The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 167: 3 yuan 1

"Teach a lover no more, say goodbye ..."

Su Weiwei listened to the chorus between Baili Qingfeng and Gu Lingying, a kind of unspeakable sourness filled her heart.

She has a strong impulse and can't wait to replace Gu Lingying herself and sing this song with Baili Qingfeng, becoming the first singer of this song.

Don't mention her, even if Nicole can hear it, this is a love song that is full of anger and anger.

A love song in a love song.

If it spreads, it will sing and sing.

"I finally heard this song ..."

Qin Lanshan's eyes were a little confused: "When I saw the lyrics of this song, I was looking forward to what kind of life-like love it represents, now I know ..."

Gu Lingying took a look at Baili Qingfeng, with softness and tranquility in his eyes: "After all, Shuiyun Yayun is the shop of Sister Yun. In the future, I can often play the piano with the Qingfeng senior at the Qingfeng senior home. Blowjob? "

"Of course, welcome."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Qin Lanshan looked at Bai Liqing Feng and Gu Lingying's hands tightly, and gave a wronged face: "You two, are you trying to abandon me?"

"How come, you are our best listener."

Gu Lingying laughed.

"That's pretty much it."

Qin Lanshan said, looking at the two, it seemed as if he saw a pair of golden boys and girls.

As early as when Baili Qingfeng and Gu Lingying laughed for the first time in the Shuiyun Yayun Ensemble, she had this feeling.

Two people who like music know each other because of music, know each other because of music, and finally come together because of music ...

Think about it and feel very romantic.

There are three outsiders, Su Weiwei, Nicole, and Qin Lanshan, and Baili Qingfeng and Gu Lingying naturally cannot really study the music of the morning.

After a little chat, he went to a restaurant outside with a few people for dinner.

After lunch, the group discussed what to do in the afternoon.

This proposal is for shopping, that is for mountain climbing, and some have proposed to visit the newly developed Coral Island nearby.

"Shouldn't you ask Senior Qing Feng?"

Nicole finally found a chance to speak again.

As soon as her words were spoken, the eyes of Qin Lanshan and Gu Lingying became strange.

And Baili Qingfeng, who had wanted to speak a long time ago, did not hesitate to say his suggestion ~ ~ Of course, read a book. You cannot imagine the fun in the book. "

After speaking, he turned to Su Weiwei: "To sister Xue Xue, how do you read the books on theoretical acoustics, the mystery of sound waves, resonance and decibels, and listening to the sounds of the world?"


Su Weiwei's smile on the pretty pretty little face was a little stiff, and then she seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "I forgot, there seems to be a training this afternoon, I'm afraid I don't have time to go shopping with you. It's getting late, I'm going to hurry. "

"Well, then you remember to go back and read well."

After speaking, Baili Qingfeng turned to Qin Lanshan and Gu Lingying: "Let's go to the book. I recently saw the relevant knowledge about biology, which mainly focuses on the two aspects of cell proliferation and cell evolution. I am a bit confused and worried. Malformed cells evolved, so what if we went to watch it for a while? Would you like to watch it for five hours? After that, let ’s go to dinner and then watch a movie? "

"Five hours ..."

Nicole looked at the ladies watch.

It's half past one.

Five hours ...

Six thirty. It's really time for dinner.


"I also think there is something else, I will not go with you first."

"Wait a minute, I will go too. My clothes are still in the washing machine. I have to go back and hurry up."

Qin Lanshan said quickly.

"Walk together."

Nicole said, holding Qin Lanshan and waving his hand to Gu Lingying: "You have fun."


Baili Qingfeng waved his hand, then turned to Gu Lingying: "I know the nearest bookstore, shall we go?"

Gu Lingying glanced at Qin Lanshan and Nicole who had already walked out of a distance. In the end, it was not good to leave Baili Qingfeng to catch up. He nodded and followed Baili Qingfeng to the bookstore.


Seems pretty good.

Two people looked at the same book, sat next to each other, whispered together side by side ...

A ghost!

Baili Qingfeng really read the books for five hours.

They are all highly professional books, mainly biology and physics. Gu Lingying tried to accompany him for a while and caused strong discomfort.

Looking at Bai Li Qingfeng's intensive reading, for a while, she suddenly felt that she never really knew him.


Apart from the common language of music, the two have no other communication in life.

"Well, five hours are up, and five hours is five hours. My Baili Qingfeng is determined to be a person who believes in words."

As soon as five hours arrived, Baili Qingfeng closed up the book in his hand.

Integrity is the second identity card of a person.

When Baili Qingfeng went out of the bookstore, he bought two headphones directly and handed one of them to her: "It's for you."


Some lingering Gu Lingying stunned for a moment, and then rejoiced: "Qing Feng, senior ..."

"We are each one."

Baili Qingfeng shook the box in his hand and smiled, "Music is our best friend, pointing directly to our hearts. No matter what time I encounter any trouble, just listen to the song."

Gu Lingying looked at the headphones sent by Baili Qingfeng. Although the value of a headset was not worth her mention, ...

She seemed to feel that the whole afternoon's wait was worth it.

"Just listen to the song."

"Yes, listening to songs and practicing martial arts can wipe out all unhappy things."

Baili Qingfeng smiled and said, "But remember not to listen to songs when crossing the road."


Gu Ling nodded.

Just listen to the song, others, what will happen to their future, don't think so much now.

The two had dinner at the moment, but never went to the movies again.

There aren't any good movies being shown, and Gu Lingying didn't force it.

The two walked along the river and strolled to the Blue Ocean Conservatory. Baili Qingfeng sent her to the bedroom building and returned directly to her yard.

It's too early, just nine o'clock. Now, when the pot is boiled, I ran a trip to my own cultivation treasure and practiced a round of magic town.

An hour later, I returned to the yard and drank the boiled mine liquid.

"It takes a lot of time to boil once. I don't know if it will affect the effect if I put it in the refrigerator. If not, I can boil it in a large pot. I won't waste time every time.

Baili Qingfeng pondered.


The overbearing medicinal power of the thunder refining liquid began to attack.

However, Baili Qingfeng has maintained the efficiency of taking a mine refining liquid for almost two days for more than a month. It seems that the internal organs have become stronger after hardening, or the body may gradually produce side effects of the mine refining liquid. With the habit, in short, the damage caused by the lightning solution has not been as serious as before.

You can recover from a sleep.

If it wasn't for the medicinal power that needed enough time to digest the medicinal power, he really wanted to drink the mine refining liquid as a drink.

Packed in a thermos cup, and put some wolfberry, you can save money to buy bottle of mineral water.

Early the next morning.

Baili Qingfeng got up refreshedly, brushed his teeth, washed his face, went to the toilet, and then went to the cave to practice the demon town prison body to soothe the muscles and bones. When he returned, he was gradually rising towards the morning. Vigorous.

"Qi and blood have reached a satisfactory state again, and the effect of the thunder refining liquid is really extraordinary, and I can try to impact the Grand Master once again."

Baili Qingfeng did not wait for the night.

Three yuan runaway and the like, just get used to it.

"First find the feeling of ternary unity ... forget it, anyway, my talent is so poor, how to find the feeling of condensing the internal interest at the moment is a failure, just practice like this, what kind of training is what it looks like."

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, leading the three spirits in the body to begin to merge with a loving attitude.


Unexpectedly, very smoothly ...


It seems that he has gone through all the methods of failure, and there is no way to fail, this time he is adhering to a natural mentality without any burden to impact the triad, actually ...

It is a natural success!

"Really successful?"

Baili Qingfeng felt a special energy flowing in his body.

This special energy is smelted by his three spirits, and is closely related to his spirits. At the time of condensing, he has been involuntarily absorbing the energy of spirits in his body to grow himself very slowly, making him Gradually formed a ...

The grandfather of his second grandpa has been hanging around his mouth.

Inside interest!

Baili Qingfeng carefully sensed and finally gave an accurate judgment.

"This is really internal interest! Why did you get it out of nowhere? Can you say that you can't force yourself to cultivate internal interest, you must have this natural mentality? Alas, this is experience, I want to write it down, maybe I can still Write a essay and post it on the forum to contribute to the great cause of the master of the edition, such as a dragon, and earn some elite points by the way. "

Baili Qingfeng said in his heart.

It's just this time that I practiced my inner interest ...

A little awkward.

He practiced halfway through his body training, and was able to train himself to the level of an ordinary master ...

No, specifically, the musculoskeletal skin is a little worse than that of ordinary masters, but the internal organs are better than ordinary masters.

He is planning to continue to train the bones and bones and the five internal organs and go directly to the God of War ~ ~ At this time, however, the smooth ternary unity has condensed out the internal interest.

It's really not the time.

Baili Qingfeng silently felt the inner interest that had just formed in the body.

The next moment, he directly inspired this internal interest, moving his breath freely, and the internal interest poured into his arm, a feeling that he could punch the whole house and collapse the whole house.

Very strong!


This might be a bit worse than the expectations of Baili Qingfeng.

He used the demons disintegration technique III to enter the state of extraordinary sanctification, which is slightly better than the state of outbreak of interest at this moment.

When Baili Qingfeng wanted to carefully sense the mystery of inner interest, he managed to condensate the part of inner interest ...


"that's it?"

Baili Qingfeng was shocked.

This is too short.

How can such a weak and short-term interest support his unrivaled swordsman in white clothes, with a sword strength of 30,000 miles?


"It ’s not good to have a qi of thirty thousand miles. I remember I saw it somewhere a long time ago. Three-in-one unity requires three kinds of power. It is the power of the universe, the power of rebirth ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, stood up, and went out.

Ask the second grandpa.

If this is really what the second grandfather is saying, there is only one explanation!

There is something wrong with the cultivation system in this world!


Higher levels of cultivation are monopolized.

Then ...

It is time for him to use his extraordinary wisdom to create a true trinity refining method that can integrate spiritual power, cosmic power, and rebirth power.


(Wuwu! Book Wuwu! There will be no Zhongwu scene with a single blow to the planet!)

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