The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 289: List

"The level of refining gods has reached a certain level ..."

There was an ominous hunch in Su Sheng's mind: "The realm of Qingfeng Sovereign refers to ..."

"As long as I can reach that level."

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile.

Affected by the moderator's cultivation concept of the proud sword god, everyone is like a dragon. He has never been a stingy person, and is very willing to share his cultivation experience with others. Not to mention Su Sheng and others who ask him for advice Skill, if it is not because the second grandfather Baili is not allowed in the sky, these people will never hide it even if they want to learn his demon purgatory body, and teach them quickly.

After hearing Baili Qingfeng's answer, Su Sheng, Zhou Xingyun and Tang Naide glanced at each other, and at the same time revealed an awkward but polite smile.

"Ha ha……"

excuse me.

The game continues.

Knowing that Baili Qingfeng did have his own set of auditing methods, Zhou Xingyun, Su Sheng, Tang Naide, and Kongsi did not interfere with him anymore.


When they saw that the game was about to end, there were only two people approved by Baili Qingfeng, and the four seemed very helpless.

"Master Qingfeng, are there anyone else who can enter your eyes?"

"No, it's too bad! This is definitely the worst martial artist I have ever reviewed. I had heard that Xia Haizhou was not good at martial arts. I didn't expect it to be so bad. I have lowered my standards However, only two people barely qualify. If I go down, I will open the back door secretly and lose the fairness of the selection. "

"But we have a total of ten places in Xiahai ... if all ten places are incomplete ..."

"Rather than lack!"

Baili Qingfeng said calmly: "Since I promised my second grandfather to strictly control, naturally I could not relax. Once I forcibly added eight people to fill ten places, it was undoubtedly unjust. If this leads to the selection If something goes wrong, my scholarship will miss me. "

Although Zhou Xingyun did not know what the scholarship was, the entire Xiahai Prefecture chose two people ...

It's a bit unsightly on the face.

He hesitated for a moment, only to say, "Sovereign Qingfeng, or should we add three more? There are really two less ... choose three and reach half of the quota.

"Choose three more?"

Baili Qingfeng frowned: "These people are so poor, but they still get places to receive scholarships. I really don't know what the school thinks, just let me choose another one ... um? Now on the stage Who? Looks good. "

"It's Qiu Shaofeng! It's Qingfeng Sovereign, Qiu Shaofeng of Shire University, Qiu Shaofeng is our master of the famous martial art faction in Xiahai, and the title of the first person among Xiahaizhou university students. "

"I know Qiu Shaofeng. He and Luo Nan are half a catty, but he is better than Luo Nan. He has a deeper grasp of swordsmanship. I asked his opponent. Did you find out that his opponent was only just beginning? The ability to nourish qi and blood, but he can play well with Qiu Shaofeng, and his swordsmanship has not changed much, but each of them is ingenious, and his warfare is very high. It seems that there is no difficult frustration in the world. Being able to defeat him is such a talented future master seed. Failure will not let him flinch, but only make him stronger next time. "

Baili Qingfeng said.

"That's Bai Su from Yunjie University of Misso."

Although Zhou Xingyun was the vice president of the Martial Arts Association, he was quite familiar with these contestants and called his name directly: "So he is the third person on the list?"


"Two left."

"The two are the last group?"

"Qiu Shaofeng is the finale in this round ..."

Zhou Xingyun said a little helplessly: "Or, Qingfeng Sovereign will drop the target again?"

"No, I have a bottom line."

"What to do if the man is awkward ..."

"So far, I can only go in person."

Baili Qingfeng resolutely said: "Originally, my second grandfather intended to let me be a judge of the national contest, but the judges of the national contest did not receive scholarships or other benefits. I was thinking of ways to reject it. I simply participated in this The competition was won to make up for the shortage of staff. "

Maybe I can get another scholarship, and then the Miyoshi Student Medal will be all right.

But this passage Baili Qingfeng stayed in his heart and didn't say it.


Zhou Xingyun, Tang Naide, Su Sheng, and Kong Si looked at Baili Qingfeng with strange looks.

After a while, Zhou Xingyun said awkwardly, "Master Qingfeng, you also said that you are all people who can be judges in the national competition, but you end the game yourself, so ... okay?"

"Why not! I am a sophomore at Shire University. It is only reasonable to participate in a national student martial arts competition?"

A few people looked at each other, seeing Baili Qingfeng's look resolutely unmoved, and finally had to say: "Reasonable ... Qingfeng Sovereign as long as you are happy."

"In addition, I also have a fifth person's election. The National Student Martial Arts Competition only says that students can participate, but there is no limit to university students? The fifth place will be filled by my unwieldy apprentice Ge Feibai, although he practices It took more than three months to reach the third-level martial arts. Only a few days before the realm of refining the gods broke through to the real ego, and the basic swordsmanship was also messed up, but the short ones were taller. Xia Haizhou did not have a better student warrior, so he only took him Go up. "

"Become a third-level martial artist for more than three months, and step into the fourth true realm of refining divine realm?"

Zhou Xingyun shrank his neck, this ...

Is this the world of big brothers?

No wonder, it is no wonder that Qingfeng Sovereign did not take Qiu Shaofeng's so-called geniuses at all.

With such outstanding disciples in front, Qiu Shaofeng, Luo Nan, Marui, Oubaiyang and others can only blame him if he can get into the law.

"Then we will announce the number of candidates in Xiahai."

"Publicity, although there are fewer people, but I am really serious and strict review. If my second grandfather is not satisfied, you have to give us a small report to President Lee of Shire University, you have to speak for me, I It is indeed a serious assessment. You asked me to lower the standard again and again. "

Baili Qingfeng said a glance at Zhou Xingyun and others.

Zhou Xingyun and others nodded naturally: "Yes, yes, yes, our problem."

"Father Baili asked, we would say that we asked Qingfeng Sovereign to relax your standards."

"That's good."

Baili Qingfeng nodded with a smile on his face.

After the departure of Baili Qingfeng, Zhou Xingyun and other talents glanced at each other and said, "Do we really publicize according to this list?"

"The Qingfeng Sovereign has all spoken, what else can we do? If we change the list next, where will the Qingfeng Sovereign's face be placed?"

Don Naide smiled bitterly: "Public."



"After all, the standard is lowered. I don't know if I can get a scholarship successfully, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I reported the ranking of the national competition. It was really impossible. "However, the school must give me a scholarship. Otherwise, it would be against the national policy, which is politically incorrect."

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself and gave him a wit for adding his own name at the last moment.

The second grandfather forbids him to participate in the martial arts competition in the city of Xia. He is no problem in participating in the national martial arts competition.

"Master Qingfeng!"

Baili Qingfeng has not left the Warriors' Association, a sweet voice has been shouted, and then a few people from the ancient swordsman society came striding.

"Well, you guys just came out of it, it's a coincidence."

Baili Qingfeng greeted.

"This doesn't prove that we have the same three perspectives. Do you think of them together?"

Sheris said with a smile.

"Qing Feng, I have known you for two years, only to find that you really do not hide ..."

Mormi looked at Baili Qingfeng and smiled before he spoke, but he was interrupted by Penny before he finished speaking.

Baili Qingfeng didn't show off his identity everywhere, no doubt he didn't want to make things known to everyone, and they should naturally not discern them.

And they are about to break through another layer of identity of Baili Qingfeng, how should they get along with him in the future?

"Senior Qingfeng, it's noon. It just happens that we are all members of the Ancient Sword Art Society. Everyone came from the north and the south to enter the Shire University. They were lucky to be members of a community. How about having lunch together? "

Penny said with a smile.


Baili Qingfeng said.

Where to eat is not to eat.

At this time, there was a commotion in the front hall, and someone could yell faintly: "It's not fair! There is a shady!"

"That's, the list publicity office?"

Mormi glanced in the direction of the voice, and said in amazement: "The quota was announced? Looks like ... it seems unexpected?"

"I don't know which ten seniors can be selected successfully, Qingfeng senior, or we will go and see."

Xie Lisi said secretly leaning against Baili Qingfeng.

"Without ten, just five ..."

Baili Qingfeng said.

At this time, the crowd was gradually raging ~ ~ accompanied by more and more intense shouting.

"Shady! Shady!"

"Brother Qiu was not on the list, this is definitely a shady!"

"Bai Liqing Feng? Ge Feibai? Where's the trash? They just won the place without even participating in the competition? Is there anything more ridiculous than that? Find a martial arts association to give a statement!"

"Yes, people from the Martial Arts Association come out and give us a statement!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the noisy hall, and even some people started excitedly. Considering that the quota was provided by him, he needed to take some responsibility. Now he said, "I'll go and see."

As he approached the crowd and was not yet close to the flow of people, a proud voice had spread from the center of the crowd: "I have lost water and Qiu Shaofeng has participated in so many competitions, and no one has ever won me if it is not a rule No one of my opponents has been able to climb up. Now, a group of garbage actually stands on my head to steal the number of places. This must be explained to you by the Martial Arts Association. "

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