The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 530: structure

How can we help Xiaozhu find his parents, and what does the second world human society look like? "

Baili Qingfeng pondered deeply.

He was a student of social sciences when he was admitted to Shire University, but ...

By the sophomore year he switched.

What he learned only in his freshman year gave him a preliminary understanding of the social structure of human races at best, and about the social structure of the human world ...

I did not learn.

Baili Qingfeng glanced around holding a children's book that Yiyi bought in the afternoon, and looked up at the hundred-mile bamboo ...

Asking her was obviously unreliable.

Not to mention she doesn't seem to speak, even if she can say ...

Speech is also problematic.

"Um? Speaking of language ... isn't the Quantum War God a language expert? He seems to understand the scriptures of the Blood Temple?"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes lightened slightly: "Moreover, I did n’t learn about social science and related knowledge about the structure of human society in the second world at Shire University. ... In addition, Tianji Tower should also have ... "

In case of uncertainty, ask the big guys in the group!

He ignored such a simple common sense question.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng couldn't wait to turn on the computer and boarded his own chat software.

Since I haven't been online for a month, Baili Qingfeng's chat software actually has a lot of messages and more than a dozen friends apply for information.

Baili Qingfeng first checked the messages, most of which were mainly prawns. They reported the transportation of the uranium mine and informed that the detonation equipment had been contacted. However, Chen Jin needed to pay the bill.

Aotian Sword God, Baiyi Sheng, and Mint Desolate also sent messages. They have no substantial content, but they are concerned about why he has not been online for so long.

Baili Qingfeng responded one by one.

After reading the news, he looked at his friend's application, and one of them actually claimed to be "Ice Snow Emerald".

Baili Qingfeng froze, and then boarded the Tianjidian Forum.

Sure enough, more than a dozen messages were sent from the Ice and Snow Jade in the Tianjidian Forum in a month.

"Ashamed ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought of the good things gifted by Ice and Snow Emerald, and quickly passed the application of Ice and Snow Jade's friends, and at the same time gave a reply in the Tianjidian Forum: "I have made money in other places recently. Did you receive it? "

After sending the news, he turned his attention to the group, and at the same time, Ait took a look at the moderator Aotian Sword God, the deputy moderator Genzi Sword and the East must win, and the language expert Quan Ares.

"Thunder dominates big guys!"

The Quantum God of War happened to be there. As soon as he ate, he popped out: "Welcome to the big brother!"

Then the gentleman sword also emerged: "Welcome to the big man!"

As for the Aotian Sword God and the East win, it seems that they are not there.

"Good gentleman sword moderator, good Quantum Ares. I ’m asking for help from two big brothers this time. I want to learn about the languages ​​of the second world. What ’s best to learn, orc language I have to use human language and human language. The problem of language inconvenience is too painful. In addition, the gentleman sword moderator, someone from the second world, right, you know the structure of human society in the second world. "

"I know that there are humans in the second world, but I don't really know the structure of their society. I'm afraid the Thunder dominates the big guys."

Gentleman Kendo.

"I know, I know the language, I also know the social structure, after all, when translating text, you will naturally see the relevant literature, so that you can understand the world."

Quantum God of War has brought good news.

Baili Qingfeng heard it, and was very envious.

Lack of language is a big problem.

East Shenzhou is better. The Glorious Empire has a great influence on this land. Except for the Aurora Empire, almost all countries use the language of the Glorious Empire. Even the new language of the Aurora Empire has been promoted in recent decades. Glorious Language is still their second largest language.

Outside East China Island, there are a variety of languages, ranging from one hundred to eighty, and a headache to learn.

Like the Quantum God of War, he is not only proficient in dozens of languages ​​in the world, but also masters in more than a dozen languages ​​in the second world.

The other party can have such achievements in language. If he is committed to learning, he should be properly thrown out a few streets.

"There are not many languages ​​currently in use in the Second World, only fourteen, but according to my translation of the history of the Second World, the Second World can be divided into four periods: modern, ancient, ancient, and ancient. The languages ​​of the period are different. Most of them are derived from ancient languages, but those who can master the scriptures belong to the ruling class of the second world. Ordinary rich people and ordinary nobles have no access to them. They use Most of the languages ​​are modern languages. What languages ​​should the Thunder dominate?

"I already know the Grotto language, so ... anthropology, the second language is anthropology!"

"Okay, according to the literature I read, the human world seems to be clumped together, which can be roughly divided into three parts, namely, Northern English, Middle Turkish, and Warlock ... there may be other languages, but I have not yet contacted them. In terms of relevant materials, I have obtained the most Northern language-related information among the three languages. It is estimated that we are closest to the Northlander's world, so first learn Northern language, big brother, I will send you some information first ... "

The Quantum God of War said, adding immediately: "These materials are very secretive, please don't spread them, or I will be dead."

"It's so serious that I won't learn it and can't cause you trouble."

"Don't do it, it's rare that I can come in handy, I'll send it to you, as long as you don't pass it out, I will be fine."

Quantum God of War talked, and could not help but transfer data.

"Everyone is a good person."

Baili Qingfeng felt the enthusiasm of the Quantum God of War, with a sincere emotion.

He had to be grateful for his luck. Fortunately, he knew the big guys in the group, and their existence made him take less detours in his growth.

"In addition, the big guy also asked the structure of human society? The structure of human society ... It is impossible to determine clearly ... According to the literature we have obtained, human society is divided into three different structures. The North is in a difficult situation, basically by countless sizes. Different lords are formed, and everyone is united around the lords. The lords are in groups to support each other, to support each other, to survive difficultly, and to resist the threat of humanoids, fierce beasts, legendary species, and ancient species. Out of a personal kingdom, and the warlocks spread all over the south ... it seems that humans and aliens live together ... they unite with the intelligent race that can communicate, build a magnificent city, hide in the city and use the walls and arrow towers to resist Non-intelligent kind of invasion. "

"Lord system? Complete nation? City Alliance?"

Baili Qingfeng heard a little dizziness.

"It may be that the information I have received is not complete, and perhaps the structure of human society is more than that simple."

"very good already……"

Baili Qingfeng said.

Quantum God of War says at least more than he knows.


Just as Baili Qingfeng planned to continue to reply, Ice and Snow Jade finally replied the message: "Mr. Ordinary passerby, finally contacted you."

"I'm so sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time, right, aren't you doing those exercises?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

Although these people have some understanding of their situation, he still has the obligation to care about each other.


He paused for ten seconds after sending his message, and then replied there: "It's okay, it's not a big deal. Do ordinary passersby have any additional explanation?"

"So good then good."

Baili Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't want his work to hurt others: "Nothing to explain ... Oh, yes, are there any of the things you sent last time? I think it tastes pretty good Yes, can I send you a little more? I can exchange with you for something else! "

"Last time ... you ate? You mean Yuhua Lingye ... this ..."

Baili Qingfeng hesitated when he saw the ice and snow emerald, and he quickly puzzled: "I tell you, I just recently got a new practice method called Little Nothingness, which is more powerful. The body is even more powerful. You can get another copy of the food you gave me last time. How about I exchange with you? "

Nihility is a superb magic. Although the little nihility is a little worse than nihility, it is also a foundational method of nihility, which is regarded as a quasi-magnificence. Therefore, Baili Qingfeng said that this method is better than the devil's disintegration and origin **** The magic purgatory body is strong.

"Little nothingness ... we need to think about it, Mr. Ordinary passerby, don't go offline first, I ask, please wait a moment."

Snow and Emerald Road.

"Ok, no problem."

Baili Qingfeng answered quickly.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something, and quickly said, "Yes, that thing like golden jelly is not needed, it is too difficult to digest. I have only digested two-thirds of it so far. It's been a month. ... help me prepare a little more of that kind of stone, that's good. "

After typing, he immediately clicked to send, and as a result ...

Failed to send! ?

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the lower right corner of the computer ...

"Huh? Are you offline?"

Baili Qingfeng spared his head, walked behind the computer, unplugged the network cable, and plugged in ...

Still not working ~ ~ Then ...

Shut down and restart ...

Or not!

"Really dropped?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little speechless: "Most of the night, the staff is off work, and I am not good at calling the operating company for them to help me repair the network ..."

Helpless, he had to shut down the computer and prepare to sleep.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just then, Baili Qingfeng's phone rang.

As he connected the phone, Heisen's voice came quickly: "Mr. Baili, good news. After this time, the power deployment and the full load operation of all centrifuges, weapons-grade enriched uranium reserves The amount has reached ten kilograms, and some experiments are ready to begin. "

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