The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 502: supervisor

Kill decisively!

After Miao Haoran's crimes were misunderstood by Miao Wuji, he acted fiercely and decisively, without any hesitation, and seemed to have zero tolerance for all dark sins!

With this attitude, the killing intention in the heart of Baili Qingfeng also dissipated a little.

"Okay! I hope you can do it!"

Baili Qingfeng said, staring sharply at him: "If I can't, I will blame you, the owner."

After he said that, he also glanced at Miao Wou-ki: "Supervisory matters, the misty little shrimp boss bothered!"

Miao Wou-ki glanced at Baili Qingfeng, and then at Miao Haoran, and then looked at the brothers Miao Tianya and Miao Tian who were killed on the spot. Suddenly, he felt inspired by responsibility.

For a long time, with the death of his father, Yao Guang Pharmaceutical was divided up. He was deeply disheartened and escaped to Changlin County by himself, but now ...

Whether it was the supervision responsibility given to him by Baili Qingfeng or the words of righteousness spoken by Miao Haoran, his ambition was rekindled.

Can't go on like this.

Miao family ...

Can't go on like this.

Under the pressure of the top ten consortia, the Miao family is now ill, and serious illness needs to be cured!

And Baili Qingfeng is a potent medicine that can be used in Dazhi!

If he can really play his role as a supervisor, maybe the Miao family who has already fallen may regain its vitality, and even one day in the future, it will be a top ten consortium, and it is not difficult to have the power to control the political structure of the Chiyan country. .

Thinking of this, Miao Wuji took a deep breath: "I see, Thunder dominates the rest assured, I will do my best to eliminate all the evils of our Miao family, and in Miao family, create a fair and efficient competition for all capable people Up the environment! "

"it is good!"

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Seeing this, Miao Haoran ordered without hesitation: "I will now appoint the director of the review department of the Wuji Group, and at the same time, we will hand over the most elite ghost group of our Miao family to Wuji. If there is evidence, you will have The right of everyone, including all the patriarchs! "

"Ghost group !?"

Miao Wuji as the Miao family naturally knows that this is the most elite combat team of the Miao family.

The leader of the Ghost Group is the true land-level strong. There are three teams in the group, with a total of 16 members. The weakest are all Master Zhou Tian, ​​most of them are Grade 6 Grand Masters and God of War.

In charge of such a power ...

Within the Miao family, he will have the qualification to be a wrist wrench with any veteran.

"I see! I won't let the homeowner and Thunder dominate the boss!"

Miao Wou nodded heavily.

"Okay, then, there is one last thing left, and again, the main thing."

Baili Qingfeng said slowly.

"The main thing !?"

The words of Baili Qingfeng made Miao Haoran lift up with one heart again, for fear that there was no place for her to do well, and then she was caught by Baili Qingfeng and became a disaster that swept the Miao family.

In Miao Haoran's entanglement, Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell directly on Miao Rou: "You cheated your marriage on the misty little shrimp boss. Now, it's time to pay back the money."

At this point, Miao Haoran and Miao Rou were relieved at the same time.

Countless thoughts flashed through Miao Rou's mind in an instant.

Baili Qingfeng alone conquered the entire Miao family. Miao Wuji was also a good friend of Baili Qingfeng and was assigned a heavy responsibility by the head of the family. The future is far wider than Miao Tianya, who is only a family heir competitor. Little bit! ?

At this point, her expression immediately became aggrieved and weak, and she looked pitifully to Miao Wuji: "Actually ... I didn't mean to be separated from Wuji at all. What I really loved in my heart was still Wuji Brother, everything I do is painful ... "

"Impossible, I heard it with my own ears, you said that you only have Miao Tianya in your heart."

Baili Qingfeng directly interrupted Miao Rou's performance and turned to Miao Wou-Ki, saying: "Shit little shrimp, you must not be fooled. I have read a lot of books and said that women are the most deceptive, especially Beautiful woman ... "

Speaking of which, he seemed to think of something.

This morning he and his teacher Yiyi somehow lay down on the bed, and it seemed that something was wrong ...

Does he perceive that the teacher Yiyi is awake?

But she just ...

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng could not help but want to tighten his clothes tightly.

However, he is now wearing a battle armor. The battle armor is a whole. Naturally, this action cannot be done.

"The Thunder dominates the big brothers, rest assured, I can see clearly what a woman is. Even if I can't see it for a while, it's been so long now, I should have understood it."

Miao Wuji nodded calmly and turned to Miao Rou: "Return what you shouldn't take. As for other things, if you haven't committed any crimes, I won't publish what the private hatred will do to you."

"Wuji, listen to me explain ..."

Miao Rou said bitterly.

"Don't forget the interest."

Baili Qingfeng reminded.

After speaking, he also looked at Miao Haoran: "I can't help collecting some interest, isn't it?"

"Not too much, not too much!"

All Miao Haoran could do was nod.

Nod as fast as possible.

"That's good."

Baili Qingfeng was relieved.

Things were finally solved perfectly.

At this time, Shi Yiyi seemed to feel something, and took out a mobile phone from her body: "Qing Feng, your phone ... has been ringing just once."

"Telephone? Oh, OK."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the appearance of his armor, still came forward to connect the phone, and soon there was a voice of mint desolate that would make people involuntarily become cheerful.

"Brother Qingfeng, where are you? I came out of school."

"Come out? Where are you, then I'll go to you."

"I'm here……"

Mint said desolately and stopped. The voice of Zhu Rong came faintly from her mobile phone. After hearing the voice, she replied: "It's a place called Yanyun Xiaozhu, I don't know where it is, you ask Xiaomoiao shrimp."

After that, she added: "My grandpa is coming. He will go there. Shall we meet there?"

"Okay, no problem. I'll take a bath and change clothes."

Baili Qingfeng said and hung up.

"Yanyun Xiaozhu?"

Miao Wuji naturally heard the conversation between Baili Qingfeng and Mint Desolate on the phone, but this place name ...

The locals in this star track city are not very clear.

However, Nanchi stepped forward and said with a smile: "Yanyun Xiaozhu is an ancient residence under the mountain stream in the North Fourth Ring Road of Star Rail. Since it is not a scenic spot, restaurant, or shop, it is not very open to the public, so people who know it are not Many, if the Patriarch does not mind, I can send the Patriarch to the past. "

Baili Qingfeng thought about it but did not refuse, after all, according to Nanchi, that place is really not easy to find: "That's good, please trouble you."

"No trouble, it is my pleasure to serve the Patriarch."

Nanchi respectfully said.

Miao Haoran also said at this time: "Then we will not disturb the Baili Sovereign, and I will hand over to Miao Wuji and start a self-examination of the family."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng said a glance at Miao Wou-ki: "Let's take a bath with you."

"The Thunder dominates the big guys. Don't be polite with me, just like your own home."

Miao Wuji quickly said.

Baili Qingfeng returned to the villa, unloaded the battle armor, took a bath, and changed into a casual suit.

When he was fighting with Yun Ji, he had a sword in his chest. Fortunately, Yun Ji's sword was small, very slender, and the wound was not big because of its privacy. In addition, he didn't bring a band-aid, so he was too lazy to care. .

Anyway, waiting for a shower and waiting for a period of time is probably better, so don't waste it.

After doing this, Miao Haoran and others have already left.

Only Nanchi was driving outside with a car waiting.

Baili Qingfeng couldn't keep others waiting, and asked Shi Yiyi and Baili Tianxing: "Would you like to go together?"

"The old man is extraordinary, and when the other party sees you, we won't go."

Teacher Yiyidao.

In fact, she was somewhat restrained when sitting in front of Zhu Rong. Even if Zhu Rong's performance was reconciled, the difference that can be brought to the gap and status gap is not so easy to smooth. Zhu Rong, a senior, is still like this. Not to mention the desolate grandpa of mint.

"Well, then I'll go first. Grandpa Mint is so old. It's not easy to come. I don't want others to wait long."

Baili Qingfeng said, got in the car, and went straight to the cloud-like smoke that Mint desolate said.

Xilu Mountain is an ordinary hill. It was named because of a stream flowing down the mountain. Although it has been initially developed and turned into a leisure park, it is not a scenic area. The location is average, it is biased towards the suburbs, and there are not many tourists, but it has a strange sense of tranquility.

While driving, Nanchi introduced Baili Qingfeng and some nearby features to Baili Qingfeng, and soon arrived at Yunyan Xiaozhu.

Three people were waiting at the gate of the courtyard hidden in the green shade outside Yanyun Xiaozhu.

The young girl is dressed in a beautiful mint and desolate. Yesterday's Ms. Zhu Rongzhu, who had a relationship yesterday, ~ ~, and a spirited old man who seems to be around 60.

But guessing, this old man must be the desolate grandpa of mint.

"Father is really healthy."

Baili Qingfeng said before leaving the car.

But at this time he seemed to feel something. He looked at him with a look of horror, and even a pale face Nanchi: "This ... Nanchi old man? Are you all right?"

"No ... nothing, Lord Baili, I ... I'm fine ..."

"Oh, then I'll get off the bus first. Drive carefully when you go back."

Baili Qingfeng said and got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, he certainly didn't see Nanchi's hands holding the steering wheel, his trembling madly, and his nagging words that he couldn't even hear clearly ...

"The head of Zulong Mountain ... the world's most powerful ... white elephant dragon!"

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