The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 511: Military base

Baili Qingfeng sat in the car and looked out.

There are many defensive facilities in the entire military base. The turrets built can be seen fifteen kilometers away. The huge gun barrels point directly to the void. You can guess only by looking at its caliber. From these guns, How powerful the shells from the tube will be.

Beyond the turret, there are bunkers, artillery positions, and machine gun positions. The number of them is difficult to measure at first glance, even if the defense in the Heisenberg defense line is just that.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and his eyes quickly fell on a fort that seemed to have just been destroyed: "Is it ten kilometers away from the space passage? Those cave people ... rushed to ten kilometers away, only one A little bit can tear your defense and rush out? "

"Yes, I don't know what happened in the last two times. The number and quality of cave people have been greatly improved compared to the previous ones. Not only the number of warrior-level cave people has increased significantly, but many small leaders have even appeared. The cave man, the turret that the hero of Qing Feng said, was a commander last month, with four small commanders and more than 300 cavemen to initiate the charge. The commander almost broke through successfully. The major detonated the explosives in the turret, damaging it ... and was shot by the soldiers who came after it ...


Dominion-level burrowers are already equivalent to the unparalleled practitioners of mankind.

In addition, the cavemen's armor defense power after reaching the commander level has been very rude. Although it can not reach 360 degrees of human craftsmanship without dead angle protection, it can also stand shoulder to shoulder with those of medieval knights.

Such a suit of armor is conceived on the leadership of a group of town-level, non-double-level cavemen, and the threat that can erupt can be imagined.


Four little commanders, three hundred cave men ...

"This is a regular army that will only be cultivated by large cave tribes !?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

Anyone in the burrows has a physical strength that is not weaker than the master of sculpting. In this case, people in the burrows are naturally all soldiers.

But these so-called soldiers belong to the kind of militia who can pick up weapons and fight, and put down weapons to farm. Even if they have the physique equivalent to the refined master, one human master can still deal with several.

But those professional soldiers are different.

This soldier is not only the strong among the cavemen, but his body can be comparable to that of the generals. He is also trained in production and has mastered extraordinary fighting skills. Even a human without a armored combatant can face two or three. They besieged to death.

The combat effectiveness of such a team is more than thousands of black people.

"I would love to say no, but ... I'm afraid it's true."

Si Kongdao smiled bitterly.

Large tribe, ten thousand people start!

Once their channel is really targeted by a large tribe with tens of thousands of cave people, the Sixth Army may be in danger of being destroyed.

"What tribe of ten thousand people, not to mention whether the tribe of ten thousand people across is not sure, even if ... don't worry too much."

Baili Qingfeng said, "Although we can't face the large tribe with tens of thousands of people in the front, we can use our wisdom and external forces. We must know that in the second world, the true hegemons are those fierce men who are all over the wilderness. Beasts, as long as they can use the right strength to fight, it will not be hopeless to destroy a tribe of 10,000 people. "

"Then let's borrow Qingfeng hero Ji Yan."

Si Kongdao replied, but still feeling heavy.

"Actually we estimate that the movement of these cavemen may be related to the Northwest Line of Defense."

"Northwest Line of Defense?"

There is nothing wrong with Baili Qingfeng's geography ...

It should be only three or four hundred kilometers away from the northwest defense line.

He heard Jonson say that the Northwest Line was a real heavy guard.

The entire northern Hia force is more than 300,000, but of these 300,000 people, at least 200,000 are seated on the northwestern line of defense, even though the 200,000 people have not been mobilized in the recent battle of Hessenberg.

More than 200,000 troops were stationed on the northwestern line of defense. The Aurora Empire, the Chiyan Empire, and another hill kingdom of Eastern Shenzhou and the other three major member states of the Knights League also sent troops to guard. The number of human troops on this battlefield exceeds the one million mark.

The Aurora Empire has the most troops in all countries!

In this front, more than 400,000 Chen Bing of the Aurora Empire, even the Emperor Aurora sat in the mountains thousands of miles away.

No reason for it!

This is the largest and most powerful Tianshen Mountain battlefield in East Shenzhou and the Second World!

The entire Tianying Mountain Theater is more than 360 kilometers long and 830 kilometers wide, with a total area of ​​nearly 300,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a quarter of the country of Hea. In this area, there are four Space passage.

The number is not large, but these four spatial channels all have several points in common-large volume, long opening duration, short opening period!

The space channel guarded by Shia is the smallest of the four large space channels, but the diameter is still more than 20 meters. Each opening lasts more than six hours, and the opening period is only forty days.

It is said that the length of the aisle of the space where the Emperor Aurora personally sat is more than 100 meters. It is like the gate of the world. The opening time is more than 40 hours, and the opening period is only a dozen days.

This is nothing.

At the other end of the space passage, there is an extremely powerful tribe of cavemen ...

In other words, a powerful cavemen alliance can mobilize more than 300,000 cavemen and 30,000 or 40,000 soldiers.

And this cavemen alliance has four major shrines to intervene. The four cavemen of the cavemen world are as good as clouds, even if they are as strong as the aurora monarch, they dare not go into them.

"It has been several years since the opening of the Battlefield of Tianyu Mountain. Isn't the Aurora Emperor continuously providing data to the League of Legends, letting the League of Nations calculate the weak points of these space channels and then defeat the space channels. Is there no result yet?"

"The space channel of the Tianying Mountain battlefield is too large and the stability is extremely high. It is not easy to calculate the nodes and defeat them."

After a brief explanation, Sikongdao paused for three seconds: "There is also a saying that the Emperor of the Aurora Empire wanted to conquer the country of the Grotto people on the opposite side, imitate the Iron Empire, and use the alchemy ability of the Grotto people to create a Aurora Empire. The invincible division did not completely destroy the cavemen's army on the Tianying Mountain battlefield. I don't know if it is true or false. "

For these high-level news, Baili Qingfeng also obscured his eyes.

"Did you contact Captain Johnson to mention something here?"

"Ask, Captain Jonson said there weren't any big changes there."

"I just want to go through the training and go and see what is going on."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Then there is Lao Qingfeng hero."


Baili Qingfeng said.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng also came two kilometers away from the space passage.

These two kilometers do not know how many bombings have been carried out, and they have been completely plowed without any cover.

However, three kilometers away began to have soldiers and many fortifications.

With the arrival of General Sikongdao for a moment, there was a rumor of discussion in the crowd. After a while, the rumor quickly became louder. Vaguely, we could see everyone looking at Baili Qingfeng, full of surprise and excitement. Eyes.

"Bali Qingfeng! It is our strongest Domineering Baili Qingfeng! Baili Qingfeng has arrived on the battlefield!"

"Is he here to help us against the cavemen? Great! Baili Qingfeng is a legend, and one can pierce the Berserker Legion. With him, we can even storm across the line!"

"Last time, a caveman led a large killing ring behind us, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries. This time, if a caveman dares to approach, the hero of Baili Qingfeng will definitely teach him to come back!"

"Have a hundred miles of Qingfeng heroes, as long as we are stable, we can win!"

Baili Qingfeng broke the limit of the second human body and had excellent hearing. He could hear everyone's conversation, and he felt a little shy for a while.

Unconsciously, he has become a hero?

It can be opened in the normal way, the results of the hero seem to be very bad ...

It seems that from now on he must be careful and then be careful.

Si Kongdao stayed with Baili Qingfeng for a moment. With the opening of the space channel approaching, he had to return to the command room, but left Xiao Lige to accompany Baili Qingfeng on the first line of defense.

With Sikongdao leaving for less than half an hour, the calm void suddenly appeared like a lake thrown into the stones, a circle of space ripples, and spread silently from the center of the circular defense line.

Suddenly, the battlefield where there was some talk was quick and quiet.

Baili Qingfeng could clearly hear the heartbeat of the soldiers gradually accelerating.

Even Xiao Lige beside him was no exception.

"It's started, I hope there will be fewer people in the cave this time."

Baili Qingfeng nodded his head, looking at the ripples in the space.

The space ripples lingered for less than half an hour, and a space channel was formed.

Although the diameter of this space passage is less than ten meters, it also has an eight-meter level, which is much larger than the two space passages of the Thunder Sect and Qingyuan Mountain.


The formation of a space channel ~ ~ The atmosphere in the field suddenly solidified to the extreme.

Suddenly, a huge Chenjin chariot appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Yes, Chen Jin chariot!

A chariot almost entirely built by Chen Jin rushed out of the space passage. Although the workmanship of the chariot was very rough, full of primitive and backward, it immediately stretched out when it appeared, forming an area of ​​more than 100 square meters Barrier and advance quickly.

"Regular army! This is definitely a regular army in the Grotto tribe!"

Xiao Lige shouted in anger.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

As the Chen Jin chariot rushed out, the deafening roar rang, hundreds of thousands of shells whistled and tore the void, and three hundred and sixty degrees blasted towards the space passage without dead ends.


Explosions, roars, and flames completely drowned the space channel all at once.

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