The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 541: Day Sun Temple

Although there are some flaws, it is quite good to be able to achieve this level. "

Baili Qingfeng has changed into his armor at this moment. The shape of the armor is constantly changing, and the stealth paint on the surface of the armor is constantly changing, quietly blending into the surrounding environment.

As he moves, he can still see the trajectory of the armor, especially for those who practice martial arts, it is easy to lock him, but when he is still somewhere, his body will completely disappear in all In human vision.

If it can be covered by external factors such as night and obstruction, it will be no different from stealth.

"The Patriarch is satisfied."

Zhu Yong smiled and said, "In addition, if the Sovereign of Baili doesn't mind, we can also help you modify your weapon, so as not to reveal flaws."

"Yes, of course."

Baili Qingfeng handed over the non-killer sword to Zhu Yong, and he was familiar with the new performance of the armor.

On the one hand, Switch and others saw Bai Li Qingfeng's satisfied look, and smiled involuntarily.

As Baili Qingfeng continues to grow stronger, their help to him has become less and less, and even due to the limitations of resources and national strength, the state can't help him by any means, even if he is a nine-level heavenly man. It can only be given some guidance in some directions and cannot be called teaching. In this case, although the two parties can be called cooperative, they are obviously unbalanced.

Moreover, the people of Yasuo are not willing to rely on the national righteousness to hold the Baili Qingfeng and let him serve the Kingdom of Shia. Once this is done, it will cause Baili Qingfeng's resentment and make Baili Qingfeng abandon the Kingdom of Shia Go, they regret it too late.

At present, things in the Warframe can finally help Baili Qingfeng to do something to satisfy him, and they can also have less psychological pressure.

At noon, Baili Qingfeng had a meal in the division. Only in the afternoon, he brought his brand new armor and did not kill the sword, and drove back to the courtyard under his own Qingyuan Mountain.


As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, Baili Qingfeng immediately heard a message prompt from his mobile phone.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the information to remind him that the reward task has been completed and will be announced 24 hours later, please proceed to the next work, whether to hide the name.

"Soon, it was verified at more than nine o'clock in the morning, and now it is less than two o'clock, and the task completion status has been completed within five hours."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the news and was satisfied with the efficiency of the appraisal department.

"Public notice ... hidden name ... how did you kill a big boss while playing a game, and the system announcement will be released soon?"

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

After thinking about it, he still came upstairs, turned on the computer, logged into his Tianjidian account, and planned to set it up.

The geniuses who are about to become the most powerful men, such as Bai Yisheng, never put this matter on their lips and engraved the low-key way into the bone marrow. How can he be a high-profile ordinary person who has only temporary achievements?

Besides, if it is really too high-profile, it will definitely bring a series of troubles. What if someone disobeys him and wants to compete with him, step on his name and become famous?

To avoid this, he naturally set up hiding.


After completing the setup, Baili Qingfeng also saw more than a dozen stations in the personal information in the Tianjidian Forum.

As Baili Qingfeng opened the letter in the station, it was found that the information was actually sent by ice and snow. In addition, another person posted a question reward, and Ait gave him a message.

The problem is the change of people in the Tianyu Mountain cave.

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, instead of answering it first, he looked at the message of ice and snow emerald.

There is a picture in each message of the ice and snow emerald. In this picture, a large number of items are stacked together. There is a feathered spirit, there is a golden jelly that he has not digested so far, and there is one that looks quite fresh and tastes good The fruit, in the end, is an ice cream singularity that tastes average but is very good.

Pictures of these three hundred and sixty degrees without dead corners show these things, drinks, snacks, pastries, fruits ...

Just like a fine Western breakfast.

Just one plate and one fork and knife.

"It seems a little less? But the ice cream-like thing is bigger and bigger than the last time. Maybe one is worth three? Or is it said that the bigger the thing, the more valuable it is?"

Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment, but did not demand it.

He can still trust the ice and snow jade.

The reputation accumulated by the two transactions made him not very demanding for these detailed items. Since she has already taken out three transaction materials ...

Even if there are a few small flaws, that's fine.

He has always been an open-minded person, especially when he treats friends, and he doesn't care about it. Sometimes he would rather suffer a little loss and hard work, and it would not destroy this rare friendship.

Thinking of this Baili Qingfeng directly responded: "I saw your picture, I am very satisfied, and I also felt your sincerity. I remember that the last time you said that the transfer place was at Wuhe Port? Or we Then trade there. "

Baili Qingfeng's reply was less than a few seconds, and the news over there was immediately sent over: "Okay, we follow the arrangements of ordinary passers-by, you can see when the transaction can be made."

"Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow."

"It's okay? Then ... How about ordinary passers-by?"

"Okay, I have time."

Baili Qingfeng is very reasonable.

Others sent things directly to the door for themselves.

People must learn to understand each other.

"Okay, then we'll set it that way, the day after tomorrow, Wuhe Port will trade."

Bingxue Jade said, with a smile on her face: "I'm very curious about ordinary passersby. I hope this time I can really see Mr. ordinary passersby and become friends in reality.

"me too."

Baili Qingfeng smiled and said, "I like to be friends with people who have integrity, good intentions, and help others, and I believe we will be able to talk very happily."

"I felt a sense of familiarity when I saw ordinary passers-by. Maybe we know each other and look forward to that moment!"

"Really, my social circle is small, which may be because we belong to the same kind of person."

Baili Qingfeng said, looking forward to the meeting two days later.

At this time, the mobile phone on Baili Qingfeng's body rang.

"Answer the phone."

At the moment he responded, connected the phone, and soon Duan Murui's respectful voice came: "Sovereign Baili, are you not at home now?"

"just came back."

"That's good ... A few days ago, there was an oddity that the net cable of the residence of the Sovereign of Baili was cut. Besides the investigation of Thunder Sect, we also visited our Kunwu team to check. After our investigation, it was found that ... this is the Aurora Empire Stubborn from it! "

"Aurora Empire?"

"Yes, the Aurora Empire."

Duanmurui said cautiously, "I remember that the Sovereign of Thousands of Miles was attacked by the Aurora Empire's Great Sun Temple when he went to the star track city of Chiyan. Yaji may have a conspiracy. I have sent a team led by Long Sheng, who has cooperated with the Sovereign of Baili. They will rush to the city of Charya when it is dark. Then he will be in the area of ​​Charya. Re-arm and pay close attention to anyone who comes in and out of the city of Xia, but during this period, please pay attention to the Sovereign of Miles. "

"I understand!"

Baili Qingfeng cautiously nodded.

"Then I will not disturb the Patriarch, and I will report to the Patriarch as soon as possible if there are any new developments in our investigation."

Duan Murui said politely and hung up.

As he hung up the phone, he did not start the car the first time, but just sat in the car.

"Dairi Shrine ..."

Baili Qingfeng said the name in his mouth.

He knew this power, the largest special agency of the Aurora Empire, specializing in lurking intelligence among the countries of East China Island, doing some unspeakable business, they shouted slogans for the national interest one by one, they could do everything.

It is said that they can wander around the enemy like a ghost, little by little, trace by trace, using all the imaginable and even unimaginable means to destroy the opponent's will and disintegrate the opponent's belief until the opponent completely collapses Only then appeared, swept away or killed.

Baili Qingfeng doesn't know what their so-called omnipotent means are, but ...

Right now they are like the rumors, the ghosts appear around him, first sending the four true immortals to assassinate him, after all, he fights in blood and kills the four true immortals, he thinks he can For a while, they appeared like ghosts directly near his place of residence, and ...

It's already such a point of cutting the network cable! ?

He's 100% sure that cutting the net is just the beginning!

Next, maybe dig the water pipe in his house, so that he has no use for water and cannot take a bath.

Then it would also damage the wires in his home, shut down his home, and even read books at night.

These seem to be small things, but small things are not the point, the point is that this method is absolutely effective!

As a great young man in the new century, no network, no water, no electricity, it is tantamount to completely isolating him from the world, and almost imprisoning his spiritual world!

It's like confining an ordinary person, not hitting him, not scolding him, and having food and drink to offer, you can shut him down for a month and try! ?

Definitely will make that person mentally broken!

Cruel, ruthless, heartbroken in silence!

Thinking of this ~ ~ Bai Qingfeng suddenly stood up.

"No! I can't sit still! Otherwise, I will be tortured to death!"

He has seen many movies!

Watched a lot of TV series!

He deeply understands the means of secret services!

That is the horror that ordinary people cannot imagine and can't compete with.

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng couldn't help shivering!

"I want to fight back!"

The next moment, he quickly turned around and put on the Stormshatter Battlegear he had just taken off!

"I'm going to the Great Sun Temple!"

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