The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 617: World attention

Second World, Tianzhuyuan.

In this battlefield, which also has hundreds of kilometers, a cave man in a white robe, who seems to have such a little eyebrows, is looking at the repaired stone platform.


The highest leader of the Tianzhuyuan Caves, the Archbishop of the Blood Temple, is the person in charge within a thousand kilometers of Tianzhuyuan!

Behind this archbishop, thousands of burrowers are undergoing rigorous training to exhilarate the battle array.

Yes, battle formation!

In the main world, when it comes to battle formation, no country can match the Aurora Empire. The sword formation of the Emperor's sword is well-known in the world, and it has become the top existence in Xeon sword.

However, the inspiration for Emperor Sword Art ...

It is the battle of the cavemen!

Emperor Aurora relied on the understanding of the cavemen's battle formations, and created the Emperor's sword technique out of the blue and outperformed the blue, deduced the unparalleled battle formations, and perfectly combined the battle formations with modern military weapons, thereby allowing the Aurora Empire ’s army to The combat effectiveness is far better than those of Chiyan, Shia, Bucks, and Moro.

Emperor Aurora may be talented and outstanding, creating the sword formation of the Emperor's sword. From his reference to the cavemen's battle array, he can also verify the dominance of the cavemen.

This 10,000 elite, 30,000 regular troops totaling 40,000 people in the cave are the strongest forces in Tianzhuyuan!

It is also the essence of his Shadoman sweeping the world for the future to enter the cardinal center!

"This passage should be opened in another 30 hours."

Shaduoman looked at the desolate, empty area that was more than ten kilometers in front of him and asked.

"According to the last turn-on cycle, it should be thirty and a half hours, but depending on the external environment and energy response, it may be advanced or delayed."

Standing on the side of Shaduoman was the big knight, Jeldo, who was pulled up by his hand. His eyes also looked at the field in front: "However, this space channel is too large, and it takes several times the energy to open it in advance. It is ten times more than other channels. We just need to prepare a few hours in advance before the channel opens. "

Sadoman nodded.

"Do you really plan to cooperate with that human? That human doesn't seem to be a willing man. The so-called peaceful coexistence is just empty words. In all likelihood, we want to use our strength to destroy our opponents."

"That's not right? Infighting is the nature of all intelligent creatures. Is it possible that our four temples are fighting endlessly? These humans want to fought and let them go, just to give us the opportunity to gain a foothold in that world!"

There was a hint of wisdom in Shaduoman's eyes: "After all, it is a world without any ferocious beasts, and the environment is perfect. If it can be transformed into our granary, the pulse of our blood temple will be quickly strengthened. Maybe we can unify other The three shrines counterattacked the surface, defeating other races such as the human race, the beast race, the feather race, and the wood race, becoming the only hegemon in the world, and bringing all beings into the glory of the great blood god. "

Yeldo listened and nodded slightly.

The biggest constraint on the souls of this world is quantity!

The harsh living environment, scarce food output, and ubiquitous beasts continue to compress the living space of all intelligent life, even the cave people are no exception. Tianzhuyuan is thousands of kilometers long and has a population of only thirty. Million, and most of them are concentrated in the area of ​​Blood Wolf City, which shows that the population is sparse.

Therefore, whoever has enough food and who has enough population will have the basis of competing for the world and even dominating the world.


At this time, a temple knight in a suit of armor came forward with black teeth that looked rather embarrassed, and said in a deep voice: "The Blazing Flame brought the news, they encountered a trap. This time the so-called cooperation is the Aurora Empire. Conspiracy. "


Sadoman's face changed, and the gentleness on his face was quickly replaced by the fierce sorrow. His eyes fell directly on the black teeth: "Conspiracy !?"

Blacktooth was quite fearful in front of such big men as Shaduoman, but he still struck up his spirit and said, "Yes, the archbishop, I am the wise man under the command of the fishy claws. Our newly appointed Lord of Blood Wolf City The knights and four reserve knights were pinched before and after by the Aurora Empire and the Destroyed Knights. They have all been killed. This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that lured us out of Tianzhuyuan, so as to wipe out our bloodwolf city. "

"All are dead !? The aurora empire is so brave! How dare to fool our blood temple!"

Shaduoman's eyes flickered with cold light: "I guessed early that the Aurora Empire compromised with us, but I thought that the Aurora Empire would give us a little benefit. After we eat the benefits and relax our alert, we will be wiped out by conspiracy. ...... Because of this, I followed their minds and let Blazing Flames take people to test. I did not expect that they would not even give me any benefit. I set up a trap directly after Blazing Flame and others left to try to make Blazing Flames four. 50,000 horses perished ... "

"I'm afraid the Emperor Aurora guessed that we would be fooled, so we just started without waiting ..."

Yerdo Shen said: "What shall we do next? But tens of thousands of people, we must not give up."

"Anyway, I had long expected that although this group of Bloodwolf people are not really fighters, I also sent thousands of elites to join them. At critical moments, they can stand up as team leaders, and the task I give them is Once the Aurora Empire really has a conspiracy, it will do its utmost to convene all the soldiers and attack the troops of the Aurora Empire's Tien Shan. Whether they can break the Tien Shan or be destroyed under the Tien Shan, they will cause the space channel to open in advance. I can enter Tianzhu Mountain as soon as possible to meet! If successful, ... "

Sadoman snorted: "We can make the people of the Aurora Empire self-defeating, truly break away from the trance, kill these space channels, and occupy a place in that world."

The black teeth on the side listened to it.

No wonder ...

It's no wonder that the process of leading the army to turn to attack the Aurora Empire went so smoothly. Actually, a person sent by Archbishop Shadowman secretly assisted.

At the moment, he quickly said, "When I left, the commander of Fishclaw said that he would call everyone to revenge on the Aurora Emperor. I am afraid now ... the Battle of Tianshan Mountain has begun ..."

"it is good!"

Sadoman's expression gradually became severe: "Forty to fifty thousand people attacked the army of the Aurora Empire. Even if the Aurora Empire was prepared for a long time, it would certainly cause hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries. There are hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, even if this space channel is compared with other space channels. The energy needed here is several times and ten times more, and it can still accelerate its opening ... Send me an order to let all the soldiers enter the state of preparation for war! Once the space channel is opened, immediately rush out and save the others on Tianzhu People! "


The Ordered Knight of the Temple responded quickly and retreated.

"Let me see if the Aurora Empire and the humans on that continent are capable of going to war with our Tianzhuyuan!"


Today is bound to be a restless day for the entire East Shenzhou and the entire world.

First, the defense of Tianya Mountain in the Kingdom of Hea collapsed, and 40,000 to 50,000 people from the cave rushed out from the space channel, defeating the 240,000 defenders of the Kingdom of Hea, and rushed to the light of the capital of the Kingdom of Hea with the mighty sweeping force.

Seeing that Sia was about to have a sign of extinction, General Joeson and Baili Qingfeng were born, and Baili Qingfeng stimulated the cavemen's commander with a radical method, forcing his commander to play, and eventually killed the Baili Qingfeng sword. The Grotto people's army also died with the commander's death, avalanche of morale, was hunted down by hundreds of miles and hundreds of miles, and entered the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain guarded by the Aurora Empire.

At this moment, due to the speculation that the defeat of the Tianya Mountain Guards of the Kingdom of Shia is the stalk of the Aurora Empire, Zhao Jiansheng, full of sense of justice, led Jin Chihong, Ding Yijian, and White Elephant Dragon to siege the Aurora Emperor.

This round of siege turned out to be well-prepared for the Aurora Empire, and Jin Chihong secretly relied on the Aurora Emperor. Zhao Jiansheng, Bai Xianglong, and Ding Yijian nearly lost their lives to the chaos. Those expelled from the burrows rushed forward, gaining precious time for the precarious White Elephant Dragon, Ding Yijian, and Zhao Jiansheng.

In the end, Zhao Jiansheng, Bai Xianglong, and Ding Yijian escaped smoothly. The Kingdom of Shia, which was in danger of extinction, also survived the disaster. Instead, all the aurora empires behind the scenes paid the price for what they did. The battlefields of Tianyu Mountain were all lost, and tens of thousands of cavemen even broke into the Aurora Empire. If it were not for the amazing potential of the Aurora Empire's war and its three million standing army, I am afraid that the Aurora Empire will now be poisoned.

Such a huge turning change is astonishing to all the forces who have seen it directly.

In amazement, almost everyone's eyes focused on the key figure in this battle-Baili Qingfeng.

Because of this, Baili Qingfeng went out of East Shenzhou completely and entered the eyes of all forces in the world.

Even the superpowers such as the Iron and Steel Empire, the Golden Eagle Empire, and the Shining Empire are trying to collect information about Baili Qingfeng ~ ~ More representatives of the forces are thinking hard and want to understand what Baili Qingfeng is How to expel tens of thousands of cave people with one person's power, and make tens of thousands of cave people rush to the Aurora Empire.


Various outside rumors Baili Qingfeng did not know.

After letting Zhao Sihe and Shiyi know each other, he couldn't wait to go upstairs and logged in to his Tianjidian account.

He had to take a good look at the reward task of the Tianji Temple to see if any of the tasks met.

After completing the task, you can get various material rewards and get points. These points can be used to redeem the first-class gold, which will directly affect his future cultivation progress.

After experiencing the powerful breath of the aurora monarch in person, Baili Qingfeng has become more and more looking forward to the realm of refining the virtual reality into reality.

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