The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 517: City owner

"The military discipline is so bad, it seems that Blood Wolf City is not as terrible as I imagined. In this case ... I will go to Blood Wolf City to see if this is the most powerful one in Heia, even in East China Island. Is it true that the people in the caves are not true! "

Bai Liqing Feng's eyes flashed with eagerness to try.

Eradication of human race belongs to his third small goal!

Although it is too early to accomplish this goal with his current ability, but ...

This does not affect him to test the appearance of the burrow people in the human race first.

As for the bloodwolf knights who fled ...

Although I have picked up a lot of trouble, it is not a fear!

He has a big deal to run faster.

Even if the blood wolf is a creature of the second world, after all, it also belongs to the wolf, as if the tiger belongs to the cat family.

Maybe ordinary humans can't match the speed of blood wolves, but his Baili Qingfeng is the ninth-level dominator, the peak level among the warriors, even if a group of blood wolves ran to death ... it is reasonable.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng's blood and blood were excited, and his head ran madly, catching up with those bloodwolf knights who escaped everywhere.

Overtake one, kill one.

For a time, the number of blood wolves originally remaining 22 decreased madly.

Twenty, eighteen, sixteen, fourteen ...


Just when Baili Qingfeng killed only six of these blood wolf knights, he seemed to feel something, suddenly strode forward, and glanced to the end of his vision after crossing a hill.


A city!

At this moment, he was standing on the top of a hill, watching from afar, and was seeing a city full of wild and simple atmosphere four or five kilometers away standing on the side of a river.

This is a huge city with a city wall of more than 20 meters high. Many arrow towers and defensive facilities are towering over the city wall. A large number of flags are displayed in the wind. The flag is a wolf.

The key is……

Breath of life!

The dense breath of life!

Baili Qingfeng clearly sensed the amount of breath emitted from that city.

The breath of countless people is piled together, astonishing and huge, like the sun rising at the end of the sky. Baili Qingfeng has just sensed by his heart, and there is an illusion that his consciousness will be burned ...


There are at least tens of thousands!

"Blood Wolf!"

No need to guess, Baili Qingfeng looked at the city scale and looked at the fluttering flags, and already called the city's name.

Blood Wolf City, the largest cave man force within a 2,000-kilometer radius of this cave man world!

It is said that there are 50,000 or 60,000 people in the caves in Blood Wolf City alone. If the surrounding small villages are counted, the population directly controlled by Blood Wolf City is definitely more than 100,000.

This is a huge force that can almost establish a nation!

"Blood Wolf!"

Baili Qingfeng murmured to himself.

Soon his eyes had fallen in front of Blood Wolf!

There, there was a powerful battlefield composed of two thousand elite warriors. These warriors, led by several powerful cavemen, were rapidly advancing towards the hills where Baili Qingfeng was located, as if marching.

More than that direction!

On his left, right, left, and rear, there are also an astonishing amount of breath approaching. Although these huge breaths that make up the battle array are not integrated into the front, they can be of the same size. Baili Qingfeng estimates ...

Even if the number is less than a thousand, I am afraid that it is not far off!

Nearly a thousand people in each direction, four directions ...

At least four thousand troops! ?

Use 4,000 troops to slay him a little human?

Do n’t the soldiers of Blood Wolf need to do other things?

What about the Tianmao Mountain battlefield?

Do you still care?

"The Lord of the City! The Lord of the City is here! The Lord of the City has personally led the team out! We are saved!"

"The Lord of the City is invincible. Even the Temple Knight is not his opponent. He must be able to kill this devil!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The surviving blood wolf knights saw the blood wolf city masters with two thousand elites killed, one by one, and their faces were full of fanaticism and escape from the dead.

"City Lord !? Blood Wolf City Lord?"

Baili Qingfeng heard the blood wolf knight's shout for a moment, and his eyes instantly fell on the front cave man.

This cave man ...

Wearing a full-body armor on his body, although the armor's defense against the wearer could not reach the general shining gold armor of Baili Qingfeng, there was no dead angle at 360 degrees, but the degree of perfection was not inferior.

On his armor, the golden patterns flashed, and the intensity of the golden patterns seemed to be incomparable even for the knight armor.

And his figure has reached an unprecedented one-meter seven. Among many cave people, he can only be described as a group of chickens, fully explaining to all cave people what it means to be majestic, tall, mighty, and domineering.

What surprised Baili Qingfeng even more was the breath contained in him.

It was a kind of aggression like fire. It seemed that any living matter could be easily burned into the ashes by him. Baili Qingfeng only observed it for a while with Tongxuanshu, and actually felt a kind of palpitation.


Definitely the strongest cave man he has ever encountered.

"Bloodwolf Lord ..."

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, his eyes became extremely dignified.

The Lord of the Blood Wolf is very powerful in his induction, stronger than him.

Facing him, Baili Qingfeng could clearly feel the pressure.

The only good thing is that the Lord of the Blood Wolf City should not have broken through level nine and reached the level of the great knight equivalent to a world-class powerhouse.

Under the rule of the four shrines, to build your own caveman kingdom must meet two requirements. The first requirement is to have a population of more than 100,000. The second requirement is to have a large knight-level master.

The population of Blood Wolf City has reached the standard of statehood, but it is still just a cave-dweller city. The conditions that restrict them are obviously the latter.

Level 9 ...

He was not afraid. Although there were two thousand elite warriors around the Lord of Blood Wolf, but ...

As long as he runs fast enough, these people can't catch up with themselves!

Then ...

Try it?

After all, this is a powerful Blood Wolf Lord.


"Dear Bloodwolf Lord, please ask your men and women to rush to Tianmao Mountain battlefield before sunset tomorrow."

At this time, a cave man dressed as a temple knight was conveying a message to the Blood Wolf Lord, who was observed remotely by Baili Qingfeng.

It can be seen from his slightly respectful etiquette that although he is wearing a set of knight armor, he should not really reach the rank of knight, otherwise, the respect of the temple knights can fully communicate with the Lord of the Blood Wolf.

"I have integrated the army!"

Blood Wolf City Shen Shen said: "I only rested in Blood Wolf City for half a month, and Archbishop Shadowman couldn't wait?"

"It's the humans that have made new progress, but ... even if they bow their heads, we still have to show these humans the power of our cavemen!"


The Lord of the Blood Wolf was not only not happy when he heard the news, but was full of dread. He knew very well that the human was powerful, but now ...

The human actually bowed his head! ?

Bow to the Archbishop! ?

To what extent is the strength of the archbishop and the knights around him! ?

The blood temple in Tianzhuyuan, where the Lord of Blood Wolf City is located, is so powerful ... Even if his Blood Wolf King really established a country here, what can he do?

Maybe it will become the puppet of Archbishop Shadowman!

"Dear Lord Bloodwolf, please hurry up."

The reserve knight whispered, and retreated toward Blood Wolf, as if there were other tasks on his body.

The owner of Blood Wolf City squinted slightly, watching the ready knight leave, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Bloodwolf Lord, let's go, but don't delay the archbishop's plan, this time it is related to whether the influence of our blood temple can really spread to that world."

An elderly cave man wearing a sacrificial robe smiled gently.

The Lord of the Blood Wolf City took a deep look at the old cavemen: "Bishop Ivan, we have sent 16,000 bloodwolf soldiers in the Tianying Mountain battlefield. In recent years, more than half of the battle has been damaged. Now the last two thousand are behind me. Also brought out by me, you should see our efforts in Blood Wolf City. "

"Of course, if the Blood Temple can be established in that world, the Lord of the City will be the biggest contributor to the Tianzhuyuan branch of our Blood Temple! The Archbishop said that if this happened, the Archbishop would ask the Temple for an Alpha blood to repair the Lord of the City. The dark injuries left by the last impact of the defeat of the great knight! As an invincible knight who did not die after the impact of the great knight, once the dark injury is healed, and the last experience is accumulated, the realm of the great knight will be like a capsule to the city owner. "

"Blood of Alpha ..."

The face of the Blood Wolf Lord recovered slightly, and now he nodded slowly, ordering the army to pull out at full speed.

However, as the army advanced, a close bloodwolf knight suddenly came to the Lord of Bloodwolf and whispered, "Citylord, a powerful human knight has invaded our Bloodwolf territory. This human knight not only defeated I was attacking a cold blade tribe that was attacking a small and medium space channel, and also defeated our three wolf cavalry teams ... Now chase down the wolf cavalry in the direction of our blood wolf city! "

"Human knights !? Defeated the army of the Cold Blade Tribe !? The Cold Blade Tribe has thousands of regular troops, and their bones are also a master who can defeat the Cold Blade Tribe ... Is it a human knight !?"

"Not a human knight, but still a knight ... but, according to the people below, this is a demon knight! He seems to betray his soul to the demon, in exchange for amazing speed, infinite physical strength, and no fear of injury Painful will ... "

The blood wolf knight did n’t finish speaking, but he was interrupted by the blood wolf city owner ~ ~ If he is not a big knight, he is not worthy of being my opponent ... "

Bloodwolf Lord said indifferently.

He is a blaze wolf, who once defeated the top existence of the two temple knights. If the big knights cannot, he can be called Xeon!

"According to intelligence, this human being has killed the strongest fangs of the Bloodaxe Horde, as well as the three great leaders of our bloodwolf, Gali, Emperor, and Blood Weep!"

Blood Wolf Knight sank.


The eyes of the Blood Wolf Lord suddenly became extremely sharp: "Is he !?"

The next moment, as if he felt something, he suddenly looked up and looked straight up to the hills at the end of the field of vision. He was seeing a human figure killing a wolf cavalry.

This scene made the blood wolf town owner yell, "Look for death!"

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