The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 165: Super 3

"Good medicine!"

Taking the drug, Li Xingying, Chong Wufeng, Wang Xiu and other powerful gods reacted immediately.

However, because Murby was the first time to take the thunder refining liquid, the side effects were suppressed by the neutralizer, but he felt dry and hot, and his strength was endless.

"His, good domineering power! I felt like a fire was burning inside my body, and it seemed to make me reborn."

A spiritual warrior noticed the difference in this medicine for the first time.

"The medicinal power is overwhelming because the effect is significant. Compressing one year's hardship within a few days will naturally damage itself, which is why it takes one month to take the second medicine."

Wang Xiu, who took the earliest medicine, speculated.

"Unsurprisingly, taking one dose of medicine should be five days of hard work and remedy, ten days of conditioning and recovery, and half a month for self-recovery and metabolism to offset the side effects of the medicine remaining in the body, so a slight injury is normal. . "

Sherlock said.

As a guru character, although he felt a little discomfort, when he was able to bear it, he was much stronger than others, and he couldn't understand the pain of others.

While others heard what he said, he felt that he was justified and continued to support his teeth.

Wang Xiu and others are only in their thirties, and they are in their prime. However, they can be heavy and sharp, but the **** eagles are old. When the thunder refining liquid attacks, they feel that the internal organs are burning like fire. Melting it down, the pain of the internal organs being washed away little by little, made the faces of the two people extremely pale because of the pain.

Finally, Chong Wufeng, who was a little older, couldn't bear it: "It's too painful, no, I can't hold it, I feel like my internal organs are going to be melted. If I go on like this, even if my internal organs are clean, I will I'm so sad! "

After speaking, he looked weakly at the table: "Where is the neutralizer, is there any neutralizer !?"

"Ah! It hurts!"

At this time, another person screamed sternly: "I can't help it, give me a neutralizer! Give me a neutralizer!"

"We did not prepare excess neutralizers."

Murby's face changed, and looking at these people's faces faintly felt something wrong.

"You all have pain and unbearable pain, and your five internal organs are melting !?"

Li Xueying's eye pupils shrank, these people's reaction ...

Why is it so similar to the experimenters who took this medicine for the first time?

Do not!

Not like, but more exaggerated than last time!

Ten minutes after taking the last medicine, those talents are gradually suffering, this time ...

No more than ten minutes! ?

"Yes, I also feel very painful, as if there was a fire burning in my body!"

"Me too, my body is like being melted!"

"This phenomenon ... is it different from taking that medicine without a neutralizer?"

"It's a big difference. This pain is more severe than the last time the two brothers took the medicine! I, I can't hold it, ah ..."

With the screams of one of them, he fell down, his face pale and groaning in pain.

And his fall seems to have caused a chain reaction. Among the crowd, except for Murby, who took the medicine for the first time, and Shalok, who had a master's repair, all the remaining ten fell down. Struggling, his body twitched, he was already unconscious.

"How can this be, how can this be !?"

Seeing this scene, Merby couldn't help panic.

"I also feel a kind of fire burning in my body ..."

At this time, Sherlock's expression was not normal, and he was gradually frightened: "There is a problem, there is a problem, there is a problem with the medicine given by Baili Qingfeng!"

"He ... he lied to us !?"

"No! No! I don't want to die, I don't want to die ... I just found a sixth lover, with tens of millions of properties, I don't want to die ..."

"Bali Qingfeng ..."

The screams of sorrow suddenly came from these ten people.

Li Xueying's eyes were filled with despair: "Bali Qingfeng, my best friend of your second grandpa, I am your elder, why do you treat me like this ..."

In particular, they watched old friends one after another, with the side effects of the thunder refining liquid in full swing, eroding their internal organs and bleed to death, and the terrible seven holes bleed to death. Fear and resentment almost filled their whole body.

But no matter how cursed or hate they are, they will not be able to reverse the overbearing side effects of the liquid mine.

Less than ten minutes, all struggles, all hatred, all dissipated.

Only eleven bodies remained on the ground.

among them……

Includes Shalock the Grandmaster!

Even his master, who had trained in internal interest, had not resisted the violent hegemonic power of the thunder refining liquid, and he was slain by all means and died.

Compared with others, he insisted on it for a little longer.

Seeing this scene, Murby was standing in place, as if pulled away from his soul.

With this potion, they thought that they would usher in unprecedented glory, and opened up an era of their own in the city of Xia, and even they had made a vision and plan for the future.

But now ...


All the people taking the second medicine are dead!

The death of these most core personnel has caused vitality to their side. The key is ...

He broke the hope of Charya's dominion and was brutally broken!

For a while, Murby was full of unprecedented anger and resentment!

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

Morby roared, and his voice was full of violent killing!

"I want you to die!"


At the moment, Baili Qingfeng knew nothing about what happened to Merby.

He is quietly looking at the biological book, while carefully sensing his changes.

At the sixth level, refining the **** can influence the direction of cell evolution with his own will. Although the efficiency is slow, he can induce mutations to form liver cancer when he is infected with the liver virus, but he can do more with less.

It took him only three days to complete the conversion from viral infection to liver cancer.

The reason why it took three days was because his own resilience kept disturbing him and forced him to suppress the resilience. Otherwise, whether the cancer cells would survive is very questionable.

"Finally, it's the moment."

Baili Qingfeng felt the crazy geometric proliferation of cancer cells in the body and took a deep breath.

Heaven Demons Disintegration I, Heaven Demons Disintegration II ...

For a moment, the demon dismantling technique was directly promoted to the third stage by him.

After a period of time, the cancer cells that he intentionally proliferated throughout the liver were injected by a powerful spirit like high-energy particles, hitting and dividing, and instantly produced a chain reaction, providing him with endless majestic energy, making the power of blood on his body surge Pushed to an unprecedented limit.

Relying on the fission energy provided by the cancer cells, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt that the negative effects brought about by the demons disintegration technique III were completely eliminated by him. In the entire breath, he felt a little tired, and his energy was consumed. Did not suffer any substantial damage.

Not to mention, as in the past, the whole body was covered with blood and contaminated the whole body, making it extremely miserable, not even a drop of sweat.


Baili Qingfeng had a touch of joy on his face.

However, as the cancer cells were consumed by him in no time, and the chain reaction of fission continued to sweep towards other cells, he had to stop the operation of the third demonic disintegration operation.

"It's so fast!"

Baili Qingfeng felt the cancer cells that she had hardly nurtured, and all of them were consumed by the demons disintegration technique.

In other words, his cancer is fine.

"It took me a week to grow a handful of cancer cells. Can I only maintain the breath of the demons dissolving more than three breaths? This cancer cell is too weak."

This situation is a bit like the Master of Inner Flow.

It's just that the Guru Master has internal interest, and he has cancer cells.

"My direction is wrong. Since I am wrong, I have to change. My biggest advantage is that I am good at using my knowledge and wisdom."

Baili Qingfeng pondered for a moment: "What I need is not actually a cancer cell, but a cell that divides and proliferates very fast to provide energy for my demons disintegration technique III! The cancer cells proliferate geometrically. The efficiency is extremely fast, but the base is too low. If I really want to use it as a regular energy source, it will take half a month or even a month for a battle ... and more cancer cells will interfere with the normality of my body. Development to stimulate my own immune system to clear cancer cells ... "

Judging from this, what he really needs is a cell that proliferates quickly, has a short cycle, and does not significantly affect itself ~ ~ This kind of cell ... white blood cell! It's up to you! "

Baili Qingfeng immediately selected this new cell.

White blood cells, also known as human guards, have the property of resisting bacterial invasion. This kind of cells have a strong ability to move, are compatible with entering all tissues of the human body, and can proliferate significantly under external stress. The life cycle is also Very short.

The only problem is ...

The proliferation efficiency is too low.

Does not have the characteristics of geometric proliferation of cancer cells.

"The geometric proliferation of cancer cells is just that. I can rely on the powerful advantages of refining God to interfere with cell proliferation and guide white blood cells to grow geometrically and explosively like cancer cells. The large number of white blood cells in the human body will increase in Give me a lot of cellular energy that can be used for fission in a very short time! "

Baili Qingfeng's eyes were slightly bright.

"Try it!"

Just do it!

At the moment, he stimulated by adrenaline to simulate the crisis environment of bacterial invasion, allowing the white blood cells to proliferate, and at the same time, the powerful "god" projected directly into himself, concentrated on his own granulocytes, and guided the white cells like cancer cells Same fission proliferation.

Natural efficiency is slow at the beginning.

After all, it is not easy to change the growth characteristics of a cell.

But Baili Qingfeng believes that the potential of the human body is endless.

Since he can develop the demon dismantling technique two and the demon dismantling technique three through wisdom, he will continue to work out the demon dismantling technique super three, which is bound to matter.

Flashed for four days.

Under the perseverance of Baili Qingfeng's perseverance, the white blood cells in his body died one after another, and finally he gradually learned geometric fission.

Create your own demon dismantling super three, complete!


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