The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 661: Come and go

The convoy moved forward, crossed the Wuhe Bridge, and headed towards the university town of Xia Ya.

"Is that news announced by Tianjilou determined?"

In the car, Sun King Heris asked while looking at a copy of Baili Qingfeng's information.

"The Shia stared at Xia very tightly, our people could not detect much information without revealing it, and Baili Qingfeng was rarely out, since the news of Tianjilou came a few days ago. As if it disappeared, our collection of information on him was concentrated on the intelligence spread by various forces ... "

Bath explained, at the end, he added: "Although the information released by Tianjilou is incredible, I think they have accumulated decades of credibility and cannot be destroyed by a hundred miles."

"I also believe in the credibility of the Tianji Tower, which is why I originally planned to come on foot, but eventually switched to a steamer in order to speed up."

Heris said lightly.

The martial artist, even the most powerful man on the top of the world, is quite cautious about traveling with external means of transportation.

After all, transportation is too restrictive.

Vehicles can only follow the prescribed road. Airplanes are like targets hanging from the sky. Ships are also extremely passive when they are hit.

In the case of his full exposure, once the hostile forces sent several flying groups to carry out saturated bombing on him, the Xeon had only one way to go.

Like the black king Naberg, he almost does not use any electronic products, and does not allow his opponents any room to locate them through electronic products and satellites. The whole person walks in the reckless mountain forest like a ghost.

Even if he rushed from Xiyanzhou to Dongshenzhou, he also chose to walk. As for the green river on the border between the two continents, the narrow place is only 500 meters, and even the power of the strongest can break through the waves. , Across this 500-meter distance.

"It's incredible that Twenty-two years old, Xeon second order, this is not something that can be explained by pure talent. I can't wait to see him and understand the secrets hidden in him."

Heris looked up, looking in the direction of the University City of Charya, eyes full of expectation.

"I have read a lot of information ... This Baili Qingfeng made his debut for a few years and acted fiercely and brutally. Killing people is like eating and drinking. I'm afraid I don't deal well."

Bath Road.


Hears could not help laughing when he heard the adjectives of Bath: "Which one can become a Xeon in the world today, which hand is not covered with blood, which one is not self-exhausting, the bones stand out from the blood of the dead? In order to consolidate the invincible trend, I once attacked tens of thousands of indigenous troops in the polar continent. When attacking the Xeon, he even killed Mingzhi and killed the evidence. What Baili Qingfeng did was nothing. He Difficult to deal with? But I believe that when he sees the gap between himself and the seventh person in the world, he will be happy to talk to me about how he got the triad and how he can achieve such achievements at this age. "

"With His Majesty's strength, he has successfully dealt with the Baili Qingfeng, but according to the information I have received, in addition to a Baili Qingfeng ... there is also a Zhao Si, and the Zhao Sword No. 4 is called Dongshenzhou The first strongest has recently confirmed that it has broken through to the third stage, and is the twenty-third master in the history of humankind who has stepped into the third rank of the Xeon ... "

"Zhao Si ... I have heard of this person, who was famous all over the world a few years ago and defeated several Xiyanzhou Xeons. He and Baili Qingfeng got together?"

Heris frowned.

"According to the information we have received, Zhao Jiansheng was enraged by the Aurora Emperor Auden's invasion of the cave people to the East Shenzhou. He combined several Xeons to siege the Aurora Emperor Auden on Tianyao Mountain. Both defeated him and Zhao Jiansheng was about to die in the Aurora Emperor. His subordinates were rescued by Baili Qingfeng, and he has been staying in Xia Ya since then. "

"What about Tianyu Mountain? Does it make sense? The data from the Imperial Research Institute indicate that there is a special energy factor in the second world. This energy factor is an indispensable factor for supporting legendary life. Without that energy factor, our world There is no legend at all. If you want to break through, you can only survive in the Second World for a long time. Even if you break through the legend in this way, and return to our world, you will swim into the freshwater lake like a sea fish. In a long time, the power will dry up and even the realm will decline. "

Harris shook his head: "Because of this factor, research institutes in various countries have vigorously researched the technology of the door of space, and gradually opened the door of space to draw back the energy of that world and change the living environment of our world, such as China, the Iron Empire, Austria Lin Pisi, and even Jingshan, Gate of Heaven, and the Only Church have launched the Space Gate project in the past three years. Among them, the strongest mobilizing steel empire has completed the construction of the Space Gate six months ago. The gate will also be completed within three months, and our full integration with the Second World will be the general trend. "

Buzz heard something in his heart. No wonder this time the East Shenzhou crisis, the four major neutral organizations, and the other super empires just sent a special task force to observe instead of leading the army. On the one hand ...

There are a limited number of people in the caves at Tiantianyuan, which can be dealt with within East Shenzhou. On the other hand ...

I'm afraid it also means taking the opportunity to observe.

Human beings now have a firm foothold in the Second World. They are unwilling to rely on the opening of the space channel again and again to send talents to the Second World at an extremely slow speed. Is this the beginning of the era of spiritual practice?

"All are already Xeons, and the pattern is actually limited to one acre and three points of East Shenzhou. Not to mention the magnificent era of the future of the two worlds, even the world ’s minds are not there. This four, the future That's it for achievements. "

Heris said, with a touch of disappointment in his look.

"Different origins determine different destinies. Our glorious empire has ruled the world for hundreds of years. Naturally, you can cultivate your great existence, such as Her Majesty the Sun King, and Zhao Si, but fortunately, has won the top inheritance."

Bath quickly and complimented.

Heris smiled slightly and said nothing.

After all, Zhao Si is a Xeon third-tier existence. He may despise the enemy tactically, but never underestimate any opponent strategically.


As the vehicle passed the Wuhe Bridge closer and closer to the city of Xia, Heris seemed to feel something, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Which side is that?"

"Where? That's Qingyuan Mountain, our destination, the vehicle will be another five kilometers ahead."

"Qingyuan Mountain?"

Heris looked slightly at the lush mountain ahead.

As the vehicle moved closer and closer to the direction of Qingyuan Mountain, his spirit, which was originally somewhat vague, gradually became clear.

For a time, the mountain seemed to be no longer a simple mountain, but instead turned into a horrible beast, exuding more and more powerful coercion. The closer he got closer, the stronger that coercion was. An archaic beast, with his breathing and heartbeat, was constantly undulating, up and down, and later, he could even induce the blood flow in his body, making his breath involuntarily follow the breathing of the giant beast. slow……

"This ... this is ..."

Heris could not help but widen his eyes.

随着 With the faint control of his own blood, the ancestral pan is in the area of ​​Qingyuan Mountain, as if a behemoth like an ancient beast is aware of his existence, eyes ...

He jumped across the void and landed on Harris.

Suddenly, the breath of Harris was soaring. He could hardly control his own power to inspire Qi. The three spirits and spirits circulated at the same time, turning into a fiery radiance, as if in the air, and went to Qingyuan Mountain. The terror was overwhelming.

Even if his breath erupted, he still looked like a faint candlelight in front of the horrible ancient beast, and seemed to be extinguished by the opponent's power at any time.

"Retreat! Rewind!"

Heris felt the opponent's eyes fixed on her, and couldn't help screaming in surprise.

Although Bath is unknown, he still has a creepy feeling on his body, and hurriedly yelled at the driver: "U-turn! Quick U-turn!"

Suddenly, the car with only two kilometers away from Qingyuan Mountain suddenly turned.

"Hurry up!"

Heris kept pressing, feeling a dry mouth for a while.

The vehicle was racing at a speed several times faster than the time when it arrived. Regardless of the stability of the traffic, it had crossed the Wuhe Bridge in just a few minutes.

Heris didn't realize that the gaze staring at him was gradually moving away until he got on the Wuhe Bridge. For a moment, his body seemed to be shocked with cold sweat.

He even turned pale for a while.

"Legend! Legendary Life!"

Heris trembled in her heart.

"Your Majesty, let's next ..."

Although Bath didn't know why Harris suddenly ordered a U-turn, he didn't ask.

Heris ignored it and forced herself to calm down.

"Legendary life! How could there be a legendary existence in Xia Ya !? There is no door to space here, how can the legendary life be supported!"

Thinking so carefully, the cold sweat on his forehead slightly reduced.

"His later" gaze "did not form a substantial coercion on me ~ ~ does not match the true legend ... it should be a half-step legend!"

Thinking of this, his ever-increasing heartbeat was gradually slowing down, and some of the coagulated blood was back to running, and his temperature began to rise.

查 "Check! Check it out for me!"

Heris ordered without hesitation.

"Bali Qingfeng?"

"Not only Baili Qingfeng! Zhao Si!"

Heris whispered: "I want all the information of the two of them! I will let all the secrets of Dongshenzhou cooperate with you!"

"I understand!"

另外 "Also, everything is done with care! Don't be scared!"

Heris was full of fear and caution.

"In this case ... I'm afraid efficiency will be a bit slow."

"I have enough patience!"


Bass promised respectfully.

Heris exhaled a long breath.

I watched that Qingyuan Mountain, which seemed to be far away, like an ancient beast, and while Harris was jealous in the eyes, I also shot out a terrifying light.

Have a secret!

Absolutely a big secret!

If he can dig out this secret as his own ...

The future ...

Legend is expected!

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