The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 666: Strong duel

The reference to the aerodynamics in Heaven and Human Realm, although it can effectively offset the air resistance and increase the speed of the Baili Qingfeng, does not mean that there is no sound at all.

他 When he passed the lightning over the North Star City at a speed of nearly 300 meters per second, the movement still attracted everyone's attention.

Especially those envoys, representatives, and secretaries from all over the country who saw the announcement of the Aurora empire's declaration of war a short distance away, exclaimed for the first time.

"Here! Here's Baili Qingfeng!"

"This is here? Aren't the two of them due to say three days later? So fast! Baili Qingfeng is so fast!"

"Fast and fast, Ma uploaded the news, and Baili Qingfeng fought ... No, this is not a challenge, he is directly participating in the battle! The two men's battle was released within eight hours following the announcement of the Aurora Emperor's war declaration. Open! "

"One is the Godless King, the first strong country in East Shenzhou, and the other is the peerless Tianjiao who has completed the second order of Xeon at the age of 22 ... It is my life's honor to be able to witness such worldly wars! Even if I die in the end worth it!"

Various sounds are echoing in all corners of Polaris City.

Some people even risked exposure in order to get the first-time news, followed Baili Qingfeng and rushed to the royal garden battlefield chosen by Emperor Aurora.

Uh ...


Bai Li Qingfeng's deafening voice echoed over the North Star City: "No matter what hatred you have, come to me! Let all the blame be on me! Let all the hatred fade away after the end of this **** battle of nine lives Come on! "

Royal Garden.

The Aurora Emperor was surprised by the early arrival of Baili Qingfeng, but ...

He glanced at the sword art of the 41 emperor behind him, and then thought of himself in the same state of supremacy as Baili Qingfeng, and his mind became infinite.

Bali Qingfeng is the top ten for refining gas and the top ten for refining gods, and he is also the top ten for refining gas and ten refining gods!

He is a few hundred years old, and he has perfected countless Xeon warfare skills and secret techniques. He would not believe it. He would have no one to practice for twenty years.

"Well, Baili Qingfeng, no matter who the two of us died today, all the grudges and grievances will be written off!"

The Aurora Emperor Sword came out of the sheath, pointing directly at the Baili Qingfeng. The powerful sword was supported by the invincible faith, rising to the top, as if it were in the big sun, faintly, as if there was a giant sword with a diameter of hundreds of meters. The sky cuts through the sky, tears the sky, and the sight of the majesty that bursts out is simply discouraging!

"Come to war!"

"What a strong sword!"

All practitioners who sensed this sword remotely felt shocked: "Aurora Emperor Auden really deserves to be one of the most amazing and brilliant emperors in the history of Aurora Empire, relying on the sword of the great emperor. , Already called the top of East China Continent, even if the top ten in the world Xeon list ... No, even the existence of those top five is just so powerful ... "

"Great Emperor Sword Art, truly deserves to be ranked among the top sword swords in Xeon Sword Art! The Emperor Aurora is currently not the second stage of Xeon, but it can hold the world! The key is ... this sword art is actually his own!"

"This is the top five powers in the world's Xeon rankings. No matter how talented Baili Qingfeng is, he is only 22 years old, and he's done this peerless battle ... He's over!"

Exclaimed, admired, and regretted, from the mouth of the messengers who represented many forces.

Regardless of their origin and their knowledge, in the face of this mighty shore, the power is swaying and shocking.

More than just them, Baili Qingfeng also opened his eyes.

"I cannot stop this kind of sword ... But people, inherently dead, are either heavier than Taishan, or lighter than Hongmao! If I defeat this battle today, there will be no war for Shia and Aurora. If I lose, Aurora Under the pressure of the army, Hia ’s life was covered with charcoal, blood flowed into the river, countless people were destroyed, and his wife was scattered, so ... even if I will be defeated and killed in this battle, I will end up with the Aurora Emperor! Not only for myself, but also for the thousands of people of the Kingdom of Hea, and for the peace of East China forever! "

Bali Qingfeng said that he suddenly backhanded, took out his mobile phone in the gold armor, and would choose the most impassioned song ...

But when he got the phone, he suddenly found out ...

out of battery.

In the laboratory of Bikini Basin, he stayed up all night for more than two hundred hours. Even if his mobile phone was specially made by Tianjilou, presented by Baiyi Sheng, the performance in all aspects was more than ten years ahead of the market. More than a hundred hours long.

The phone is dead.

"No power ... Can't sing songs ... Is this ... some kind of symptom in the dark? It indicates that my life will be like this mobile phone, with a black screen turned off and going to the end ..."

The spirit of Baili Qingfeng was momentary.

可 This 恍惚 was simply dispelled by his resolute, resolute, and fierce will for an instant, accompanied by an invincible belief that he did not believe in heaven, in the land, in the past, in the present, or in the future!

"I can't play songs on my cell phone !? I sing myself!"

Bai Qingqing Feng looked forward ...

The Emperor Aurora has formed the sword art of the great emperor, blending with the breath of forty-one top powerhouses. The sword is surging, covering the sky, as if the ancient beast opened its **** mouth!

冲击 He shocked, it was absolutely a life of nine dead ...


He is not afraid!


"Being brave and daring in one place, why not be in danger and be indifferent, the pride will not change year after year!"

Bali Qingfeng suddenly sang and yelled, as if the sound contained endless power, which instantly inspired his energy and spirit to the extreme!

Soul Power!

In his body, the spirit of the tenfold realm is like high-energy particles, carrying unparalleled power into the almighty cells. All almighty cells are fully detonated under the bombardment of such particles, and the chain reaction turns into an unbeatable power. , Burst out from him!


The blood and blood that rushed into the sky stirred the wind and clouds, sweeping through the waves, and turned into a violent hurricane spreading in all directions, tearing the dust and particles rolled up when he rushed into shattering!

at the same time……



Jin Yingying's golden light escaped from Baili Qingfeng, and instantly rendered him as a golden sun!

"Lie *!"

"What is this power !? Baili Qingfeng still hides such terrible swordsmanship !?"

"Scaring! Too scary! Spiritual power, mystery bursts! Aurora Emperor and Baili Qingfeng, one hides deeper than the other!"

"The Great War! This is the real Great War!"

Looking at the air waves spreading in the void and the dazzling golden light contained in the air waves, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and was shocked to almost lose their ability to think, even the Emperor Aurora was no exception.

This is the first time that Baili Qingfeng has performed the demons disintegration in front of everyone!

Moreover, the demon dismantling technique performed by burning one-half almighty cells, the increase of the demon dismantling technique, coupled with the strength of the second stage of his Xeon, and the increase of the power of the mind, make this sword brilliant and unprecedented. This is definitely the strongest sword he has cut since he entered the practice world!

"Being a man has bitterness and sweetness, good and evil are separated on both sides! All for the tomorrow of dreams!"

Changxiao Yangtian!

Long song when crying!

He is like a star that cuts through the sky, falling from the sky, carrying the fierce and horrifying coercion, the tragic breath of the past, with the hope and dream for life, the future, and the aurora and the sky. The sword shadows formed by the emperor's sword art collided together!

At this moment, the Emperor Aurora deeply felt the wisdom of convening the eighty-eight star pillars to form the Great Emperor's Sword Formation!

The only thing that made him a little unfortunate was that Baili Qingfeng came too fast, so fast that he couldn't get him to sum up the eighty-eight star pillars, so that now there are only forty-one people around him, on the effect of increase ...

He cannot compare with the Eighteen Gods Pillars of the heyday.

However, he has now broken through the realm of refining the gods and entered the second stage of the Xeon. Regardless of cultivation, spirit, reaction, and increase in the use of swordsmanship of the Emperor, it is not comparable to Tian Shishan's battle against Zhao Shishi at the moment. ...

Stronger than that time!

If he fights Zhao Si again, he can be killed by several swords!

So ...

"Hahaha, only this kind of power is worth my full effort to fight Oden! Baili Qingfeng! Today, only one of us is destined to survive!"

Aurora Emperor Oden blew a scream and cut it with a sword. The sword seemed to condense the beliefs of the entire Aurora Empire.

At this moment, it was not a sword that he cut out!

He is the will of an empire!

Sword of sentient beings!


Bali Qingfeng's star-falling sword and Aurora Emperor condensed all beings killed by the empire's will and slammed together!

Jianguang, Jianyi, Jianshi!

Infuriating, qi, blood, spirit!

力量 All kinds of forces collided fiercely at the moment when the two swords intersected ~ ~ Countless lights and shadows continued to smash and annihilate during the collision!

看 "Look at the iron hoof! Go all the way!"

As the Baili Qingfeng sword light is facing, the multitude of beings condensed by the sword of Aurora Emperor ’s sentient beings are crushed into pieces by hundreds of millions of swords. His shape is agitated forward when the sword of Aurora Emperor shakes. Carrying the immense potential of thunder, he slammed into the sword array formed by the sword art of Emperor Aurora, as if ...

Iron rides and tramples the mountains and rivers!

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭!"

Twenty-one of the forty-one star pillars vomited blood on the spot for the weaker members!

势 The sword power of Emperor Aurora ...

Began to crash!

"You can't break my great swordsmanship! Today, my sword is unstoppable!"

The Aurora Emperor shouted, and the spirit of his body climbed to the extreme. It was burned fiercely under the stimulus of an explosive mystery. Under the scorching momentum, the originally threatened sword seemed to collapse and re-condensed. For a time, the sword was surging, and one seemed to be able to transcend the sky and cut through the past and present and past and future swordsmanship!

"A sword is ancient and modern!"


(The chapter name of this chapter is very special. In addition, I suddenly saw that this book actually broke 2 million words. After adding this chapter, it was 2.04 million.)

:. :

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