The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 603: revenge

When the Baili Qingfeng, who was dubbed the "Destroyer Knight" by the cavemen, moved, it was only a little bit more inspired by the morale of the cavemen.

"Here he comes, he rushes down!"

"Run away!"

The people in the cave were full of terrified shouts.

This fear is spreading extremely fast, sweeping the entire front.

The more than 40,000 people in the cave are themselves members of the Blood Wolf City who are trying to avoid the "Destroyed Knight" Baili Qingfeng. They are not elite warriors who are determined to fight through hundreds of battles.

In Blood Wolf City, the true elite is divided into two parts, one part ...

In Blood Wolf City, he was almost killed by Baili Qingfeng ... The other part is the main force of the Tianying Mountain battlefield.

It is only because Archbishop Shadowman did not fully trust the Aurora Empire. He was worried that the so-called sincerity of the Aurora Empire was actually a trap. Therefore, he was reluctant to send the most elite troops, but only to let the people in the burrows who took refuge in Blood Wolf City rush out of space Channel to test.

If the temptation is true, Archbishop Shadowman and the Grand Cavalier of Yerdo will lead the 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen to the surface and kill the world completely.

In this case, the discipline, morale, and fighting consciousness of these cavemen can be imagined, and then they encounter the Baili Qingfeng, the "knight of destruction" that brought them endless fear ...

Crash, close at hand.

No matter how few leaders and small leaders maintain the front, this situation cannot be restored.

"You must kill this human knight to reinvigorate the courage of the soldiers!"

Shouted a temple knight.

"The news from Bishop Ivan said that this human knight is amazing in physical strength, amazing recovery, and extremely fast, it is difficult to be sieged by quantity, and he also has a very powerful mystery that can be cut out. It is equivalent to the sword of a big knight. He killed the Lord of the Blood Wolf with such a sword. Fortunately, once such a sword is cut, he will be severely damaged and he will almost lose the combat ability. Our only Hope rests on the sword he cut out. "

Another temple knight pulled out his sabre: "For the Blood Temple, we are not afraid to sacrifice!"

"Together, kill this human knight and take revenge on my father!"

Blazing flame is also holding the sword in his hand and screaming loudly: "Kill him! If tens of thousands of Blood Wolf City are driven back by a human knight, this will be a shame on Blood Wolf City forever! Warriors, are you willing to bring Escape to Blood Wolf with this shame !? "


The two knights, the Blaze Lord, and the four reserve knights yelled at the same time, one by one, inspiring their own momentum, heading directly to the Baili Qingfeng who charged forward.

These seven people's assaults on the rainbow have a little hope for those cavemen who are about to collapse.

The fishy claws, Moriya, and Blacktooth all stopped, watching the eight figures of the two sides about to collide ...

The cavemen's will to fight is several times stronger than that of humans. As long as they are not monsters that are too strong to be defeated with swords and courage, they dare to die with their lives, fight with flesh and blood, and go round Kill to defend their dignity and glory.

Two temple knights, a major commander, and four reserve knights, this lineup is not bad ...

If you can really block that human knight ...

Even if they let them see the slightest hope of defeating that human knight ...

"Do not!"

A terrified shout came from the mouth of fishy claws.

It wasn't just him. At this moment, I don't know how many people in the burrow sent out sorrows of pain and despair at the same time.

At the moment when two teams with a total of eight people were about to collide, the human knight who brought the shadow of death and the death knell of doom erupted into despair.

The breath of the sky, the coercion from the essence of life, the suffocating invincible power, and ...

The sacred, inviolable light of gold, beheaded a temple knight on the spot!

Just like a month ago, he slayed and killed the mighty Blood Wolf Lord in their minds under Blood Wolf City.

It is just different from the last time that he himself was severely damaged after beheading the Old City Lord. This time, he seemed to have not received any backlash from the extreme load explosion. In another Temple Knight, he thought he could seize the opportunity to fight back. On the occasion, he followed ...

The second unbeatable sword was cut down.

The second Temple Knight immediately followed in the footsteps of the first Temple Knight-death!

The two knights of the Temple were beheaded and killed, and their bodies were wrapped up in the armor, exuding a suffocating "ferocious breath", Baili Qingfeng roared.

The blazing flames of human language are still faintly audible ...

Seems like "peace"?

These two words, as if they contained spiritual power, the human knight who was already powerful enough to shiver, the breath once again soared, that fierce, that violent, that powerful ...

Even beyond the captain of the Knights of Yerdo who has been guarding the archbishop of Shadoman!


The legend is true!

In front of this human knight, killing is the wing and death is the shadow. It is unstoppable and irresistible!

This is a monster that the cavemen cannot defeat with their axe and courage!

"No! No! No!"

The horrible atmosphere rolled in, and the flame that took the lead in charge finally could not help but utter a desperate cry ...

Unfortunately, the sword of Baili Qingfeng did not stop at all for the shout of despair ...

"call out!"


Blood spilled into the sky!

The fiery flame of the Blood Wolf City Lord, who took office less than a month ago, was directly slain with a sword, and his frightened head was rolled into the void by inertia. After flying for more than ten meters, he hit the ground heavily ...


The head collided with the ground, faintly, it seemed to hit a light noise.

This burst of light is obviously so small that it can be ignored, but it seems like a sledgehammer with incredible power is hit hard in the hearts of all cave people, smashing all the courage and fighting spirit in their hearts! The irritation of fear numbs their scalp!



Nearly ten thousand cave people who witnessed this scene in front of them have completely blown up!

From the commander to the ordinary caveman, at this moment they screamed in horror, what glory, what dignity, what courage, what faith, all blasted into this scene and shattered into nothingness, only in their minds ... One word left!


Escape as fast as possible, the farther away this walking death spokesperson is, the better!


There is no one, no strength, that can stop the defeat of these cavemen!

Nearly 10,000 people in the caves fleeed backwards, and transmitted this fear to tens of thousands of people in the caves. For a time, the defeat of nearly 10,000 people quickly turned into a violent scream of tens of thousands. Desperate mourning flooded every corner of this battlefield.

"Conspiracy! This is a conspiracy! The so-called aurora empire's so-called cooperation with us is simply a conspiracy. They clearly wanted to lead us out of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, and then cooperate with this nightmare knight and the human army to knock us out!"

"In fact, we also noticed that it seems that a group of people have been affecting the direction of the army. I feel that it is clear that we are going to enter a trap!"

"Our investigators got the news that the army of the human country called the Aurora Empire is gathering, following us, clearly trying to attack us back and forth! This is definitely their conspiracy!"

All the people in the caves were fleeing madly, spurring the speed of running to the limit, and hated that their parents had fewer legs ...

Inspired by this life and death potential, the speed of people in the caves is reaching its limit!

"I should have run away, I should have run away, I'm so stupid! I should run away the first time I see this human knight who has endless death and endless nightmares! Why, why do I innocently think that Blazing and the two temples How could the Cavaliers get this great despair! Great horror !? He couldn't do with thousands of elite warriors, let alone him !? "

The claws cried sadly, and their voice was full of remorse.

"Master, what shall we do?"

Blacktooth asked next to Fishy Claw.

As a wise man, the fighting ability is not good, but he has some hidden means, just like the fierce beast he is named, the black-striped leopard. This is a creature that is better than the wolves. The endurance and speed are all up. The best choice.

"Escape! Escape! Escape! Escape to the space channel while the space channel has not been closed. Only in this way can there be vitality!"

Fishy claw pale.

"According to the news, the opening time of this space channel was only six hours. It took us an hour to fight with them, and it took us more than three hours to rush to this battlefield. Now it is only over an hour before the space channel is closed. ... and we are more than 160 kilometers from the space passage ... I'm afraid it's too late ... "

"More than 160 kilometers ..."

There was a hint of despair in the claw's eyes.

Behind him, Baili Qingfeng has eliminated four reserve knights of the Blood Temple, and rushed alone into their torrent of devastation, and began to hunt down more than 40,000 soldiers in their Blood Wolf City ...


Alone, hunt down more than 40,000 cavemen warriors!

No one dares to resist!

The sacrifice and death of countless bloodwolf warriors in the previous half month fully told the world that the destruction of the knight was not a great terror that the cavemen could defeat.

Especially now, the human knight who brought the massacre seems to be stronger and more terrible than before ...

"You! Blacktooth! Your black-striped leopard is extremely fast and has amazing endurance. You can return to the Tianying Mountain battlefield before the space channel is closed!"

Fishy Claw's eyes were full of deceived anger ~ ~ He handed a plaque made of bright gold to Blacktooth's hand: "Take my token and tell Archbishop Shadowman that we are Deceived, we are all deceived by those cowardly, despicable, shameless, sinister, and deceitful Aurora Empire people! This is a trap! This is a trap they have set up to wipe out all our warriors in Bloodwolf! ''

"Master ... then you ..."


Burning flames of revenge burned in the eyes of Fishclaw: "I know where their country is, I know where their army is, and I want to lead all Bloodwolf Warriors to revenge on this group of despicable humans like Aurora! I hate insidious villains who have been playing around with conspiracy more than the powerful horrors that have always confronted us! "

"Dominate ..."

"go with!"

The fishy claw slammed the black-toothed mount, urging him to leave quickly, and he suddenly held up the sword in his hand: "Let those despicable liars feel the anger of our blood wolf city!"

Wonderful book house

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