The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 674: wind direction

Latest website: Aurora Empire.

Despite the immediate presence of high-level officials of the Kingdom of Shia, coupled with the spare and no effort of Prime Minister Alov's wandering and cooperation, the entire Aurora Empire is still in a restless atmosphere.

Fortunately, this uneasy atmosphere has not become too much chaos under the harsh laws of the Aurora Empire.

at least……

This was true of Polar Star City and the Twelve Territories, which were controlled for the first time by the Kingdom of Shia.


As Prime Minister Alov and Prime Minister Yasuo both discussed specific matters and perfected them, a piece of news gradually spread among the Aurora Empire.

"Have you heard, Emperor Aurora ... why Oden would fall into the hands of the legendary son of the Kingdom of Hea, the son of the miracle Baili Qingfeng, everything is already doomed, because the legendary son has no As simple as we imagined, his true identity is the incarnation of the vain demon wandering in emptiness and chaos in the midst of the world, the true **** walking on the earth's projection, no matter how powerful Oden is, he even summoned all the masters in the country to form the emperor How is swordplay an opponent of true gods? "

"I have also received relevant rumors about this matter. The true incarnation is said to have suddenly awakened three years ago. Once awakened, he grew up at a crazy speed. It has only been less than three years now. He actually has quite a few To the fighting power of us human martial arts? "

"Three years, relying on divine magic to reach the top of the Xeon. If you wait another three years and wait for the power of the Void Demon to recover, wouldn't it suppress the world !? Our Aurora Empire lost Oden's high-pressure rule, but welcomed There is a great true God. If we can really reach the summit under the leadership of the nihil deity, our people will also be able to bathe in glory and enjoy the supreme glory. "

"Not only that, but he also mastered the magical powers that are so incredible ... I heard that Oden combined forty-one people to form the great swordsmanship. His combat power is very strong. He can be among the top ten in the current Xeon, but in Bailiqing Feng, under the incarnation of the devil, was crushed and shattered by crushing and smashing. In addition to magic, what other methods can make people explode such horrible power? "

"It is said that in addition to this divine spell, he also masters another divine spell. This divine spell can point out those practitioners who have not set foot on the path of Xeon, so that they can hope to land on Xeon in the future!"

"His ... Let those who have not set foot on the path of Xeon are expected to land in Xeon in the future !? The power of the divine power is incredible, if this magic exists, our Aurora Empire will definitely attract hundreds of thousands of Nine Strong Those who come to vote, if we use these nine-level strongmen to cooperate with our powerful army ... Who in the world can resist our edge !? "

Within the aurora empire, with the unswerving propaganda of the various departments in the cabinet, the news about the true incarnation and the illusionary **** quickly spread to every corner of the country and abroad, and the attention of those disturbed people was also diverted. Power, from the worry about the future to the Void Demon.

And as they gradually understand the power of the Void Demon, they can't help but have a look of hope for the rule of the Void Demon.

Baili Qingfeng's achievements are themselves legendary.

No matter how the outside world guesses, it is a fact that in less than three years, he has grown from a non-martial person to the top ten in the world. In the face of such unprecedented feats, coupled with Alof and Yasuo The intentional deification of the two was not difficult to set up a demon image in the hearts of the Aurora Empire.

Of course, the twelve territories controlled by Hea were in place because of the propaganda work, and people gradually got rid of panic and anxiety based on rumors of the true incarnation, but other territories ...

The first time he held up the banner, rebuked Baili Qingfeng for pretending to be a ghost, and recruited soldiers under the name of revenge for the Aurora Emperor.

In addition, the Tianjidian Forum also argued this argument.

"Also‘ eternal life, eternal destruction, eternal emptyness, eternal nothing, ’what age are these, fool the public with the so-called true God? Do you think this is the fifteenth century?”

"Bali Qingfeng may be called a legend, the son of a miracle, but if he is said to be the true incarnation, I don't believe it."

Opponents have their views, but neutrals and supporters are not a minority.

"The true God is not an illusory existence. Maybe we can regard it as the most powerful cultivator and a reincarnation of a great existence? In fact, you look at Baili Qingfeng carefully ... Many of his achievements are not us at all. What ordinary people can imagine, not to mention that he has achieved the peak of the Xeon in less than three years. His triad alone is enough to change the history of refining the veins of God, let alone the energy that he subsequently threw out. Helping people achieve the ultimate nihilism. "

"The so-called Void Demon can be regarded as a title and title, just like the sun king and the black king. Can it really be that the sun and the darkness do not dominate?"

"I don't care if Baili Qingfeng is a legend or an incarnation of God. I only care a little bit. Is it true that the news from the vanity temple established by Baili Qingfeng is true? A person on the path to Xeon is expected to be Xeon? If he can make me Xeon, I would like to believe that he is the true God! "

"Except the number, we have just confirmed! Nihilism is not groundless. The aurora empire opposite the Baili Qingfeng, as well as the most informed Tianji Building, have this unparalleled relevant information, and they have consistently agreed that this The exquisiteness of the method is far from any kind of practice on the supermarket, including the Xeongong method. In other words, nothingness is at least a legendary method. "

Warrior, believe in the strong.

The quality of Tianjidian is much higher than that of other forums. As a top ten Xeon in the world, Baili Qingfeng is enough to awe anyone in the forum. Many people do not recognize the identity of Baili Qingfeng's true incarnation, but However, he recognized his powerful strength, and felt that in his current status and status, it is not impossible to call himself a demon god.

At this moment, a highly active fifth-level user, Tianjidian Forum, Rain Broken Dust directly burst out a message: "This is a secret message I just collected. The source of this message is not From any country in our world, but from the cave people, the cave people from the blood wolf city of Tianyu Mountain, according to these sources from the cave people, Baili Qingfeng is called death in the second world Wings, Knights of Destruction, Incarnation of Demon, Doomsday, Evil God's Caregiver! "

"Evil God visitor?"

"The demon incarnation !? This should be a grade with the true god, everyone in the cave thinks he is a demon incarnation !?"

"I remember, the second world ... there are gods, there are four temples in the cave people, there are rumors of temples in other races ... Baili Qingfeng, wouldn't it have the true God heritage? If it is true True God inheritance, then he calls himself the incarnation of God ... doesn't it seem to work? "

As soon as the news broke out, there was an uproar on the forum.

"Anyway, in the description of the cave man, Baili Qingfeng knew no fatigue, no injury, no pain, no bleeding, no immortality. He was a great horror, a great disaster, a great despair, a great destruction! This ... is not What ordinary humans can do, even the most powerful can still bleed and die! "

Rain and dust continued to recover.

His words also blew up some secret information again: "I heard that when Baili Qingfeng broke out, the whole body would flash gold, as if it turned into another posture. I have never heard of any exercises that can be done. At this level, is it that he has activated the power of true God in his body !? "

"No fear of pain, no bloodshed, immortality ... Listening to what you said, I seem to remember something. The grandfather of my elder brother's sister's brother's wife is Emperor Aurora and Baili Qingfeng. When he returned, he said to me personally that the sword of Aurora Emperor Oden had torn the hundred-year-old Qingfeng's shining gold armor, but he couldn't help his body. He seemed to have the body of the true god, and he could not penetrate , Immortality, immortality ... "

In addition, some people followed the letter, and in their words they vowed utterly.

For a time, the person who had originally ridiculed Baili Qingfeng's self-declaration as a true deity was dumbfounded, and was ignorant of the truth brought by these messages.

Gradually, the wind of the forum began to change.

"Maybe, Baili Qingfeng really has an incredible heritage, or he has extremely powerful blood in his body!"

"Even if it's not blood, it's a gift, worthy of the talent in mythology!"

"The weak are not qualified to comment on the strong! Baili Qingfeng, who used his invincible power to slay the Aurora Emperor proves to everyone in the world that he is the real strong! He calls himself a demon **** and deserves his name!"


Looking at this news, all the forces watching the changes in the situation of the Aurora Empire looked at each other.

Although the information revealed on the forum is difficult to distinguish, the process of their discussions is to make Baili Qingfeng truly enter the vision of all the people in the world, especially the various things that Baili Qingfeng has created since he entered the martial arts world. The brilliant feat has aroused the curiosity and prudence of countless forces.

Coulson, Mahir, Elizabeth, and others who represented the Iron Empire, Golden Eagle Empire, and Glorious Empire stationed in Tianyu Mountain received the information from the empire ~ ~锋 's Information.

At the same time, many great powers and hidden secrets are also fully launched to investigate the truth about triad and nihilism.

The value of triad is amazing enough to change the status of the divine refiner in today's world, but the number of divine refiner is only a few after all, plus people involved in the spiritual realm are always cautious.

But nothingness ...

An incomprehensible way to make the Nine-Class Powerhouse who has never set foot on the path of the Xeon to the Xeon Power ...

If this magic method is true, it can definitely break the original pattern of the world!

Under this circumstance, East Shenzhou, which had attracted all the attention of the world due to the events of Tianying Mountain and Aurora Empire, once again became turbulent.

Wonderful book house

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