The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 520: adhere to

Grotto people!

Baili Qingfeng doesn't have a map, he doesn't know the way, he only knows that there are people in the caves hundreds of kilometers away!

Thousands, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands!

The dense crowd of people in the cave were all over this land. He ran to the south and was blocked by the cave people. He ran north and was blocked by the people in the cave. There was no escape.

In desperation, Baili Qingfeng did not care about his unhealed injuries, and countered with a sword.

Fortunately, his achievements in phoenix nirvana are small, relying on the accumulation of phoenix nirvana, he is constantly repairing the physical damage, and finally repaired the serious and extreme injuries to seven or seven.

Although it is a little bit short of complete repair, at least ...

As now, it is not a problem to deal with three or four hundred cave people.

Moreover, as long as you are no longer injured and you have finished killing these burrowers, your injuries should be almost the same.

"This time is really extremely dangerous ... if the general IQ of the cave people is not more than sixty, the Lord of the Blood Wolf will not be challenged by me and I will be singled out, and once he summons all the cave people ... I am afraid it will be I'm going to tell you there! "

Baili Qingfeng has a lot of fear.

After all, there are eight people in the cave around the Lord of the Blood Wolf, and there are dozens of small leaders.

After using the demons disintegration to burn one-half of the universal cells in the body to forcibly break through the slugs and kill the Lord of the Blood Wolf, his injuries were so severe that it was difficult to deal with one leader, let alone eight leaders and dozens of small leaders. If those commanders and small commanders really rushed up without fear of death ...

He absolutely ...

Escape will become extremely difficult.

If coupled with the fact that the elite soldiers would block him, kill him, and give him no chance to escape, the probability of him being able to make a siege is less than 1 in 10,000.

So, this time he is truly dying!

But paying such a huge price is worth the gain.

The Lord of Blood Wolf was killed by him!

He was assassinated by means of almost assault by the outbreak of the devil's disintegration!

But this tactic is part of the Assassin's Way.

The core of the assassin is not to take the shot, but to make a thunderous shot?

His approach is in line with Assassin's Code.

Especially after killing the target, he fled without hesitation, without any slightest stay, the kind of perseverance, the kind of decisiveness, and fully exerted the core of the one-shot life far away.

"Perhaps, my assassination level has been raised to true fairy level! I am now a true fairy level assassin!"

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, ignoring the swords cut by the two cavemen soldiers in front of him, the energy at his feet broke out suddenly, relying on the defense of the Yaojin armor, he severely hit a caveman warrior in front of him. The body, hit the warrior on the spot, vomited blood and flew out, his bones were broken, and he had not died yet.

This caveman warrior was killed. He did not kill the sword and howled and assassinated. Lightning flew over the three cavemen, and the blood shot quickly, and the three cavemen fell quickly.


After killing these three cavemen, the vision in front of him suddenly cleared, and he seemed to have been pierced by a battlefield of three or four hundred cavemen.

I felt a little bit of my body ...

"The injuries on my body are very serious, and the recovery is slow. I can't be stubborn ... I killed the hundreds of remaining cavemen, I hid, healed my injuries, and I tried to defeat Blood Wolf City!"

With this idea, the Baili Qingfeng, who cut through the enemy's army, turned around and re-entered the cavemen. Suddenly ...

The wind is rising again!


"It can't be chased, it's no wonder I am."

Moriya wandered for three hours with her 300 elites in her headquarters. She never saw the figure of Qingli Feng, and she felt relieved when she made excuses for herself.

But at this moment, a smoke rose from afar ...

This is the battle signal of Blood Wolf City, which is often only used on the Tien Shan Front.

Seeing the signal, Moriya's face was very ugly.

I just think of Bishop Ivan's support for that young master ...

He had to grit his teeth, with three hundred elites, and rush to the war destination.

Less than twenty minutes, Moriya rushed to the battlefield.

However, when he saw the suit of war armor, surrounded by two or three hundred cavemen, to fight back fiercely and nearly slaughtered those ordinary cavemen warriors, his expression suddenly solidified.

"Bawclaw, Ivan, this is the end of what you said!"

Moriya looked around, her expression was distorted!

Seeing more than a hundred corpses in the distance, I felt the chills all over my body.

Although this group of cavemen looks less elite than his men, there are nearly a hundred more people than them, but such a huge number has little resistance in front of that human knight ...

"This human being is a devil at all! He is a devil's knight! He can devour his soul in the killing and give himself endless power! We cavemen are not afraid of any opponent, but we cannot defeat the devil!"

After that, he waved his hand and said fiercely, "Retreat! Retreat! Let's go back to the tribe! Tien Shan battlefield !? Glory of the Blood Temple !? We the Hessen tribe does not care!"



Baili Qingfeng dragged his tired body into a cave.

It's late.

Even if the fierce beasts near Blood Wolf City are occasionally besieged by Blood Wolf City's army, the night is still full of danger for the cavemen, and few cavemen are active at night.

Because of this, Baili Qingfeng had a little time to breathe.

On this day, he all spent his escape.

He relied on his own plan to destroy Blood Wolf City, and then assassinated it with a superb outburst technique, killing the Lord of Blood Wolf City. I don't know how many people came to search him.

If he hadn't run fast, he would have been blocked by those cavemen.

"There are too many people in the caves. Moreover, because of the harsh living environment, the people in the caves have a very peeping view of our world. The world is transformed into a grain silo, and all living lives are used as food reserves ... In some remote continents and small countries, humans in the whole country are raised by powerful humanoids like livestock, and they become a continuous source of food. They will use these foods to feed more people, continue to expand their power and form a vicious circle. "

Baili Qingfeng thought of the irreconcilable contradictions between these races and human beings, and his mood became extremely heavy.

He is fortunate to live in Shia.

Although Shia was a bit messy at that time, there were warriors with human lives, but at least not like humans in small remote countries. Humans were controlled by humanoids like livestock. In addition to working for them, they had to become their reserve food. He lives in such a country ...

That was a nightmare!

Now that he has a little ability, and he has reached the 9th rank of the warrior, this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen.

Thinking of this, even though extremely tired, Baili Qingfeng still urged his brain to continue to use wisdom to think about how to solve the problem of the cave people for the Kingdom of Hea.

"There are too many people in the caves of Blood Wolf City. There are tens of thousands in the city and tens of thousands outside. They add up to more than 100,000 people. Although I battled bloodily today, I fought hundreds of miles and killed about one or two thousand. It looks like, but compared to the huge number of people in the caves, it is nothing but a lot of money. Not to mention ... In addition to the blood wolf city in Tianzhuyuan, there are many medium-sized tribes who have played in the blood wolf city. Large tribes, such as the Blood Axe Tribe, the Cold Blade Tribe ... If these tribes are counted, there are definitely two or three hundred thousand people in the caves that cover a thousand kilometers! "

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng's face was a little pale.

So many people are desperate to think about it.

One hundred cave people often need 10,000 troops to resist, and 10,000 cave people need millions of troops. As long as the number of cave people exceeds 30,000, even if the army exceeds one million, they will still be affected by these cave people. Break through the line of defense, and then be coated with charcoal.

at the moment……

Two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand cave people ...

"No, I must not be defeated by the crisis in front of me! Although the number of enemies is so stifling and desperate, I am now one of the most powerful warriors in Shia, facing the threat of cavemen, I do n’t stand up, who is up !? "

Baili Qingfeng opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with resolute light.

"The sky fell down and there was a tall one ... and now ... I'm the tallest one!"

Two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand cave people ...

so what! ?

Humans have an average IQ of 90, and a caveman has an average IQ of less than 60. As an outstanding student of Shire University, as long as he drives IQ, why fear a blood wolf city?

He must fully develop the tactics of the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy staying at me disturbing, the enemy exhausting and fighting, and the enemy retreating from the tactics, and make use of all the advantages that human beings have!

Kill a thousand a day!

Kill ten thousand in ten days!

Kill 100,000 in 100 days!

One day he will kill the people in these burrows completely, completely free Chia from the threat of the burrows, thoroughly let all the Chia people live a good life free from racial threats, and build a modernist and peaceful society , Realize the great dream of the Shia people's revival!


Baili Qingfeng firmed his belief and exhaled a long breath.


After a sigh of relief, he seemed to notice something, and his heart moved.

"It seems that the progress of Little Nothingness has improved?"

He sensed his changes a little.

Burning one-half of almighty cells in one breath, breaking into the mighty force of the human body, forcing human cells to be strengthened in that explosive state, making his upper limit seem to be pulled up a little bit ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Sure enough, actual combat is the best way to grow and cultivate, and the ancients don't deceive me. "

Baili Qingfeng had a smile on his face.

Then ...

The cultivation of the Origin Devil Purgatory must follow.

Although he still has to deal with the cavemen of Blood Wolf City tomorrow, the cultivation must not be lax.

His talents are average and ordinary, and only by hard work and diligence can he catch up with those talented people, surpassing them a little bit. Therefore, in any situation and in any environment, he must maintain this professional mentality to barely maintain a slight advantage. .

As long as it is relaxed, it is estimated that the taillights of those geniuses will soon be invisible.

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