The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 668: Jade burn

Latest URL: "The Emperor Aurora is much stronger than I thought. Under this sword, I have almost no resistance!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the Aurora Emperor who once again raised his sword to condense the sword, and felt that he had no time to breathe, let alone rap.

Emperor Aurora's swordsmanship is exquisite and exquisite, reaching the highest peak, and Baili Qingfeng has a kind of face that is not a warrior, but one side.

The moment the opponent's swordsmanship was cut down, the sky collapsed, and the mighty force of destruction suppressed the mind and soul, and the effect was almost comparable to a mystery of refining. Under this swordsmanship, he could not find it at all. Any chance of counterattack can only be resisted again and again passively!



The opponent's swordsmanship blocked the void, retreating unavoidably, unavoidable, the moment he had no time to be close, he would be killed directly.

After all, although his flesh is amazingly tough under the reinforcement of the first-class gold, he still ca n’t carry a second-stage Xeon strong with a sword and beheaded. After all, flesh and blood is a flesh and blood. Alas, anti-sword look.

As for escape ...

Really want to flee, the Emperor Aurora couldn't stop him!

But today ’s battle, he has made everything clear, and only has the faith of fighting in the past, not to mention whether he will escape at this time, even if he really escapes and loses his heart, he will live in the Aurora monarch's life. In the shadows.


"Stop! I must stop! With tears, gritting my teeth, even if I knock my teeth down and swallow them, I will hold on! I would rather stand dead than live on my knees!"

Baili Qingfeng roared, the wind thundered, and he was really angry, accompanied by the sword light that was once again defensive against the cut!


The fire flew.

The sword of Baili Qingfeng and the sword of the Aurora Emperor carrying the thunderous sword again collided again. The surging force exploded between the collisions of the two swords, exploding into countless air waves that hit the Quartet, most of which The air wave swept towards Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng roared with qi and blood.

The golden glow from the superb gold continues to flow and shine in the body, rendering his bones, internal organs, and blood into a golden light, just like the body of gold.

Relying on this strong toughness and defense, the energy that exploded into him was once again led by him to vent into the ground under his feet, making the ground tremble like a dragon turning over.

Under the constant impact of this force, the big pit in which Baili Qingfeng has established its foothold has already expanded from dozens of meters in diameter to tens of meters, and the depth has also increased from less than one meter to nearly ten meters. Such a devastating effect that even the most powerful artillery shells can't cause, anyone who witnessed this scene trembled, and I can hardly believe that human beings can cause such terrible damage by their own strength!



The roar was scattered and the earthquake trembled.

Emperor Aurora exploded again and again, chopping out the mighty swordsmanship again and again, each sword can easily kill any one of the nine strong.

That kind of power, that kind of horror, that kind of mighty power, it is almost invincible in Shenzhou, invincible!

Baili Qingfeng was completely crushed by the superb invincible sword of the Aurora Emperor without any chance of breathing, except for futile resistance.

That huge gap is clearly visible to everyone.

"The strength of the warrior lies in the essence, energy, spirit, skill, and heart. The essence, energy, spirit, and heart of the two li Qingfeng and the Aurora Emperor are indistinguishable, but the growth speed of the liqingfeng is so fast that There is no chance to practice sword art. Technically, it is not at the same level as the Emperor Aurora. In this case, it is completely reasonable to be defeated by the Aurora Empire with invincible sword art ... "

"Bali Qingfeng stabbed with a sword, only strength and speed, all changes are clear in the eyes of the Emperor Aurora, but the sword of the Aurora Emperor can completely block all the resistance of Baili Qingfeng from three aspects of essence, energy and god. Possibly, forcing him to have no room to fight back except to resist ... Jiu Shoufeng will lose, even if Baili Qingfeng fortunately blocked the Aurora Emperor's one sword, two swords, and even three swords and four swords, but could not stop him from receiving The fifth sword, the sixth sword, and even the seventh and eighth swords ... "

"The victory is a foregone conclusion, and Baili Qingfeng is now a lingering suffocator. Such a genius is going to die here today, unfortunately, unfortunately."

In the eyes of everyone, the Aurora Emperor is as imposing as the rainbow, magnificent and magnificent, like the sun and the sky, like a round of hot sun shining in all directions, and the tens of meters and hundreds of meters of void are under the suppression of his sword. Within this range, No creature seems to survive!

Carrying such a fiery blaze like a burning void, his sword was constantly slamming down, and every power was shocked!

And the Baili Qingfeng, who was struggling to support under his sword, seemed to be completely drowned and shattered by this violent sword in the next second!


The development of the situation seems slightly different from everyone's imagination.

Under the speculation of everyone, Baili Qingfeng can support the fourth sword at most, even if it is the limit, it is estimated that it is the level of the fifth sword ...


The four swords went down, Baili Qingfeng gritted his teeth and struggled to resist!

The five swords went down, Baili Qingfeng still gritted his teeth and struggled to resist!

After the six swords went down ...

He still gritted his teeth, but it seemed a bit easier to block it?

When the seventh sword went down, everyone seemed to see clearly. The resistance of Baili Qingfeng was a lot easier, because the sword of the Aurora Emperor was getting weaker and weaker!

By the time of the eighth sword, Baili Qingfeng no longer clenched his teeth. Although he was still blocked from all possible counterattacks under the sword of the Aurora Lord, but ...

With the sword of the Aurora Emperor weaker than the sword, he had a lot of relief in blocking it.

And when the ninth sword ...


"this is!?"

The Aurora monarch gasped heavily, his sword-shaking hand trembling slightly, and even though the tiger's mouth had a genuine Qi body, it still cracked open, overflowing with blood.

He looked at Baili Qingfeng, who was still under the influence of his eight slashes, but was still unstoppable, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Bai Qingfeng, like me, has never broken the cricket! The end of the crossbow! He has definitely reached the end of the crossbow!"

The Aurora Lord roared, and the remaining qi in the body boiled again.

However, due to his constant use of explosive mysteries, he repeatedly cut out swords that exceeded his own load. The vitality boiled, and the fine veins in his body seemed to be torn. A burst of blood rushed up and almost spit out ...

"My Oden is destined to unite the destiny of Shenzhou. How can he be defeated by the hand of your li Qingfeng !?"

He forced the blood pressure that was about to spit out forcibly, his mouth suddenly screamed, his sword rushed into the sky, and Yu Yong rose, and he broke out again. A sword comparable to Xeon bombarded again ...


"Huh !? I wasn't just an illusion ... Aurora's sword ... was really weak !?"

Baili Qingfeng was completely pressed and beaten by the Emperor Aurora before, and it felt like the whole person was going to be closed by the sword of Aurora.

The sword skill of Emperor Aurora is too high, several levels higher than him, he has no room to resist, but can only be passively beaten.

Even though he was obviously relieved to resist the two swords just now, he did not respond.

After all, today's battle is definitely the most difficult ... the most uncomfortable one since he stepped into the cultivation road.

The Aurora Emperor in front of him is also his most powerful opponent since he stepped on the road to cultivation. Even the knight Changgu Tower, who was beheaded by him ten days ago, is far worse than the Aurora Lord.

This kind of opponent can not help but carelessly.

But now ...

It seems he is about to usher in an opportunity to fight back?

"No! How many swords are there !? Even with the previous offensive, there are only 11 swords ... the Emperor Aurora wants to seduce me!"

The more critical moments, the more careful!

There are too many examples of success in this world!

As soon as the Baili Qingfeng read this, even the interception became extremely cautious, and it seemed to completely give up all opportunities for counterattack and strictly guard against death.


Jianguang turns empty!

The two's swords collided again, blowing up a lot of sword light!

But the momentum ...

It's been a long way off.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of the Emperor Aurora, but it really inspired him.

Even gave up the idea of ​​counterattack?

"Bai Li Qing Feng, today, you must die!"

The aurora monarch shouted, and the declining momentum rose again, as if compressing every inch of force in the flesh, and in the process of compressing the force, the injury in his body deteriorated sharply. Even if he tried to suppress it, the blood still could not help himself. The corners of my mouth are rushing!

But he knows that he and Baili Qingfeng have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. The next competition is the will of the two people, who is the only one who can truly reach the end!

And he, Oden, Emperor Aurora ...

He confidently talks about perseverance and conviction, and he will never be weak to give a hundred miles to the front!

Thinking of this, powerful power mixed with blood broke out from his body and turned into Yin Hong's sword air soaring into the sky, almost setting off a burst of blood mist on the Emperor Aurora ...

The blood mist filled, a sword force that barely reached the second order of Xeon erupted from him, mixed with the fiery fiery faith, and the tragic in the past, chopped down ...

"Take me another sword!"

"This ... terrible !!"

This is equivalent to a scary scene like a blast, which made Baili Qingfeng's eyes widen.

Despite the power of this sword ...

It seems a little weak ~ ~ But just looking at the confident face and extreme will of the aurora monarch, you know that this sword must be his strongest sword, and God knows what terrible variables are actually hidden inside !!

"No! I'm afraid I'll die again ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt the omnipotent cells breeding in the body ...

The quantity is still a bit small!

By now……

It is only replaced by burning liver cells!

Burning all the liver cells and adding all-purpose cells accumulated during this time ... barely able to cut off a sword that is roughly equivalent to burning one-half of all-purpose cells ...

If it doesn't work, change the heart, lungs, spleen, kidney, large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, bladder, triple focus and so on. Finally ...

Sacrifice one's body and burn all jade!

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