The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 580: Chairman

Dust is scattered.

Those in the Wu Yan Hall were screaming and screaming, their heads bleeding.

But many nine-level powerhouses are staring at the young and somewhat excessive figure in the center of the field one by one, their eyes are full of shock, shock, and incredible.

"Xeon! Xeon! That's the power of the Xeon! There is no reason to explain the scene except the power of the Xeon!"

"Apart from refining the imagination to become true, people can really use their own strength to exert the power above the ninth level?"

"The demons disintegration technique has been perfected and improved to this point by Qingli Qingfeng !? The path to the Xeon failed, and in the absence of a path, he opened up a path by himself! What a talent can do! What a gift What kind of talent is this? "

At the ninth level, we can deeply understand how huge the restriction of the human body on warriors is.

It was a despair of despair.

Although martial arts has only a hundred years of history from the eighth level to the Xeon level, how many hopeless Xeon level nines have been born in the entire world during this century.

Hundreds and thousands!

Hundreds of thousands of hopeless Xeon martial arts soldiers went forward and wanted to break their own trance and experience the scenery of the world's peak, but without exception, all ended in failure. The only achievement is probably the creation of this so-called silver Body.

But now ...

The record is broken again!

Although the Baili Qingfeng only used the demon dismantling technique to break out the Xeon strike, it seemed to represent a great deal, but ...

The situation where the Ninth Level does not threaten the Xeon will become history.


Baili Qingfeng ignored the exclamation of the crowd. At this moment, he was coming to Prince Riyi, and was relieved: "Please announce the result."


Prince Ri Yi held up a hint of consciousness, opened his eyes difficultly, and heard the words of Baili Qingfeng ...

A bite of blood spewed out of the mouth again, staining the whole body red.

"Huh !? Prince Riyi, how are you doing? Shouldn't you? My sword could have blasted you, but I heard you shout 'Don', I removed the sword the first time, You were just scratched a little by the sword carry on my sword. You have condensed the silver body without hurting the internal organs and the veins. How can you vomit blood with such a little injury? "

Baili Qingfeng looked at Prince Riyi with some doubt.


The eyes of Prince Riyi suddenly opened, and the internal force that was out of control due to the infinite sunburst performed by the taboo technique went crazy at this moment. Then, his feet shook, his eyes rolled, and he passed out.

"Prince Riyi? Prince Riyi? You speak, did I win the bet between us?"

Baili Qingfeng called twice quickly.

Seeing that Prince Riyi had no response, his eyes quickly turned to the side of King Reynolds of the Bucks, the speaker of the aristocratic parliament, Moore and others: The strength distribution of our Kingdom of Shia is what I say. "


Reynolds, Moore, Huo Yun and others opened their mouths. At the moment, they are still trapped in the shocking sword of Baili Qingfeng and can't say a word.

"No! I believe your credibility, you can't believe it!"

Baili Qingfeng turned his eyes to Prince Riyi ...

He was unconscious when he was injured ... wake him up ...

Try Triad?

In the mastery of mystery refining, the triplet effect is mild and will not cause any damage.

The joy of seven emotions inspired him.

Although Prince Riyi has fallen into a coma and has no emotional resonance, Baili Qingfeng took the time to complete the triad when he returned last night. It was barely considered to be deduced to the second realm. This realm may not be necessary. The emotional resonance of the other party directly enters his own emotion into the other's spiritual world, thereby inspiring the other's spiritual power.

At the moment, he uses the emotion of "joy" as a guide to directly display Prince Riyi in the Sanheshu.

The power of the mind can awaken human potential.

Although Prince Riyi was in a coma, and the effect of the Baili Qingfeng triplet was not very good, and it was unable to fully stimulate the power of his soul to increase the combat power, he finally awakened Prince Riyi from the coma.


Prince Riyi recovered a bit of consciousness and opened his eyes again.

Seeing that it was effective, Baili Qingfeng said quickly: "Quick! Prince Riyi, you laugh! Think about things that can make you happy ... laugh!"

"Laugh, you make me laugh?"

Prince Ri Yi stared deadly at Baili Qingfeng.

"Yes, laugh!"

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.

Once Prince Riyi ’s spiritual power is thoroughly stimulated and his body functions positively, his metabolism will be greatly enhanced, and his injuries and state recovery will have an immediate effect, even the quantum warfare cannot match it.

"I am!"

Prince Ri Yi was interrupted by Qingli Feng before he finished speaking: "Do n’t you, me, laugh! Come on!"

He really has a feeling that Prince Riyi has lost the desire to not confess his account.

Otherwise, why does he always shift the subject and delay time?

Thinking of this, his eyes could not help but be a little dangerous, and at the same time shook the bloodless sword: "laugh!"

Prince Riyi looked at Baili Qingfeng whose expression was gradually cooling down, and looked at the bloodless drop of the non-killing sword in his hand. He was full of resentment and anger, as if he was suddenly poured into a basin of ice in the cold winter moon The water was average and quickly disappeared.

Artificial knife stabbed me for fish!

Know the current affairs officer is Junjie!

Now his life and death are in the hands of Baili Qingfeng. No matter what he thinks, this moment must not stimulate Baili Qingfeng.

Thinking of this, Prince Riyi no longer cares about the other, and quickly squeezed a smile on his face ...

"Ha ha……"


Baili Qingfeng felt ...

The Riyi Prince smiled a little ugly.

But seeing Prince Riyi finally cooperated, he still breathed a little sigh of relief: "Yes, just like that, laugh, be happy, be happy, so that you can recover faster, I'm doing this for your sake, you know? "

"I know, I know, haha ​​... I'm very happy, I'm very happy ..."

Prince Sun Yi hurriedly said.


The Six-Military Joint Committee, which was thought of by the high-level efforts of the Bucks Kingdom, such as Reynolds, and walking around, exhausting energy, and painstaking efforts, was finally formed. After interception, he had a feeling of bleeding, and the smile barely maintained on his face became more and more twisted and difficult.

"Why didn't it work ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at his face with a smile, clearly rejoicing, but he was unable to truly inspire the power of the soul, and he was a little puzzled: "Is there a flaw in the triplet? Or maybe it is not strong enough ? "

Following this trend, after he returned, he had to strengthen the triad well.

Today is to save people without effect, if the triple operation suddenly fails during the battle of life and death ...

It's chilling to think about it.

Seeing that Prince Riyi was not recovered by the stimulation of the soul, he finally had a sense of sobriety, and he quickly asked again: "Prince Riyi, can we just make a bet?"

Prince Ri Yi looked at Baili Qingfeng's non-killing sword that did not know when he was less than a foot away. Even if there was no resentment in his heart, he nodded hard: "Forget it ... forget it! "

"Prince ..."

Reynolds, who was sober, exclaimed.

And Wu Song, Sha Jinghen, Nash and others looked at each other and stood up at the same time: "We are all witnesses, Prince Riyi has never taken the sword of the Baili Qingfeng Sovereign and was struck eight miles away. The Baili Qingfeng Sovereign wins. According to the gambling agreement, the Baili Qingfeng Sovereign is the first chairman of the Six Nations Military Joint Committee within our Knights League. "

"That's right, we also agree that Lord Baili Qingfeng serves as the chairman of our six military joint committees."

"I have seen Chairman Baili Qingfeng, and in the future, the military strategies of the six countries will be formulated and arranged, and there will be Chairman Lao Baili."

Representatives from Moro, Beisen, Ghana, and Novi all spoke up.

Baili Qingfeng heard what everyone said. Considering that becoming the chairman can guarantee that the South China Sea Fleet of Hisa ’s country will not be transferred, so he did not refuse this position, but just said: "If you do n’t mind, this I am the chairman, but it ’s just a matter of formulating or arranging military strategies. I do n’t understand at all. Let ’s leave these matters to professionals ... ”

After hearing the words of Baili Qingfeng, the representatives of Wu Song, Sha Jinghen, Nash and other countries laughed at the same time: "Yes, yes, professional matters to professional people."

"We should obey Chairman Baili's words."

"We believe that the joint military committees of the six nations will get better and better under the leadership of Chairman Baili."

The reason they rest assured that Baili Qingfeng took the position of chairman ...

On the one hand, he is used to block the Bucks Kingdom and prevent the Bucks Kingdom from going back and forth.

On the other hand, the national power of the Kingdom of Shia is here, and across the Chiri Strait, they become chairmen several times better than the Bucks Kingdom.

the last point……

Baili Qingfeng is so young that it is easier to control.

"His Majesty Reynolds, the Joint Military Commission of the Six Nations, but your Bucks Kingdom made a great effort, and the betting agreement between the Chairman of Baili Qingfeng and Prince Ri Yi was also in your eyes ~ ~ Witnesses, shouldn't this be right now? "

Wu Song and others congratulated Baili Qingfeng for a moment, and their eyes quickly fell on Reynolds.

Reynolds looked at the side of Prince Riyi, carrying the blood-stained sword of Baili Qingfeng, and Prince Riyi's expression of fear and alertness, as if he understood something ...

The situation at hand ...

Why not reverse the scene from yesterday?

Yesterday Wu Song and others felt that the situation was stronger than others. Now ...

With a bit of bitterness, Reynolds finally came forward and arched his hand at Baili Qingfeng: "I've seen Chairman Baili ..."


(Worried that the chapter title will be harmonized.)

Wonderful book house

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