The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 140: Capture the thief

"Second Grandpa?"

Baili Qingfeng was about to ask for specific details, and there was already a blind tone in the phone.


"Consulate of the Aurora Empire? A murder case six months ago?"

This from the beginning ...

He feels familiar.

Wouldn't it be ...

At the beginning of school in the past, was Rafael's group of people sent him to swim in the river at night?

However, the matter he did was seamless, and no one could know why it would be linked to my uncle's barry.

Then he thought of the ease that suddenly appeared in front of him ten days ago.

That comfort gave him a deadline so that he had to hand over three songs to Belle early next month or else ...

He did not want to kill his family, but after a careful investigation, Baili Qingfeng went online. Belle was the most beloved niece of Mr. York. Mr. York has a high reputation in Xia Hai, and even in Xiahai. The powerful candidates for the next speaker of the premises parliament are not only supported by some large families in Xiahai Prefecture, but also it seems that some of them are also members of the Haiyan Society, which is the background of the Chiyan State.

As for Tian Sun Molun, let alone that.

Royal family members.

Moreover, it is also the three princes Zongzi who are gaining popularity recently. The influence is unfathomable.

A few of them ...

Completeness can be killed with a knife, and this whole thing that can't pull his family off can be planted on his family, causing the uncle Baili Tianxing to be jailed for nothing!

Thinking of this, there was a burst of anger in the chest of Baili Qingfeng: "Don't you just let me write a song? I didn't agree, you actually treated me like this and used a murder case to frame my family! That case involved four lives, and it was also related to the aboriginal behavior of the Aurora Empire ’s people. My uncle Baili Tianxing was captured by them and must be severely tortured, even if I immediately report to You conceded and passed three songs, but the torture of Uncle Tianxing was completely tolerated in vain ... A woman, acting so vicious! Because you have power, you can reverse black and white, casually Framing others? "

The most poisonous woman's heart!

Baili Qingfeng fully made clear what is called the most poisonous woman's heart!

What a small thing! ?

He just didn't want to write a song for that Belle, but she dealt with herself like this. This kind of vicious heart was different from the evil warriors who lived in Iron Sword Gate and Sun Gate.

"Is Belle right? My Baili Qingfeng has always been good to others and never provoke any right and wrong, but this does not mean that my Baili Qingfeng is weak and deceiveable! Honest people will get angry when they are anxious! I will save now My uncle Tianxing, you better make sure that my uncle Tianxing has not been harmed during this time. Otherwise, no matter who you are, no matter what your background, whether you are the grandson of Mohren, I am a hundred Li Qingfeng will make you pay! "

Baili Qingfeng suddenly stood up, took out a Chen Jinjian in the sword box beside the desk, and rushed out without hesitation.

Save people like fire!

The people of the Aurora Empire acted fiercely and aggressively. When Shire University students were arrested overnight, they could be put back. None of them was intact. Two of them left permanent disability, let alone theirs. My heart was dark, and it is said that another person was admitted to the energy hospital.

At present, the uncle Baili Tianxing extremely fell into the hands of the people of the Aurora Empire. It must be devastated. Every time he delays for one second, the torture suffered by Tianxing is one second more. Putting lead into Uncle Tianxing's body, piercing the **** with a stick, performing palace punishment, tongue cutting, etc. Even if some of the punishments are not fatal, which can lead to disability and inhumanity, he will still make him regret his whole life and never forgive himself for life.

after all……

It all happened because he didn't want to write songs for Belle.

Baili Tianxing is simply suffering from no delusion!

"What I need to do now is to ensure as much as possible that Uncle Tianxing will not be permanently harmed during the torture process, and even endanger life ..."

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng first thought of the garrison in Xia City, and the ninth division commander Siwei.

He took out his mobile phone and quickly made a call. Soon, the opposite phone was connected, and there was some cheerful laughter from Switch: "Haha, Qing Feng, why are you free to call me today? You go on The kid from the subtask, Golden Claw, said that it was very pretty ... "

"Master Switch, my uncle Baili Tianxing was arrested by the people of the Aurora Consulate for investigating a homicide six months ago. I can be sure that this is all framed. I am now driving to the consulate. Can you put pressure on the consulate, I'm afraid they will torture my uncle severely. "

"Consulate of Aurora Empire in Xia? I know, I'll call!"

Switching immediately smiled, and his tone was solemn: "You judge your uncle has nothing to do with that? Is it really a scam?"

"100% sure!"

Baili Qingfeng uttered his words.

"it is good!"

Switch gave a heavy reply, and soon there was no sound.

Baili Qingfeng hurried to the consulate while waiting patiently for the news.

Three minutes later, Switch's voice sounded again: "Qing Feng, I just asked, Rafa attaché from the embassy did arrive at the consulate today, and went out with a group of people driving the consulate car. I haven't returned to the consulate so far. I have asked the consulate to contact the military attache Lafite to confirm whether his person has arrested your uncle Baili Tianxing, and I will also try to find his whereabouts. "

"Did not return to the consulate? The location is unknown !?"

Baili Qingfeng, who was rushing to the consulate, was in a stature.

"Yes, I will search hard. I will call you as soon as there is news."

Swich said, quickly admonished: "You must not be reckless, that is the consulate of the Aurora Empire. After the last increase in troops, the total strength of the Aurora Empire in one of our embassies and consulates has been Reaching four thousand, the Aurora Empire consulate also has a fully-armed reinforcement battalion, more than eight hundred elite soldiers. Soldiers are different from cavemen, with a determined will, even if their strength is weak, they will not be resistant to your revelation. It ’s worse than a caveman warrior, your means are not cheap. "

"I'm clear."

"Be patient, we should soon be able to find the whereabouts of Lafie attache."

"No, the time is urgent, so wait and wait to do nothing. God knows what kind of torture my uncle Baili Tianxing is suffering! I know from whom I can ask Rafi's whereabouts!"

After Baili Qingfeng said, he hung up the phone without hesitation.


Turn around and head towards Yutan Lake Park.

Yutan Lake Park is not far from Honolulu Street in the city center. It is a special area where the wealthy people in Xia City gather. The park covers an area of ​​more than three square kilometers, and there are dozens of villas scattered in total. Ten days before his investigation, Tiansun Morun lived in it.

Even if you use a knife to kill people, you want to use the knife of the aurora empire Lafite, which is not something a woman can do.

Borrowed the potential of Tiansun Morun.

Tian Sun Mo Lun is unlikely to come forward directly, but the possibility of people around him doing this is more than 90%.

But the final probability does not rule out Tian Sun Molun's personal intent.

After all, Baili Qingfeng personally experienced how Sun Molun was deceived in order to listen to a concert by Bellis, labor and labor, and forcibly interfered with the other schedules arranged by other students of the Blue Ocean Conservatory, forcing her to end the blueprint immediately. Concert to be held.

This kind of person who relies on his own status as a grandson and does not lead by example, obeys the law and establishes a good image of the royal family among the people, but is wanton and overbearing ...

You can't take the noble and savvy he imagined.

Therefore, he does not care about those subordinates and bodyguards.

Capture the thief and the king!

Directly go to Yutan Lake to capture Sun Molun, forcing Molun to summon the guards. Ask them from their mouths, and they will naturally know who is the culprit who killed by sword. At the same time, he can also ask from the culprit the current Lafite will kill him. Where did my uncle Baili Tianxing catch?

"call out!"

Baili Qingfeng's figure shuttled.

I soon came to the outside of Yutan Lake Park. Although the park was surrounded by an iron fence and was patrolled by security at all times, it was too large to block the figure of Baili Qingfeng. He turned into Yutan Lake Park and came to one of the villas.

Although Tian Sun Morun is a Tian Sun, it does not mean that the villa where he lives is always guarded by a large number of armed staff.

There are naturally bodyguards in the villa, but the number is not large.

A dozen people work in two shifts.


The biggest weakness of this villa is that there is no anti-theft network!

According to the layout of the building, Baili Qingfeng searched for the location of the master bedroom a little, then took advantage of a gap, strode a star, and flew in a vertical shape, and went directly to the balcony on the second floor, and easily moved into the villa.

A perfect dive.

When he arrived in the villa, he inspired his hearing to the extreme and listened quietly.

Not long ago, he saw Tian Sun Morun, and he also heard Tian Sun Morun's voice. Within a minute, he quickly identified Tian Sun Morun's location based on his voice.


Holding the sword like this, he neglected four bodyguards sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper ~ ~ in the lobby on the first floor, came to the room where Tian Sun Morun's voice came, and pushed open the door.

In a room of nearly 100 square meters, Tian Sun Molun is exchanging something with the two.

It is the upcoming parliamentary election in Xiahai Prefecture.

Seeing that the Baili Qingfeng door came in without knocking, the three of them stunned at the same time, and one of them reprimanded: "Did you see that I was negotiating with His Royal Highness about something? I do n’t understand any etiquette. Teach you, you ... "

But the other person saw the sword held in the hands of Baili Qingfeng for the first time, and shouted, "Who are you !?"

Let's stop ~ ~ and yelled in the direction of the first floor: "Come! Someone breaks in ..."

After breaking into a few words, Baili Qingfeng moved.

Step out.


All the second floors seemed to suddenly startle.

The floor of that precious tile display mat cracked.

Along with this burst of strength, Baili Qingfeng was full of vitality and blood, his strength was transparent, he rose from his legs, blasted into his spine, and penetrated his whole body. He was like an arrow off the string, and rushed forward.

Baili Qingfeng had to admit Chi Shuang's statement. He is indeed a naive and simple person. He can't be compared to other people's treacherousness, so he must not follow other people's steps!

All he can do is to solve the problem from the root!

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