The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 667: Shock

The northern border of the Kingdom of Shia.

The 220,000 elites led by Zhou Yu, the leader of the Holy Sword Legion, and Edel, the deputy leader of the Dragonscale Legion, are advancing at a rapid speed toward the capital of the Kingdom of Hea. They are following the people in the cave 100 kilometers, and they can Clearly saw the destruction of the cave people.

Of the millions of troops in the Kingdom of Shia, the strongest fighting force is the first and second group army. The two groups need to guard the Tianyu Mountain space channel and will be baptized by war almost every year. The remaining third, fifth, The sixth-class group army, although from time to time, will also face the impact of burrowers and beasts, but the scale is too small and the intensity is too low to form a sufficiently effective training effect.

This is true of the Kingdom of Hea, as is the Empire of Aurora.

Of the more than three million troops and more than twenty legions, only a dozen are truly capable, and even among the dozen legions, the Holy Sword Legion can be included in the top three.

Such an army with advanced equipment, well-trained, and extraordinary combat will is a simple way to single out the first and second army of the Kingdom of Hea. Not to mention that the Kingdom of Hea is now attacked by 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen. More than 100,000 troops have been defeated by 240,000. Even if the Kingdom of Shia is still in its full state, the Holy Sword Legion has a certain certainty to hit the light of Hill.

Not to mention this time, in addition to the 160,000 Army of the Holy Sword Legion, there are still half Dragonscale Corps to assist, a total of 220,000 horses.

This is clearly a force that can destroy the country.

"At this time, should those people in the caves rush to the light of Hill? Alas, they are really poor Shia. At this moment, I am afraid they will not be able to keep their capital."

In the command car, Zhou Yu held a cup of tea and was quite relaxed chatting with another commander Edel.

"There is no way. Although the legacy of the shining empire's legacy economy is developing well, the founding of the country is too short. Even the domestic forces have not been completely integrated and unified ... Oh, it seems to be unified now, but unfortunately ... I ca n’t keep the heaven The space passage on the mountain battlefield caused 40,000 to 50,000 cave people to emerge from the space passage and had to rely on us to rescue and help them clean up the mess ... "

Edel smiled.

Although everyone knows what is the cause of the Heia Space Passage, but everyone is a face person, naturally such things cannot be brought to the table for a fair discussion.

"Why not, since the domestic strength is not enough, why not ask our Aurora Empire for help early and let us defend the space channel for them? Everyone belongs to Eastern Shenzhou and borders the border. If they ask, we will be Aurora. The Empire will definitely guard the space channel for them. Even if we help them defend the light of the capital Hill, we don't mind. This is our Aurora, kind, warm, selfless, fraternal ... "

"Although they did not invite, but the neighbors were in trouble. It was reasonable to go and help. After all, the high-level waste of the Kingdom of Shia cannot even defend its own country, but the people are innocent. The elite soldiers of our Aurora Empire don't mind throwing their heads into blood and expelling the cavemen ... "

Speaking of this, Edel shook his head: "It's just that when we get to the light of Hill, I'm afraid those cavemen have already left? None of us let the Dragonscale Legionnaires show bravery."

"Yeah, as soon as we came, the cavemen ran away and did not dare to fight with us. This is no wonder that we ... we are happy to destroy the cavemen in front of Hill's Light Gate for Hia ... What a pity ... ha ha ha ha ... "

Zhou Yu is also a kind of generosity, but when it comes to the back, he seems to be laughing at himself, can't help laughing.

Edel also smiled.

The plan of the Emperor is perfect, they almost go to collect credit, and they are the work of destroying the country, and they are extremely happy.

"Zizi ... Reporter! Changes ahead! The cavemen's army is defeated! Repeat! The cavemen's army is defeated!"


Zhou Yu, who was full of smiles in the last second, suddenly changed his face: "What's going on? Couldn't it be that those cavemen got out of control? Or did Chi Yan Guo and the Cavaliers Alliance really send reinforcements to support Shia? Even if they did It ’s not that fast ... what happened !? "

"Sir, the bloodwolf army has been defeated! At present the defeated cavemen are coming towards our army, and are getting closer and closer to us ... sixty kilometers, no, maybe less than fifty kilometers!"

"What's going on ?? What's going on ?! How could the Kingdom of Shia defeat 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen !? According to the news from an hour ago, isn't the Kingdom of Shia only 80,000 people laying defense in the direction of Yandang Mountain? 80,000 people, defeated 40,000 or 50,000 people in the cave? What a joke! You are lying about the military situation, believe it or not, I will send you to a military court! "

Zhou Yu roared.

"Sir ... sir ..."

The opposite voice became somewhat intermittent.

"what happened?"

Edel couldn't help but ask again.

"It's that when 40,000 to 50,000 cave people were fifteen to twenty kilometers away from Yandang Mountain, they suddenly failed ..."

The verbal description of the opposite reconnaissance officer was very vague.

"This is impossible! Jonson is not a god. How could he take 80,000 people to defeat 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen? Even if the 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen are not regular troops, they are physically better than human masters Do n’t say that there are only 80,000 people, even if 800,000 or 1 million, facing the charge of 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen, there is only one way to go! Often, these cavemen are caused by uneven distribution of benefits. Contradictions, all of a sudden, check, check for me ... "

Zhou Yu didn't finish speaking, and another voice rang out across the line: "It's a person. The First Army sent a person to defeat 40,000 or 50,000 cavemen."

Zhou Yu and Edel glanced at each other.

Are these scouts ... funny?

80,000 people have defeated 40,000 to 50,000 cavemen. It is incredible. You now tell me that it was a person who destroyed 40,000 to 50,000 cavemen?

Can you say that?

Why don't you say that Heia sent someone to destroy the Aurora Empire?

He was about to cry stupidly by the scouts in his army.

"Keep checking! Check it out and report back!"

Zhou Yu growled and terminated the communication.

"If the people in the cave really start to talk, they will be troubled, and even if we get Hea then, he will be completely destroyed."

Edel frowned.

"Now we can only pin our hopes on the tribe's surrender, hoping that they can give a little more power to regroup the cavemen and continue to march towards the light of Hill ..."

Zhou Yu said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, the people in the cave were just unreliable.


It wasn't long before Zhou Yu hung up the communication, and new information came again: "Sir, the remnants of the cave were found 50 kilometers away ..."


Before waiting for Zhou Yu to have time to speak, the sound in the channel immediately became frightened: "No! Not a stub! Large army, we found a large army of cavemen, the cavemen are rushing towards us at a very fast speed ... … Fast, they are charging so fast ... this ... this is charging !? They are charging! "

"Big army of cavemen !?"

Zhou Yu's heart froze, suddenly reminiscent of the report from the scout just now: "Did ... the cavemen were really defeated !?"

"This ... this is impossible !?"

Edel's face was unbelievable, but his response was unpleasant: "Leader Zhou Jun, if these cavemen are really defeated, we will be behind him ... Quickly! Retreat immediately!"

"It's too late to retreat. The 220,000 troops want to make a U-turn for at least half an hour. The people in the cave are extremely fast. I'm afraid they will meet us directly in less than an hour ... These cave people are fleeing. Run away in the direction of the passage ... Hurry up, send my order! Avoid, all avoid! Simultaneous alert! Prepare to resist the shock! "

Zhou Yu quickly ordered.

For a while, the entire army conceded on its own arterial roads and conceded more than a dozen kilometers away to avoid conflicts with the cave people.

And this time ...

The deafening roar came, and as Zhou Yu looked around with a telescope, he was seeing a large number of people in the cave like a wave of death, swarming, and the speed of terror that erupted when he ran, let the Holy Sword Legion, The officers of the Dragonscale Legion all turned pale.

"Head of the army, people in the cave, I am afraid that there are really forty or fifty thousand. They ... were defeated by the Kingdom of Shia! How did the Kingdom of Shia do this, and what secret weapons do they have !?

Edel couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"No one knows except Joson."

Zhou Yu's face was gloomy.


But then, as if he had noticed something, an unprecedented terror came to his mind: "What !? What do the cavemen want !?"

I saw that the grotto people who seemed to be trying to escape to the direction of the space channel did not know why ...

Actually turned!

Directly change the direction, killing the Holy Sword Legion and Dragonscale Legion that were more than ten kilometers away, and roaring one after another, as if there is any hatred against the Holy Sword Legion ...

"Get ready! Get ready!"

Zhou Yu was drinking.

Edel was cold all over his body, and although he had guessed, he still seemed reluctant to believe the fact in front of him: "What are they yelling at! What are they yelling at ?!"

"Kill these despicable Aurora Empires!"

"Cheat us Bloodwolf ~ ~ The Aurora Empire will pay the price of blood!"

"Revenge! Revenge!"

The deafening roar came faintly from the front.

At this moment, Zhou Yu and Edel's pale faces were no luck.

"Fire! Fire!"


The explosion, roar, and the whole battlefield sounded instantly.

But it is as if Zhou Yu himself said that even if the 800,000 troops of Jonson could not stop the charge of 40,000 to 50,000 cavemen, the Holy Sword Legion and the Dragonscale Legion combined, although there were 220,000 people, they could be at 40,000 to 50,000 Under the charge of the cave people, they are still like sand sculptures in front of the tsunami ...


It's a hit!

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