The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 544: Fierce battle

Under the blazing air waves and rolling smoke, a metallic flashing figure quickly appeared.

Although due to the stealth paint, the metal figure must be re-integrated into the external environment after the appearance of the visual disturbance, but can appear briefly, but still keep viewing the information of Baili Qingfeng during this time, and saw thousands of photos of him Dongheyan pupil shrinks!

"Bai Qingfeng !? You are Baili Qingfeng !?"

Dong He opened his eyes wide, and his face was incredible.

At noon, their dark line confirmed that Baili Qingfeng was in Xia City, the Kingdom of Xia, and Gu Weiwei controlled the "Ice Snow Jade" account and had a chat with him. Right now ...

For twelve hours, he actually appeared in the Great Sun Temple outside the Aurora Capital! ?

how is this possible! ?

Is it ... a conspiracy! ?

Tiaohu Lishan! ?


Air waves tear!

And in the bursting air wave, an arm seemed to see the power of this bursting shock as nothing, and suddenly penetrated through the void and went straight to Donghe's grip!

This grip is just the most common capture, but under the blessing of horror power and speed, the power of destruction is erupted, as if the ten meters of void centered on him is blown out!

Think of Baili Qingfeng's record of defeating Yunji's four troops in the Yanyan Kingdom with one enemy and four ...

Donghe didn't dare to hesitate and pulled back!


Seeing that Donghe actually called out his identity, the momentum of Baili Qingfeng suddenly became extremely sharp!

Exposed! ?

No, to ensure that the assassination is hidden ...

Don't stay here!

The next moment, Baili Qingfeng's innate **** Mozuz appeared. Although it was only in a small room, the mighty divine power that could be emitted seemed to be able to tear through the darkness and roll up the situation!

Together, the situation immediately turned into the destruction of thunder, brewing in the void!

Not to mention Donghe, even the other keen minds hundreds of meters away felt an amazing coercion over their hearts, as if they had cast a shadow on their hearts!

"This condescending divine power ... refining ... refining the gods!"

Dong He straight in the fall feels his mind has solidified.

Nine heavy gods!

Baili Qingfeng actually broke through to Nine Gods of Refining! ?

How long has it elapsed since the last time he revealed the means of refining the gods! ?

Less than two years!

Exactly in the first year!

It only took more than a year to cross the fierce refining of the eighth refining **** to the nineth refining god. If he did not rely on the external magic of refining but rely on his own talent ...

Then his potential in refining God is strong ...

Never before!

Absolutely unprecedented!

Even if his path to the Xeon severed, relying on this talent of refining the gods who did not have the ancients and no one, and giving him another four or five years, he will certainly be able to go straight to the Xeon with the refining gods, and achieve the ultimate combat power!

The news must be reported to the monarch!

Baili Qingfeng has become the confidant of the Aurora Empire. If he wants to kill him again, only by letting the monarch himself kill him can he be completely killed!

At the end of the reading, Donghe suddenly opened his mouth and shouted to the sky: "Please, the emperor ..."


Silver Dragon growls!

When Donghe had only three words to scream, Thunder Dragon, who had condensed to the extreme, had blasted off, completely shining Donghe's spiritual world!


Changxiao suddenly turned into an unstoppable scream!

The screams were filled with deep despair!

Nine Xiao Thunder!

This is one of their strongest mysterious refining mysteries attacked by the Aurora Empire-Jiuxiao Thunder!

Performing high-level refining mysticism in the realm of refining the gods with a hundred miles of spirits. Jiu Xiaolei, a high-level refining mystery, blasted him, the peak true immortal, and could not destroy his thinking will, but the other party only needed to seize his heart and tear it to bring him flaws. Give him a fatal blow by refining ...

He must die!

Because of this, his despair was revealed in his scream.

What made him vomit blood in particular was that the mysterious mystery that had put him to death ...

It was they who traded to the Baili Qingfeng personally in the Great Sun Temple!


Dong He in the severe pain roared wildly, and the sword in his hand was waving wildly, it seemed that he wanted to turn this pain into strength and smash everything.



The left hand of Baili Qingfeng's sack turned into a fist, suddenly burst into the void, savagely penetrated the knife light formed by Donghe's crazy swing, and hit him on the chest!


The sound of broken bones sounded instantly!

Dong He's entire chest collapsed, and the horrible force not only shattered the placket on his chest, but also penetrated his body, shattering the clothes of the younger generations and blasting them into rags.

He was hit by a row of trucks at full speed under this punch, and he flew down nine meters, hit the wall heavily, smashed the wall, and still flew another six meters, smashing another. One wall ...

People are dead in midair.


With a punch, Baili Qingfeng didn't stop at all, turned and ran to the next target.


The earth shook!

A dusty tile floor in the room instantly burst a one-meter-diameter spider web crack.

With this explosive power, Baili Qingfeng charged again!


No need for road!

The physique of Ninth Grade of Refining makes him completely able to treat brick and stone buildings as nothing, and directly bump into them, bumping them one by one, just like a humanoid bulldozer, all the obstacles blocking him are leveled.

Due to the rapid attack of Baili Qingfeng, Dong He's order to let Jin Cunyang's convening man and join him has just arrived. His correspondent and himself have been killed by Baili Qingfeng, so that the remaining dozen The real land immortal and town-level atmosphere did not gather.

The enemy was scattered, which increased the workload of Baili Qingfeng a lot. He had to run over one by one and kill those enemies one by one!

Fortunately, when he killed the six land true immortals closest to him and one of the town-level powerhouses who had too little time to put on the battle armor, the remaining nine powerhouses and one powerhouse eight were finally completed. Convergence, saving him the next effort to find the past one by one.

At the moment he turned around and broke out again. After nearly demolishing a building, he finally stopped these ten people in a room similar to a conference room.

"This armor style ... dare to come and attack my Daly Sanctuary ... Are you a Baili Qingfeng !?"

Jin Cunyang, headed by ten, suddenly opened his eyes.

"You can't run away!"

Baili Qingfeng did not hesitate, and the sword in his hand was assassinated by lightning.

The speed of the sword formed a sharp shriek between the friction with the air, rolled up the wind, and quickly swept across the conference room.

"kill him!"

With a roar, the internal force erupted, and it even seemed to have performed a certain forbidden technique, making it faster than other true immortals.

At the same time as he shot, four other true land immortals also shot at the same time.

Regardless of whether the Baili Qingfeng blocked any of the five offensives, the attack of the remaining four will inevitably fall on him. In addition, the remaining five of the ten are ready to go, even if the Baili Qingfeng can resist the first A wave of siege and a second wave of subsequent attacks could still smash him into pieces.

"These people actually guessed my identity ... can't stay! Quick decision!"

Facing the five-man offensive headed by Jin Cunyang, Baili Qingfeng's blood surged on his body. Although he did not burn one-third of the omnipotent cells with the demons disintegration as he did against the bloodwolf Lord and the temple knight, he also entered the demons disintegration Adrenaline outbreak during operation two.

In this situation, he will not only be agitated, his blood will boil, but his ability to endure pain will also climb to the top.

At the next moment, the two men and women had almost no fancy, and the fronts without any avoidance hit each other!

Baili Qingfeng's sword swept the sword, directly flying the sword light that Jin Cunyang cut down, and at the same time that Zhen Fei's sword light, Hunyuan Yiqi broke out!

This door followed his explosion of mystery for nearly two years, and his speed soared. When the combined attack of the remaining four people was about to come, he daredly slaughtered, changed his face fiercely, and pulled away. Jin Cunyang hit each other!

"not good!"

Jin Cunyang's internal force erupted, straddling his chest with one hand, and trying to block it!


The confrontation between blood and iron, and the collision of meat and iron, made this true immortal who also had the peak of repairs spurt out and bleed out, and the arm in front of the rung was almost hit into a mass of flesh and blood!

"Look at Jian Qi!"

The moment he knocked him into the air, Baili Qingfeng made a long shout, and did not kill the sword to assassinate him. The sharp sword wind compressed the atmosphere, forming a sword-like sword that was visible to the naked eye, and howling stabbed ...


Just at this time, three outbreaks of the land true immortal killed at the same time. One of them went to resist the sword qi for Jin Cunyang, who was knocked out, and the sword and sword in the hands of the other two, simultaneously cutting the body of Baili Qingfeng. .

"Bang! Bang!"

The fire is shining!

Jian Guang, who was stabbed in the two, was twisted by Baili Qingfeng's body, and then slid it away with the unique mechanical design of the Storm Ripper, but that knife ...

But it really hit the body of Baili Qingfeng.

However, the speed of the Baili Qingfeng is too fast, and the Yaojin battle armor is amazingly defensive. Before this sword splitting the Storm Ripper's battle armor had time to expand the battle results, the Baili Qingfeng had already emerged from his sword light, the sword The front blasts through the skull of the real land fairy who wants to intercept the sword.

At the same time, UU reads www.uukanshu. com sword is broken!

Jin Cunyang, the immortal peak with strong explosive power and speed, has not yet awakened from the state of being hit by the halo and eight primes, and has been passed by the sword.


Blood spatter!

The Baili Qingfeng in the charge remained unabated, and did not kill the sword and swept away, once again blocking the two Guangzhen Xianxian's Jianguang who had been smashed. The left hand was sacked out like a lightning. The sword in his sword stabbed him and was about to pierce his body again. Hit his eyebrows one step at a time!


The land immortal who was hit in the skull seemed to be hit by a sniper rifle, and his head burst apart.

Losing the further transmission of central nervous command signals, he just penetrated his armor, and the sharp sword that wanted to further tear the defense of the demon town stopped abruptly ...

Suddenly, the top ten masters have gone to three.

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