The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 676: Phase 3

The latest website: The second world's true cultivation methods are almost created by the celebrities based on their world. The mainstream or the refining system is the opposite of this world.

The refining system is also divided into two types.

One is a practice method that favors helping others to the ranks of the great knights, and the other is a method that trains the body.

The sun and moon furnace refining method belongs to the method of leaning to the refining side.

But there is a big difference between the creatures of the second world and the creatures of their world.

The creatures of the second world live in a high-energy world. There are special energy factors in the air. They absorb this energy factor daily to make them more potent than humans. For them, they can only break through the human body by force. It doesn't exist. It's not that difficult for them to break through from level 9 to Xeon.

In this case, purely from the second world refining system, exercises cannot be directly broken in this world, but can only be used as a reference.

"This sun and moon oven cultivation method is special. Its ultimate goal is to run to the realm of legend, and there is a description of legend on it."

Baili Qingfeng carefully looked at: "The breakthrough of the legendary realm involves three factors. The first is the integration of spirit and spirit to form the power of life. The second is to cultivate the realm. The third is the power of the soul. When all three conditions are met, you can use the power of the mind to integrate into the power of life. With the opportunity to seek the touch of life, it will resonate in the realm of legends. With these three forces, you will form a system and endlessly enter the realm of legend ... "

The sun-moon oven method is a method that specializes in training the power of life.

Regardless of whether you cultivate the power of life or the field, you can call it a half-step legend.

"Cultivating the realm or the power of life is a half-step legend. Cultivating the power of life plus the realm ... is also a half-step legend ... but the strength of the two is obviously different ..."

Baili Qingfeng recalled his guess about Xeon Tier IX ...

He had already deduced the seventh order. Isn't this, plus these two stages, not exactly the ninth order?

Baili Qingfeng's face did not look like I expected, and his eyes fell on the sun and moon oven method again.

In the sun-moon oven method, blood is the root of practitioners. Among the three spirits, "fine" is the foundation of everything.

As long as the "fine" refining is complete, you can refine the refined gas and refining the god. By refining the "fine", you can drive the breakthrough of refining gas and refining the god, and then derive the power of life.

"Practice the power of life ... This kind of exercise method is already half a step legendary method."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Although this method does not describe how the field condenses, how the power of the mind is stimulated, how to use the power of the mind to control the power of life, and trigger the resonance of the field to step into the realm of legend, but it simply proposes in detail how to cultivate the life The force is beyond the scope of the Xigong Gongfa ... or the long knight long gongfa.

The creator of the Sun and Moon Oven Method is obviously an extreme admirer of the refining stream. He feels that everything except muscles and strength belongs to the evil way. Those who cultivate the energy, refine the gods, swordsmanship, the power of the mind, etc. It is heresy, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one punch. If it doesn't work, then another punch.

If it can't be solved, it is a problem of insufficient strength.

So, continue to increase strength.

"In order for‘ fine ’to drive the breakthrough of‘ qi ’and‘ **** ’, it is necessary to reach the level of perfection ...”

Baili Qingfeng looked at this adjective on the sun and moon oven method, and always felt a little strange.

But the creator of this technique is indeed a genius.

Blood is the root of practitioners and the source of power transportation. Since the power is not enough, then the viscera is reconstituted to exchange blood, so that the blood can deliver stronger power for itself.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the principle of viscera and blood exchange involved in the sun and moon oven method ...

"It is a bit similar to the nourishment and blood exchange of the second-level military ... but the second world is truly a world of refined body flow. The sun and moon oven method of contamination and blood exchange is much more brilliant. I actually thought of using the power of life and death to stimulate human vitality. ...... The most powerful moment of human vitality is the fetal period, and the most amazing moment of the outbreak is the moment before death. There is a great terror between life and death. This method puts itself into the realm of living dead, so that the body can be completed from birth to birth. The potential of death, from death to life, is stimulated ... After the potential is stimulated, it immediately turns into a child and fetus, and this life form contains the power of life ... "

Baili Qingfeng had to admit the strangeness of the sun-moon oven method.

But for a moment, he seemed to think of something.

"This method ... is a bit familiar ..."

He pondered for a moment, and soon realized what: "This" living dead "state is a bit like the Nirvana of the Phoenix? And this fetal form is a bit like the third-birth state birth rate of triplets? If I refer to the Phoenix Nirvana Work principle, and then use the third triplet breath to hypnotize the target so that it really enters a fetal state ... will the effect be better? "

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng's eyes brightened.

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts were inspired by the flood of floodgates: "Continuously inspire human potential through life and death transformation. Over time, his potential will be squeezed clean, and this method is squeezed with the demons disintegration technique." The potential of the original real body is a bit like that? Or, I will incorporate the original real body into this method? "

Thinking for a moment, Baili Qingfeng clapped his hands, feasible!

However, when he planned to incorporate the original true body, he suddenly stopped: "I have limited time, but I ca n’t practice two exercises at the same time. This exercise has the birth rate and the principle of the Phoenix Nirvana. , Even the original real body has been added, and the degree of coincidence with the little nihilism is very high, so why not simply integrate into the little nihilism? "

Thinking of this, he suddenly became cheerful.

Just do it!

When inspiration comes, you ca n’t stop it!

For a time he couldn't even look at the Emperor's Royal Qi Jue and Burning Lamp Lock Divine Technique, and soon he came to understand the Sun and Moon Oven Method.

It took him three days to get started with the sun and moon oven method, thoroughly understood the principles of the sun and moon oven method, and then ...

Started the fusion of the sun and moon oven method and the little nihilism.

time flies……

Unconsciously, it has been twenty hours!

One afternoon the next day, a bright light burst into the eyes of Baili Qingfeng, who was constantly trying the sun-moon oven method.

"It's done!"

Baili Qingfeng operated a little nihilism for a moment, and suddenly felt that the spirit of the body was surging, and began to strengthen his body under the characteristics of the sun and moon oven method, refining the internal organs to exchange blood.

And when his little nihilism really started to work, he suddenly frowned and concentrated his whole body into his body.

The devil's disintegration technique oppresses the original real body, allowing the original real body to continuously enhance its cell potential. The origin demon purgatory body converts these potentials into its own power, and then the phoenix nirvana and the fetal state of life are launched to form the life and death power of the sun and moon oven. The power that has been raised to the limit is fed back to itself, refining the internal organs and exchanging blood, making the physical body more powerful and able to accommodate more power ...

Between the three ...

As if a virtuous circle has been reached, a cultivation system has really been formed!

"this is……"

Baili Qingfeng practiced for a moment, and unexpectedly found that his practice of cultivation began to improve again!

This kind of improvement is different from what was lacking in the past, but after cultivation, the spirit of Qi and Qi began to grow in all directions, especially representing the "fine" aspect of refining. The growth was quite significant ...

"I seem to ... want to break the limits of the human body?"

Baili Qingfeng froze.

The third-order Xeons circulating in the market are often trained first and then use the latter to conserve the flesh, and then at some critical moment, or with the help of top heaven and earth spirits, or being oppressed by life and death, they will stand and break. The human body breaks in one fell swoop.

Therefore, for many Xeons, breaking the human body is even more frightening than refining God.

At least, refining the gods is to slowly boil over time. There is no danger. If the human body does not have the help of heaven and earth, it will even risk falling.

But now Baili Qingfeng runs a little nihilism, and the process of breaking the human body can be described as gradual and methodical, showing a sense of completion.

As long as there are any problems during this period, the phoenix nirvana characteristics are immediately activated, and the operation of the exercises is stopped. At the same time, his physical state will gradually enter the fetal breath, stimulating the potential and vitality accumulated by the original true body, and nourishing Lost vitality ...

"It seems that something extraordinary has changed in Xiaoxuwushu. It's much easier and smoother to practice, but it doesn't matter. Since there is a tendency for the body to break through ... then ..."

Baili Qingfeng's heart sank and he concentrated his energy and began to cultivate.

Four days later.

Baili Qingfeng was faintly aware of his blood and internal organs, and a faint golden light appeared.

That is, at the moment when the golden light appeared, he felt as if he had opened some kind of yoke, and naturally, he stepped into a completely new field.

When he stepped into the realm of this layer, the spirit of spirit in his body suddenly established some kind of connection. UU reading seemed to resonate with each other and wanted to be integrated with each other.

It is only because the three powers of Jingqi Shen have not been fulfilled that there seems to be a certain gap between these resonances, so that they have not really merged into one, forming a new life force.

Feeling his own change, Baili Qingfeng's figure moved a little, and he hit it with such a common punch.

The blood was raging, the spirit was vigorous, and then, under the traction of "God", they shot out!


The whole treasure trove of things seemed to be shaking violently, and the ripples visible to the naked eye burst out on his fists.


This kind of movement made Baili Qingfeng a little hesitate, and realized a little ...

"I seem to be so simple and unpretentious to the third stage of the Xeon?"

Wonderful book house

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