The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 173: Dinghai Shenzhen

It was just an ordinary morning in Charya.


At less than six o'clock, countless heavyweights in the martial arts circle of Xia City were awakened by phone calls and got up from the bed as quickly as possible. In a luxurious villa near Wuhe.

Even Shi Tianya, who just moved Wu Guan to Xia Ya, is no exception.

When Shi Tianya rushed to this villa, there were already a dozen people here first.

"Mr. Don Naide, Mrs. You Li, oh, President Zhou Xingyun and King Mo Lun are also here."

Shi Tianya greeted the dozens of people in the field one by one, and at the same time asked solemnly: "The people of Qilin Sword School ... have all been killed?"

"You will know when you come in."

Before waiting for Donald and others to answer, Otto stepped out of the villa and greeted everyone.

As the person in charge of the local authorities, such a big thing happened, he naturally rushed over here.

As for Molen ...

He said nothing about me, I'm a soy sauce.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late."

At this time, another man rushed in with a team of professionals outside the door.

Leaves floating.

The deputy commander of the ninth division, although his influence is not as good as that of Switch, who has been in the division for several years, it also represents the face of the military, and no one dares to be underestimated.

"Master Ye, please come in."

Otto said, and took everyone to the villa.

At this moment, the villa has been cleaned up a little without damaging the scene. In addition, there are four men and women dressed as servants standing beside, with a trace of fatigue in their fear.

"Sure enough, I was shocked! I was smashed by one fist and died of five internal organs! What a terrible fist!"

Shi Tianya came to Ju Jinghong's body, and his expression was full of seriousness.

"And this one, Faber, was punched through the skull with a sword hole. The opponent's sword was very fast and powerful. You can judge it by looking at the wound."

Donald said.

"This old teacher should know him."

Mrs. Julie pointed at one of them.

"this is……"

Shi Tianya looked at the corpse, his face faintly pale, and his body was shaking: "boy ..."

Although he and Murby's people have fallen out, and he did not relax the relationship with Murby like Barry Sky, but now Murby's body ...

There is still a sense of sorrow.

"Who is the killer !?"

Shi Tianya endured the sadness in his heart.

"Our Charya, who is capable and motivated to kill the five great masters including Ji Jinghong in one fell swoop !?"

Zhou Xingyun, the first executive vice president of the Warriors Association, sighed.

"Don't you want to say ... it's Brother Barry !?"

Shi Tianya looked up.

President Zhou did not speak, but turned his attention to the wall in the room.

On the wall, seven large characters carved with swords clearly and clearly declared the culprit of this assassination.

Murderer, hundreds of miles!


Shi Tianya shook his head and said, "Not to mention whether Brother Baili has the ability to kill and kill Ji Jinghong and other people. He will not kill as long as he is facing Murby ..."

"Not necessarily. What if Murby wanted to frame the Baili Qingfeng with the Chilin Sword?"

President Zhou said, calling one of the middle-aged men who looked like a housekeeper: "Tell what you heard to Mr. Shi Lao."


The middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper was a little afraid: "I am the housekeeper of this villa. I am responsible for the food, clothing and accommodation of four people, such as Mr. Qi. In their conversation, they seemed to have reached a certain consensus to deal with Baili Qingfeng. Mr. Qiu also said that after the incident was completed, the influence of the Qilin Sword School was made to make Mr. Murby the King of Charia.

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and added one more: "At noon, Mr. Jing Wu tears brought some monitoring equipment to monitor every move of that Mr. Baili Qingfeng, and those devices were still there, and There is a surveillance camera installed in Mr. Baili Qingfeng's residence ... "

"Murby and his colleague Jinghong deal with Baili Qingfeng !?"

Shi Tianya's face changed.

Baili Qingfeng, but Baili Changkong has been hanging on the lips of the Baili family Kirin children, was hoped by Baili Changkong.

Even if Murby is against Baili Sky, Baili Sky is expected to give him a chance to reform, but against Baili Qingfeng ...

That's the inverse scale!

"I heard the attacker wearing a battle suit saying,‘ threatening the death of my Sun Baili young striker. ’”

Butler said again.

Shi Tianya's body shook.

"According to the information of our military, Xi Jinghong, but Master Zhou Tian, ​​Master Baili, killed him?"

Ye Fusheng wondered.

This problem is not unique to him. More than half of the people present have the same idea.

After all, they didn't see the traces of bullets and gunpowder left in the room. In other words, even if a hundred miles long wore a battle armor, they were not fully armed. How would a war kill without a fully armed Got a Master Zhou Tian! ?

"If Father Baili is just a war general, even the top warrior, naturally, he will not be able to kill all the five great masters including Ji Jinghong, Fei Bo, Murby and others, leaving them no chance to escape. But the problem is ... Master Baili is not just a pinnacle battle ... "

Speaking of this, President Zhou took a deep breath and calmed his thoughts: "I asked all the servants. When Ji Jinghong was assassinated, they all heard him repeating the words in horror!

"What two words?"


"Divine power?"

Shi Tianya didn't respond at the beginning, but next second he seemed to think of something and opened his eyes suddenly: "The Seventh Level of Refining God! God's Prestige !?"

Those who took the first step, such as Chairman Zhou, Tang Naide and Mrs. Yu Li, nodded their faces at the same time.

"Master Baili refining God to the state of divine power? This ... how is this possible !?"

Shi Tianya's heart is full of incredible!

In fact, it wasn't just him. Even President Zhou, Don Naide, Youli Poisoner and others who had learned the news from the servants in advance were also unbelievable.

That's the realm of refining the Seventh Power of God!

Although the actual combat ability in the realm of refining the gods cannot be compared with the seventh-level land true fairy of the warrior, but ...

In some cases, the deterrence is not under the true land fairy!

Especially when dealing with cavemen, beastly people, and tartars, the killing efficiency of a divine **** refining power in the realm of divine power is definitely more than a real land fairy!

"Not necessarily impossible!"

Ye Fusheng said suddenly at this time.

He thought of Baili Qingfeng!

Refining the six-strength Baili Qingfeng!

Baili Qingfeng's refining spirit realm can't come out suddenly. Absolutely there is a famous teacher who taught carefully from a young age, and now Baili Sky is suspected of having the power of refining spirit ...

That's it!

The man who taught him must be a hundred miles away!

It makes sense!

"Master Ye, what do you ... know?"

The eyes of Chairman Zhou and others immediately fell on Ye Fusheng.

"This matter involves confidentiality regulations. I can't tell you. I can only say that the possibility of Master Seven Miles refining the Seventh God ... is very high."

Ye Fusheng said.

When they saw Ye Fusheng, the Brigadier General Brigadier, endorsing Baili Changkong, everyone was no longer skeptical.

In particular, Tang Naide and Mrs. Yu Li also thought of Baili Qingfeng's suspected method of refining the gods. Suddenly, he and Ye Fusheng guessed the same direction. Under the thought of a master, the famous teacher quickly accepted Baili Changkong Nai It is the speculation of the Seven Strong Gods of Refining God.

Hidden deep, not hidden!

"It's amazing, Master Baili is really amazing!"

President Zhou was amazed.

"It's so scary! The real strength of the old man is so scary!"

"We all underestimated Master Baili! Baili Qingfeng is the inverse scale of the old man. The old man is old, and pinned all his hopes on Baili Qingfeng. Whoever touched him, the old man would kill anyone. Exposing himself for more than ten years of cultivation and spiritual cultivation, he arrogantly killed the five great masters of Ji Jinghong, Feibo, Merbi, Zhang Qi, Jing Wu tears, and used the blood of the five great masters, including a master Zhou Tian , Little deterrence, issued his own roar like a lion, so that everyone in Xia understands who is the uncrowned king of Xia ... "

Donald followed with emotion.

"The tiger's death is so powerful, not to mention that the old man is always strong and strong, and now he is born out of nowhere.

Madam Yuly added.

Otto, and other veteran gods in the Xia Yawu circle, heard the words of several people, glanced at each other, secretly vowed in their hearts, and told their juniors immediately after returning. Qing Feng must not even provoke all the people in the Baili family ...

This old man has been off the battlefield for more than ten years, but his irritable temper has not changed at all!

Ben Lei Sword is still that Ben Lei Sword!

The sword went out to thunder, and the stone was shocked!

"Let ’s ask the old man what he wants to do with it? The old man killed Qilin Sword and sent a protector and three true disciples. This is a fairy fight. We have no right to intervene ..."

Donald said.

Zhou Xingyun also nodded: "Yes, give it to the old man, hey, this time I see that the people of the Qilin Sword School dare not arrogant in our Xia! In the future, the old man is the Dinghai God needle of our Xia Ya warrior circle. Do whatever you want, we just listen. "

"Mr. Shi, you have the best relationship with Father Baili, and I ask you to call Father ..."

Otto stepped forward ~ ~ and said a little humblely: "Although it's still early and the phone call was a bit presumptuous, the old man usually has the habit of doing morning exercises and should get up now."


Shi Tianya also wanted to know the cause and effect of the entire event from Baili Sky, and then nodded: "I'll call Brother Baili."


"Jingle Bell!"

Baili Qingfeng was awakened by the ringtone of his mobile phone.


He was unwilling to answer, and the phone was still ringing and ringing.

"Don't let people sleep?"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes opened a gap and looked at the time ...


It's not seven o'clock?

He took a little half night to take off the armor last night. If it wasn't for the broken sword, he would have liked to hack the armor.

When he finally took it off, he would brush his teeth, take a shower, and dry his hair. It was almost four o'clock.

In other words, he only slept for less than three hours!

Woke up after not sleeping for three hours ...


Get up to get angry!

Baili Qingfeng picked up his mobile phone and said in a bad voice: "Hey, who, this morning ..."

"Grandson, give you half an hour, come here immediately!"





You are the grandson!

You pretend to be grandson every day!

Baili Qingfeng threw the phone dissatisfied, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep.


He slowly returned to God, the voice ...

Seems to be his second grandpa?


(Wan ordering is a few hundred dollars away, please help me to take advantage of the wind, log in to the starting point account or APP, support genuine, subscribe to this book, achieve this goal for Cheng Feng!

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