The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 177: Integration

"Hahaha, power! Power! Powerful power! I'm almost invincible!"

In the courtyard below the mountain of Qingyuan, a burst of laughter attracted Baili Qingfeng who was looking at the encyclopedia of human languages.

Baili Qingfeng came to the balcony and glanced down through the stainless steel anti-theft net. He was seeing Ge Feibai holding his hands up, hugging the sky, and laughing brightly.

At this time, it was the sixth day that Ge Feibai took the thunder refining liquid.

In order to be able to shoulder the great responsibility of maintaining world peace in the future, Ge Feibai pushed himself to the limit every day for six days and squeezed out all his potential.

And the effect ...

Naturally, it is also very significant.

You know, the thunder refining liquid can make Baili Qingfeng accumulate medicinal materials for quenching flesh and blood in a few days. The price is as high as 200,000 yuan, which is equivalent to more than three servings when converted into Yangyuan soup. It is more than three times more than Yangyuan Tang. Even if Ge Feibai absorbs half of it, it is enough to make him strong at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Well, the physical strength is not inferior to those of the warriors who nourish qi and exchange blood. When will they be able to practice vigorously? Maybe they can jump directly to the second level of warriors. It seems that I can still teach my disciples."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Ge Feibai who practiced Wuxi and nodded with satisfaction.

It's a pity that mine refining liquid can't be taken for two years ...

If he can take mine liquid like himself, Baili Qingfeng is sure to let him rely on his physical strength to fight the third-level martial arts within a few months.

"Ge Feibai's martial arts are on track. I have to prepare to go to the capital to take a war-level certificate. But I promised the second grandfather that he must take the war-level certificate in front of him!"

Although the city of Xiahai is the core of Xiahai Prefecture's capital, it is a martial art, and it does not have the qualifications to issue a war-level certificate.

In fact, let's not talk about Xia, the entire Hia, only the light of the capital Hill can give war-level assessments, anyone who wants to take a war-level certificate must go to the capital.

"Jingle Bell!"

Not long after Baili Qingfeng bought a ticket, the phone rang.

First, it was from Grandpa Er.

"Where are you?"

"Teaching Feibai cultivation at home."

"Well, I'll let Sun Chuanyi pick you up and take you somewhere."


Baili Qingfeng answered.

After a while, Sun Chuanyi had drove out of the woods and respectfully came to greet him, "Master Baili, I'll pick you up."

"Master ..."

With this title, Baili Qingfeng heard a little awkwardly: "Just call my name."


Sun Chuanyi responded, glanced at the grove that did not cross the road, and said, "Mr. Baili ... Is that yard your residence? It happened to be near the overhaul. I know the director of residential construction in this area. Go and apply for you and build a way to your door? "

"No, just a hundred meters."

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Moon Island."

Sun Chuanyi said, carrying Baili Qingfeng to the ferry where they had previously boarded.

At this moment someone was waiting here, and it was Chifeng who was in charge.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng, he welcomed him with enthusiasm for the first time: "Young Master Baili, welcome you again ..."

"Stop, just call me Baili Qingfeng."

Baili Qingfeng always felt that the two words of young master were a bit wrong.

"Please get on board."

Chifeng said, with an empty hand.

Baili Qingfeng got on the boat and set foot on Moon Island for the second time.

It was basically different from the last time when a young man arrived. This time, as soon as he was on the island, the warriors greeted him warmly.

But that title ...

Without exception, they are commensurate with the master.

Baili Qingfeng corrected several times, but there were too many people to greet him in the end, and he could only love the land.

Under Chifeng's leadership, Baili Qingfeng came to the conference room where he had last visited.

Compared to the last time, this time is definitely a bit deserted.

Like Murby, Shalok, Chong Wufeng, and Li Xingying, they do n’t know where they went. Only his second grandfather, Bai Tianchang, Shi Tianya, Hong Tiange, and younger generations such as Moqi, Changfeng, Shiyi, etc. .

Seeing the arrival of Baili Qingfeng, everyone's eyes fell on him at the same time, faintly with a hint of weirdness.

"Second Grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng said a word, and at the same time greeted Shi Tianya: "Grandpa."

Shi Tianya's face was a bit unnatural: "Qing ... Qing Feng is here ..."

"Isn't everyone here yet? Or should I just go outside first?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

He didn't want to be with these old men.

Hearing Baili Qingfeng's words, everyone at the scene twitched.

Why do n’t people get together, do you really not have a little bit in your heart?

However, they asked all the causes and consequences of the whole matter from Chi Shuang and Wu Xu's mouth. The core personnel of Murby's pulse were completely annihilated.

"Ahem ..."

Baili Changkong coughed a little, and said, "Qing Feng, there are three things for you this time. The first thing ... to get justice for you ..."

Having said that, it is not necessary for him to order. Someone has captured Wan Shoutang boss Chi Shuang and thrown it into the main hall.

When seeing Baili Qingfeng, Chi Shuang knew immediately who was the key to his own life. He immediately pleaded: "Master Baili, please be merciful and forgive me. It is my ghost who confuses me. I left your home with more than two million yuan of money, although I swallowed it up ... but I dare not use it at all, all of them are in my house, and I am willing to pay you all ... "

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng said, "But don't use it anymore. I also used my strategy to take back what I lost."

"Trick? What trick?"

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng with a little surprise.

Grandson with his own mind ...

Would use it again! ?

He would listen.

"I made up a prescription, and calculated to sell them the little-used prescription. Although I lost more than two million, I made tens of millions from them."

Baili Qingfeng said this, with a faint smile on his face: "They have been counting me behind their backs, don't you know I'm counting them, it turns out that my top ten school bully will be weaker than them, In the end I played high. "

Everyone heard the words of Baili Qingfeng, and the whole body was suddenly cold.


How harsh is Baili Qingfeng's calculations ...

Not only did he make tens of millions of pits from the son of Merby, but he also wiped out all the core personnel except the son of Merby, and even the great master of Shalock was not spared.

This calculation ...

Shivering, creepy, shivering!

"Ahem, although you have already fought back, you are the victim after all, and the rules must not be compromised!"

Baili Changkong said, directly directing Baili Qingfeng: "Chi Shuang was greedy, stole huge sums of money, broke one arm, and then fought with his friends, framed his brothers, and broken one leg. , Pull down, execute immediately! "

"Don't, don't ... I just follow orders, I just follow orders ..."

Chi Shuang shouted in horror, and was quickly pulled down.

After being able to resolve the issue of Chi Shuang, Baili Changkong's eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng again: "The second thing is next."

During his speech, his eyes glanced at Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange: "The two should feel the roundness of my Qingfeng grandson."


Hong Tiange nodded, staring at Baili Changkong with an envious look: "Baili's family, someone has succeeded."

"Bali Qingfeng is indeed a guru, congratulations to my brother."

Shi Tianya also said.

Shi Yiyi, who was behind him, heard both of them approve, looking towards Baili Qingfeng's eyes a bit complicated.

The last time she was on Moon Island, she was the center of discussion for all of her predecessors. She is most hopeful to become a grandmaster in the next few years. Baili Qingfeng stood behind Baili Sky like a background board and said nothing.

I didn't expect it to be only a few months ...

The identity between the two has been reversed.

But think of the grandfather teacher Tianya's guess of Baili Qingfeng ...

Shi Yiyi settled a little, carefully looked at Baili Qingfeng.

Despite him ...

Somewhat boring.

But in Grandpa's terms, this means focus.

Coupled with Baili Qingfeng, he became a master at a young age ~ ~ The future is immense ...

Marrying him is also a good choice.

"Now that you all agree, then I will integrate the industry left by Murby's son and transfer 30% of the proceeds to him. Are you all right?"

Barry Changkong Road.


"Mr. Murby is gone. Right now, I'm waiting for the old man to take the lead. We will follow how the old man arranges these industries."

Several prestigious people nodded again and again.

Baili Qingfeng was surprised.

this is……

Bai picked up a wave of income?

He doesn't know how much 30% of the income is, but ...

Should there be several million a year?

"Since you have no opinion, then I will invite lawyers and notaries to transfer the property rights of those six companies and Moon Island to Baili Qingfeng."

Barry Changkong Road.


The crowd nodded again.

"Okay, the next thing is next."

When Baili Changkong said this, the atmosphere in the field was clearly condensed, and everyone looked cautious.

Chang Feng even stepped forward, closed the doors and windows, and guarded.

"Third thing, explore the channel!"

Baili Changkong said, his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng: "Qingfeng, our vein, in fact, has always kept a secret, a secret that is enough to serve as the foundation of the Holy Land!"

"The foundation of the Holy Land?"


Baili Changkong: "The reason why the three sacred places can cultivate top warriors and attract a large base of warriors to come and call them is a reason for their strong strength and extraordinary heritage. The most important point is that they occupy a passage ... ... a passage that leads to a place of high energy, where people can practice thousands of miles in it, like a fairyland cave! "

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