The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 157: Portal

"High-explosive shells, armor-piercing shells ..."

Orly's voice on the phone quickly became cautious: "Mr. Baili ... what other consul offended you?"

"Which consul offends me? No, I am a student who stays at home to study and listen to songs and martial arts every day. How could I provoke such a big man?"

Baili Qingfeng said, "I just started a group of Chen Jin and wanted to use it."

Hearing that there was Chen Jin in Baili Qingfeng's hands, Ollie's cautious voice immediately became exaggerated: "Mr. Baili, thank you for your trust in our Xuanhuang Society, and hand over the Chen Jin in your hand. We will build equipment, and we will never let you down. "

"Of course, I can trust you, isn't this coming to find you to cast the armor?"

"Mr. Baili, let me take the liberty to ask, how much Chenjin do you have?"

When Ollie finished speaking, he immediately added: "Of course, if Mr. Baili is inconvenient, forget it."

"What does it matter? I have done a good job with all the miles, and all Chen Jin's way is innocent. Which one is used to look forward and backward, my Chen Jin is about 290 kg to 300 kg. . "

"You don't know the exact value?"

"I didn't count in the yard."


Ollie paused for a moment, and then replied, "Please wait a few minutes for me."


Baili Qingfeng was very patient, and turned the ethnographic encyclopedia at will.

Four minutes later, a voice came, but it wasn't Ollie, but Ou Zilong, the master of casting armor: "Hello Mr. Baili, haha, it seems that my last work did not satisfy Mr. Baili."

"Hi Master Ou, it's just a small flaw, but it's still quite unexpected on the whole."

"That's good, that's good, I'm also worried that something is wrong with my craft."

Ou Zilong said a few words and then quickly entered the theme: "Mr. Baili wants to cast a heavy armor?"


"Although I don't doubt Mr. Baili's strength, and think that your burden of heavy armor will not affect physical flexibility, I don't recommend Mr. Baili to do so if he does not serve in the Shia Army."

Ou Zilong said, adding: "I'm talking about a job, not a job."


"Heavy armor is different from medium armor and light armor. Heavy armor is completely designed for war. In many places, it is basically to carry fire pendants, and those heavy weapons ... Although you can get the status of Mr. Baili, after all, No one can be on the stage. In this way, Mr. Baili will not be used in many places, and the sensitive price paid will be greater than the defensive advantage gained. "

"So what ... but I want to use the Chen Jin in my hand."

"I have two suggestions, Mr. Baili may wish to consider."

"You said."

"The first suggestion is to create a few more Chenjin battle armors, and 300 kilograms of Chenjin battles. Adding the loss, it is not a problem to create three light Chenjin battle armors ..."

Ou Zilong Road.

This proposal was directly rejected by Baili Qingfeng.

No one he knew could afford a Chen Jin battle armor, and the only second grandfather, Baili Changkong, also inherited General Melbourne's battle armor, and did not need his new armor.

"What about the second suggestion?"

"Creating a boutique warframe."

"Boutique Warframe?"

"Yes, a Warframe that requires four times as much consumables, but can only increase the Warframe defense by one level."

Ou Zilong said, adding: "The material of Chen Jin is unique, but the alchemy level of those races is not good. We can process Chen Jin twice. If Mr. Baili trusts me, the 300 kilograms Chen Jin was delivered to me, and I was confident that I would refine Chen Jin to create a light and medium armor for Mr. Baili that was not inferior to the heavy armor. "

Baili Qingfeng thought for a while and thought about it.

For a moment ...

He thought that his refresh point, which can make a lot of Chenjin materials, was likely to be scrapped, so he had to yearn for the high-quality battle armor, and regretted: "The three hundred kilograms of Chenjin is all I have. I will not be able to pay the cost of making armor if I build the armor. "

"Then, we can cast a light armor for Mr. Baili. The final weight is about 80 kilograms. Compared with your current one, the defense will increase by 50 to 60%. When Mr. Baili reaches the level of the Grand Master, Refining the body, even if hit by the cannonball, it can be carried down, only to be injured by the shock, and there is no need to worry about the armor being torn directly. "


Baili Qingfeng immediately responded.

The defense has increased by 50% to 60%, maybe a little worse than the heavy armor, but it definitely belongs to the top of the medium armor. The key is that it weighs only 80 kilograms.

Smaller weight means smaller armour area and more flexible moving speed. Performance cannot be measured simply by 50% to 60% increase in defensive power.

"Let's move Chen Jin."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

"Is Mr. Barry free at ten o'clock tomorrow? We will arrive at Mr. Barry's house at about ten o'clock and deliver the strengthened intact warframe to Mr. Barry's house within half a month."


Baili Qingfeng answered and hung up the phone.

Chen Jinshang can refine ...

Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on Chen Jinjian in his hand.

This sword is made according to his height and arm length. It is quite easy to use when not in armor. Once he is in armor, it is slightly awkward.

"When the armor arrives, create a fine Chen Jin sword based on the armor. Alas, be bigger, one meter four? One meter five?"

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, first flipped through the books, learned humanoid language, stayed at night, went to a cave, and practiced the demon town prison body again.

After finishing the training of the demon town prisoner and having dinner, Baili Qingfeng read a book and saw it around ten o'clock, and turned on the computer.

Board the chat group.

Unsurprisingly ...

The chat group like a dead group during the day is more or less popular at night. The Quantum God of War, the East wins, and the Ethereal Fairy have all spoken in it, that is, the popularity is far from the previous.

You should know that at the time when the group was just established, each of the big brothers had to send at least a few hundred messages.

Baili Qingfeng sent a picture every day, after greeting the big brothers in the group, he looked at the chats of the big brothers.

The gangsters talked about Prince Tysonson of the Kingdom of Lanka and Princess Silvia seeking reunification.

Although the Kingdom of Lanka was defeated by the Iron Empire on the front battlefield, and the whole country was occupied, Prince Taylorson and Silvia have not given up and wandered on the international stage for help.

It's just that the core of the chat between the big guys this time is not the possibility of the resurgence of the Kingdom of Lanka, but ...

The temperament and looks of Her Royal Highness Silvia.

This topic ...

I feel a little unworthy of the cool style of the big guys.

Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment and asked: "Brothers, can you ask me, do you know the portal?"

They were chatting for a few moments about Princess Silvia's message and paused for more than ten seconds.

It took a while before the Quantum God of War returned: "Portal? Has the thing the boss touched is so high-end? But what is the portal, can it be eaten?"

"Same question, is it a magic circle? In addition to the warriors in our world, there is a magic world hidden?"

"Why not a world of cultivation?"

"The portal is on the magic side, isn't it? The cultivation side ... should be called the teleport array?"

Soon, the building was crooked.

You guys started to study whether the portal technology belongs to the world of magic or the technology of magic.

Each one quotes Scriptures, which are justified and justified.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and faintly realized that the big brothers might not know such things as portals.

Or maybe ...

There is something wrong with his description.

The whirlpool channel that can transfer the cavemen warriors and cavemen warriors one by one is not called a portal at all?

What is not called a portal?


Space tunnel?

At the moment he asked his own question: "Maybe I described it wrongly, it is a special passage that resembles a whirlpool and allows the cave people to come to our place from one place."


East wins issued an ellipsis.

"I seem to know what it is."

"Isn't it the kind of thing I imagine?"

"Big guy ... if it's the kind of thing we imagine, you should immediately notify your local garrison and report the news as quickly as possible!"

The message from the East wins, the misty fairy, and the **** of quantum war seems a little serious?

However, this seriousness was quickly interrupted by the gentleman sword that suddenly emerged from the diving state: "So ~ ~ Brother, do you want to tell me that you have already channeled out of that channel just now? Have the burrows been killed? "


Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised: "The gentleman sword moderator is also here, the boss knows this kind of thing?"

"No no no, you are a big brother, I am Xin Meng, how dare I call a big brother in front of you big brother."

The gentleman sword quickly said.


If he hadn't seen Bai Yisheng before, he might have believed these big brothers, but he had witnessed the kind of pressure that Bai Yisheng brought to him, and the kind of harmony between man and himself who integrated himself with the little half of Qingyuan Mountain. In a realm, he knew in his heart that he and the big brothers in the group were still far behind.

It's just that the big brothers, in order to take care of his face, and especially easy to talk, will give people the illusion that they are just a bunch of young people.

Seriously he lost.

"Big guy joked, I'm really new."

Baili Qingfeng said, hurriedly sent a picture of "new cute shivering".


The gentleman sword sent an ellipsis, which seemed to be a bit tired: "Brother, shall we not do this?"

"Okay, let me answer your question first."

Baili Qingfeng replied, earnestly and truthfully: "I didn't kill the cave people who came out of that channel, they are too many!"

"Too much !? Can't you kill even the big brother?"

The gentleman sent a dynamic picture of sucking air-conditioner backwards.

"It's not endless killing. I want to kill them. I wish they had all lined up to come over, but they only killed dozens of them. They wouldn't come. I can't help it. I'm desperate."

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