The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 680: Top talent

Latest URL: Zhao Si quickly wrote a new version of Little Nihilism.

Because of his writing style, this little nihilism can be described as easy to understand.

It actually makes sense.

He can understand what nihilism is, looking at this book written by Zhao Si, said to be derived from the little nihilism in nihilism ...

His mood was full of awkwardness and complexity.

He hurriedly called Baili Qingfeng to come back to ask him what was going on in the martial arts world about the little nihilism of the gods, didn't he let him not talk nonsense to the outside, but looking at this now it seems There is a little nihilism ...

All his words that he wanted to ask were swallowed back.

"Father, I know that my volume of little nihilism is still very poor, and despite criticism, I must accept it with humility."

Zhao Siyi said honestly and honestly.


After a long while hesitating for a long time, Baili Changkong planned to use the procrastination tactics: "Your new nihilism and the nihilism in my impression have changed a lot. I am older, look at things slowly, and have the ability to receive new items Slow, so let me take it home and watch slowly. "

Zhao Si heard that, although he had some regrets in his heart, it was not good to keep asking.

He has just realized the epiphany under the guidance of the Baili Sky. He has realized the transformation of life and death between powers, glimpsed the true power of life, and successfully integrated the three powers of spirit and spirit into one, taking a solid step for the achievement of the legend. This is equivalent to gaining a great opportunity. If you ask the mysteries of the master of nothingness, you will be a little greedy.

At the moment he had to say, "Okay, sir, I'll take it back and look around slowly. Don't worry, please contact me if you need anything."

"Well, I will."

Baili Changkong nodded and collected the booklet.

A lie needs countless lies to cover up. Moreover, the little imagination has been aroused in the outside world. Even now he denies the existence of imagination to both Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Si. It is estimated that the two will think He didn't want to teach them the true meaning of nothingness and think for himself ...

At this point, he can only try his own body, hoping that the power of Xiaoxuwushu is not too overbearing.


"Still at home."

The next morning, Baili Qingfeng woke up and felt refreshed.

For more than a month, he has never rested as comfortably as last night.

After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and then going to the toilet, Baili Qingfeng changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Since he got up late, it was already over nine o'clock when he got down.

Shi Yiyi and Baili Bamboo were not there. She said last night that she was going to take Bai Lizhu to find a good elementary school, so she went out early.

Baili Qingfeng had breakfast, and there was a guest outside, Bailidie.

"Qing Feng."

"Sister, why do you have time for me today?"

"Have you been home for a while?"

Baili Qingfeng thought about it and nodded: "It's been a few months."

Barrett hesitated for a moment, and said, "Dad found us an aunt ... what do you think ..."


Baili Qingfeng did not respond for the first time, but then seemed to think of something.

In his mind, he quickly thought of the woman who had stayed with Bai Lihong when he returned home one time ...

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

"Have you seen her?"

"See, I want to ask your opinion ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, and said, "It's mainly to see Dad himself."

"Would you like to take the time to meet?"

Although Bailidie is not a martial artist, she also knows the information of the martial arts world, and faintly knows the weight of Baili Qingfeng in the martial arts world.

That's why she came to Baili Qingfeng and wanted him to check.

"Then ... I'll touch it in a few days ..."

Baili Qingfeng said, and took a look at Bailidie: "Would you like to practice martial arts? Now the popular martial arts has been promoted. It is also good to practice martial arts, and Dad should also practice it."

"I don't care, but I'm afraid it's not easy for Dad. You should know that Dad opposed you to martial arts. Now if he joins the martial arts trend himself, he will feel very shameless.

Baili Qingfeng listened, and nodded: "You will mention it when the time comes, he will not do it if he refuses to practice."

Although he felt that martial arts could strengthen his body, as the order of the Kingdom of Hea gradually stabilized, he did not feel compelled to practice martial arts.

The key is to look at their own choices.

They want to practice, Baili Qingfeng supports, he doesn't want to practice, he will not force.

"it is good."

"What martial arts do you want to practice? Take the path of refining body, refining gas, or refining god?"

"Refining body, refining gas, refining God?"

Barry Butterfly couldn't understand: "I don't want to be a professional martial artist, practicing martial arts ... as a means of strengthening and strengthening, just like fitness. Qing Feng, you are now a super master, and I definitely know these exercises. You recommend me a technique that works well for an hour or two every day. "

"This one……"

Although Baili Qingfeng has seen countless exercises, it really is not easy for him to choose a practice that does not take much time and has a good effect.

It took him a while to say, "Then I will ask Grandpa Er this afternoon. Grandpa Er is professional in these exercises."

"Shall I go with you?"

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to sense something and glanced outside.

"Sister, sit down for a while. Someone is here. I'll take a look."

"It's okay. I'm leaving too. Let's meet at Thunder Zong this afternoon."

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng and Bailidie were not polite, and while sending her out, she came outside the yard.

A car has stopped in the woods outside the courtyard.

With the door open, Zhu Rong and Mint Desolate walked down from the car.

When Mint desolate Bai Xiaoyu saw Baili Qingfeng, he cried in surprise: "Brother Qingfeng, I'm here."

"Come here to study?"

Baili Qingfeng was curious: "It's not the start of the season at Shire University, right?"

"No, I came to see you on purpose, and played with you for a while, when our golden twelfth house party, we will go back together."

Bai Xiaoyu said, looking at Baili Qingfeng pitifully: "Will Qingfeng brother not be welcome?"

"Welcome, very welcome."


Bai Xiaoyu said a happily, and took over what Zhu Rong had removed from the car: "Brother Qingfeng, this is a gift prepared by my grandpa for you, saying congratulations on making the truth come true and breaking through to Xeon However, the most valuable of these gifts is the one I prepared for you ... "

After that, she handed over a model that was more than ten centimeters tall: "Brother Qingfeng, this is what I do according to your appearance. Do you look like it?"

"Do it?"

Baili Qingfeng saw this gift with some surprises, and some memories appeared in his mind: "I also like this kind of thing for a while ..."

"Just like Qingfeng brother."

"like very much."

Baili Qingfeng said, and greeted Zhu Rong: "Ms. Zhu, please inside."

"Mr. Baili is polite."

Zhu Rong responded with a little flattery, and at the same time gave a respectful congratulatory speech: "Mr. Baili, congratulations on your entry into the ranks of the most powerful man in the world."

"It's a great prize. It's a coincidence. You are welcome."

Baili Qingfeng said that he would bring Bai Xiaoyu into the yard.

Zhu Rong saw the situation for a moment, and then quickly said, "Mr. Baili, our mountain owner learned that you have made great achievements in the practice of the original true body, and specially sent you the guidance of the original true body. . "

While talking, she carefully handed over a valuable box.

"Book of the original real body?"

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment: "Oh, the original true body does have the first volume and the second volume. The second volume is to prevent distortion, and contains the guidance technique of refining the virtual to break through to the realm of the Xeon. Right? Thank you Bai Xianglong Father. "

While talking, he took over the original real body, and it looked like ...

It's like receiving an unusual gift.

This attitude makes Zhu Rong's heart slightly uncomfortable. The original true body is their Zulongshan Xeon Method. Many of those seniors in Zulongshan couldn't get a glimpse of it, but Baili Qingfeng actually looked down on it ...

But when she thought back on the status, status and strength of Baili Qingfeng at the moment ...

It was a slight stun.

Baili Qingfeng ...

Now it is the second stage of the Xeons, and the combat power he displayed when breaking the sword of the Emperor and killing the Aurora Emperor is far above the ordinary Xeons, and he looks at all the Xeons in the world. Can be in the top ten, and so on ...

What does a Xeon method count?

In the past, when Baili Qingfeng was only a small warrior from the Kingdom of Shia, she may have a psychological advantage when she was born in Zulongshan. Come here, how is her servant of the Bai family dare to be dissatisfied with Baili Qingfeng?

If because of her dissatisfaction, Baili Qingfeng and Zulongshan will be treated against each other, let him deal with Zulongshan like the Aurora monarch ...

Zulong Mountain, why resist! ?

At this point, Zhu Rong trembled and finally recognized her position.

"Wow, the environment is so good here, the yard is so beautiful."

"If you like, you will live longer."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"That won't work. In another week, we will have a party in the Golden Zodiac, and then we will have to go to Star Rail."

"The party is finally set?"


Bai Xiaoyu said what seemed to come to mind, and said quickly: "By the way, we have one less place in the Golden Zodiac. After discussion, we unanimously decided to give this place to the little brother Qingfeng for you to recommend."

"I recommend? The big guys in the group are top talents in various fields ~ ~ I don't recommend similar people."

"That doesn't matter, anyway, we will all give you this task."

"This, I don't know any great people ..."

Baili Qingfeng had some headaches.

It was at this time that he saw Zhao Si, carrying a hoe, as if he had just returned from the ground, and his eyes flashed.

Uncle Zhao has been farming for decades, isn't he a top talent in agriculture?

He immediately shouted: "Uncle Zhao, come here!"


(Eat dinner to Chapter Three. Today is already the last day of this year. Tomorrow is 2020, so come and ask for a monthly ticket.)

Wonderful book house

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