The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 175: young

"One ... one day?"

The sound of a hundred miles of sky stagnated.

The horrific blood pressure that was just now, not to mention the most important division of the world, even the hundred miles of sky upstairs were almost frightened.

Didn't see Shi Tianya's expression recover when he left?

With such an amazing explosion, you can actually persist for a day! ?

Even if the preparation for this day needs preparation, it is very scary.

What's more ... you can stick to a dozen breaths without preparing for an outbreak ...

The duration of the Master of Inner Flow is no different.



Baili Changkong thought of his and Shi Tianya's painstaking efforts to play such a purpose, and said, "Preparing !? I will give you time to prepare !? When the life and death fight will be impossible, the other party must tell you in advance that he is going to kill you." Can't do it! Moreover, if it wasn't the spiritual warrior that attacked you just now, but a guru, the other side killed you with a sword while you were poisoning, how can you resist !? "

"Refining mysticism! Refining mysticism starts quickly."

Baili Qingfeng said: "I found out that the lord's" God "is not very strong. I can use the mysterious technique to deter him and give him a fatal blow."

Baili Changkong's face turned black: "What if someone else has two masters !?"

"I tried it, one by one, it didn't take long."

"What if there are dozens or dozens of other masters !?"

Baili Changkong's face became darker.

"A dozen or dozens?"

Baili Qingfeng froze slightly, thinking carefully.

"Can't help it?"


Baili Qingfeng shook his head honestly: "If you don't give me preparation time, I can't stop it from being attacked by dozens of grand masters!"

"You know what's wrong? It turns out that you are far from being truly invincible ..."

"But I can run!"

Baili Qingfeng said: "A dozen people, dozens of people, but ca n’t fight, why do n’t I run? And if they come after me, the speed will be faster or slower, and I will naturally be gradually distanced by then. You don't have to face more than a dozen masters at the same time. You can kill a dozen or dozens of masters one by one. "


Baili Changkong suddenly did not know how to refute.

Well justified.


He has neglected to ignore the huge movement problem caused by the actions of more than a dozen masters, but in this case, Baili Qingfeng still came up with a solution?

Could it be said that the Chilin Sword School would send true land immortals?

But Baili Qingfeng knew that the real land immortal of the Qilin Sword School was stared to death by the military, and he dared to appear immediately to be bombarded by missile saturation. This reason could not be passed!


Baili Changkong had to say quietly: "What if they take your second grandfather and your family's lives to threaten you not to run away?"

"Isn't this topic turned back? I am an ordinary person, a student, and I always treat others well, and never provoke people, just because they actively provoke me and may threaten my family, I have no choice but to. , Have to start first, to kill the crisis in the cradle. "


There is an urge to shoot the table in the sky.

It's a pity that this is in the yard, there is no table for him to shoot.

"By the second grandpa, I originally planned to say it on the phone. It happened to be here. I'll tell you something. Don't get excited. I went to the Qilin Sword School last night and assassinated the Qilin Sword School. I was shocked to protect the law, and by the way killed several disciples of the Qilin Sword, using your name, but it was too late when I returned home last night. I worry that you fell asleep, for fear of affecting your sleep. Quality, so I did n’t call you as soon as possible, please prepare for it, let me know if you need anything. ”

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, and quickly took out a broken camera in his pocket: "Look at Grandpa Er, these people have set up monitoring equipment outside my yard, clearly they want It ’s not good for me, and I ’m dead. Under the threat of life and death, I have no choice but to assassinate them. I did n’t take the initiative to provoke them after hearing what you said, but just passively counterattacked. ”

Surveillance cameras……

Baili Changkong looked at the pile of parts brought out by Baili Qingfeng, matching his somewhat helpless expression ...



He said not to win.

Baili turned around with his hands on his shoulders, looking up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, with a touch of melancholy on his face: "Grandson Qingfeng, have you heard of the" unbearable weight of life "?"

"Have heard it!"

Baili Qingfeng's spirit was refreshed: "Must have heard, Mr. Subauer, Miss Milan, and Mr. Mohan all used this sentence as their book title. Have you seen these books, Grandpa II? What version are you looking at? We can study it if we have time. "

The melancholy temperament that Baili Changkong managed to give birth to suddenly disappeared. He turned black and glared at him: "You shake your head, can you hear the sound of the sea !?"


Although Baili Qingfeng knew what this passage meant, but ...

Second grandpa shouldn't be so trendy, right?

and so……

What's the meaning of his words?

Baili Qingfeng listened carefully to the sound.

Baili Changkong felt that he couldn't talk about it that day, and now he snorted and went straight to the subject: "Grandson, then I ask you directly, how do you think your second grandpa is my strength?"


As soon as Qingli Feng's eyes brightened, he immediately gave a thumbs up: "It's really high!"


For a moment, the sky was a mile away, and the next moment, his eyebrows raised, his voice was slightly higher: "Huh !?"

"In my mind, Grandpa Er, you are a hero who stands out from the sky, a peerless master who is hidden from the sky, and a big man who has not heard anything but a shocking one! If it wasn't because he was tired of the battle between the rivers and lakes, little Xia Ya could not live at all. Grandpa, a real dragon like you ... "

Baili Qingfeng said seriously.

In the tone ...

Full of sincerity.

"Ah, aw, you child, this is a bit exaggerated."

The gloomy face of Baili Changkong gradually unfolded with a smile.

"No, no, no! I said nothing exaggerated. In my mind, Grandpa Er's mystery can hardly be described in words. Even I have recently been conceiving a novel, a story that specifically describes Grandpa Er your heroic deeds. I think about the novel and the title of the book, and it's called 'Great Second Grandpa' ... "

"Your child, I ’ve talked too much. Although I am famous in the sky, despite being famous in the sky, I once charged the 100,000 troops during the Shia War and gathered with our His Majesty the King for a drink Yan Huan even killed a large number of war-level powerhouses with General Melbourne, but I will never talk about it with people of this age-old past. I am old and only want a low-key life, understand. "

"Second Grandpa, you and your Majesty the King got together for a drink !? Amazing! Amazing!"

Baili Qingfeng was surprised.

The right hand of Baili Changkong's light and light wind pressed: "Low-key, low-key, I told you, your grandpa, I'm not a person who likes to brag, just listen to these things, don't talk outside, like I've been a general, I've reversed several glorious wars, and sat down with His Majesty the King, killing countless war-level powerhouses, don't write them all in the book. "

"These are your grandfather's great achievements. I have to write them down. I have to write them down and take my grandfather's brilliant achievements as an example for me to motivate me to work hard at all times."

"Do n’t use it, you young people, you should n’t work hard with our old guys as the goal. You have to be better than blue. You have to do better and live better. As long as you can surpass your grandpa and me in the future, When I went there, I was able to smile with joy at Jiuquan. "

"I also have to write down this noble and selfless spirit of grandpa. It is not too late, so I will go back and write it down, and maybe I will have another famous quote from Grandpa in the future."

"Well? Don't worry about it, remember to eat before leaving."

"No trouble if Shui Shui, second grandpa, I'll go first."

"I'll let Tianxing send you off. He'll be fine anyway ..."

"No, Uncle Tianxing is still wounded, he just needs to heal well."

Baili Qingfeng said, turning hurriedly, and quickly left the yard.

Seeing the departure of Baili Qingfeng, Baili Changkong's face was full of smiles, and some enviously said: "Young people are good, energetic, energetic, and motivated. My grandson Baili Qingfeng is the best The person, who understands me in particular, understands my voice, is really a good grandson who understands filial piety and compassion ~ ~, so he watched Qingli leave.

After a while, it wasn't until Baili Qingfeng walked away that he turned around.


At this time he seemed to remember, why did he call Baili Qingfeng himself?

Just scold Jinghong and others for being assassinated by him for a good rebuke?

Hit him and let the kid know the price it would pay to dare to forsake him without any notice?


How could such a filial grandson be willing to fight?

Moreover, the boy had just learned a lesson from the hands of the teacher, and it was a bit out of breath.

His grandson is based on himself as a spiritual idol, so he is absolutely kind, and he is absolutely upright, even if he is a little mischievous now, it ’s just a kid's play, and he wo n’t make any big mistakes.

As for the matter of Jing Jinghong ...

Grandson Qingfeng has high hopes for his second grandfather, and has great trust. What else can he say?


He is not the kind of person who has not seen the wind and the waves, and when King His Majesty feasted on the crowd, he also sat under it and belonged to it.

Isn't that the killing of five great masters such as Ji Jinghong?

In the current special environment, Qilin Swordsmen dare to send the true land fairy to seek revenge against him?

As for the Master Elder ...

As long as his momentum is good, sitting on his own will to increase the peak of the seven strengths, Qilin sword sent those elders who dare to act rashly.

Who doesn't know he lives in the sky?

Annoyed him, but he was going to growl!


(I do n’t know what name to use in this chapter. I thought about the name for more than ten minutes. I almost wanted to use the name ‘sea’.)

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