The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 682: Scramble

The latest website: The Gate of Space is the development trend of future superpowers.

Only by opening the door of space, the special energy factors of the second world can be poured back into a special environment similar to that of the heaven and earth, and the Xeon can be promoted to the legendary realm smoothly.

Otherwise, if the practitioner wants to become a legend, he has to go to the second world.

The second world and the main world are blocked by space channels. Most of the space channels have a period of more than one month. Although they can travel back and forth through other channels, they will eventually affect flexibility and privacy.

In addition, due to the energy backflow formed by the opening of the door of space, the energy factor activity is higher than other places, and the probability of breaking into the legendary realm can be increased on a certain level.

Because of this, as soon as the technology of the space gate is released, all superpowers and top forces can't wait to launch the space gate project. However, even now, the only real door to space is still built on the back of the entire South Lizhou, which can be used A steel empire with all the resources of Nanliuzhou.

Even as the glorious empire of the world ’s hegemony, it has spent countless manpower and material resources in the past four years, but it still takes several months, or even half a year, to completely open the door to space.

As for other countries, the power is needless to say.

Among them, forces such as the Land of the Forest, the Golden Eagle Empire, the Tianji Tower, and the Hunters Association, dare to plan the gate of space into the future plan, and when will it be implemented ...

no one knows.

Due to the importance of the gate of space and the high cost of casting, when it was learned that there was a space channel in East Shenzhou, a top powerhouse representing each of the major forces came across the continent, descending on Tianying Mountain, just three God, the number of Xeons gathered in the mountains of Tianyu actually reached an unprecedented dozen.

Six super empires ...

Now it can only be counted as five. The Aurora Empire has been torn apart. In addition, without the Aurora Emperor, this man with high prestige has consolidated the power of the Aurora Empire, and has lost his qualification to win the six super empires.

Among the five super empires, except for the forest, every country has the Xeons. Among them, the glorious empire and the steel empire dispatched the top ten Sun Kings Harris and the Black King Naberg in the current Xeon list. Among the three super forces, the gate of heaven had problems because of the gate of space built by his own, and he had no time to take care of it. The remaining Jingshan, the only church, was also sent by the most powerful.

After the four neutral forces Zhongtianlou, the Hunters Association, and the League of Legends were unwilling, each of them also had a Xeon.

The nine strongest of these forces, together with Chi Chihong, Ding Yijian, and White Elephant Dragon of Chiyan Country, have made the scale of the Tianyan Mountains stronger than ever before.


At this time, in the battle meeting room of Tianying Mountain, Captain Jonson was trying his best to lobby representatives of various countries.

"Everyone, once the gate of space is formed, there will be no separation between Tianzhuyuan on the back of the Second World and us. At that time, the cave people in Tianzhuyuan will continuously flow into our East Shenzhou, and the entire East Shenzhou will Under the threat of the cavemen, you must have understood the seriousness of the matter, and then rushed to Dongshenzhou as soon as possible. Then, why not take advantage of the fact that the current Xeons have dozens of digits, forming a sharp knife army, A long drive went straight into the depths of Tianyu Mountain and beheaded Shaduoman, the leader of the burrows. I believe that Shaduoman's death will leave the burrows without a dragon, and it will not be an opponent of our human army of nearly ten million! "

"The gate of space is different from the passage of space. The formation of the gate of space is equivalent to the fusion of the two worlds. The interference caused by the collision of different magnetic fields of the two worlds is too large. The closer to the center, the more serious and large the interference is. Affecting the combat effectiveness of the army, it is really inappropriate to launch an attack at this time. "

The Chiyan Middle School represents the radiance of the Baiye Group, the ruling consortium.

"Marshal Ye is right. If we attack now, although we can win, how much will we have to pay after annihilating more than 70,000 cave people? I am afraid that the loss will exceed one million, or even two million, not one, ten. One, one hundred, but one million, two million ... Why not, after the door of space has stabilized, the interference calms down and we launch a total offensive? Isn't that loss much smaller? To be responsible for the lives of the soldiers under my command! I took our Chiyan children to the battlefield in full, and I naturally hope that Enron will take them home. "

Su Changge of the Four Seas Group followed: "I know what Captain Johnson is worried about, and worry that Tianyu Mountain will increase its troops? But we have talked with the cave people in Tianyu Mountain for so many years, and we have long been in the cave opposite Tianyu Mountain. Everyone knows well and fights every year. I am afraid that the total number of people in the entire cave in Tianzhuyuan is less than 300,000. Counting on the old and weak with no fighting power, they can really fight no more than 200,000, and they cannot fall into the nest. Out, otherwise what to do if the tide of beasts erupts? These 100,000 people are already at their limit. "

"Who knows what will happen if you procrastinate? Now that you have the ability to destroy the cave people in Tianyu Mountain, why not end the war now and avoid night long dreams?"

Johnson argued reasonably.

"You also said, since we have the ability to end the war at any time, why can't we minimize the loss as much as possible?"

Jin Huan, a representative from the Cosmopolitan Group, said indifferently: "Or still ... Captain Jonson is led by the soldiers of the Aurora Empire, can you ignore their life and death? Just like Anong Lei, who was quick to make a profit a few days ago, he was directly buried. One hundred thousand troops? "

"You ... your blood spurts!"

Jonson snarled: "If it wasn't for your march too slowly, why would General Anonel be surrounded by the pit men in the counterattack, and even the chance of retreating?"

"We are steadily fighting, step by step! The Cotai Group has less than 100,000 regular troops, which is comparable to the kingdom of Hea who has annexed the Aurora Empire.

Jin Huan was in no hurry.


"Well, everyone, everyone came to destroy the people in the cave of Tianyu Mountain. Why hurt the peace for a little thing? Since the opening of the space door will greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of our army, wait for the disturbance to dissipate After the attack, there are many top forces from all over the world. Anyway, the Twelve Majors gather and bring hundreds of top masters. Why worry that there are only more than 70,000 cavemen? "

The Emerald King of the Bucks Kingdom stood up and started working as a peacemaker.

"Yes, yes, let's discuss the next question about the ownership of Tianshan ..."

Ye Shenghui said.

"The question of the ownership of Tianyu Mountain? Tianyu Mountain has always been owned by the Aurora Empire ..."

Jonson frowned.

"This word is bad."

Jin Huandao: "The Aurora Empire has lost the Tian Ao Mountain, then the Tian Ao Mountain can no longer be counted as the Aurora Empire. Since it is our joint effort to recover it, then since we own it, will it not be possible for you to regain Tian Ao Mountain as an Aurora Empire?"

"Is it too early to talk about attribution?"

"It's good to talk clearly earlier ..."


In the conference room, disputes resumed.

In the VIP area below the meeting room, the daytime Kai and Huiheng of the Tianji Building, the dragon hunters and the ghost souls of the Hunters Association, and the Li Li scholar and guardian from the League of Legends looked at the parties in dispute and shook their heads secretly.

"Jiason of Shia didn't see the point of the problem at all. Chi Yan's reluctance to launch an attack was not because of the interference caused by the opening process of the space gate, but rather the space gate. Even if Chi Yan itself was willing to launch an attack, Nerberg and Harris will stop them. "

The first vice president of the Hunters Association said.

"Hia ’s founding has only been more than ten years, and since the founding of the country, there have been internal chaos and constant troubles. If it was not for the genius of Baili Qingfeng who was born, I am afraid that the country will now face a fragmented situation. For some hidden news, Ignorance is also reasonable, how to understand the importance of the door of space to the Xeon. "

Li Li scholar said.

At the top of the League of Legends is the Jiu University, and the issues are issued by the Jiu University after consultation. The scholars are doctors and masters. At present, a scholar of the League of Nations is approached because of the Tianshan Mountain. It can be seen that the League of Nations attaches great importance to this door of space.

"Isn't your Tianjilou a good relationship with Baili Qingfeng? Have you ever told the chairman of that committee and the true incarnation of Baili Qingfeng?"

Long Yan looked at the road during the day.

"The people within the Kingdom of Hea did not notify, and it did not make much sense to tell him. After all, the opening of the door of space was the Golden Eagle Empire, the Iron Empire, the Shining Empire, Olympus, Mirror Mountain, and the only church owner. The will of even some of us want to see the opening of a space door, it is best to collect enough data according to this space door to reduce the construction cost of the space door. In this case, Next ... telling the truth of Baili Qingfeng may not be a good thing. "

Start the road during the day.

Long Yan and Li Li nodded.

The opening of the door to this space is a general trend and cannot be stopped by anyone.

"Moreover, ~ ~ The emerald king of the Bucks royal family, Su Changge of the Four Seas Group also makes sense. Tianzhuyuan's mass is there, no matter how much reinforcements can be sent, there are not many masters, and here There are more than a dozen of our top forces, and there will be no big trouble. "

Start the road during the day.

"makes sense."

Long Yan responded with a smile, and at the same time glanced at the emerald king, Su Changge, Ye Shenghui, and others: "The Kingdom of Shia is now not overpowered, and there is also Baili Qingfeng, who is suspected to have the World Xeon List. The top ten combat powerhouses sit in the town, and the White Night Group, the Four Seas Group, and the Bucks Royal Family still dare to demolish Hia ’s platform. It is estimated that there is some confidence. "

"Indeed, the White Night Group and the Four Seas Group contacted the Iron Empire and the Glorious Empire, the Cosmopolitan Group also mixed with the Golden Eagle Empire, and the Bucks Royal Family received the support of the only church, and Jingshan also supported the Yunxiao Sword Palace. ... "

Said during the day, Qi said with a sigh: "Even our Tianji Tower is a bit unsure about who will end up with this space door ..."

"Wait, wait until the door of space is really formed, and the ending will be revealed naturally."

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