the inner court, and quickly wrote a line of small characters with a pen, summoning a person: "For the son, with this formula, it should be possible to infer the path of the mysterious master behind them. Count, even if you can't guess, you can take this medicine to achieve the same as him, and achieve the third-level martial arts in less than a year. "

(In fact, although the wind is three chapters a day, but if converted to 2K mode, it is almost equivalent to updating four or five chapters a day.)

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