The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 539: abnormal

Two ... two! ? Did you kill two temple knights? "


Baili Qingfeng replied, just thinking of what he said earlier ...

"Will you lower the Temple Knight's points because I kill too much?"

"Do you still want to kill?"

"Yes, the Knights Templar are easy to kill."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Although the Knights of the Temple are a bit better than the Grand Commander, if they come one by one, he can brush two a day and sixty a month.

Sixty ...

One hundred points, that's six thousand points.

Levels three and four require only three thousand points, in other words, only thirty temple knights?

As long as you reach the fourth level, you can invite the ninth-level powerhouse to sit in the town gate permanently, which is almost equivalent to asking a ninth-level bodyguard ...

This is great.

"I # ¥% * & ……"

Three seconds later, Bai Yisheng inexplicably sent a message.

"What are you talking about?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at this reply and wondered.

"I ... I wipe the keyboard ..."


Baili Qingfeng found that many people in the group had this typing habit.

Is it a unique mysterious code inside the Tianji Building?

Baili Qingfeng was about to ask again. His cell phone rang and a crisp female voice came from him: "Hello Mr. Ordinary Passerby, I am the 18th liaison officer of the appraisal department of Tianji Building. We show that you have received two stars Cycle through missions to kill a humanoid knight. I do n’t know if we can verify it? We currently provide three verification methods, the first is a corpse, the second is a video, and the third knight is ... ”

"I choose the third one, and I will show you Cavaliers."

"Okay, may I ask you when it is convenient and where do we need to go for identification ..."

The voice on the phone looked very respectful.

"The location is in the ninth division of the Sixth Army, in the city of Xia, Xiahai, Kingdom of Xia. What time, depending on your arrangements, the sooner the better."

"Understand, our appraisers can arrive as soon as four hours, but it is already two in the morning, you see ... whether to stagger the time so as not to disturb you ..."

"You come at eight in the morning, and I'll tell them."

"As you wish."

The phone hung up over there.

"The attitude is pretty good."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, and looked at him before turning over other cycling tasks.

Killing the Knights of the Temple is a two-star mission, but it is actually a Samsung cycle mission to kill the bishop. One is a three-hundred-point cycle mission. As for the four-star cycle mission ... it is a bit exaggerated to kill the knight. Reach three thousand points.

"Three thousand, you need only three thousand points to upgrade to the fourth level, and you can upgrade after completing a four-star cycle mission?"

Baili Qingfeng felt that it was not difficult to upgrade Zongmen.

The only problem is ...

Grand Knight ...

Equivalent to human-like world-class power.

He can't mess up now!

Perhaps only when the little nihility breaks through, one day in the future, when the Xeon becomes the only one, this issue can be considered again.


When Baili Qingfeng glanced at the four-star mission, he quickly saw something, and for a moment hesitated: "Slay the master of Tianzhu's original blood wolf city, Zhilang !?"

Bloodwolf Lord ...

Is that the IQ who was a little low, provoked by him, rushed out of the army and challenged him, and was eventually assassinated by his sword?

Is it actually a four-star mission?

Although the points are not as high as the three thousand points rewarded for killing the big knight, they are also one thousand.

Baili Qingfeng did not hesitate to take over this task.

In less than two minutes, his cell phone rang again, and the sound seemed to be the same person?

"Hello Mr. Ordinary Passerby, I am ..."

"I know you on the 18th. We just called. I remember your voice. By the way, I provide the Warlord of the Blood Wolf Lord. Can it be used as proof?"

"Of course, this kind of non-recurring task certification is easier than recurring tasks."

The voice on the phone was a touch of sweetness: "Slaying and killing the owner of Blood Wolf City is a four-star task. Once the verification is completed, Mr. can not only get a task reward of one thousand points, but also a generous reward ... four-star task, we There is a higher-level person in the Tianji Building to contact you. Please let the ordinary passerby keep the call open. "

After speaking on the 18th, I hung up.

Almost as soon as she hung up the phone, Baili Qingfeng's phone rang again. As he connected the phone, a familiar voice came quickly ...

"You killed the Lord of the Blood Wolf?"

"White wins big brother?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the chat window and just chatted well, why did he switch to a phone call?

"You answer my question first. Did you really kill the Lord of the Blood Wolf in the Battlefield of Tianyu Mountain?"

Bai Yisheng couldn't wait to ask.

"If Blood Wolf doesn't have a second owner, it should be."


Bai Yisheng took a sip of air-conditioning. After a while, he slowly said, "I thought I was a nine-level celestial being. The talent is very rare. The younger generation ... keke ... I am still relatively young, young A generation does n’t say to compete for the first, it ’s not much worse than the second and third ... Thunder thunder, if you really kill the Blood Wolf City Lord, I have to admit that Baiyi Sheng is better than me! "

"Baiyi wins the prize. I may indeed have some advantages compared to the geniuses here, but when it comes to potential, I am far from being able to compare with you, so I dare not be half proud and keep it all the time. With a dedicated mentality, I never dare to be lax in cultivation. I just hope that I can be a little closer to you at some point in the future. "

"Keep on the mentality of hard work at all times ... I dare not be lax in cultivation ..."

Bai Yisheng, who was opposite the phone, repeated in his mouth, thinking in his heart, an impulse to swear was on his mind.

Temple knight, you killed two. The Lord of the Blood Wolf was slaughtered by you.

Let no one rest?

I'm thirty-seven, and you're only twenty-one.

I think of my dark life in more than one year, I was either preparing to enter Nirvana or in Nirvana, but I was still chased up by Baili Qingfeng little by little.

Sure enough, something like genius is better to kill in the cradle as soon as possible.

right now……

His only comfort was the rumor that Baili Qingfeng had never stepped onto the path of Xeon.

Wait, it seems ... the group seems to say he hardened twenty times?

I do not care! I don't listen! I do not believe!

I believe what I want to believe!

After such self-consolation, Bai Yisheng finally adjusted his mindset and regained the courage to talk to Baili Qingfeng normally: "Things such as potential do not turn into strength and are always just empty talk. Like me, I will never prepare me I said to others casually about the impact of Xeon, after all, I have carved a low-key style into my bones, and I can't change it if I want to change it. "

"I really envy you. Now I have started to look forward to Xeon, hey, I can't help it. I can only think about it, sell some coolies, kill more temple knights, and cast a set of fine gold armor as soon as possible. Only That's how we can barely mix. "

"Ahem ... Although the fine Yaojin battle armor may make you invincible in the ninth level, but ... the price is not really high, for those Xeons, it is nothing more than a few swords. The difference is that your own cultivation is the fundamental. You still have to follow the road like me, take heaven and earth as the teacher, and understand the mysteries of heaven and earth from the heaven and earth. Maybe there will be a new understanding. In the future, a new cultivation path is created. There is also no hope of rushing to Xeon. After all, the road is all people.

"Take heaven and earth as the teacher and go out of your own path ... Is this the exclusive ability of a genius? I am just an ordinary person with good academic performance, poor qualifications and low understanding. I can't achieve this feat at all. Knowledge will try to improve the dismantling technique of the demon, and by this secret technique, it will barely break the human body. "


Bai Yisheng on the phone suddenly stunned, as if his brain was knocked hard with a hammer, and he lost his ability to think for three seconds, and then he returned to his senses. For a moment, his voice was involuntarily weakened: "The human body Hey !? Nine to Xeon humans !? "


"You ... your improved demon disintegration technique has broken the human body of the ninth to the strongest !?"

Bai Yisheng's voice suddenly increased, and even became a little sharp.

"Although the human body can be broken, if the physical body is not stopped in time, it will not be considered a success. I must continue to read, continue to study, and continue to improve."

Baili Qingfeng said modestly.


Bai Yisheng didn't know that he should say those three words that he wanted to say, or he was relieved and relieved.

But what is certain is that he can't make this call anymore, such a big thing is better for chatting and typing.

At least a little buffer room is not.

"We still talk about the topic of the Blood Wolf Lord. Your news came very timely. Maybe it can explain the reason for the abnormality of Tianyu Mountain."

White wins.

"Anomaly in Tianzhu Mountain?"

Bai Yisheng sent a task link directly.

Tianyu Mountain changes.

Three-star mission, with 800 points, can get an island with an area of ​​3,000 square kilometers as a reward!

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the mission description: "The cavemen of Tianzhuyuan are leaving from Blood Wolf City and are gathering in the direction of Tianyu Mountain ~ ~ It seems that a large-scale invasion is about to erupt, and the number of assembly has now More than 100,000 people. "

"See? That's 100,000 people in the cave! Calculated by the ratio of the army and the people in the cave. Once the 100,000 people in the cave invade, Aurora, Chiyan, and your country such as Shia, you need 10 million troops. To resist! "

"Ten million!?"

Baili Qingfeng was startled.

It seems that the total human power of the human nations of East Shenzhou in the Tianying Mountain battlefield is less than two million?

Compared to 10 million, this gap is too big.

"Tianyushan battlefields often have only 50,000 or 60,000 cavemen, and even if they are attacking, everyone will not be able to press them all at once, and they will not be able to show up. Killed the Bloodwolf Lord. They want revenge? "

Bai Yisheng thought for a while: "Forget it, let's not talk about it first, I will immediately send the news to the elders for professionals to analyze."

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