The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 534: Crisis perception

Baili Qingfeng underestimated the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of Heisen, Auburn and others for the scientific cause.

Although he had deliberately invited them to go to the school gate to have a good meal at the local food restaurant there, to experience Charya ’s unique taste, and then go to KTV to sing and relax until the dawn, but ...

They all refused.

It seems to them that only research and only experimentation can make them truly happy.

This spirit of dedication to the scientific cause deeply admired Baili Qingfeng.


It is precisely because of this dedicated scientific attitude that they can achieve this achievement step by step.

At least, although he likes to read books, like science, and likes to do some experiments, these are not all of his life. He also listens to songs and practices martial arts, and discusses life and philosophy with others.

In the end, everyone gathered in the cafeteria of the base, added a few dishes, and the feast of the feast was simply brought to an end.

It's so simple that even Baili Qingfeng is a little embarrassed.

He had to contact the commander in chief of Sikongdao of the Sixth Army to discuss the sale of nearly 20,000 kilograms of Chenjin over there, and use the billions of billions of funds obtained after Chenjin's sale to inject resources into the laboratory, with a view to refining as soon as possible More enriched uranium.

On the way back, Baili Qingfeng apologized to Shi Yiyi and Baili Bamboo.

During the two days in the laboratory, he had little regard for them.

Fortunately, it was also the two days of getting along, that finally, Bailizhu finally accepted some of the teacher Yiyi, and she no longer feared and rejected her as before.

"Jingle Bell!"

When Baili Qingfeng returned to Xiaya, his cell phone suddenly rang. As he connected the cell phone, a voice from the headmaster of Sikongdao suppressed his emotions: "Qingfeng ... I just Listen to Switch said ... you recently conducted a new weapon experiment? "

"Yes, I remember reporting to you."

Baili Qingfeng said with some emotion: "We, the 'World Peace Commission', spent more than a year, spent billions of funds, and finally achieved the first result in research. It is really not easy."

"Reporting ..."

Si Kongdao's voice was suddenly exaggerated, and it seemed to be a bit sharp and distorted because of the phone call: "But ... but you didn't tell me that you were studying this weapon ..."

"No? I remember I applied for it, and Master Switch told me, and I researched whatever I wanted."


Commander Si Kongdao's words filled his speech as if he had been commanded back.

After a while, he whispered, "I'm on my way to Xia. In addition, Prime Minister Yasuo dispatched the team leader Duanmuru, who you are familiar with, as a special agent, and took the technical team to fly to Xia Can you give us a copy of the weapon information you studied? "

"This is my private research project. I have invested billions of dollars. I don't plan to make it public."

Baili Qingfeng said, looking a little serious: "The power of this weapon is greater than you think, and the harm is equally amazing. It must be strictly controlled within a certain range and cannot be transmitted, although I don't know How long can this blockade last, but ... I will do my best to block it. "


Sikongdao was temporarily hesitant.

Baili Qingfeng is different from others. He is not only the leader of the Shia martial arts circle, but also Shia has made countless achievements.

Even if not long ago, their sixth army was prevented by the timely arrival of Baili Qingfeng to avoid the disaster. Otherwise, thousands of elites from the cold blade tribe would emerge from the space channel ... The best results of the sixth army are The jade and jade were all burned, and they were broken up and compiled.

"Technically I will blockade, but in order to safeguard our Shia peace and to maintain international stability, I will provide a part of this weapon for military use when needed."

Baili Qingfeng continued.

"I understand, I will convey your opinion to the hero of Qingfeng above. In addition, the safety level of your laboratory is too low. I will let Master Ye Fusheng lead two regiments to be stationed in the Bikini Basin to avoid any spy infiltration . "


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Weapon-grade enriched uranium extraction technology is in the hands of only a few people in the World Peace Council, and it is not easy for ordinary spies to reach them.

"See you then."

Sikongdao hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Baili Qingfeng realized the safety issues of these national treasure scientists.

He must consider this matter seriously.

"Protecting security ... This task must be handled by professionals. I don't seem to know any security professionals ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and made a call again.

Soon there was a somewhat excited voice: "Sovereign Mile."

"Under Qingcheng Mountain? Are there any good ways for you to prevent submarine penetration?"

"Does the Patriarch want me to strengthen Xia's defense? I think there is still some way to go in this regard."

"That's good. I have a laboratory. I just recently researched a good thing and it has been peeped. Can you help me look at it?"

"Reliance, Lord Baili, please, Zhang Qingshan will ensure the safety of the laboratory even if I fight hard."

"The lab is a bit big, you just need to protect those core members."

Baili Qingfeng said, saying: "Then you will be the head of the security team first, and I will send you the appointment letter and address."

"The appointment letter is gone, Mr. Baili. I am used to acting secretly. You can tell me that the address gives me certain permissions."

"Well, yes, you can come to my house. I have a method for you. I believe it will be helpful for you."

"It's ten minutes."

Baili Qingfeng hung up.

When he returned to the small yard under Qingyuan Mountain, many people were already waiting here.

Zhang Qingshan is one. Several people are in Baili Sky, Shi Tianya, and Switch.

"Well, many people."

Baili Qingfeng looked at a few people and asked Shiyi to take Baili bamboo to go upstairs first.

"Grandpa Er and Shi Tianya also came?"

Baili Changkong and others looked at each other, and eventually Baili Changkong approached the front road: "Qing Feng, you have been more careful in the recent period of time. Many of the dark people who lurked in our Char have been tempted the previous night. The day before yesterday and yesterday Time, we removed nine secrets, plus you called the broadband operator last night to report the broadband problem. After our investigation ... these people should come for you ... just don't know why they cut it Your network cable frightens ... "

"Come at me? Also cut my network cable?"

Baili Qingfeng said for a moment: "It is not a technical failure that I suddenly stopped the network, but I was cut off by others?"


Baili Changkong nodded his head: "Although they forged it, making your broken network cable look like it was stabbed by a wild dog, but because the time is too short, they have no time to erase all traces. According to the traces, this It should be part of their conspiracy, and if nothing else, they should have a bigger conspiracy ... "

"It's ruthless!"

Baili Qingfeng was a little bit angry: "I have nothing to do with me. What is the skill of cutting my network cable? Do you know who the enemy is?"

"Don't calm down first, don't be impulsive, the enemy must have follow-up plans, you wait for us to investigate clearly."

Hundreds of miles emptied a hand.

"Then you hurry ..."

After speaking, Baili Qingfeng asked, "Is my armor fixed?"

"This time your Warframe has no obvious damage and has been repaired. However, the master of armor at the Ministry of Military Affairs said that your newly acquired knight armors have refined hundreds of kilos of shining gold ..."

Baili Changkong said there was some envy in this eye: "Hundreds of kilos of shining gold and your set of armor are not enough to make it into a fine Chenjin armor, but they can be recast from light armor to medium armor. It ’s greatly improved the defense, do you want to change it ... ”

"Medium-sized armor will affect flexibility. It is because of the fast running that I can save myself from dangers again and again when encountering danger. Therefore, there is no need to recast it into medium-sized armor. It happens that I have recently ..."

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the Baili bamboo that had been taken upstairs by Shi Yiyi: "Because of some things, I have to go to the cave people's world a few times. I'll see if I can get lucky and pick up dozens more. Set a set of knight armor, and then add a hundred or two hundred kilos of shining gold to directly create a light boutique war armor. "

"It's a great opportunity to pick up so many knight armors at once, the cavemen world ... Which so many knight armors you can pick up?"

Baili Changkong is a little speechless.

"Let them send me the Warframes first. The master without Warframes is too weak, especially now that there seems to be a plot against me? It seems dangerous. I urgently need Warframes to increase my sense of security."

"That line."

Baili Changkong nodded: "I'll call the military department and I'll send it to you at night."

In fact, he hopes to help Baili Qingfeng to stack a little more armor, and it is best to create a set of heavy shining gold armor. At least this way is safer, isn't it?

Baili Qingfeng and Baili Changkong talked a little, and turned their eyes to Switch: "Master Switch, are you here because of that new weapon?"

"Yes, another question about the guarding of the laboratory ..."

"You just need to be in charge of the perimeter guards. Don't disturb the normal operation of our committee. As for the issue of weapon authorization, how about when the team leader Duanmu Rui comes?"

"it is good."

Chief Switch nodded and responded.

Such a major event is indeed not something he can make a decision.

"Weapons? Labs? What's going on? Qing Feng, your lab for learning practice actually made weapons? It sounds like it can be used?"

There are some surprises at Baili Sky ~ ~ It is a relatively powerful bomb, now it is only the lowest level, the most initial version, and there are still many problems that have not been resolved. "

"The most ... lowest?"

Teacher Switch thought of the information he received and felt a dry throat.

"Then you be careful, the bomb is not fun ... It looks like we need to get the armor for you as soon as possible. When you do the experiment, in case the accident explodes, you can also carry the armor . "

Hundreds of miles long cautiously.

"I will be careful."


(Thanks to the Silver League for the rewards that need to be done again and again, thank you for your recognition of Fengfeng's works, and you must add more at night!)

Wonderful book house

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