The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 146: then

"We turned out a guru who originally belonged to us ..."

Sherlock's tone was full of regret.

"Perhaps Baili can kill Yabo. It may be a reason for his own reservation. There is also a reason ... It is that he got the potion of the mysterious strong man behind Baili Qingfeng. He has a second spring, so that he can regain the Grand Master level, if that's the case ... "

When Li Xueying said this, his expression gradually became excited.

"That potion ..."

In front of Murby, it was also lit up: "Today is the trading time of Neutralizing Pharmacy, and we will ship those herbs to Baili Qingfeng! Already prepared?"

"Three hundred, it's all, but due to the recent large-scale acquisition of related medicinal materials, the price of these medicinal materials has risen a lot ... All have been given to him, and not many of them remain in our hands ..."

"No more, no more. Change the neutralizer to your hands first."

Morby thought of the horror of Baili Sky, and the mysterious guru who stood behind Baili Qingfeng, and finally said: "It is the critical moment of our rise, and it is not appropriate to build a strong enemy!"

"Yes, I'll contact Baili Qingfeng for delivery."


Baili Qingfeng received a call from Chi Shuang when she was still outside the boundaries of Xia City.

Unconsciously, it's time to trade a neutralizer.

Baili Qingfeng had to get out of the car first and return to his yard in the university district.

At the gate of the courtyard, Chi Shuang was already waiting with several people driving a special explosion-proof car there.

Although there are not many medicinal materials, they can be placed on the ground with two or three hundred cubic centimeters. Three hundred parts are not small.

The key is……

High value!

They ca n’t drive a tricycle to deliver tens of millions of things, right?

"Qingfeng friends."

"Here, help me move to the yard."

Baili Qingfeng greeted.

Free workers do not have to use nothing.

At present, several people, one box per person, carried the medicinal materials, and placed them in a room specially cleaned by Baili Qingfeng.

At this time, the defense force of Baili Qingfeng's yard had risen sharply, all windows were equipped with anti-theft nets, and an iron door was installed outside the main entrance.

He also plans to make a basement free of time, and then make a steel door of thousands of kilograms in the basement to store valuables. By then, the invaders do not have the master's strength, and the door should not be opened.

"Qingfeng friends, you can order a little, three hundred, a lot."

"I won't clear it up a little bit. There is a problem. I will find you."

Baili Qingfeng said, took out the neutralizer prescription.

Suddenly, Chi Shuang, who won the treasure, put away the prescription and put it in a prepared safe for the first time.

The cautious look made it look like an unseen deal.

"Remember, this neutralizer prescription only allows ordinary people to better withstand the potency of that drug. The side effects are still there, and the medication period needs to be extended."

"Ten times right, we take note."

Chi Shuang said, it seemed that he couldn't wait to formulate a neutralizing potion in person, and turned away immediately.

"Clearance of money and goods."

Baili Qingfeng saw that they had written down their words and said nothing.

These people stole his prescription and stole more than two million deposits. He just calculated it backwards and let them compensate for his 300 prescriptions. In addition, they did not move their hair, even if it might cause them injury. He also specially reminded.

To do this step, he is truly benevolent.

What's wrong with them next has nothing to do with him.


Putting the herbs in place, Baili Qingfeng went to the cave to practice a round of Shenhenzhen prison, and the time was coming to night.

Baili Qingfeng put down his hand.

Grandpa Er was a little down, and Baili Tianxing was injured again, so he naturally had to go and see.

Out of the yard, past the old dormitory area, go to the bus station and wait for the bus.

When he did not reach the bus station, an empty taxi happened to pass by him, and he was stopped to go to Wuhe City.

Sitting in the car, Baili Qingfeng was a little emotional.


Sure enough, it is a creature prone to fall.

Like before, he was reluctant to even take a bus one or two kilometers away, preferring to walk, but now ...

Obviously, you can take a bus in Xia Ya, you only need to transfer to Sanshun Town, Wuhe City, but he chose to take a taxi ...

This is the biggest change he has brought since martial arts.

After a while in the car, he seemed to think of something and suddenly let the driver go around the embassy area.

Although Division Switch said that the Consulate General of the Aurora Empire had a large number of soldiers garrisoned, and the defense was very strict, he could not be reconciled without a glance.

Although Lafite was killed by a knife to find his uncle Baili Tianxing, but ...

It is very close to find out the truth.

When the truth had not been found out, he dared to rush to Sanshun Town to arrest the uncle directly. If he was let him know that he was the murderer of his son, what would he do! ?

can not imagine!

Think carefully!


He must resolve this uneasy factor as soon as possible.

Also count ...

Serve the country.

The vehicle quickly came to the embassy area, and focused on a circle around the Aurora Empire Consulate.

As Swich said, the entire consulate was almost built into a military base by the elite soldiers of the Aurora Empire. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and machine gun bunkers, all kinds of military equipment.

There is a circle of wire mesh on the iron fence outside.

That height ...

Baili Qingfeng looked at him, he couldn't jump over.

Not to mention jumping over is also a lawn, a team of Aurora Imperial soldiers patrolling with guns on the roof of the building will surely find him the first time.

"The defense is too tight ..."

Baili Qingfeng was a bit lonely.

He could only passively choose to wait for Lafite to come out and hand over the initiative to such a terrible figure who could give him at any time and bring fatal danger to his family.

"After all, I'm too weak. If I have the strength of a seventh-level military town, why is it so hard and so slow, I have worked so hard, and I have been working so hard for so long. Practice it? "

Baili Qingfeng looked at the far away Aurora Empire consulate outside the window of the moving vehicle, with a lingering sorrow in his eyes.


Sanshun Town.

Baili Qingfeng adjusted his mentality, a smile on his face, and returned to the courtyard of the second grandfather's house.

No matter how hard you are, you have to be strong, just for those looking forward!

"Second Grandpa, I've come to see you. Are you feeling better?"

Baili Qingfeng smiled and pushed the door.

"Okay, my grandson came to see me, and my mood was naturally good."

Baili Changkong, who was chatting with Switch, Baili Tianxing and others, smiled back.

Teacher Switch's Baili Qingfeng came, and Baili's emotions gradually stabilized. He stood up with a smile and politely said, "The old man has time to go to our ninth division to give directions. I have your experience. Zhuyu is ahead. The boys in the ninth division will definitely take a lot less detours in martial arts. "

"I don't have this ability, so I won't go wrong with my children. General Switch will come and sit often."

"Yes, you must visit Father Barry every New Year's Day. Don't be too annoying me."

"Where would I be? I'm too late to welcome."

Baili Changkong and Skyway were polite again and sent Skyway to leave.

As the person in charge of the Ninth Division, he can be here to spend a couple of hours with Baili Sky, which has been regarded as extremely important. At the same time, it is equivalent to releasing his attitude to the outside world.

Barry's, he kept it.

Sending Switch to leave, Baili Sky's eyes fell on Baili Tianxing, whose arms have been bandaged and fixed: "This time I know the gap between myself and those real masters? I know where the difference is, and wait to heal the injury As soon as possible, practice. "

"I understand."

Baili Tianxing nodded.

"Not only the sky, Qing Feng, you also have to practice well. The present world is not the worst, but it is not too good. You should be able to see what is happening today. Although you are still young and are still in school, but After slowly contacting the society, you will know the darkness of the society and the hardship of life. Only by mastering strong martial arts yourself is the foundation of standing. "

Baili Changkong turned to Baili Qingfeng, and he spoke graciously.

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng nodded cautiously.

He is really not strong enough.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on an album in Baili's sky study.

When Grandpa Er left, he should be looking at this album. The photos in the album are mainly black and white, mixed with a few colorful photos.

One of the photos of Grandpa Er was young, with the rank of Brigadier General.

"this is……"

"The old folks before."

"Unexpectedly, Grandpa Er is actually a general. He never heard Grandpa second."

"He is a brave man, and I am a low-key person in the sky. How can I know everyone who has been a general in the past?"

"Second grandpa is really hidden."

"Don't mention the past, you know, I never like to keep my record of killing several war-level powerhouses."

"Second Grandpa is amazing."

Baili Qingfeng cooperated with a look of worship.

Suddenly, Baili Changkong ’s mood increased sharply ~ ~ A smile slowly hanged on the old face, and the right hand slowly stroked over those photos, feeling: "Unfortunately, these old There are not a few friends who are still alive now ... the few who have managed to survive, but they are not the same. "

"Life is alive, we have to look forward, the situation will get better and better, and the days will get better and better."

Baili Qingfeng advised.

"I naturally believe this."

Hundreds of miles in the sky laughed: "My grandson's future will be a ternary one to condense his internal interest, and he is even expected to set foot on that true fairyland. The future will naturally be better."

"Grandpa is right, I will practice with all my strength, and reach the realm of ternary cohesion as soon as possible."

Baili Qingfeng nodded cautiously: "But Grandpa, haven't you said that the martial arts practice doesn't value the level too much? The combat power is the key! I feel that I am not particularly weak when I destroy the Sun Gate, I wonder Maybe you can try a war-level warrior card ... "

"The level of martial art practice is really not the key ..."

Baili Sky nodded slightly, for a moment, as if he noticed something, suddenly reached out to signal a pause: "Wait, wait, wait! What did you say !?"

"Oh, I said I wanted to try and get a war-level warrior certificate ..."

"No no no, the previous sentence!"

"The previous sentence? I felt like I wasn't particularly weak when I destroyed Sun Gate?"

Baili Qingfeng repeated in doubt.

"Have you done the day by day door in Huangyan, Donghai?"


Suddenly, Baili rolled his blank eyes and covered his heart with a hand: "Medicine ... Medicine ..."


(Monthly ticket, recommended ticket, only the ticket and this powerful heart-saving agent will save me, otherwise the ambulance will come.)

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